Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether item coordinates that are currently backordered display in order entry.

Overview of item coordinates: You can set up item coordinates for an item in order to cross-sell related items in order entry. For example, you could set up item coordinates of pants and a skirt to cross-sell with a blazer.

Yes/no field: Select this field or leave it blank to have backordered item coordinates display in order entry. All coordinate items related to the ordered item will display, regardless of availability.

Order entry: When you enter an order for an item that is associated with any item coordinates:

• If the Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (I53) system control value is selected, the system automatically displays the Display Coordinate Items Window when you add an item associated with coordinate items to an order.

• If the Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (I53) system control value is unselected or unselected, a coordinate message displays when you add an item associated with coordinate items to an order: Coordinate items exist for base item entered. You select Coordinates for the primary item to advance to the Display Coordinate Items Window.

The system will cross-sell coordinates even if the primary item is soldout, on backorder, is a drop ship item, non-inventory item, or set master item. Additionally, the system will cross-sell coordinates that are a drop ship item, non-inventory item, or set master item.

When the system does not cross-sell coordinates: The system does not cross-sell coordinates for the primary item (by displaying the coordinate message or automatically advancing to the Display Coordinate Items window) if:

• All coordinate items are backordered or soldout and the Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value is unselected. Note: The system will cross-sell coordinates that are a drop ship item, non-inventory item, or set master item, regardless of the setting of the Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value.

• None of the coordinate items are included in the same offer as the primary item.

• The primary item is added to the order:

- as a result of a promotion; however, the system will cross-sell coordinates if the primary item is the item that prompts the promotion.

- as a coordinate item of another primary item.

- as an accompanying item; however, the system will cross-sell coordinates if the primary item is the item that prompts the accompanying item.

- as a component of a set item.

• You add the primary item to the order in order maintenance.

You can still select Coordinates for the primary item to advance to the Display Coordinate Items Window; however, if all of the coordinates are on backorder or soldout or are not included in the same offer as the primary item, there are no coordinates available to select.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want backordered item coordinates to display in order entry. If the item has SKUs and all SKUs are backordered, the base item will still display on the initial pop-up window where item coordinates display; however, when the next window you advance to in order to select SKUs will be blank.

Additionally, if all item coordinates associated with the primary item are on backorder and the Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value is unselected, the system does not display the coordinate message and does not automatically advance you to the Display Coordinate Items Window.

Note: If you change the setting of this system control value, you must exit out of Order Management System and then come back in before the change takes affect.

For more information:

• item coordinates overview and setup: Working with Item Coordinates (WCIO)

• selecting item coordinates in order entry: Display Coordinate Items Window

IN03_02 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN