System Control Values

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M


A03 (FIFO Flag)

A04 (Default Warehouse)

A14, A15, A16 (Current OE/OM SKU Mapping Sequence)

A24 (Inventory Transaction History Retention Days)

A25 (Costing Method)

A27 (Suggest Location Placement)

A28 (Location Types)

A29 (Random Stock Location Usage)

A30 (Random Stock Location Assignment Sequence)

A31 (Location Capacity Method)

A33 (Current Offer)

A34 (Split SKU Element Column 1 Heading)

A38 (Default OUTQ)

A39 (Default # Copies)

A40 (Hold Listing Default)

A41 (Save Listing Default)

A42, A43, A44 (OE/OM Mapping)

A52, A53, A54 (Split SKU Element Column Headings)

A55 (Local Currency Code)

A56 (P/O Receipt Control # Entered)

A57 (P/O Receipt Costing Calculation Method)

A58 (# of Days Before PO Purge)

A59 (Allow Receipt to Suspense)

A60 (Allow Additional Costs to P/O Receipts)

A61 (Over Receipt %)

A62 (Under Receipt %)

A63 (P/O Receipt Detail Entry Method)

A64 (Immediate Reservation)

A65 (Include Print Quantity in Available Calculations)

A66 (Replenish from Location Type)

A68 (Fraud Checking)

A69 (Inventory Sharing)

A74 (Allow Multi-Payment Types)

A75 (Display Order Recap)

A76 (Create/Assign Bill To Customers in Order Entry)

A77 (Default Ship Via)

A78 (Best Way Pricing)

A79 (Offer Price Sequence #)

A80 (Quantity Break by SKU Sequence #)

A81 (Column Sequence #)

A82 (Special by Source Sequence #)

A83 (Contract Sequence #)

A84 (Customer Discount Sequence #)

A87 (Quantity Break/Item)

A90 (GST Rate)

A91 (GST Item Status Default)

A92 (Maximum Order Amount)


B13 (Use Zip/City/State Defaulting?)

B14 (Tax on Freight)

B15 (Tax on Handling)

B16 (Ship Complete from 1 Warehouse)

B17 (Default Country for Customer Address)

B18 (Default Item History Tracking)

B19 (Split Line Over Multi Whse)

B27 (Reservation Lead Days)

B28 (Default Order Type)

B29 (Item Volume Discount)

B30 (Default Order Quantity)

B31 (Pricing Values)

B31 (Use Zip/City/State Defaulting?)

B32 (Split SKU Values)

B33 (Default Item Unit of Measure)

B34 (Auto Advance to SKU Create)

B35 (Default Price Override Reason)

B37 (Pick Processing Days)

B38 (Edit Cart/Bin Values Screen)

B39 (Maximum Number of Single Line Picks)

B40 (Maximum Number of Multi Line Picks)

B41 (Maximum Number of Zones)

B42 (Cube of Cart)

B47 (Minimum Number of Picks in a Cart)

B48 (Backorder Free Gifts)

B49 (Consolidated Invoice)

B50 (Edit Warehouse/Reservation Values Screen)

B51 (Alternate Pay Type)

B52 (Return Grace Period)

B61 (Price Override Code for Promotional Priced Lines)

B89 (On Line Authorizations)

B90 (Gift Order Acknowledgement Print Program)

B92 (Automatic Generation of Gift Acknowledgement)


C03 (Define Special Forms)

C05 (Default Primary Location)

C07 (Default Cash Pay Type)

C08 (Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts)

C09 (Duplicate Item Check)

C14 (Use Auto Authorization Interface)

C16 (Labels at PO Receipts)

C18 (Default Disposition Code)

C20 (Auto Soldout Cancel Reason)

C34 (Default Version for Order Inquiry)

C35 (Print Credit Card Credit Acknowledgments)

C36 (Let Down Replenishment)

C37 (Pick Printing Program)

C38 (Batch Pull Sheet Printing Program)

C39 (Cart/Bin Batch Pull Sheet Printing Program)

C40 (Type of Location to Search First)

C41 (Type of Location to Search Second)

C42 (Type of Location to Search Third)

C43 (Multiple Items in a Location)

C44 (Suggest Warehouse Placement)

C45 (Default Additional Charge Code)

C46 (Use Default Current Source Code)

C49 (Default Cash Customer)

