Update of Current Source Code in Customer File (D08)

Purpose: Use this screen to define when the system updates the customer record with the current source code.

Code field: Enter the code indicating when to update the Current source code field in the Sold To Customer record.

Choices are:

O = Order Entry

H = House List; not currently implemented

N = Do not update

Update during order entry: Enter O to update the Current source code field in the Sold To Customer record when entering an order. The system updates the Current source code field with the code you enter in the Source field on the Order Entry screen.

The source code identifies a segment of your customer base (house list) to whom you mail a catalog.

Do not update: Leave this field unselected if you do not want to update the Current source code field. If so, the Current source code field always has the same value as the Original source code field. The Original source code field is never updated because it enables you to track how you first obtained the customer name.

IN03_08 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN