Load Location into Pick Sequence (G34)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to load the location code(s) for each pick slip into the Picking sequence array fields of the Pick Sort GH table when you generate pick slips, so that you can use this information for your pick sort program.

Yes/no field: Select this field to have the location code(s) for each item on a pick slip loaded into the Picking sequence array field of the Pick Sort GH table. You might choose to load the location codes if this information is required by your pick sort program.

Conditions: To load the location codes into the Picking sequence array field, you should also make sure that:

• the Sort Picks by Pick Sequence (E89) system control value is selected

• the Check Location Quantities During Pick Generation (C54) system control value is selected

• the program defined in the Pick Sort Program Name (C65) system control value supports it (Note: the base sort program, FLR2017, supports the use of this system control value)

Leave this field unselected if you do not want to load the location code for each item on the pick slip into the Picking sequence array field in the Pick Sort GH table. In this situation, if:

Sort Picks by Pick Sequence (E89) system control value = selected: The Pick sequence number for the location of each item on the pick slip is loaded into the Picking sequence array field instead for use by your pick sort program.

Sort Picks by Pick Sequence (E89) system control value = unselected: The Picking sequence array field in the Pick Sort GH table is not populated during pick slip generation.

For more information: See Populating the Picking Sequence Array Field in the Pick Sort GH table.

IN03_04 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN