Default Cash Pay Type (C07)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the payment type that will default when applying a customer's refund/balance due write-off to an order.

Number field: Enter the number that represents the payment type that will be added to the order payment methods when you apply a write-off amount as payment to the order.

When you apply the write-off amount as payment on the order by selecting Cvt W/O$-Paymnt on the Enter Payment Method screen, the system uses this value when adding a payment method to the order.

The payment method code you define in this field must exist in the Pay Types table. See Working with Pay Types (WPAY).

This action may be performed from the Enter Payment Methods screen in Order Entry. A value appears in the WO$ field when the customer has a positive refund due amount that has accumulated when the refund due on an order is less than the minimum required to cut a refund check for the customer.

IN03_02 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN