Marketing Download Source Code Interface Summary Report

Purpose: This report lists source code information for the records in the Marketing Download Source Code Table.

The system creates a record in the Marketing Download Source Download report when you run the Marketing Download Source Download periodic function; see Populating the Marketing Download Tables and Extract Files.

See Marketing Download Source Code Table for more information on how the system populates the fields in a marketing download source download record.

This report sorts in company, entity sequence.

How to print: Run the MDSRCSM periodic function. See Setting up the Marketing Download Extract for more information.

Note: To make sure the report prints correctly, select an option that reduces the page or fits the content to the printer margins at the Print dialog box.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Company: The number of records in the Marketing Download Source Download table for the specified company.

Entity: The code for the entity defined for the source code in the Marketing Download Source Download table for the specified company.

Description: The description of the entity defined for the source code in the Marketing Download Source Download table for the specified company.

Quantity: The number of records in the Marketing Download Source Download table for the specified company and entity.

Total for company: The number of records in the Marketing Download Source Download table for the specified company and across entities.

Total for transmission: The number of records in the Marketing Download Source Download table across companies.

SO02_13r OROMS 15.1 June 2016 OTN