Defining Authorization Services (WASV)

Purpose: Use the Work with Authorization Services menu option to:

• define the service bureaus that you use, such as:

- Authorization services, to authorize charges against a credit card or stored value card.

- Authorization/Deposit services, to authorize card charges and receive deposit amounts.

- Deposit services, to provide settlement for card payments.

• identify the type of service the service bureau performs

• define the parameters that identify your company to the service bureau

• define the information necessary to connect, transmit, and receive data to and from the service, such as:

- the method of communication: Integration Layer (via an integration layer process) or Payment Link (point-to-point)

- if you are using Integration Layer communication, the integration process control job used to transmit data between Order Management System and the service bureau

- country codes

- valid pay types

- response codes (vendor responses, AVS responses, and CID responses)

- currency codes

- merchant IDs for individual entities within your company

- whether the order originated as an internet order

Some of the information required to establish a service bureau on your system is provided by the service bureau. For example, each service bureau will assign you a unique password.

You can use the same service bureau to process your authorizations and deposits, or you can use one service for authorizations and another for deposits.

Important: Enter information in this table for each service bureau that you use; this menu option is not only for authorization services.

In this chapter:

Deferred/Installment Pay Plans

Identifying Internet Orders

Communication via an Integration Layer Process

Work with Authorization Services Screen

First Create Authorization Services Screen

Second Create Authorization Service Screen

Deferred/Installment Pay Plans

Deferred or installment pay plans allow you to process deposits against orders at various intervals after you bill the order shipment. For example, you could offer “no payment for 60 days” or “four easy payments” to your customers.

In order to set up deferred or installment pay plans, you must have the Deferred and Installment Billing (F51) system control value must be selected. See Deferred/Installment Billing Overview for more information on deferred and installment pay plans and how to set them up in Order Management System.

Identifying Internet Orders

An internet order is determined in one of two ways:

• If using the E-Commerce Interface the system loads an I in the Internet field on the order header when the order is created in Order Management System.

• An order is considered an internet order if the order type on the order matches the E-Commerce Order Type (G42) system control value.

Identifying the transaction type for the service bureau: The orderType tag in the Authorization Request XML Message (CWAuthorizationRequest) and Deposit Request XML Message (CWDepositRequest) indicates the type of order where the transaction originated.

Mail = Mail order.

Phone = Telephone order.

Internet = Web order.

To determine where the order originated, the system:

• looks at the value in the Internet order field in the Order Header table. If this field is set to I, the order is a web order.

• determines if the order type for the order matches the E-Commerce Order Type (G42) system control value. If the order type matches, the order is a web order.

• looks at the Forecasting order category field in the Order Type table. If this value is 1, the order is a mail order. If this value is 2, the order is a phone order.

Communication via an Integration Layer Process

You transmit authorizations and deposits to the service bureau for authorization and settlement using an integration layer process.

Order Management System sends the authorization request or deposit request to the service burea in a generic XML message. The service bureau then sends a response to Order Management System.

See Processing Authorizations and Deposits using an Integration Layer Process for more information on the authorization and deposit integration using an integration layer process.

Communication via Point-to-Point

You transmit authorizations and deposits to the service bureau for authorization and settlement using a direct connection. In this situation, Order Management System transmits transactions in the format of the other system.

See Processing Authorizations and Deposits Using Point-to-Point Communication for an overview.

For more information:

• overview of how credit card authorization works: Using the Credit Card Authorization Interface

• overview and required setup for online credit card authorization: Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations

• deferred or installment billing: Deferred/Installment Billing Overview

• overview of the Submit Auto Deposits function: Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP)

Work with Authorization Services Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WASV in the Fast path field at the top of any menu screen or select Work with Authorization Services from a menu.




The code to identify the service bureau.

Enter a full or partial code and select OK to display service codes in alphanumeric order, starting with your entry.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The type of activity performed by the service bureau.

Valid values are:

Auth/Deposit = The service bureau authorizes card charges and deposits dollar amounts billed to cards

Authorization = The service bureau only authorizes card charges.

Deposit = The service bureau only deposits dollar amounts billed to cards.



The name of the service bureau.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The account number assigned by the service bureau to identify transmissions to/from your company. This is the default ID number; you can also specify separate ID numbers for each entity in your company, and/or to use for orders using deferred or installment billing.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Change an authorization service record

Select Change for a service to advance to the Change Authorization Services Screen. At this screen you can change any information except the Service code. See the First Create Authorization Services Screen for field descriptions.

Delete an authorization service record

Select Delete for a service to delete it.

Display an authorization service record

Select Display for a service to advance to the Display Authorization Services Screen. You cannot change any information at this screen See the First Create Authorization Services Screen for field descriptions.

Work with country codes

Select Country for a service to add, change or delete the country codes recognized by the service bureau; see Defining Authorization Service Countries.

Work with vendor paytype codes

Select Paytypes for a service to add, change, delete or display the pay type codes recognized by the authorization service. See Defining Vendor Paytype Codes.

Work with vendor responses

Select Responses for a service to add, change, display or delete the response codes you receive from the service and the actions to take for each. See Defining Vendor Response Codes.

Work with merchant ID overrides based on entity

Select Merchant ID Override for a service to add, change, or delete merchant ID overrides by entity. See Defining Merchant ID Overrides.

Work with currency codes

Select Currency for a service to add, change, or delete cross-references between the currency codes used in your company and by the authorization service. See Defining Authorization Service Currencies.

Create an authorization service

Select Create to advance to the First Create Authorization Services Screen.

First Create Authorization Services Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define a service bureau on your system. The Authorization Service record contains information that identifies your company to the service bureau and the parameters that you must include in the transmission to the service bureau.

Each service bureau requires its own information. Not all fields are applicable for each service.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Authorization Services Screen.




The code to identify the service bureau.

Foreign credit cards: In order to process foreign credit cards separately at billing, you must define a deposit service with a code of PRE, and then define PRE as the deposit service in the Pay Type table. See Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP) for more information on setting up a different process for foreign credit cards.

Point-to-Point communication: If you are using point-to-point communication, the Service code must be a specific value for the integration:

Oracle Retail Customer Engagement integration: To use the Customer Engagement Stored Value Card Integration, enter RLT.

Cybersource integration: To use the Cybersource Point-to-Point Integration, enter CYB.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The type of activity performed by the service bureau.

Valid values are:

Auth/Deposit = The service bureau authorizes card charges and deposits dollar amounts billed to the cards.

Authorization = The service bureau only authorizes card charges.

Deposit = The service bureau only deposits dollar amounts billed to cards.


Merchant ID

The account number assigned by the service bureau to identify transmissions to/from your company. This ID is a default. You can also identify merchant IDs to use for depositing deferred or installment pay plans (as opposed to regular deposits) below. Similarly, you can set up overrides for different entities in your company, including deferred or installment overrides. See Defining Merchant ID Overrides.

Note: You can enter upper and lower case letters in this field.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Charge description

A description that identifies your company's product line or the type of service performed.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Deferred merchant ID

The account number assigned by the service to identify transmission of deferred pay plan transactions for deposit. See Deferred/Installment Billing Overview for more information on deferred and installment billing, and see Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP) for more information on processing deposits.

You can also set up overrides for different entities in your company, including deferred or installment overrides. See Defining Merchant ID Overrides.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Installment merchant ID

The account number assigned by the service to identify transmission of installment pay plan transactions for deposit. See Deferred/Installment Billing Overview, and see Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP).

You can also set up overrides for different entities in your company, including deferred or installment overrides. See Defining Merchant ID Overrides.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

The service bureau assigns values to the following fields:


A code required to sign on to the service bureau. Case-sensitive.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Receiving code

A code that identifies your company to the service bureau.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


A password required by the service bureau. Case-sensitive.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Start up information

Startup text that identifies your company to the service bureau.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Presenter's ID Auth / Deposit

A code required to sign on to the service bureau. Separate fields allow you to define a presenter’s ID for both batch authorization and deposit transactions; if you use the same port number for both batch authorization and deposit transactions, define the presenter’s ID in the first field.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

PID password Auth / Deposit

A password required to sign on to the service bureau. Separate fields allow you to define a PID password for both batch authorization and deposit transactions; if you use the same port number for both batch authorization and deposit transactions, define the PID password in the first field.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Submitter's ID Auth / Deposit

A code required to sign on to the service bureau. Separate fields allow you to define a submitter’s ID for both batch authorization and deposit transactions; if you use the same port number for both batch authorization and deposit transactions, define the submitter’s ID in the first field.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

SID password Auth / Deposit

A password required to sign on to the service bureau. Separate fields allow you to define a SID password for both batch authorization and deposit transactions; if you use the same port number for both batch authorization and deposit transactions, define the SID password in the first field.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Sub code

A code required to sign on to the service bureau.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Exclude from FPO (Exclude from flexible payment option)

Indicates whether to exclude orders associated with this service bureau from a deferred or installment pay plan. If an order includes any pay type whose authorization service has this field selected, the order is not eligible for a pay plan.

Valid values are:

Selected = exclude from pay plan

Unselected = do not exclude from pay plan

See Deferred/Installment Billing Overview for information on how the system determines whether an order is eligible for a pay plan in order entry.

Request token

Defines whether the service bureau uses credit card tokenization to replace the credit card number on a credit card payment with a token.

Valid values are:

Selected = The service bureau supports tokenization. You can select this field only if the Use Credit Card Tokenization (L18) system control value is selected.

Unselected = The service bureau does not support tokenization.

See Credit Card Tokenization in the Data Security and Encryption Guide for an overview and processing details.

Supported integrations: Credit card tokenization is available for the Cybersource integration with Order Management System. See Cybersource Point-to-Point Integration for processing details.

Void auth at deposit

Defines whether any unused portion of an authorization for a credit card pay type should be voided at deposit time.

Valid values are:

Selected = The system voids any unused portion of an authorization for a credit card pay type at deposit time.

Unselected = The system retains any unused portion of an authorization for a credit card pay type at deposit time.

See Void Unused Authorization After Initial Deposit for processing details.

Stored value card pay types: The setting of the Retain Unused Stored Value Card Authorization After Deposit (J21) system control value defines whether the system automatically voids a partially deposited stored value card authorization. See Stored Value Card Deposits for processing details.

Send reversal

Defines whether the service bureau supports authorization reversals for credit card payments.

Valid values are:

Selected = The service bureau supports authorization reversal processing for credit card pay types; see Credit Card Authorization Reversal.

Unselected = The service bureau does not support authorization reversal processing for credit card pay types.

Regardless of the setting of this field, you can still perform stored value card authorization reversals; see Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal.

Supported integrations: Credit card authorization reversal is available for the Cybersource integration with Order Management System. See Cybersource Point-to-Point Integration for processing details.

Integration layer processes

Enter values in the following fields to transmit messages to the service bureau via an integration layer process (the Communication type field for the service bureau is Integration Layer).

Online authorization

Enter the name of the integration layer process used to transmit the online version of the Authorization Request XML Message (CWAuthorizationRequest) to the service bureau.

You can only enter a value here if you are using online credit card authorization; if the On-line Authorizations (B89) system control value is unselected, an error message indicates: Online Authorization Ineligible Check SCV B89.

Integration Layer process codes are defined in and validated against the Integration Process Control table. If you enter a value that is not valid, an error message indicates: Integration layer process not found.

See Processing Authorizations and Deposits using an Integration Layer Process for an overview and required setup.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Batch authorization

Enter the name of the integration layer process used to transmit batch version of the Authorization Request XML Message (CWAuthorizationRequest) to the service bureau.

Integration Layer process codes are defined in and validated against the Integration Process Control table. If you enter a value that is not valid, an error message indicates: Integration layer process not found.

See Processing Authorizations and Deposits using an Integration Layer Process for an overview and required setup.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


Enter the name of the integration layer process used to transmit the Deposit Request XML Message (CWDepositRequest) to the service bureau.

Integration Layer process codes are defined in and validated against the Integration Process Control table. If you enter a value that is not valid, an error message indicates: Integration layer process not found.

See Processing Authorizations and Deposits using an Integration Layer Process for an overview and required setup.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

SVC activation

Enter the name of the integration layer process used to transmit the Authorization Request XML Message (CWAuthorizationRequest) for a stored value card activation to the service bureau.

Integration Layer process codes are defined in and validated against the Integration Process Control table. If you enter a value that is not valid, an error message indicates: Integration layer process not found.

See Stored Value Card Overview and Setup.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

SVC balance inquiry

Enter the name of the integration layer process used to transmit the Authorization Request XML Message (CWAuthorizationRequest) for a stored value card balance inquiry to the service bureau.

Integration Layer process codes are defined in and validated against the Integration Process Control table. If you enter a value that is not valid, an error message indicates: Integration layer process not found.

See Stored Value Card Overview and Setup.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Second Create Authorization Service Screen

How to display this screen: Select OK at the First Create Authorization Services Screen.



Media type

The method by which the data is transmitted to the service bureau.

Valid value is Communication.



A code that indicates whether transactions are transmitted to/received from the service bureau immediately (online) as each order is entered, or whether groups of transactions are transmitted to/received from the service bureau at predefined times during the day (in batch).

Valid values are:

Batch = Transactions are grouped and transmitted to/received from the service bureau at predefined times throughout the day.

On-line = Transactions are transmitted to/received from the service bureau immediately for each order.

On-line or Batch: Transactions are transmitted to/received from the service bureau immediately if the order is eligible for online authorization. Any order that does not receive an authorization immediately is grouped and transmitted to/received from the service bureau at predefined times.


Active production system

Indicates whether you are processing in a live environment (production) or in a testing environment.

Valid values are:

Selected = Transactions are being processed in a live environment.

Unselected = Transactions are being processed in a testing environment.

Installment billing?

Indicates if the service bureau supports installment billing of credit cards. Installment billing plans are typically established for high cost items.

Note: This field is informational only and is not used to set up an installment pay plan in Order Management System.

Valid values are:

Selected = The service bureau supports installment billing.

Unselected = The service bureau does not support installment billing.

Immediate response

Indicates whether a response from the service bureau is received immediately for each authorization transaction.

Valid values are:

Selected = Responses from the service bureau are received immediately for each transaction.

Unselected = Responses from the service bureau are not received immediately (delayed turnaround).

Immediate deposit

Indicates whether the service bureau sends a detailed response to Order Management System.

Valid values are:

Selected = The service bureau does not send a detailed response to Order Management System; Order Management System marks the transaction as received and subsequently confirmed.

Unselected = The service bureau sends a detailed response to Order Management System; Order Management System waits for the response based on the Wait time defined for the associated integration layer job.

Keep history information?

Indicates whether transactions sent to the service bureau will be kept online. Typically, this feature is used in test environments.

Valid values are:

Selected = Keep the transaction records on-line.

Unselected = Do not keep the transaction records on-line.

Selected for deposit

Indicates whether the service bureau is included in the next deposit run. By default, all service bureaus are selected for deposit; however, you can remove a service bureau from the next deposit run at the Select Auth Service for Deposit Screen in Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP). Once you submit the deposit run, the system reselects all service bureaus for the next deposit run.

Valid values are:

Selected (default) = The system includes the service bureau in the next deposit run.

Unselected = The system does not include the service bureau in the next deposit run. This field displays as unselected only if you are reviewing this screen at the same time a deposit run is submitted that does not include this service bureau.


Address verification

Indicates whether you will be using the Address Verification Service provided by the service bureau to verify the customer's address and credit card number.

Valid values are:

Selected = Perform address verification

Unselected = Do not perform address verification

See Address Verification Service (AVS).

Decline days

The number of days to hold a declined credit card charge on the system before sending it for an authorization again.

This field is not implemented. See Defining Vendor Response Codes for setup information.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Industry format code

A code that is assigned by the service bureau to identify your company type. Use this field to enter your DBA number.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.

Primary authorization service

The primary service bureau that the service bureau uses for its transmission setup. Orders sent to this service bureau are redirected to the primary service bureau defined in this field. If this field is left blank, the data created for this service bureau will be used.

Point-to-Point integration processing: Enter.IL in this field if you are transmitting transactions to the service bureau via point-to-point communication. See Processing Authorizations and Deposits Using Point-to-Point Communication.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Deposit phone #

The telephone number associated with the deposit service bureau. Informational only.

Numeric, 11 positions; optional.

Authorization phone #

The telephone number associated with the authorization service bureau. Informational only.

Numeric, 11 positions; optional.

Communication type

Indicates the method of communication used to transmit transactions between Order Management System and the service bureau.

Valid values are:

Integration Layer = Integration layer process integration. The system sends transactions to the service bureau via the queues defined for the integration layer jobs. See Processing Authorizations and Deposits using an Integration Layer Process.

Payment Link = Point-to-point integration. The system sends transactions to the service bureau using a point-to-point integration. You must define communication settings in Working with Customer Properties (PROP). The system does not use the integration layer jobs to communicate with the service bureau; however, the system uses the Activation and Authorization Reversal integration layer jobs to process stored value card triggers. See Processing Authorizations and Deposits Using Point-to-Point Communication.


Response check frequency

Indicates the number of seconds to wait between checking for a response from the authorization service. The system will continue to check at this interval for a total of 20 minutes.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Test mode?

Indicates whether you are transmitting in test mode.

Valid values are:

Selected = Test mode. The system inserts the word TEST in the transmission.

Unselected (default) = Live mode.

This field is not implemented.

Response time

Indicates the number of seconds to wait for an authorization response if you are performing online credit card authorization.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Merchant division

Assigned by the authorization service.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Authorization service provider

This field is not implemented.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

The following fields are

API User name

The user name, provided by the service bureau, used to establish a direct connection to the service bureau.

PayPal: Used to establish a connection to the PayPal system when using the PayPal Direct Connection Integration. You can also define API credential information at the entity level using the Create Merchant ID by Entity Screen.

Alphanumeric, 64 positions; optional.

API Password

The password, provided by the service bureau, used to establish a direct connection to the service bureau.

PayPal: Used to establish a connection to the PayPal system when using the PayPal Direct Connection Integration. You can also define API credential information at the entity level using the Create Merchant ID by Entity Screen.

Alphanumeric, 64 positions; optional.

API Signature

The encrypted signature, provided by the service bureau, used to establish a direct connection to the service bureau.

PayPal: Used to establish a connection to the PayPal system when using the PayPal Direct Connection Integration. You can also define API credential information at the entity level using the Create Merchant ID by Entity Screen.

Alphanumeric, 128 positions; optional.


1. At the First Create Authorization Services Screen, enter the Code, Application, Merchant ID, Charge description and any other information required by the service bureau.

2. Select OK to advance to the Second Create Authorization Service Screen.

3. Continue entering all necessary information to set up the service bureau on your system.

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