C54 (Check Location Quantities During Pick Generation)

C58 (Duplicate Item Days)

C59 (Print Batch Pull Sheet Item Summary)

C60 (Maximum Order Quantity)

C61 (Default SKU Generator Vendor Item)

C62 (Order Purge Days)

C64 (PO Print Program)

C65 (Pick Sort Program Name)

C66 (Declared Value Type)

C67 (FTC -- # of Days to Add for Special Handling)

C68 (FTC -- # of Days to Add for Drop Ships)

C70 (FTC -- Action after Second Notification)

C71 (FTC -- # of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date)

C72 (Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions)

C74 (Default Male/Female Profile Code)

C76 (PO Print Program for PO Print in PO Sequence)

C81 (Print Amounts on Drop Ship Picks)

C82 (Allow Only Single Line on Drop Ship Pick)

C83 (Label 2-Up Printing Program)

C84 (Label 3-Up Printing Program)

C92 (Authorize Only Merchandise for Drop Ship Picks)


D04 (Backorder Card Print Program)

D07 (Days after 2nd Backorder Notification to Cancel Order)

D08 (Update of Current Source Code in Customer File)

D09 (Default Associate Code)

D10 (Default Mail Name)

D11 (Default Rent Name)

D12 (Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations)

D13 (Default Delivery Code for New Order Entry Customers)

D14 (Default "Gift Order" Flag)

D15 (Phone Numbers)

D16 (Order Discount Percentage Limit)

D20 (Load Source from Mailing History)

D22 (Credit Card Credit Acknowledgment Print Program)

D23 (Refund Check Print Program)

D24 (Maximum Order Amount for Fraud Checking)

D25 (# of Times Shipped to Same Address)

D26 (# of Days Since Last Order)

D32 (Preauthorize Backorders)

D33 (User-defined Field Prompting for Existing Customers)

D35 (Customer Return Label Print Program)

D37 (Default Source Code for Batch Catalog Requests)

D38 (Display Discount on Order Recap Screen)

D39 (Prorate Freight Charges)

D41 (Vendor Name Display)

D45 (Display Item Description)

D46 (Auto Assign Item #)

D47 (# of Pick Control Labels)

D49 (Override Offer on Order Detail Line)

D53 (Sort Pick Slips by Gift Flag)

D54 (Sort Picks by Foreign/Domestic Flag)

D55 (Display Customer Notes in LIFO Sequence)

D56 (Display Item Alias)

D60 (Print Warehouse Address on Pick Slips)

D62 (Perform Source Pricing Validation)

D63 (Default Customer Class in Order Entry)

D64 (Default Previous Pay Type in Order Entry)

D65 (Enter Custom Special Handling in Upper and Lower Case)

D66 (Generate Custom Special Handling File)

D67 (Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line)

D68 (Track Invoice Currency)

D69 (Default Country for International Address Format)

D70 (Method for Processing Overpayments in Order Entry)

D72 (Default Soldout Control Code)

D73 (Use Source Code from Order Header When Creating Order Lines)

D75 (Require Reason for Lines Added in Order Maintenance)

D76 (Apply A/P Terms Discount Percent at Purchase Order Receiving)

D77 (Include Handling in Freight Charge Calculation)

D84 (Allow Order for New Bill-to Without Order Hold)

D85 (Extra Weight for Order Weight Freight Method)

D88 (Check User Class/Vendor Authority)

D89 (Number of Days to Delay Initial Backorder Notice)

D90 (Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons)

D92 (Price Override Reason for Same Price Exchanges)

D93 (Price Codes)

D94 (Default Soldout Control Code for Item to Item Transactions)

D96 (Apply Discount To Manual Cost)

D96 (Apply Discount to Manual Cost)

D97 (Discount 1 Field)

D98 (Discount 2 Field)

D99 (Discount 3 Field)


E03 (Multi Currency by Offer)

E04 (Default Price Table)

E05 (Price Table Level Override Code)

E06 (Price Table Sequence #)

E07 (Price Tables)

E09 (Default Ship Complete Flag)

E13 (Update a Bill-to Address with Sold-to Address Changes)

E15 (Default Staging Warehouse)

E18 (Vendor/PO Discount Values)

E19 (Validate Primary Locations for Purchase Orders)

E29 (Invoice Consolidation Method)

E33 (Break Single Line Picks by Zone)

E37 (Use Work Order Processing)

E38 (Print One Drop Ship Invoice per Ship Alone Item)

E39 (Create Item Transaction History for Non-Inventory Items)

E41 (Work Order Values)

E42 (First Location Type)

E43 (Second Location Type)

E44 (Third Location Type)

E46 (Edit for Duplicate Catalog Requests)

E47 (Replenishment Report Program Name)

E48 (Evaluate Promotional Items/Inserts in Order Entry/Maintenance)

E49 (Negative Additional Charge Limit)

E50 (Dollar Method Used to Evaluate Offer Ship Via Override)

E52 (Future Orders Item Status)

E53 (Default Future Orders Arrival Date)

E55 (Price Override Limit Percent)

E59 (Demand Update for Non-Inventoried Items)

E60 (Prompt for Mandatory Demographics in Order Maintenance)

E61 (Credit Card Authorization AVS Hold Exemption/Bypass)

E62 (External Postal Code Validation)

E63 (Sold Out Retention Method)

E64 (External Validation for Phone Number)

E65 (Default Source for Internet Orders)

E67 (FTC--Number of Days Prior to Next Backorder Date to Generate Second Notice)

E68 (FTC--Second Notice Output)

E69 (Number of Days to Add for Accepted Delays)

E70 (Tax Included in Price)

E72 (Override Offer/Page/Alias on Order Detail)

E73 (Use Item Freight Exemption File)

E74 (Maximum Number of Retries on Credit Card Orders)

E75 (Soldout Notification Print Program)

E78 (Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create)

E79 (Tax Inclusive Cutoff Date)

E85 (Require L/S Division with L/S Department)

E85 (Require Long SKU Division with Long SKU Department)

E86 (Default Salesrep Number)

E87 (Require Salesrep Number in Order Entry/Order Maintenance)

E88 (Modulus 10 Check on Salesrep Number)

E89 (Sort Picks by Pick Sequence)

E90 (Display Special Format Response Descriptions in Order Entry)

E92 (Drop Ship Pick Print Program)

E93 (Add Printed Drop Ship Lines as Backordered on Pick)

E94 (User Defined Modulus Check Program)

E95 (Use Async Start Date for Billing Transactions)

E97 (Allow Negative Prices in Order Entry)

E98 (Maximum Order Line Value)

E99 (Sub Page Entry)


F01 (Display Order Line Discount Messages)

F04 (Withhold Picks due to Item Allocation Error)

F05 (Load Order Header Source from Mailing History)

F06 (Require Item Class in Work with Items)

F07 (Gift Wrap Default)

F08 (Number of Billing Async Jobs to Start)

F10 (Print Drop Ship Invoice at time of Purchase Order Receiving)

F11 (SKU Purge Days)

F15 (Quantity Required for Purchase Order SKU Scanning)

F19 (Unconditional Suppression of Backorder Card)

F20 (Replenishment Label Program Name)

F22 (Display Basic Install Values Only)

F23 (Require Sort Sequence Number in the SKU File)

F24 (Auto Assign Sort Sequence Number During SKU Generation)

F25 (Display SKU Description in place of SKU Element)

F26 (Use Computer Telephony Integration)

F27 (Update CTI Customer Call Log)

F28 (Pick Label Print Program)

F29 (Display Purchase Order Receiving Overage Warning Message)

F39 (SKU Element for Auto Linking Coordinates)

F40 (SKU Element for Order Entry Filtering)

F41 (Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items)

F42 (Require Exchange Item at Time of Receipt)

F43 (Restrict Additional Charge Amount if Default Charge)

F44 (Use Streamlined Return Authorizations)

F46 (Price Ticket Print Program)

F51 (Deferred and Installment Billing)

F51 (Use Deferred and Installment Billing)

F52 (Number of Times Flexible Payment Option is Used)

F53 (Number of Days Flexible Payment Option is Used)

F54 (Dollar Threshold for Sold To Customer Orders with Flexible Payments)

F55 (Net Credit Card Credits for Deferred and Installment Billing)

F57 (Warehouse Replenishment Label Program)

F59 (Retail Order Defaults)

F61 (Postal Code Scan Length)

F62 (Recalculate Freight Default)

F63 (Batch Item Pull Label Printing Program)

F64 (Display Customer Action Notes/Messages in RA)

F67 (Sort Source Codes Prompt by Description in Order Entry)

F69 (Pass Entity Code to Tax Interface)

F70 (Phone Interface Values)

F71 (Exact Match Required on First Name for Phone Interface)

F71-F77 (Duplicate Checking for Customers)

F72 (Exact Match Required on Last Name for Phone Interface)

F73 (Exact Match Required on Street Address for Phone Interface)

F74 (Exact Match Required on Apartment for Phone Interface)

F75 (Exact Match Required on Address Line 2 for Phone Interface)

F76 (Exact Match Required on City for Phone Interface)

F77 (Exact Match Required on State for Phone Interface)

F78 (Create Keywords at Item Entry)

F79 (Auto-Generate Item Keywords from Description)

F80 (Include Spaces in Special Handling Edit for Maximum Characters)

F84 (Display Entity Description)

F86 (Allow Location Class Edit in Inventory Transaction)

F87 (Include Bulk Locations in Primary Primary Availability)

F88 (Include Secondary Locations in Primary Primary Availability)

F89 (Track Customer History at Entity Level)

F90 (Update Original Source Code for Recipient Customers)

F91 (Position Cursor on Offer Field in OE/OM)

F93 (Default Credit Card Authorization Number for Soft Declines)

F94 (Use Credit Card Vendor Response Entity Ship Via Dollar Limits)

F95 (Search Active Offers for Price)

F97 (Maximum Warranty Order Amount)

F98 (Maximum LTD Warranty Amount for Customer)


G01 (Default Price Override Reason for Warranty Items)

G04 (Customer Class for User Defined Field Prompting)

G05 (Include Weight of all Items in Freight by Order Weight)

G06 (Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse)

G07 (Hold Invoices for Multi-Recipient Orders)

G10 (Default Vendor Response for Automatic Authorizations)

G11 (Cancel Reason (Rejected Store Pickup Orders)

G14 (Display First Membership Order Total)

G25 (Warehouse Replenishment Pick Worksheet Print Program)

G26 (Check Interface Payment Type)

G27 (Check Interface Additional Charge Code)

G28 (Default Offer Source Code to Order Detail Line)

G29 (Include PO Estimated Charges in Receipt Cost Calculation)

G33 (Populate Marketing Download Trigger File)

G34 (Load Location into Pick Sequence)

G35 (Get Orders from E-Commerce)

G36 (Quantity Available Threshold for Web Download)

G37 (SKU Element Description 1)

G38 (SKU Element Description 2)

G39 (SKU Element Description 3)

G40 (Item Number Cross Reference Program)

G41 (Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error)

G42 (E-Commerce Order Type)

G43 (Time Limit for Suspended E-Commerce Orders)

G44 (Require Entity in Item File)

G45 (Auto Update Order Priority)

G46 (Display "No Primary Location" Message in Returns)

G49 (Consolidated Replenishment Report Program Name)

G50 (Order Acknowledgement Program)

G51 (Shipment Confirmation Program)

G52 (Status Message for E-Commerce Partial Reserved Lines)

G63 (Pickable Setting for Analyzing Replenishment Locations)

G64 (Type of Location to Search First in Replenishment)

G65 (Type of Location to Search Second in Replenishment)

G66 (Type of Location to Search Third in Replenishment)

G68 (Calculate Freight by Order Weight for N/C Orders)

G73 (Price Override Reason for E-Commerce)

G92 (Pending Putaway Due Date Days)

G95 (Backorder Notification E-Mail Program)

G96 (Soldout Notification E-Mail Program)

G97 (Default Opt In/Opt Out Flag)

G98 (Require Reason in CTI)

G99 (Authorize Full Amount During Order Entry)


H01 (Require Phone Number in Order Entry/Order Maintenance)

H08 (Credit Card Credit Acknowledgement E-Mail Program)

H11 (Hold Reason for Failed E-Commerce Maintenance Transactions)

H12 (Order Maintenance Confirmation E-Mail Program)

H13 (Use OROB Drop Shipping)

H15 (CDC Retailer ID)

H20 (Drop Ship Values Screen)

H24 (Default Salesrep for E-Commerce Interface)

H26 (Use Retail Integration)

H28 (Add Accompanying Items in Order Maintenance)

H33 (Default Recipient Type for E-Commerce Orders)

H34 (Restrict SKU Scan by Offer)

H36 (CDC Drop Ship Lead Days)

H36 (Drop Ship Lead Days)

H37 (CDC Communication Protocol)

H51 (E-Mail Order Confirmations for All Orders)

H52 (E-Mail Shipment Confirmations for All Orders)

H53 (Return Confirmation E-Mail Program)

H54 (Maximum Order Amount for E-Commerce Orders)

H55 (Bypass Geographic Zone Searching in Order Entry/Order Maintenance)

H59 (Refund Freight Default for Inbound Returns)

H60 (Refund Additional Charge Default for Inbound Returns)

H61 (Refund Handling Default for Inbound Returns)

H62 (Refund Duty Default for Inbound Returns)

H63 (Default Return Reason Code for Inbound Returns)

H64 (Default Additional Charge Code for Inbound Returns)

H65 (Default Return Disposition Code for Inbound Returns)

H80 (Generate Invoice Number at Pick Gen)

H82 (Source Code Auto Retrieval Value)

H83 (Default Miscellaneous Source Code for Existing Customers)

H84 (Default Miscellaneous Source Code for New Customers)

H85 (Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST)

H86 (Generate E-Commerce Customer Merge Staging Files)

H88 (Exact Match Required on Company for Phone Interface)

H89 (Use Alternate Currency Pricing)

H90 (Threshold Monitor Interval)

H93 (Assign Unreferenced Email)

H95 (Alternate Customer Number Label Description)

H96 (Use Workflow Management)

H99 (Write Outbound Email to Email Repository)


I01 (Email Presentation)

I02 (Display Alternate Shipping Charges by Via Window in OM)

I03 (Include Special Handling in Alternate Shipping Charges by Via)

I05 (Sell Out Set if Component is Sold Out)

I06 (Computer Telephony Integration Type)

I08 (Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $1.00)

I09 (Include All Customer Inquiry Triggers for DMT)

I11 (Exact Match Required on Email Address)

I12 (Send Data for Level II Discounting)

I13 (Generic Integration Values)

I14 (Outbound Interface Trigger File Purge Days)

I15 (Create Generic Item Download Trigger Records)

I16 (Create Generic Vendor Download Trigger Records)

I17 (Create Generic Invoice Download Trigger Records)

I20 (Include Telephone Number in Customer Search)

I21 (Default Vendor Item Additional Charges)

I23 (Use Streamlined Stored Value Card Billing)

I24 (Stored Value Card Modulus Checking Method)

I25 (Stored Value Card Activation Pricing Method)

I26 (Stored Value Card Activation Authorization Service)

I27 (Validate Prefix)

I30 (Stored Value Card Email Notification Program)

I31 (Create Pick Download Triggers)

I32 (Create Generic Inventory Download Triggers)

I34 (Include Non-Allocatable Warehouses)

I35 (Update Primary Primary Location for Item During Receiving)

I36 (PO Receiving Worksheet Print Program)

I38 (Use Merchandise Locator)

I39 (Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement)

I40 (Default Search Within Radius)

I50 (Use Stored Value Card Batch Processing)

I52 (Use Alternate Zone Reservation Logic)

I53 (Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry)

I55 (Order Control Summary Shipment Update Method)

I56 (Delay Order API Edit)

I58 (Default Unknown Source Code)

I59 (Assign Drop Ship Expected Ship Date)

I63 (Allow Manual Entry of Promotion Code)

I65 (Exclude Sale Item When Prorating Discounts)

I66 (QAS Address Interface Values)

I67 (Use QAS Address Interface)

I68 (Address Interface User Hold Code)

I69 (Download Prepaid Payment Types to E-Commerce)

I71 (Stored Value Card Processing Values)

I73 (Default SVC Refund Item Number)

I74 (Price Override Reason for SVC Refund Item)

I75 (Default Pick Generation Template for SVC Refund Processing)

I76 (Minimum Item Price Eligible for Retail Pick Ticket)

I77 (Generate Price Tickets During Pick Slip Generation)

I78 (Batch Number for Retail Channel Orders)

I80 (Use Inventory Sharing Backorder Evaluation)

I81 (Use Loyalty Membership Program)

I82 (Loyalty Membership Activation Notification Email Program)

I83 (Loyalty Membership Deactivation Notification Program)

I84 (Display Alternate Customer Cross Reference Window)

I85 (Inventory Transaction Code for ’Sync’ Processing)

I88 (Assign Alternate Customer #)

I90 (Default Customer for Customer API)

I91 (Item Values)

I92 (Require L/S Department)

I93 (Require L/S Class)

I94 (Require L/S Style)

I96 (Online Auth Verification Only)

I97 (Use Credit Card Encryption)

I99 (Perform Address Standardization in Customer API)

Item Values (I91)


J01 (Display Confirmation after QAS Picklist Selection)

J04 (Default SKU Generator L/S Style)

J05 (Auto Advance to Item Offer)

J06 (Auto Advance to SKU Generator)

J07 (Default Active Offers)

J08 (Item Creation Values)

J09 (Suppress Email Address Search)

J10 (Use Generic Tax XML Interface)

J13 (Use Standard Tax Calc if Tax Interface Communication Fails)

J16 (Display Partial Credit Card Number in Logs)

J18 (Hold Reason for Stored Value Cards with Insufficient Funds)

J19 (Perform Balance Inquiry during Batch Authorizations)

J20 (Perform Authorization Reversal during Deposit Processing)

J21 (Retain Unused Stored Value Card Authorization After Deposit)

J22 (Remove Stored Value Card Number After Activation)

J24 (Capture Addresses for Invoice)

J25 (Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse)

J27 (Disregard Soldout Controls for Non-Allocatable Warehouses)

J66 (Hide Item Availability in Order Entry)

J67 (Best Way Ship Via for Auto-Assignment)

J71 (Automatically Create SKU Offers)

J86 (Prevent Storing the Customer’s Last CC# and Exp Date)

J93 (Include PO Updates or Create Inventory Download Triggers During PO Mainte­nance)


K02 (Automatically Reprice Coupon)

K03 (Capture Order/Call Disposition)

K04 (Write Order Messages for Membership Rotation)

K08 (Send B/O to OROB)

K09 (Suppress Order Confirmations for Orders in Error)

K10 (Order Broker Status Update Interval)

K11 (Order Broker Due Date Threshold)

K12 (Order Broker Include Ship Complete Orders)

K13 (Order Broker Include Coordinate Grouped Orders)

K14 (Order Broker Include Gift Orders)

K15 (Order Broker Values)

K25 (Use WMS Integration)

K26 (Create Generic PO Download Triggers)

K27 (Create Generic PO Download Trigger for PO Receipt)

K28 (Create Return Download Triggers)

K30 (Default Scan Method for Pick Pack Verification)

K31 (Order Summary Print Program)

K32 (Pack Slip Print Program)

K33 (Packer Productivity Purge Days)

K34 (Scan Non-Inventory Items)

K35 (Print Entity Image)

K38 (Use Business Days When Calculating Expected Delivery Date)

K39 (Warehouse Cutoff Time)

K40 (Quantity Price Matrix Hierarchy Sequence #)

K41 (Quantity Price Matrix Pricing)

K42 (Price Override Reason for Price Matrix Customer Specials)

K44 (Best Way Promotions)

K45 (Price Override Reason for Promotions)

K49 (OROB Account)

K50 (OROB System)

K51 (OROB Default Location)

K53 (Credit Card Decline Email Program)

K54 (Contact Us Email Program)

K55 (Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation)

K56 (OROB Default Location Code/Unfulfillable)

K64 (Reject Duplicate Web Orders)

K65 (Credit Card Retention Days)

K66 (OROB Product Code ID)

K69 (Default Location for Sales Download)

K70 (Clear Processed Records from Customer Email Updates Table)

K73 (Quote Printing Program)

K74 (Quote Confirmation Email Program)

K75 (Price Override Reason for Quotes)

K76 (Override Freight on Quote Conversion)

K77 (Membership Cancellation Email Program)

K78 (Order Cancellation Email Program)

K79 (Order Line Cancellation Email Program)

K80 (Email Purchase Order)

K81 (Generate Invoice # at Pick Gen without Address Match)

K83 (Unused Pick Label Purge Days)

K84 (Second Compatibility Code used to Trigger SKU Blocking)

K85 (Delay Billing Updates)

K87 (Alternate ID Required for Displaying Customer Profile)

K89 (Retain Backordered Lines Brokered to OROMS)

K91 (Order Type for Orders Brokered for Delivery)

K92 (Order Type for Retail Pickup Orders Brokered to OROMS)

K93 (Order Broker Source Code)

K94 (Order Broker Ship Via)

K95 (Order Broker Price Override)

K96 (Sold to Email Update for Orders Brokered to OROMS

K97 (Sold to Address Update for Orders Brokered to OROMS

K98 (Order Broker Payment Type)


L01 (Ship Complete for Orders Brokered to OROMS

L02 (Order Broker Hold Reason (Cancel))

L03 (Gift Flag for Orders Brokered to OROMS

L04 (Re-Polling for Orders Brokered to OROMS

L06 (Send Inventory by Warehouse to OROB)

L07 (Default Van Delivery Ship Via)

L08 (Cancel Reason Code to Suppress Email)

L09 (Name in OROB for Point of Sale)

L10 (Hold Reason for Errored Ship to Store Orders)

L11 (Send Tax to Vertex as Quote Not Invoice)

L12 (Create Generic Customer Download Triggers)

L13 (Deposit Service for Conditional Deposits)

L14 (Prefix Value for On Account Card Type)

L15 (Order Type for Special Orders)

L16 (Pay Type for Special Orders)

L18 (Use Credit Card Tokenization)

L21 (Item Status for Suppressing Item During Item Selection)

L32 (Calculate Freight for Store Pickup Orders)

L35 (Cross Channel Orders to Exclude in Sales Feed)

L36 (Merchandise Only in Sales Feed)

L37 (ORCE Customer Integration)

L38 (MICROS Integration Item ID

L39 (Item for Non-Merchandise Amounts)

L40 (Require Credit Card Token)

L41 (Tokenization IJCT Job)

L44 (Split Special Handling Picks)

L47 (Use Credit Card Level III Discounting)

L48 (Store Pickup Confirmation Email Program)

L50 (ORCE Organization Descriptor)

L51 (Send Profile Data to ORCE)

L52 (ORCE Integration Values)

L53 (Third Phone Number Type)

L55 (Use External Item Image)

L56 (Use Split Order)

L58 (Customer Price Group Code for CPG Pricing Only)

L59 (Price Override Reason Code for CPG Pricing)

L60 (Payment at POS for Ship to Store)

L61 (Populate Ship Status for EmailOut XML)

L62 (BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category)

L63 (Use Streamlined Allocation)

L65 (FTC - Suppress Backorder Notice for Due Date Changes)

L71 (Ship Via Priority for Ship To Mismatch)

L72 (Use Gift Card Fraud Checking)

L76 (Require Last Name/Postal Code in Customer History Request)

L77 (Periodic Process History Purge Days)

L78 (Preload Deposits)

L79 (Reserve within PICK_IN Processing)

L83 (Evaluate Pending Deposits and Refunds for Credit Card Purge)

L86 (Cancel Reason, Pick In)

L88 (Suppress Returns for Retail Pickup/Delivery)

L89 (Create Separate Picks/POs for Ship to Store Orders)

L90 (ChannelAdvisor Order Type)

L91 (ChannelAdvisor Inventory Level Default)

L92 (ChannelAdvisor SKU X-Ref Offer)

L93 (Bypass Customer API Edit)

L98 (Send Shipment Confirmation from Billing)

L99 (Display Return ID Window)


M04 (Add Reason for No Cost PO)

M06 (Use ORCE Loyalty)

M07 (Prompt to Join Loyalty)

M08 (ORCE Loyalty Card Prefix)

M09 (ORCE Loyalty Card Series Sequence Number)

M10 (ORCE Loyalty Registration Notification Email Program)

M13 (Allow Only Single Line on Drop Ship PO)

M14 (Fraud Score Cancel Reason Code)

M15 (Product Classification for Fraud Scoring)

M16 (Payment at POS for Store Pickup)

M18 (Send Held Orders to OROB)

M19 (Fraud Values)

M22 (Return Disposition Code to Exclude in ORCE Sales Feed)

M23 (Use CC Net Exchange Billing)

M24 (Hold Days for CC Netting)

M25 (Default Auth Code for CC Netting)

M26 (Use ORCE Wish List)

M27 (Search Promotions by Start Date in Order Entry)

M30 (Include Credit Card Info in Invoice Out XML)

M31 (Use OROB for Fulfillment Assignment)

M32 (Originating Location to Pass to OROB)

M33 (Order Type for Delivery Orders Originating in OROMS)

masterIOM OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN