Default Active Offers (J07)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the system defaults the most recent active offers for the specified item to the selection screen in Update SKU Offers (MUSO) and Update SKU Offer Prices (MUSK).

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want the system to default the most recent active offers for the specified item to the following screens:

Update Item or SKU Offer(s) Screen in the Updating Item/SKU Offers (MUSO) menu option.

Update SKU/Offer Screen in the Updating SKU Offer Prices (MUSK) menu option.

What is an active offer? Active offers are offers whose date range includes today’s date. The most recent active offers are those offers whose date range includes today’s date and whose Start date is closest to today’s date.

• If the offer’s Start date is later than today’s date, the offer is considered a future offer.

• If the offer’s End date is earlier than today’s date, the offer is considered an inactive, or expired, offer.


Example: The following offers are assigned to an item. Today’s date is 2/22/06.


Start Date

End Date





This offer has expired. The system will not default this offer to the selection screen in Update SKU Offers (MUSO) and Update SKU Offer Prices (MUSK).




This offer is active. The system will default this offer to the selection screen in Update SKU Offers (MUSO) and Update SKU Offer Prices (MUSK). This offer is the third most recent active offer, based on the offer’s Start date.




This offer is active. The system will default this offer to the selection screen in Update SKU Offers (MUSO) and Update SKU Offer Prices (MUSK). This offer is the second most recent active offer, based on the offer’s Start date.




This offer is active. The system will default this offer to the selection screen in Update SKU Offers (MUSO) and Update SKU Offer Prices (MUSK). This offer is the most recent active offer because the Start date is closest to today’s date.




This offer is a future offer. The system will not default this offer to the selection screen in Update SKU Offers (MUSO) and Update SKU Offer Prices (MUSK).

Updating Item/SKU Offers (MUSO) processing: If the Default Active Offers (J07) system control value is selected and you do not manually enter an offer in the Offer fields, the system defaults the 20 most recent active offers to the Offer fields for the entered item. The offers default to the Offer fields in descending Start date sequence.

• If you enter an item without a SKU code, the system defaults the 20 most recent active offers defined for the item.

• If you enter an item and SKU code, the system defaults the 20 most recent active offers defined for the SKU. The system will not default any item offers, even if no SKU offers exist.


• If the item is not assigned to 20 active offers, the system defaults the available active offers assigned to the item. For example, if the item is assigned to 25 offers, but only 8 offers are active, the system defaults the 8 active offers.

• If the item is assigned to more than 20 active offers, the system evaluates the offer’s Start date to determine the 20 most recent active offers to default.

• If active offers do not exist for the item, the Offer fields remain blank and you must manually enter offers in the Offer fields.

• If you update the Item and/or SKU field, the system will not update the defaulted offers.

• You can manually change a defaulted offer to another offer, even if the offer is a future offer or expired offer.

See Updating Item/SKU Offers (MUSO) for more information on updating item/SKU offers.

Updating SKU Offer Prices (MUSK) processing: If the Default Active Offers (J07) system control value is selected and you do not manually enter an offer in the Offer fields, the system defaults the 10 most recent active offers to the Offer field for the entered SKU’d item. The offers default to the Offer fields in descending Start date sequence.

Note: The system does not default any offers until you enter a SKU’d item, effective date, quantity, and price, and select OK.

You must enter a SKUed item on the Update SKU/Offer Screen; however, you cannot enter a SKU code. Because of this, the system always defaults the 10 most recent item offers to the Offer fields.

• If the item is not assigned to 10 active item offers, the system defaults the available active offers assigned to the item. For example, if the item is assigned to 25 item offers, but only 8 item offers are active, the system defaults the 8 active item offers.

• If the item is assigned to more than 20 active item offers, the system evaluates the offer’s Start date to determine the 20 most recent active item offers to default.

• If active offers do not exist for the item, the Offer fields remain blank and you must manually enter offers in the Offer fields.

• If you update the Item and/or SKU field, the system will not update the defaulted offers.

• You can manually change a defaulted offer to another offer, even if the offer is a future offer or expired offer.

See Updating SKU Offer Prices (MUSK) for more information on updating SKU offer prices.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want the system to default the most recent active offers for the specified item to the selection screen in Update SKU Offers (MUSO) and Update SKU Offer Prices (MUSK).

IN03_03 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN