Use Streamlined Return Authorizations (F44)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether you use streamlined or standard return authorization processing in the Work with Return Authorizations menu option.

Yes/no field: Select this field to use the streamlined return authorization process in the Work with Return Authorizations menu option (fast path = WRTA).

Leave this field unselected to use the standard process.

Streamlined process: When you select an order for return authorization, you advance to the Work with Returns for Order screen. This screen displays each item on the order that has been shipped and not returned by the customer, and is thus eligible for return. If a return authorization is currently in process for the item, this fact is indicated on the screen.

When you select an item on the order for return, or choose to return the entire order, the return processes automatically as far as your authority extends. The secured features that control your authority to process return authorizations are described in Setting Up Secured Features.

Standard process: When you select an order for return authorization, you advance to a screen that displays any return authorizations that are currently in progress; you can choose to process or change these returns, or create a new return authorization.

If there are currently no return authorizations in process, you can create one; then you must explicitly choose to receive and/or credit the return in separate steps.

If you attempt to perform any step in the return authorization process for which you do not have the necessary authority, the screen displays an error message.

For more information: See Introducing Return Authorizations (WRTA).

IN03_08 OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN