FTC--Number of Days Prior to Next Backorder Date to Generate Second Notice (E67)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days before a second backorder notice is due to generate the notice or write the backorder record.

Number field: Enter the number of days before the next backorder date to generate second backorder notices or write a record to the Backorder Cancellation Pending table (BOCANP).

You can use this system control value to:

• generate the backorder notice early enough in advance to be sure you notify the customer in time before the order is flagged for cancellation; or,

• print the card or create the record in advance, so that you can correct the backorder and ship the order without having to notify the customer. This option is practical only if you do not send email notifications.

The FTC--Second Notice Output (E68) system control value controls whether you generate second backorder notices, create a record in the table, or both.

Leave this field blank if you do not want to generate second notices in advance.

Important: The FTC -- Action after Second Notification (C70) system control value must be set to CANCEL in order for the system to generate second backorder notices or records in advance. If this system control value is not set to CANCEL, the system ignores the setting of the FTC--Number of Days Prior to Next Backorder Date to Generate Second Notice value.

IN03_08 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN