Displaying the Line of Business Order Queue Summary (DLOQ)

Purpose: Use the Display Line of Business Order Queue Summary to review statistics for orders that are associated with a line of business.

You can use the line of business order queue summary to review orders ready for shipment by line of business and then generate pick slips for the orders.

Note: The number of orders displayed in the line of business order queue does not directly match the number of pick tickets the system can produce during pick slip generation.

Across all lines of business, the system provides a total of the number of orders that contain:

• only one reserved and unprinted open order line

• more than one reserved and unprinted open order line

For each line of business, the system also provides a total of the number of orders that contain:

• only one reserved and unprinted open order line

• more than one reserved and unprinted open order line

The system then breaks the total of the single and multiple line orders into buckets:

• gift wrap orders (the system defines a gift wrap order as an order that includes an item with the Gift wrap field selected).

• bulk orders (the system defines a bulk order as an order that includes an item with the Oversized field selected).

• ship via priority 1-9 (the system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order).

For more information: See Working with Lines of Business (WLOB), for more information on how to create a line of business and how the system assigns a line of business to an order.

In this chapter:

Line of Business Order Queue Summary Screen

Updating the Line of Business Order Queue Statistics

Line of Business Order Queue Summary Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the statistics for each line of business.

Note: The information on this screen is only as current as the last time the LOBSTAT batch program was run. See Updating the Line of Business Order Queue Statistics.

How to display this screen: Enter DLOQ in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Display LOB Order Queue Summary from a menu.



Last update

The date and time when the system last refreshed the information on this screen. The system refreshes the information on this screen when you select Update Statistics to submit the LOB_STATS batch job or when you execute the LOBSTAT periodic function. See Updating the Line of Business Order Queue Statistics.

Date: Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only.

Time: Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format); display-only.

Total single line orders

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line across all lines of business. This number represents the total of all single line total order buckets for each line of business.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Total multi line orders

The total number of orders that contain more than one reserved and unprinted open order line across all lines of business. This number represents the total of all multiple line total order buckets for each line of business.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.


The code and description of a line of business.

Line of business codes are defined in and validated against the Line of Business table. See Working with Lines of Business (WLOB).

LOB code: Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

LOB description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Total ord singl (Total number of single line orders)

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line for a specific line of business. This number represents the total of all single line ship via priority buckets for this line of business.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

G/W ord singl (Number of single line gift wrap orders)

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as gift wrap (the Gift wrap field on the order detail line is selected) for a specific line of business.

Note: The system includes each single line gift wrap order in a single line ship via priority bucket, based on the ship via priority for each order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Bulk ord singl (Number of single line bulk orders)

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as bulk (the Oversized field for the item is selected) for a specific line of business.

Note: The system includes each single line bulk order in a single line ship via priority bucket, based on the ship via priority for each order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 1 (Number of single line orders defined as ship via single priority 1)

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 1 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 2 (Number of single line orders defined as ship via single priority 2)

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 2 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 3 (Number of single line orders defined as ship via single priority 3)

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 3 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 4 (Number of single line orders defined as ship via single priority 4)

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 4 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 5 (Number of single line orders defined as ship via single priority 5)

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 5 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 6 (Number of single line orders defined as ship via single priority 6)

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 6 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 7 (Number of single line orders defined as ship via single priority 7)

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 7 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 8 (Number of single line orders defined as ship via single priority 8)

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 8 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 9 (Number of single line orders defined as ship via single priority 9)

The total number of orders that contain one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 9 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Note: Ship via priority 9 represents rush orders.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Total ord multi (Total number of multiple line orders)

The total number of orders that contain more than one reserved and unprinted open order line for a specific line of business. This number represents the total of all multiple line ship via priority buckets for this line of business.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

G/W ord multi (Number of multiple line gift wrap orders)

The total number of orders that contain more than one reserved and unprinted open order line that also includes an order line defined as gift wrap (the Gift wrap field on the order detail line is selected) for a specific line of business.

Note: The system includes each single line gift wrap order in a single line ship via priority bucket, based on the ship via priority for each order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Bulk ord multi (Number of multiple line bulk orders)

The total number of orders that include more than one reserved and unprinted open order line that also include an order line defined as bulk (the Oversized field for the item is selected) for a specific line of business.

Note: The system includes each single line gift wrap order in a single line ship via priority bucket, based on the ship via priority for each order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 1 (Number of multiple line orders defined as ship multi via priority 1)

The total number of orders that contain more than one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 1 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 2 (Number of multiple line orders defined as ship multi via priority 2)

The total number of orders that contain more than one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 2 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 3 (Number of multiple line orders defined as ship multi via priority 3)

The total number of orders that contain more than one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 3 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 4 (Number of multiple line orders defined as ship multi via priority 4)

The total number of orders that contain more than one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 4 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 5 (Number of multiple line orders defined as ship multi via priority 5)

The total number of orders that contain more than one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 5 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 6 (Number of multiple line orders defined as ship multi via priority 6)

The total number of orders that contain more than one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 6 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 7 (Number of multiple line orders defined as ship multi via priority 7)

The total number of orders that contain more than one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 7 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 8 (Number of multiple line orders defined as ship multi via priority 8)

The total number of orders that contain more than one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 8 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ship via priority 9 (Number of multiple line orders defined as ship multi via priority 9)

The total number of orders that contain more than one reserved and unprinted open order line that is also defined as ship via priority 9 for a specific line of business. The system uses the ship via priority defined for the ship via on the order header to determine the ship via priority for the order.

Note: Ship via priority 9 represents rush orders.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Updating the Line of Business Order Queue Statistics

You can update the information on the Line of Business Order Queue Summary Screen and on the Display Line of Business Screen (Displaying Line of Business Order Queue) by selecting Update Statistics.

Note: You can also process this batch program by running the PFR0034 periodic function.

The LOBSTAT batch program uses the following steps to update the information in the line of business order queue:


The system identifies all open orders that reference a line of business and updates the statistics for each line of business alphanumerically.


The system determines which of the open orders that contain a line of business are single line orders (the order includes only one open, reserved, and unprinted line). For each single line order, the system:

• identifies the ship via priority using the ship via defined on the order header and updates the ship via priority buckets with the results.

• adds up the quantity in each single line ship via priority bucket and defaults the total in the single line total orders bucket.

• identifies all single line orders that contain a gift wrap item (the Gift wrap field for the line is selected).

• defaults the total number of single line orders that contain a gift wrap item in the single line gift wrap orders bucket.

• identifies all single line orders that contain a bulk item (the Oversized field for the item is selected).

• defaults the total number of single line orders that contain a bulk item to the single line bulk orders bucket.


The system determines which of the open orders that contain a line of business are multiple line orders (the order includes more than one open, reserved, and unprinted line). For each multiple line order, the system:

• identifies the ship via priority, using the ship via defined on the order header and updates the ship via priority buckets with the results.

• adds up the quantity in each multiple line ship via priority bucket and defaults the total in the multiple line total orders bucket.

• identifies all multiple line orders that contain a gift wrap item (the Gift wrap field for one or more of the lines on the order is selected).

• defaults the total number of multiple line orders that contain a gift wrap item in the multiple line gift wrap orders bucket.

• identifies all multiple line orders that contain a bulk item (the Oversized field for one or more of the items on the order is selected).

• defaults the total number of multiple line orders that contain a bulk item to the multiple line bulk orders bucket.


The system performs the same steps to the next line of business in alphanumeric order.


The system updates the Last update date and Last update time fields with the date and time this batch program was performed.

Note: When you submit the LOBSTAT batch program, the system checks to see if an active procedure for the company you are currently in is present. If an active procedure is present, the system displays the error message:

Cannot Run The Submit Job.

You must wait until the batch job currently running has completed before submitting another batch job.

Screen Option


Select the criteria you wish to use to generate a pick slip

Select Select Picks to advance to the Work with Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen.

Update statistics on this screen

Select Update Statistics to submit the LOBSTAT batch program that updates the information on this screen and on the Display Line of Business Screen (Displaying Line of Business Order Queue).

DLOQ OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN