Edit Cart/Bin Values Screen (B38)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether to use the cart/bin picking feature to sort your pick slips during pick slip generation.

If you use cart/bin picking, you must complete all fields on this screen except Minimum Number of Picks in a Cart (B47), which is an optional value.

Bypass printing? If the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) system control value is selected, the streamlined pick slip generation process also bypasses cart/bin logic. See that system control value for more information.

For more information: See Using Cart/Bin Picking for an overview and examples.

Use Cart/Bin Picking? (B38)

Select this field to use the cart bin picking feature to generate pick slips and pull sheets during pick slip generation. Cart/Bin Picking is a way to maximize the efficiency of picking inventory by generating a batch pick slip list for a single picker to handle in a single run.

Bypass printing? If the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) system control value is selected, the streamlined pick slip generation process also bypasses cart/bin logic. See that system control value for more information.

For more information: See Using Cart/Bin Picking for an overview and examples.

Leave this field unselected if you are not using cart/bin picking. Pull sheets and pick slips are still generated, but items are not grouped into batches. If you leave this field unselected, you do not need to complete the other fields.

Note: If this system control value is unselected, the system does not write order transaction history messages at pick slip generation. See Display Order History Screen for more information.

Sort Picks by Pick Sequence (E89)

Select this field to have the system consider the pick sequence number defined in Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC) when sorting pick slips within a pick slip PDF document and when sorting pick slips within a cart batch.

Sorting pick slips within a pick slip PDF document: The system sorts the pick slips within a pick document in the following order.

1. Single line pick slips.

2. Multi line pick slips.

In addition:

• If the Sort Pick Slips by Gift Flag (D53) system control value is selected, the system prints pick slips for gift orders before pick slips for non-gift orders.

• If the Sort Picks by Foreign/Domestic Flag (D54) system control value is selected, the system prints pick slips for foreign shipping addresses before pick slips for domestic shipping addresses.

If more than one pick slip meets a sort level, the system sorts the pick slips:

1. Alphabetically by the warehouse zones defined in the Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5 and Zone 6 fields in the Pick Sort GH table.

2. Alphabetically by picking sequence array. See Populating the Picking Sequence Array Field in the Pick Sort GH table for more information on how the system updates the Picking sequence array field in the Pick Control Header Extended table and Pick Sort GH table during pick slip allocation.

See Pick Slip Sort within a Pick Slip PDF Document for more information and examples.

Sorting pick slips within a cart batch: The system sorts the pick slips within a cart batch in the following order.

1. Alphabetically by the warehouse zones defined in the Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5 and Zone 6 fields in the Pick Sort GH table.

2. Alphabetically by picking sequence array. See Populating the Picking Sequence Array Field in the Pick Sort GH table for more information on how the system updates the Picking sequence array field in the Pick Control Header Extended table and Pick Sort GH table during pick slip allocation.

See Pick Slip Sort Within a Cart Batch for more information and examples.

Populating the Picking sequence array: If the Sort Picks by Pick Sequence (E89) system control value is selected, the system looks at the setting of the Load Location into Pick Sequence (G34) system control value to determine how to populate the Picking sequence array field in the Pick Sort GH table and Pick Control Header Extended table.

Sort Picks by Pick Sequence (E89)

Load Location into Pick Sequence (G34)



unselected or selected

The system leaves the Picking sequence array field in the Pick Control Header Extended and Pick Sort GH tables blank.



The system loads the Picking sequence array field in the Pick Control Header Extended and Pick Sort GH tables with the location code.



The system loads the Picking sequence array field in the Pick Control Header Extended and Pick Sort GH tables with the location picking sequence number.

Bypass printing? If the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) system control value is selected, the streamlined pick slip generation process also bypasses cart/bin logic. See that system control value for more information.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to consider the pick sequence number when sorting pick slips within a pick slip PDF document and when sorting pick slips within a cart batch.

For more information: See:

Pick Slip Sort within a Pick Slip PDF Document

Pick Slip Sort Within a Cart Batch

Load Location into Pick Sequence (G34)

Using Cart/Bin Picking

Cart Description Setup:

If you selected this field to use cart/bin picking, complete these fields, which describe the cart size you are using.

Cube of Bin (B44)

Enter the cubic volume of the smallest bin within a cart. Should be in the same type of measurement as the Cube of Cart (B42). This 7-position, numeric field applies to multi-line pick slips.

Cube of Cart (B42)

Enter the total cubic volume of the cart. Should be in the same type of measurement as the Cube of Bin (B44). This is a 7-position, numeric field.

Enter all cubing dimensions for evaluating cubic value of items, carts, and batches in the same unit of measure throughout the system, whether you use inches, feet, or a point rating.

Minimum Number of Picks in a Cart (B47)

Enter the minimum number of picks that can fit in a cart.

Ensures that the number of picks in a cart/batch matches or exceeds the minimum size you determine. If the number of picks to be batched is less than the quantity you enter here, the picks are added to the current batch instead of creating a new batch that would be less than the minimum size.

For example, if the minimum number of picks is 20, each batch must contain at least 20 picks slips. If the next batch to be created contains only 15 picks, the 15 pick slips are added to the batch, rather than creating a new batch of 15 pick slips.

Single Line Orders Setup:

Maximum Number of Single Line Picks (B39)

Enter the maximum number of single line pick slips to include in a single batch. Sets a break point for a batch and is usually dependent upon the number of bins in a cart. This is a 7-position, numeric field.

The system uses these rules in determining when to create a new batch of pick slips:

• When the number of single line picks to include in a batch equals the maximum, create a new batch.

• When the total cubic value of the items in a batch is greater than the cubic volume of the cart, create a new batch even if the maximum number of picks has not been reached.

The system also checks the setting of the Break Single Line Picks by Zone (E33) system control value.

Multi Line Orders Setup:

Maximum Number of Multi Line Picks (B40)

Enter the maximum number of multi-line pick slips to include in each batch. A multi-line pick is a pick slip that includes two or more line items. Sets a break point for the batches and is usually dependent upon the number of bins in your packing cart. This is a 7-position, numeric field.

Maximum Number of Zones (B41)

Enter the maximum number of zones (up to six) allowed on a multi-line pick slip before generating another batch. Multiple line pick slips can contain items located in more than one zone.

Pick slips that have items in the same zones (up to the number of zones specified) are included in the same cart batch. The system creates a separate cart batch when the zone combination defined in the Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5 and Zone 6 fields in the Pick Sort GH table changes.

If the number of zones defined for a pick slip is greater than the Maximum Number of Zones (B41), the system updates the Zone fields in the Pick Sort GH table with asterisks (*) instead of the zone code. In this situation, the system sorts these pick slips to the top of the list and places these pick slips in the same cart batch.

For more information: See Sorting Pick Slips into Separate Cart Batches and Cart Batch Example: Maximum Number of Zones Reached for more information on when the system sorts pick slips into separate cart batches.

IN03_04 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN