Split Special Handling Picks (L44)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the system creates separate pre-generated picks and pick slip PDF documents for order lines that contain special handling items.

Yes/No field: Select this field to have pick slip preparation create a separate pre-generated pick for all items on an order that contain a special handling code. When you generate pick slips for the order, the system creates a separate PDF document for pick slips that contain items with special handling.

Other reasons an order splits into multiple picks: The system splits an order into multiple picks if the order contains items with special handling and items without special handling. The system may further split an order into multiple picks based on other criteria, such as warehouse and ship via. See Splitting an Order Across Multiple Picks for all of the reasons an order may split into multiple picks.

Reasons to sort pick slips into separate PDF documents: The system creates a separate PDF document for pick slips that contain special handling. The system may sort pick slips into separate PDF documents for other reasons, such as warehouse and ship via priority. However, the system will NOT create a separate PDF document based on ship via priority if the PDF document was created because of special handling. See Sorting Pick Slips into Separate PDF Documents for all of the reasons an order may sort into separate PDF documents.

Example: Split Special Handling Picks (L44) is selected.

You create the following orders:

Pre-Generated picks created:

Order 1 contains the following items:

A: special handling code A, warehouse 1, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

B: special handling code B, warehouse 1, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

C: special handling code A, warehouse 2, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

D: no special handling code, warehouse 2, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

Pick 1: contains items A and B (special handling, warehouse 1, ship via 2).

Pick 2: contains item C (special handling, warehouse 2, ship via 2).

Pick 3: contains item D (no special handling, warehouse 2, ship via 2).

Order 2 contains the following items:

A: special handling code A, warehouse 1, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

B: special handling code B, warehouse 1, ship via 4, ship via priority 5

C: special handling code A, warehouse 1, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

D: no special handling code, warehouse 2, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

Pick 4: contains items A and C (special handling, warehouse 1, ship via 2)

Pick 5: contains item B (special handling, warehouse 1, ship via 4)

Pick 6: contains item D (no special handling, warehouse 2, ship via 2)

Order 3 contains the following items:

A: special handling code A, warehouse 1, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

B: special handling code B, warehouse 1, ship via 1, ship via priority 1

C: no special handling code, warehouse 2, ship via 1, ship via priority 1

D: no special handling code, warehouse 2, ship via 4, ship via priority 5

Pick 7: contains item A (special handling, warehouse 1, ship via 2).

Pick 8: contains item B (special handling, warehouse 1, ship via 1).

Pick 9: contains item C (no special handling, warehouse 2, ship via 1).

Pick 10: contains item D (no special handling, warehouse 2, ship via 4).

You generate pick slips for the orders:

Pick Slip PDF Documents Created:

The system creates the following PDF documents:

PDF document 1: contains picks 1, 4, 5, 7, and 8 (special handling, warehouse 1, ship via priority 1 and 5). Note: The system did not create a separate PDF document based on ship via priority because the PDF document contains special handling.

PDF document 2: contains pick 2 (special handling, warehouse 2, ship via priority 1).

PDF document 3: contains picks 3, 6, and 9 (no special handling, warehouse 2, ship via priority 1).

PDF document 4: contains pick 10 (no special handling, warehouse 2, ship via priority 5).

Unselect this field to have pick slip preparation include items on the order that contain a special handling code on the same pre-generated pick as the other shippable items on the order. When you generate pick slips for the order, the system does not create a separate PDF document for special handling items.

Example: Split Special Handling Picks (L44) is unselected.

You create the following orders:

Pre-Generated picks created:

Order 1 contains the following items:

A: special handling code A, warehouse 1, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

B: special handling code B, warehouse 1, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

C: special handling code A, warehouse 2, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

D: no special handling code, warehouse 2, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

Pick 11: contains items A, B (warehouse 1, ship via 2, priority 1).

Pick 12: contains items C and D (warehouse 2, ship via 2, priority 1).

Order 2 contains the following items:

A: special handling code A, warehouse 1, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

B: special handling code B, warehouse 1, ship via 4, ship via priority 5

C: special handling code A, warehouse 1, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

D: no special handling code, warehouse 2, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

Pick 13: contains items A and C (warehouse 1, ship via 2, priority 1)

Pick 14: contains item B (warehouse 1, ship via 4, priority 5)

Pick 15: contains item D (warehouse 2, ship via 2, priority 1)

Order 3 contains the following items:

A: special handling code A, warehouse 1, ship via 2, ship via priority 1

B: special handling code B, warehouse 1, ship via 1, ship via priority 1

C: no special handling code, warehouse 2, ship via 1, ship via priority 1

D: no special handling code, warehouse 2, ship via 4, ship via priority 5

Pick 16: contains item A (warehouse 1, ship via 2, priority 1).

Pick 17: contains item B (warehouse 1, ship via 1, priority 1).

Pick 18: contains item C (warehouse 2, ship via 1, priority 1).

Pick 19: contains item D (warehouse 2, ship via 4, priority 5).

You generate pick slips for the orders:

Pick Slip PDF Documents Created:

The system creates the following PDF documents:

PDF document 1: contains picks 11, 13, 16, and 17 (warehouse 1, ship via priority 1).

PDF document 2: contains pick 14 (warehouse 1, ship via priority 5).

PDF document 3: contains picks 12, 15, and 18 (warehouse 2, ship via priority 1).

PDF document 4: contains pick 19 (warehouse 2, ship via priority 5).

Special handling setting in Streamlined Pick Slip Generation: The setting of the Split Special Handling Picks (L44) system control value works in conjunction with the setting of the Special handling field in Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS).

L44 Setting

Special Handling?




The system does not create a separate pre-generated pick based on special handling.

Pick slip generation selects pre-generated picks regardless of whether an item on the pick requires special handling.

The system does not sort pick slips into a separate PDF document based on special handling.



The system does not create a separate pre-generated pick based on special handling.

Pick slip generation selects pre-generated picks only if they contain items that require special handling. Note: The pre-generated pick may also contain items that do not require special handling.

The system does not sort pick slips into a separate PDF document based on special handling.



The system does not create a separate pre-generated pick based on special handling.

Pick slip generation selects pre-generated picks only if they do not contain items that require special handling.

The system does not sort pick slips into a separate PDF document based on special handling.



The system creates a separate pre-generated pick for all of the items on the order that contain a special handling code. Items with different special handling codes are combined on the same pre-generated pick, assuming no other settings cause the order to split into multiple picks.

Pick slip generation selects pre-generated picks regardless of whether an item on the pick requires special handling.

The system creates a separate PDF document for pick slips that contain items that require special handling.



The system creates a separate pre-generated pick for all of the items on the order that contain a special handling code. Items with different special handling codes are combined on the same pre-generated pick, assuming no other settings cause the order to split into multiple picks.

Pick slip generation selects pre-generated picks only if they contain items that require special handling.

The system creates a separate PDF document for pick slips that contain items that require special handling.



The system creates a separate pre-generated pick for all of the items on the order that contain a special handling code. Items with different special handling codes are combined on the same pre-generated pick, assuming no other settings cause the order to split into multiple picks.

Pick slip generation selects pre-generated picks only if they do not contain items that require special handling.

The system does not sort pick slips into a separate PDF document based on special handling since no items that require special handling were included in the pick slip generation run.

For more information: See:

Preparing Orders for Pick Slip Generation for more information on creating pre-generated picks when an order is created or changed.

Performing Pick Slip Generation for the details of pick slip generation processing.

Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) for information on the pick slip generation options available to define which pre-generated picks to select for generation.

IN03_04 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN