Display Order Line Discount Messages (F01)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether discounted prices are highlighted and a message indicates the discount percentage in order entry, maintenance and inquiry.

Yes/no field: Select this field to have any discounted price appear in reverse video in order entry, order maintenance, and standard and streamlined order inquiry, and have a message compare the discounted price with the offer price for the item. This may be useful if you want the operator to be able to tell when a discount applies to an item, and how much of a reduction in price applies.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want to highlight discounted prices and display a calculation message.

What qualifies as a discount? Any price that is less than the single-unit offer price for the item is considered a discounted price, and will appear highlighted and with the discount message. For example, any of these produces a highlighted price and/or discount calculation message:

• manual price overrides

• quantity break by item

• special pricing by source code

• associate pricing

• price table pricing

If you use tax-inclusive pricing, the system compares the actual price with the tax-inclusive offer price to determine if the item is discounted.

When the message does not display: The system does not display the message or highlight price when you override the price on the order line, and:

• no item/SKU offer price exists, or

• the price override reason code’s Override item offer price is selected.

Select Change for the item in order entry or order maintenance, or Display for the item in order inquiry, to review how the price was calculated for the item and other information related to the order line.

Discount calculation: A message displays for each discounted item:


Line 1: Offer = 10.00 Actual = 9.00 Discount = 1.00 : 10.00%


This message includes the following information:

• the order line number of the discounted item

• the offer price

• the actual price (the discounted price the customer is paying)

• the dollar amount of the discount

• the discount percentage

When appears? The discount calculation message displays when you first add the item to the order. In the case of price table repricing, the calculation message displays when you select Properties.

In standard and streamlined order inquiry, the discounted price is highlighted, but no discount calculation message displays.

To review messages for other items: A plus sign (+) in the message area of the order detail screen indicates that there are discount calculation messages related to additional items on the order; you can review these messages by positioning your cursor on the same line as the plus sign and pressing Page down. To cycle back up through the calculation messages for the items on the order, press Page up. You can review the calculation messages only for the items that are currently displaying on the order detail screen. Press Page down or Page up when your cursor is not on the same line as the plus sign to display earlier or subsequent items on the order and/or their related discount calculation messages.

If you delete a discounted item, the plus sign may remain on the screen until you select Refresh to refresh.

Note: The Scan Order Lines and order detail screens do not display the discount amount, just the discount calculation message.

If you use negative prices: When you process a return or credit by entering a negative price in order entry or order maintenance, the discount calculation message will be based on the difference between the item's original offer price and the negative price. For example, if the original offer price for an item is $10.00, and you enter a return by entering a positive quantity but a price of -$10.00, a message such as the following displays:


Line 1: Offer = 10.00 Actual = -10.00 Discount = 20.00 : 200.00%


The Allow Negative Prices in Order Entry (E97) system control value controls whether you can enter a negative price.

If you use negative quantity: When you process a return or credit by entering a negative quantity in order entry or order maintenance and override the item price, there will still be a discount calculation message based on the difference between the price you enter and the original offer price for the item. For example, if you process a return for an item by entering a negative quantity and want to credit the customer $5.00 for an item whose original offer price is $10.00, a message such as the following displays:

Line 2: Offer = 10.00 Actual = 5.00 Discount = 5.00 : 50.00%

IN03_02 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN