Adding a Recipient Order in Order Maintenance

Purpose: Select this option during order maintenance to add a recipient order for a different address to an existing order.

Retail pickup or delivery orders: You cannot complete entry of a new recipient on a retail pickup or delivery order from the Order Broker, because you cannot add any items to the order. See the Order Broker Integration for more information.

How to display this screen: Select Accept/Add Rcpt on any of these screens to add a recipient order during order maintenance:

Work with Order Screen

Work with Order Lines Screen

Enter Payment Method Screen

Recipient orders are secondary orders that you add to an order to ship to a different address. For example, you can place an order for yourself and a friend in a single phone call, on a single order. The system assigns the first order an order number, you enter name, address, item, and payment information for this order, and then select Accept/Add Rcpt to accept the current order and add a recipient order.

In this chapter:

Adding a Ship-to Suffix to the Order Number

Adding a Sold-to Record

Linking Orders

About Gift Orders

Alternating Display of Sold-to/Recipient Addresses

Confirm Missing Recipient Window

Entering a Recipient Customer

Adding a Ship-to Suffix to the Order Number

When you enter the second order, the system views this as a recipient order, related to the initial order. The system assigns this order (and any subsequent recipient order) the same order number, but increments the shipping suffix by 1 for every additional recipient address on the order.

Adding a Sold-to Record

The system also assigns a sold to customer number to the person or company receiving each recipient order and creates a separate record for each recipient address in the Sold To Customer table. The system updates the recipient customer record with an R in the Original mail type field to indicate that the customer was added to the Customer Sold To table as a recipient customer; see Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST). This code is used for historical purposes to trace how the customer was added to the system.

If the Update Original Source Code for Recipient Customers (F90) system control value is selected, the system writes the source code defined for the sold to customer to the Original source field for a recipient customer.

Linking Orders

The system links the Sold To customer's order and any recipient orders by the order number and payment information. You only need to enter payment information for one of the related orders, this information applies to all recipient orders and displays at the Enter Payment Method Screen.

Select Summary to review the order totals across all recipients on the order. The Order Totals pop-up window summarizes the individual charges on each recipient order and displays balances for what the customer has purchased, paid and owes. See Adding a Recipient Order in Order Entry.

The system does not capture sales history for any of the recipients.

About Gift Orders

Another type of recipient order is a gift order. You identify an order as a gift order by selecting the Gift field. You can then select Sold To/Rcp. and enter the address where the gift will be shipped. The gift recipient's address is entered on the same screen you use to enter the address for a recipient order.

As with recipient orders, the system adds a ship-to suffix to the order number to indicate an alternate address. Additionally, the system assigns a sold to customer number to the recipient of the gift order, creates a separate sold-to customer record under this number and updates the Original mail type field with an R (recipient) to track how the order was received on the system; see Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST). If the Update Original Source Code for Recipient Customers (F90) system control value is selected, the system writes the source code defined for the sold to customer to the Original source field for a recipient customer.

This makes the gift recipient eligible for future mailings because the customer is already familiar with your product.

A gift order differs from a recipient order because:

• pricing information may not print on the pick slip, depending on your pick slip printing program

• a gift acknowledgment card prints for the customer who placed the order (sold to customer) to confirm that the gift has been shipped

The system performs the same updates as with recipient orders. The system does not capture sales history for the gift recipient.

Van delivery: When you add a gift recipient to an order, the system reevaluates the order to determine if it qualifies for van delivery and performs several updates if the order’s van delivery eligibility changes. See Changing the Shipping Address on an Order that Qualifies for Van Delivery and Van Delivery Processing for an overview.

Alternating Display of Sold-to/Recipient Addresses

Select Sold To/Rcp. on the Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance to review or enter the buyers (sold to) address or recipient's address. Notice that the addresses of the customer who placed the order (sold to customer) and the customer who will receive the order alternate each time you select Sold To/Rcp.

Recipient entry methods: You can enter a recipient order in two ways:

• Select Accept/Add Rcp. on the Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance or Work with Order Lines Screen.

• Select Sold To/Rcp. on the Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance if the recipient is a gift order.

Confirm Missing Recipient Window

This pop-up window displays if you select Accept/Add Rcp. or Sold To/Rcp. to add a recipient and then select Accept/Add Rcp. or Sold To/Rcp. again without entering a recipient address.

The system is looking for a recipient address. Select OK to override this message and use the sold to address or select Order Ship To to enter a recipient address.

When you select Accept/Add Rcp. or Sold To/Rcp. to add a recipient order, you advance to the Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance. On this screen, the customer address lines default blank. Here you can:

• Enter the recipient's address information. You advance to the Display Duplicate Sold To pop-up window if the system finds a match to the address you entered (see Adding a Recipient Order in Order Entry); otherwise, the system creates a new sold to customer record for the address.

• Select Prompt on the name or company name fields to advance to the Entering a Customer Number, where you can scan for an existing customer.

Entering a Customer Number

At the Entering a Customer Number, enter a customer number in the Customer field and select OK to select the recipient customer for the order. The address information for the customer defaults in the recipient address lines, but can be updated.

Scanning for a Customer Number

Enter information in any of the scan fields at the Entering a Customer Number to locate a customer for the recipient address if you do not know the customer number.

A message displays when you select an existing customer address to default into the recipient address fields on the Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance:


Customer (46) has been updated with changes!


This message indicates that the order has been updated with the recipient address.

Entering a Recipient Customer

Purpose: You can enter the recipient's address information in the address fields on the Work with Order screen for the recipient order.

How to display this screen: Select Sold To Rcp. at the Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance to enter a gift recipient's address, or select Accept/Add Rcp. to enter a recipient order shipping to a different address.

How to complete this screen: To complete the recipient address information, you can:

• Type the recipient's information in the address fields.

• If the recipient customer is an existing customer, you can click on the arrow in the recipient address fields to select the customer from one of the Select Customer Sold To scan screens. See Select Customer Sold To Pop-up Window.

See Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance for field descriptions and options.

The system verifies that the ship via (carrier) used on the previous order is still valid for the recipient address.

Entering changes for a recipient: You can change any order information for a recipient order. For example, you can select a different shipping service. Any other recipient orders are not updated.

For a multi-recipient order (entering an order for a customer and a friend), the updates you make affect only the current recipient order. Additionally, you update the recipient customer when you update any of the customer-specific fields on the recipient screen.

Van delivery: When you add a recipient customer to an order, the system evaluates the order to determine if it qualifies for van delivery and performs several updates if the order’s van delivery eligibility changes. See Changing the Shipping Address on an Order that Qualifies for Van Delivery and Van Delivery Processing for an overview.

CS05_11 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN