Marketing Download Change of Address Interface Report

Purpose: This report lists customer address information for the records in the Marketing Download Customer Address Change Table and Extract File.

The system creates a record in the Marketing Download Customer Address Change table for each record in the Marketing Download Trigger table with a trigger type of CA (customer address change) that you download. The system creates CA (customer address change) trigger records when you change a customer sold to or change or create a permanent customer ship to address, including phone numbers and email address.

See Marketing Download Customer Address Change Table and Extract File for more information on how the system populates the fields in a marketing download customer address change record.

How to print: Run the MDADRCG periodic function. See Setting up the Marketing Download Extract for more information.

Note: To make sure the report prints correctly, select an option that reduces the page or fits the content to the printer margins at the Print dialog box.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Address type: the address type defined for the sold to customer or ship to customer in the Marketing Download Customer Address Change table for the specified company. The report lists the number of address changes for each address type by sold to address changes and ship to address changes.

- USA sold to address: the sold to customer address change is a US address. The system uses the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value as the country code used for US addresses.

- Canadian sold to address: the sold to customer address change is a Canadian address. The system uses the country code CA or CAN as the country code used for Canadian addresses and the following state codes: AB (Alberta), BC (British Columbia), MB (Manitoba), NB (New Brunswick), NF (Newfoundland), NT (Northwest Territory), NS (Nova Scotia), ON (Ontario), PE (Price Edward Island), PQ (Quebec), QC (Quebec alternate), SK (Saskatchewan), YT (Yukon Territory).

- International sold to address: the sold to customer address change is an address other than US or Canadian. The system uses any country code other than CA, CAN, or the country code defined in the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value as the country code used for International addresses.

- USA ship to address: the ship to customer address change is a US address.

- Canadian ship to address: the ship to customer address change is a Canadian address.

- International ship to address: the ship to customer address change is an address other than US or Canadian.

Total: The total number of address changes for each address type, including sold to customer address changes and ship to customer address changes.

- USA: the number of US address changes, including sold to customers and ship to customers.

- Canadian: the number of Canadian address changes, including sold to customers and ship to customers.

- International: the number of address changes other than US or Canadian, including sold to customers and ship to customers.

SO02_13r OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN