Stored Value Card Processing Values (I71)

Purpose: Use this screen to specify values related to stored value card processing. See Stored Value Card Overview and Setup.

Use Streamlined Stored Value Card Billing (I23)

Indicates if the system sends pick control records containing physical stored value card items to billing once you assign numbers to the physical cards.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you wish the system to send pick control records containing physical stored value cards to billing once you assign numbers to the physical cards; this assumes you never send pick control records containing physical stored value cards to a manifesting station to wand and bill the stored value card items.

You assign numbers to physical stored value cards by pick control number using the Working with Physical Stored Value Card Assignment (WPSA) menu option. When you select Accept at the Stored Value Card Assignment Screen to assign the numbers to the stored value cards, the system sends the associated pick control records to billing.

Unselect this system control value if you typically send pick control records containing physical stored value items to your manifest station to wand and bill the stored value card items.

Note: If you change the setting of this system control value, you must stop and restart the Billing Async.

For more information: See Billing a Stored Value Card for more information on the stored value card processing the system performs when a stored value card item is billed.

Use Activation / Reversal Batch Processing (I50)

Defines whether activation and authorization reversal transactions are processed immediately or in batch.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you wish to process activation and authorization reversal transactions in batch mode.

When you activate a stored value card or process a stored value card or credit card authorization reversal, the system generates a download trigger record.

• If this system control value is selected, the system does not process the activation or authorization reversal trigger records until you submit the batch process using:

- the Transmitting Activation and Reversal Transactions (SSVC) menu option.

- the SVCACT periodic function (program name PFR0076) for activations.

- the SVCREV periodic function (program name PFR0077) for authorization reversals.

Note: When using batch procssing, the SVC Activation and SVC Reversal integration layer jobs do not need to be active.

• If this system control value is unselected, the SVC Activation and SVC Reversal integration layer jobs monitor for download trigger records to process immediately. Note: In order to monitor for new download trigger records to process, the SVC Activation and SVC Reversal integration layer jobs must be active.

Cybersource integration: Unselect this system control value if you are processing activation and authorization reversal transactions using the Cybersource Point-to-Point Integration.

For more information: See:

Stored Value Card Purchase and Activation for more information on the processing that occurs when you activate a stored value card.

Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal for more information on the processing that occurs when you perform a stored value card authorization reversal.

Credit Card Authorization Reversal for more information on the processing that occurs when you perform credit card authorization reversal.

Stored Value Card Modulus Checking Method (I24)

Indicates if the system performs a calculation against the digits of the stored value card number to ensure that the card is valid.

Code field: Enter the type of modulus check you wish to perform against the stored value card number. If you define a modulus check, you can validate the stored value card number before sending the card to the service bureau for activation.

The types of modulus checks you can perform are:

M10 = The system performs a modulus 10 check against the stored value card number.

M11 = The system performs a modulus 11 check against the stored value card number.

MU = The system performs a user-defined check against the stored value card number. Note: If you enter MU in this field, the system verifies that a program is defined in the User Defined Modulus Check Program (E94) system control value. If a program is not defined, an error message indicates: User defined modulus program not defined-SCV E94.

The system performs the modulus check against the stored value card number at the Stored Value Card Assignment Screen screen.

Note: The system cannot perform a modulus check against the number if the number contains spaces; for example: 411111 1111 111111. To perform a modulus check, you must enter the number without any spaces between the numbers; for example: 4111111111111111.

Leave this field blank if you do not wish to perform a modulus check against the stored value card number. The service bureau performs validation against the stored value card number during the activation process. If the stored value card number is not valid, the activation request is declined.

Stored Value Card Activation Pricing Method (I25)

Indicates the price to use as the stored value card issue amount.

Code field: Enter the price to use as the stored value card amount.

The system applies the amount to the stored value card when the stored value card item is processed through billing; see Billing a Stored Value Card.

OFFER = the offer price is the amount applied to the stored value card.

Enter OFFER if you want the ability to discount the amount charged to purchase the stored value card, while still applying the full amount to the card. For example, you can purchase a $25.00 stored value card for $22.00 and still apply $25.00 to the card.

If you enter OFFER, make sure you define an offer price for each stored value card item. If the stored value card item you purchase does not have an offer price defined, the system uses the order line price as the amount to apply to the stored value card. If both the offer price and order line price are $0.00, the stored value card issue amount is $0.00.

ORDER = the order price is the amount applied to the stored value card.

Enter ORDER if you do not wish to discount the amount charged to purchase the stored value card. The amount applied to the stored value card is always the order line price. For example, if the order line price is $25.00, the amount applied to the stored value card is $25.00.

However, if the order line price is $0.00, the system uses the offer price as the amount to apply to the stored value card. If both the order line price and offer price are $0.00, the stored value card issue amount is $0.00.

Leave this field blank if you wish the system to use the ORDER price as the amount to apply to the stored value card.

For more information: See Stored Value Card Purchase and Activation.

Stored Value Card Activation Authorization Service (I26)

Defines the service bureau used to process stored value card activation requests.

Code field: Enter the code for the service bureau used to process stored value card activation requests.

Enter RLT in this field if you use the Customer Engagement Stored Value Card Integration.

Leave this field blank if you do not offer stored value cards for purchase.

For more information: See Activating a Stored Value Card.

Stored Value Card Email Notification Program (I30)

Defines the program used to generate Stored Value Card Notification emails.

System name field: Enter the name of the program the system uses the generate Stored Value Card Notification emails. The base program name is SVCNOFT. Program SVCNOTFID includes the ID number assigned to the stored value card in the email.

The system generates a Stored Value Card Notification email when an order containing a stored value card item is billed and:

• the stored value card is a virtual card (SVC type V). The email is sent to the recipient card holder on the order, indicating the number the customer can use to purchase merchandise using the stored value card as payment.

• the stored value card is a physical card with email notification (SVC type E). The email is sent to the recipient card holder on the order, indicating the physical card is in the process of being shipped to the customer.

Leave this field blank if you do not wish to generate Stored Value Card Notification emails. If you wish to offer stored value card items for purchase, you must create the card as a physical card (SVC type P or E). An email is required for virtual stored value cards.

For more information: See Stored Value Card Notification Email for more information on defining a template for the email, and see Stored Value Card Notification Sample and Contents for a sample and details. You can also set up an email template at the entity level as an override; see Email Setup within Order Management System for more information.

Remove Stored Value Card Number After Activation (J22)

Indicates whether the system changes the stored value card number to read REMOVED BY SYSTEM in the Order Management System database once the stored value card number has been activated and the notification email generated.

Select this field to have the system change the stored value card number to REMOVED BY SYSTEM in the Stored Value Card table once the stored value card number has been activated and the Stored Value Card Notification Email generated.

If this system control value is selected, the system does not decrypt or format the card number in the email, since the customer needs to read the stored value card number for future purchases. When you advance to the Display Stored Value Cards Screen in Order Inquiry, the screen displays the words REMOVED BY SYSTEM as the card number.

Use a periodic function to replace the stored value card number: You can run the SECRISK periodic function to replace the first 12 digits of the Stored Value Card number with asterisks (*) if the cards are older than the number of days specified in the Credit Card Retention Days (K65) system control value.

Leave this field unselected to have the system retain the stored value card number in the Stored Value Card table once the card number has been activated and the email generated. You can view the stored value card number on the Display Stored Value Cards Screen in Order Inquiry.


• If you are using credit card encryption and data security and you do not remove the stored value card number after activation, the stored value card number is encrypted in the Order Management System database. If you use an external encryption service, the system replaces the credit card number in the database with a credit card alias number provided by the external encryption service.

• When you change this field, you need to stop and restart the SVC_OUT process in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) to have your change take effect.

Default SVC Refund Item Number (I73)

Defines the stored value card item the system adds to an order when you process a stored value card refund.

This item represents the new stored value card that is sent to the customer for the amount of the processed refund. The system adds this item to the order at no charge and defaults the price override reason code defined in the Price Override Reason for SVC Refund Item (I74) system control value to the order line.

You can prompt on this field to display a list of available items; however, the SVC type field for the item you select must be set to P (physical stored value card) or E (physical stored value card with early notification). Additionally, the item must be a non-SKU item.

Note: The system does not generate a stored value card refund unless the stored value card refund item has available inventory. If the item does not have available inventory, the stored value card refund remains unprocessed.

The system automatically generates a pick slip for the stored value card item if you define a pick slip generation template in the Default Pick Generation Template for SVC Refund Processing (I75) system control value.

Leave this field blank if you do generate stored value card refunds. The system displays an error message at the Process Refunds Screen if you select to generate stored value card credits and this system control value is blank: Sys Con Values I73 & I74 must be populated first.

Price Override Reason for SVC Refund Item (I74)

Defines the price override reason code the system defaults to the stored value card no charge order line that is added to an order when you process a stored value card refund.

You can prompt on this field to display a list of available price override reason codes.

The Default SVC Refund Item Number (I73) system control value defines the stored value card item the system adds to an order when you process a stored value card refund. This item represents the new stored value card that is sent to the customer for the amount of the processed refund. The system adds this item to the order at no charge and defaults the Price Override Reason for SVC Refund Item to the order line.

Leave this field blank if you do not generate stored value card refunds. The system displays an error message at the Process Refunds Screen if you select to generate stored value card credits and this system control value is blank: Sys Con Values I74 & I74 must be populated first.

Default Pick Generation Template for SVC Refund Processing (I75)

Defines the pick slip generation template the system uses to automatically generate a pick slip for the stored value card item that is added to an order when you process a stored value card refund.

If you access this system control value using the Stored Value Card Processing Values (I71) umbrella system control value, you can prompt on this field in order to display a list of the available pick slip generation templates for streamlined pick slip generation (WSPS).

To create a pick slip generation template that prints a pick slip for the stored value card refund item, select the Selected items field on the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen and enter the item number from the Default SVC Refund Item Number (I73) system control value on the Select Items for Pick Slip Screen.

Leave this field blank if you do not wish to automatically process a pick slip for a stored value card item that is added to an order when you process a stored value card refund. You need to advance to Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) to generate a pick slip for the stored value card item so that the card can be picked, activated, billed, and shipped to the customer.

Perform Balance Inquiry during Batch Authorizations (J19)

Indicates whether the system performs a balance inquiry before performing a batch authorization against an active stored value card pay type during pick slip generation and drop ship processing.

Select this field if you wish to perform a balance inquiry against a stored value card pay type before performing a batch authorization against the card.

The system sends a balance inquiry request in batch format to the service bureau to determine the balance on the card.

• If the balance on the card is equal to or greater than the amount to authorize for the pay type on the order, the system continues with pick slip generation and sends a batch authorization request to the service bureau to authorize the card for the specified amount.

• If the balance on the card is less than the amount to authorize for the pay type on the order, and:

- the stored value card is the catch-all pay type on the order, the system places the order on hold, using the Hold Reason for Stored Value Cards with Insufficient Funds (J18) and does not generate a pick slip for the order. Note: If a hold reason code is not defined, a pick slip is not generated; however, the order remains in an open status.

- there is a different catch-all pay type on the order, such as a credit card, the system authorizes the stored value card for the remaining balance and authorizes the catch-all pay type for the remaining amount to authorize.

SVC Balance Inquiry process: The setting of this system control value determines whether the SVC Balance Inquiry integration layer job is an interactive job.

• If you select this system control value, the SVC Balance Inquiry integration layer job in not an interactive job. You can change, start, and stop this process.

• If you leave this system control value unselected, the SVC Balance Inquiry integration layer job is an interactive job. You cannot change, start and stop this process.

Leave this field unselected if you do not wish to perform a balance inquiry against a stored value card type before performing a batch authorization against the card during pick slip generation and drop ship processing.

Oracle Retail Customer Engagement stored value card integration: If you are using the Customer Engagement Stored Value Card Integration, select this system control value. Oracle Retail Customer Engagement will approve an authorization for an amount that is less than the required authorization amount for an order. If you do not select this system control value, you must require another credit card payment on an order.

For more information: See Batch Authorization Balance Inquiry.

Hold Reason for Stored Value Cards with Insufficient Funds (J18)

Enter the hold reason code the system uses to place an order on hold when you Perform Balance Inquiry during Batch Authorizations (J19) and the balance remaining on a catch-all stored value card pay type is less than the amount to authorize.

A list of valid hold reason codes displays to the right of this field.

Note: The system only places the order on hold if a balance inquiry response is received from the service bureau. If the system does not receive a response from the service bureau, for example, due to communication errors, the system continues with batch authorization.

Leave this field blank if you do not want the system uses to place an order on hold when you Perform Balance Inquiry during Batch Authorizations (J19) and the balance remaining on a catch-all stored value card pay type is less than the amount to authorize. Even though the order is not placed on hold, the system still does not generate a pick slip for the order since the catch-all stored value card pay type cannot cover the remaining amount to authorize.

For more information: See Batch Authorization Balance Inquiry.

Perform Authorization Reversal during Deposit Processing (J20)

Indicates whether the system performs a stored value card authorization reversal during deposit processing if the authorization amount is greater than the deposit amount.

Select this field if you wish to perform a stored value card authorization reversal during deposits processing if the original authorization amount is greater than the deposit amount.

The system places the difference between the authorization amount and the deposit amount in the reversalAmount and reversalAmountText tags in the Deposit Request XML Message (CWDepositRequest).

Example: If the original authorization amount is $50.00 and the deposit amount is $30.00, the amount in the reversalAmount field is $20.00.

Unselect this field if you do not wish to perform a stored value card authorization reversal during deposits processing if the authorization amount is greater than the deposit amount.

The reversalAmount and reversalAmountText tags in the Deposit Request XML Message (CWDepositRequest) remain blank.

Note: This option is not available for the CWValueCard or Customer Engagement Stored Value Card Integration.

For more information: See Authorization Reversal Process During Deposits for more information.

Retain Unused Stored Value Card Authorization After Deposit (J21)

Indicates whether the system automatically voids a partially deposited stored value card authorization.

Select this field if you want the system to retain a stored value card authorization after it has been partially deposited. For example, if the authorization amount is 50.00 and the deposit amount is 40.00, the system retains the remaining 10.00 on the authorization.

Leave this field unselected if you want the system to void the remaining balance against the authorization. For example, if the authorization amount is 50.00 and the deposit amount is 40.00, the system voids the remaining 10.00 on the authorization. If there are multiple authorizations for the order, the system does not void the other authorizations.

Select this system control value if you are using the Customer Engagement Stored Value Card Integration or CWValueCard integration.

Credit card pay types: The Void auth at deposit setting for a service bureau in Defining Authorization Services (WASV) defines whether any unused portion of an authorization for a credit card pay type should be voided at deposit time. See Void Unused Authorization After Initial Deposit for processing details.

IN03_08 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN