Merchandise Locator API

Purpose: Use the merchandise locator integration to request current availability information about an item/SKU in retail stores within a geographic search area or in external warehouses.

The merchandise locator search finds locations where the item is available for pickup, as well as indicating whether the item is available for shipment from a location. Your search specifies the requested quantity, and Order Management System uses the ProductAvailability request and response to communicate with Oracle Retail Order Broker.

Does not create orders: The merchandise locator search is an inquiry only, and does not create or update an order. See the Order Broker Integration for information on submitting a brokered backorder (delivery or ship-for-pickup), store pickup, or ship-for-pickup order to Oracle Retail Order Broker.

For more information: See:

Oracle Retail Order Broker Integration Overview for background on integration between Oracle Retail Order Broker and Order Management System

Order Broker Configuration for required setup in Order Management System

• the Oracle Retail Order Broker Operations Guide for details on the LocateItems request and response messages or the ProductAvailability request and response messages, your options in configuring merchandise locator searching, and details on logging and troubleshooting in Oracle Retail Order Broker

In this chapter:

Merchandise Locator Process Overview

- Searching for Pickup Locations and Shipment Availability

- Merchandise Locator for Different Types of Items

- Merchandise Locator Troubleshooting

- Sample ProductAvailability Messages

Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item)

Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen

Display Merchandise Locator Search Result Screen

Merchandise Locator Process Overview

Searching for Pickup Locations and Shipment Availability

Overview: A typical process of inquiring on locations where an item is available for pickup, as well as whether the item is available for shipment from a location, is described below.


A customer wants to know if an item/SKU is available for pickup at a nearby store or available for shipment from a store location. You select the item/SKU for merchandise locator inquiry. This option is available in order entry, order maintenance, and at the Display Item Availability Screen.


You advance to the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item), where you provide or confirm the customer’s geographic location, the requested quantity of the item, and the radius to search within (for example, search all stores within 25 miles of the customer’s home).

Note: The Order Broker supports merchandise locator searches only in the U.S. and Canada.


In the background, the MERCH_LOC process:

• Generates the ProductAvailability request message and sends it to Oracle Retail Order Broker. Oracle Retail Order Broker checks the availability of the item in stores that stock the item/SKU within the search area, as well as whether the item is available for shipment at any store locations within the same search area.

• Receives the ProductAvailability response returned by Oracle Retail Order Broker. This message lists:

- the item/SKU’s current or estimated availability in each searched location that stocks the item for pickup

- an indicator of whether the requested quantity of the item/SKU is available for shipment within the search area


You advance to the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen, displaying the item/SKU’s availability for pickup in each of the locations, including information on any open purchase orders. The screen also indicates whether the requested quantity of the item/SKU is available for delivery from a store within the same search area.


How does Oracle Retail Order Broker select the locations to include?

Locations eligible to fulfill pickup orders:

- Only store locations flagged as Pickup available can be included in the search results displayed at the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen.

- Oracle Retail Order Broker uses any probability rules you have set up to determine whether to include locations in the results, and the available quantity to indicate. For example, you might set up a probability rule for certain locations indicating to exclude them if the available quantity falls below 5 units, or to reduce the available quantity returned in the response message by 10%.

Results displayed: For each location included in the search results as eligible for a pickup order, the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen indicates:

- the available quantity, next purchase order date, and next purchase order quantity

- whether the store location will ship the item for pickup in another store location

- the name, address, and phone number of the location

- the distance from the search address:

* locations are sorted in ascending order by distance (closest location listed first)

* locations that are not flagged to Use Proximity Locator are listed without a distance


- Any locations associated in Oracle Retail Order Broker with your Order Management System system are excluded from the results, regardless of whether there is a corresponding warehouse record in Order Management System.

- If a location that stocks the item and is within the search radius is flagged in Oracle Retail Order Broker as Backorder Available, it is returned in the search results even if it does not have the item available. In this case, the Pickup avail qty listed can be blank, or can be a negative quantity.

- If there are locations that stock the item and are within the search radius, but none have the full requested quantity available (and are not flagged as Backorder Available), the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen displays the locations, but does not indicate the Dist, Pickup avail qty, Open PO qty, or Next PO date. This situation could occur if, for example, the customer requests 5 units, and none of the locations have more than 4 units available. To display the full information for the displayed locations, search again with a lower Search quantity.

Locations eligible to fulfill delivery orders: Only store locations flagged as Shipping available are eligible to fulfill a delivery order. Also, Oracle Retail Order Broker:

- uses any probability rules you have set up to determine whether to include locations in the results, and the available quantity. For example, you might set up a probability rule for certain locations indicating to exclude them if the available quantity falls below 5 units, or to reduce the available quantity indicated in the response message by 10%.

- does not exclude locations flagged as Backorder available, even if the available quantity in the location is less than the requested quantity.

- restricts eligible locations to a fulfillment zone based on the search address, if configured in Oracle Retail Order Broker.

- excludes locations associated with Order Management System’s system in Oracle Retail Order Broker, if the Disallow shopping within same system option is selected for the Order Management System system in Oracle Retail Order Broker.

- excludes locations that have already been assigned the Maximum Daily Orders, if Use Maximum Order Limits preference is selected in Oracle Retail Order Broker.

Results displayed: If the results indicate that one or more locations could deliver the requested quantity, the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen indicates Delivery From Store Is Available; otherwise, the screen indicates Delivery From Store Is Not Available.

Note: The delivery evaluation uses the same search radius as the pickup evaluation. To determine whether the item can be shipped without restricting the results to locations within driving distance of the customer, retry the search with a higher search radius.

For more information: See the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen and the Sample ProductAvailability Messages for more information on the search results.

ProductAvailability request not used when creating a pickup order: Unlike the merchandise locator search described here, when you create a pickup order in order entry by selecting the Store Pickup option, Order Management System uses the LocateItems request message to search for store locations where the customer can pick up the order, regardless of the CW_LOCATE_MESSAGE_VERSION specified in Working with Customer Properties (PROP).

Merchandise Locator for Different Types of Items

Merchandise locator searches are not useful for the following types of items:

- membership item

- subscription item

- component of a set (although you can include the set master item)

Also, an item must have its OROB eligible flag selected in order to be eligible for a merchandise locator search. Typically, you would use this flag to exclude inappropriate items, such as gift cards or any other items that are not available in external store locations.

Note: The restriction against set components applies only if the item is added to the order as a component of a set. If you enter the item as a separate order line, merchandise locator searching is still available.

Merchandise Locator Troubleshooting


Possible Explanation or Solution

A location that stocks the requested item is not listed at the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen

The location might:

• not have the Pickup available flag selected in Oracle Retail Order Broker

• be excluded because of probability rules

• be outside of the search radius

The merchandise locator request message is producing invalid XML

Check that text fields included in the message, such as the item or SKU description, do not include any special characters. For example, the carat (^) and the pipe symbol (¦) are not valid characters in an XML message.

The Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen displays the error: Availability information is not accessible at this time

Could occur because:

• communications between Order Management System and Oracle Retail Order Broker are not active

• Oracle Retail Order Broker could not identify the search location based on the information sent in the search request (for example, it has no record of the provided zip code). See the Oracle Retail Order Broker Operations Guide for more information.

• None of the locations within the search area have the item/SKU in stock. You can select Search again to change the search location or distance to search within.

• None of the locations within the search area stock the item/SKU. You can select Search again to change the search location or distance to search within.

• The customer address information provided in the merchandise locator request was invalid or incomplete. This could occur if, for example, you entered a Canadian address, but the database used to identify customer locations in Oracle Retail Order Broker includes only U.S. addresses.

The Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen displays the error Item/Sku not Merchandise Locator eligible

The item’s OROB eligible flag is unselected, so Oracle Retail Order Broker would not be able to identify the item.

The Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen displays the error FAILED: 1002 - Invalid item (system product), item (ROBOT ) does not exi

The selected item is OROB eligible, but has not yet been created in Oracle Retail Order Broker.

The Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen does not indicate the Dist, Pickup avail qty, Open PO qty, or Next PO date

This situation can occur if there are locations that stock the item and are within the search radius, but none have the full requested quantity available (and are not flagged as Backorder Available): for example, the customer requests 5 units, and none of the locations have more than 4 units available. To display the full information for the displayed locations, search again with a lower Search quantity.

The Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen lists a location with no quantity, or with a negative quantity

This situation can occur if a location that stocks the item and is within the search radius is flagged in Oracle Retail Order Broker as Backorder Available.

Sample ProductAvailability Messages

Sample Product Availability request and response messages are provided below, along with notes on the information included in each message.

For complete documentation on these messages, see the Oracle Retail Order Broker Operations Guide.

Logged where? Order Management System does not log these messages; however, they are available for review in Oracle Retail Order Broker’s XML log file. See the Oracle Retail Order Broker Operations Guide for more information.

Not used when creating a pickup order: When you create a pickup order in order entry by selecting the Store Pickup option, Order Management System uses the LocateItems request message to search for store locations where the customer can pick up the order, regardless of the version specified in the Oracle Retail Order Broker Properties.

Sample Product Availability Request Message

The information in this message includes:

version: from CW_LOCATE_MESSAGE_VERSION in Working with Customer Properties (PROP)

destination: from the OROB Account (K49) system control value

requesting location code: from the OROB Default Location (K51) system control value

requesting system code: from the OROB System (K50) system control value

type: the request includes a fulfillment_type with a type of:

- DELIVERY: The Product Availability Response should indicate whether there are any locations that could fulfill a retail pickup or delivery order for the requested item and quantity.

- PICKUP: The Product Availability Response should return a list of locations which could fulfill a pickup order for the requested item and quantity.

- SHIPFORPICKUP: The Product Availabilty Response should return a list of locations where the customer could pick up the item for the requested quantity.

range_distance: from the distance entered in the Search within field at the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item)

range_unit: from the Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (I39) system control value

item ID: always indicates the Order Management System item and SKU code, regardless of the setting of the OROB Product Code ID (K66) system control value

qty: the Search quantity entered at the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item)

address information: from the address information entered at the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item)

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">


<ns2:ProductAvailability xmlns:ns2="">


<message_header xaction_type="INSERT" xaction_response="" message_type="">







<requesting_location location_cd="1" system_cd="6" />


<fulfillment_type type="DELIVERY" range_distance="10" range_unit="M" />

<fulfillment_type type="PICKUP" range_distance="10" range_unit="M" />



<item item_id="KABNOSKU " qty="5" />














Sample Product Availability Response Message

The information in the response includes:

version: the version specified in the request message

• for the fulfillment_type with a type of DELIVERY:

- response_cd: set to 0 if the requested quantity of the item is available for delivery within the search radius; otherwise, set to 1011

- response_description: set to Success if the requested quantity of the item is available for delivery within the search radius; otherwise, set to Product not available within search criteria

- item ID: the item and SKU specified in the request message

If the full requested quantity is available for delivery, the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen indicates Delivery From Store Is Available; otherwise, the screen indicates Delivery From Store Is Not Available.

• for the fulfillment_type with a type of PICKUP:

- response_cd: set to 0 if the requested quantity of the item is available for pickup within the search radius; otherwise, set to 1011

- response_description: set to Success if the requested quantity of the item is available for pickup within the search radius; otherwise, set to Product not available within search criteria

- item ID: the item and SKU specified in the request message

* location_cd: the code identifying the location, as set up in Oracle Retail Order Broker

* system_cd: the code identifying the location’s system, as set up in Oracle Retail Order Broker

* distance: the total miles or kilometers (depending on the setting of the Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (I39) system control value) between the address entered at the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item) and the address of the location. See the Dist for more information.

* distance_unit: set to M if the distance unit specified was miles; otherwise, set to K

* available_qty: see the Pickup avail qty field for more information.

* next_po_qty: see the Open PO qty field for more information.

* po_dt: see the Next PO date field for more information.

• for the fulfillment_type with a type of SHIPFORPICKUP:

- response_cd: set to 0 if the requested quantity of the item is available for pickup within the search radius; otherwise, set to 1011

- response_description: set to Success if the requested quantity of the item is available for pickup within the search radius; otherwise, set to Product not available within search criteria

- item ID: the item and SKU specified in the request message

* location_cd: the code identifying the location, as set up in Oracle Retail Order Broker

* system_cd: the code identifying the location’s system, as set up in Oracle Retail Order Broker

* distance: the total miles or kilometers (depending on the setting of the Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (I39) system control value) between the address entered at the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item) and the address of the location. See the Dist for more information.

* distance_unit: set to M if the distance unit specified was miles; otherwise, set to K

location: for each location included in the response, the name and address is included. The Display Merchandise Locator Search Result Screen displays much of the location name and address included in the message.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">


<ns2:ProductAvailabilityResponse xmlns:ns2="">


<message_header xaction_response="OK" xaction_type="INFO">








<fulfillment_type type="DELIVERY" response_cd="0" response_description="Success">


<item item_id="KABNOSKU " />



<fulfillment_type type="PICKUP" response_cd="0" response_description="Success">


<item item_id="KABNOSKU ">

<locations_lu location_cd="28" system_cd="cws" distance="0.0" distance_unit="M" available_qty="25" next_po_qty="0" po_dt="" />

<locations_lu location_cd="9101112" system_cd="STC" distance="0.0" distance_unit="M" available_qty="910" next_po_qty="0" po_dt="" />






<location location_cd="28" system_cd="cws13doc">

<locationname>test inherit location type settings</locationname>


<address1>Main Street</address1>






<province>MA </province>







<location location_cd="9101112" system_cd="STC_EZK">

<locationname>Westborough Store</locationname>


<address1>1234 Walnut Street</address1>






<province>MA </province>













Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item)

Purpose: Use this window to check availability for an item across external locations, such as retail stores, typically through Oracle Retail Order Broker. To search, you need to specify the customer’s location, either by city and state or postal code, the search radius, and a search quantity.

Address defaults: If you advance to this window in order entry or order maintenance, the customer’s address information defaults. Also, if you have overridden the address information in order entry or order maintenance, the system continues to default the override information until you are working with a different customer. For example, if you perform a search using the customer’s work address for an item/SKU, and then select another item/SKU for a search while working with the same order, the customer’s work address defaults.

How to display this window: Select Merch locator for an item at the:

Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order)

SKU Scan Screen

Scan Order Lines Screen

Display Item Availability Screen

Note: This option is available only if:

- The Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is selected. Otherwise, the screen displays an error message: Merchandise Locator is not enabled. Also, merchandise locator searching is not available for all items; see Merchandise Locator for Different Types of Items for a listing of items that are not eligible.

- You have not already selected a quantity of the item to add to the current order at the Display Item Availability Screen in order entry. Otherwise, the screen displays an error message: Option not allowed since item already selected.

Important: The Oracle Retail Order Broker Order Broker supports merchandise locator searches only within the U.S. and Canada.

The merchandise locator search is an inquiry only, and does not create or update an order. See the Order Broker Integration for information on submitting a brokered backorder, store pickup, or ship-for-pickup order to Oracle Retail Order Broker.




The item selected at the previous screen. The SKU information, if any, is to the right.

Item code: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU: alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

Item description

The description of the item. Even if the item has SKUs, the item description is displayed.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Note: If you advanced to this window from order entry or order maintenance, the customer’s address information defaults.

Postal code

The customer’s U.S. zip or Canadian postal code, to serve as the central point for the search radius. For example, if the Search within field is set to 25 miles, the search includes stores within 25 miles of this postal code.

The search radius applies only to locations that use proximity rules. You might set up Oracle Retail Order Broker so that proximity rules apply to stores only and not warehouses.

Note: Your entry in this field is not validated against the Zip/City/State table.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required if you do not enter a city and state.


The customer’s street address, to serve as the central point for the search radius.

The search radius applies only to locations that use proximity rules. You might set up Oracle Retail Order Broker so that proximity rules apply to stores only and not warehouses.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions; optional.


The customer’s city, to serve as the central point for the search radius.

The search radius applies only to locations that use proximity rules. You might set up Oracle Retail Order Broker so that proximity rules apply to stores only and not warehouses.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required if you do not enter a postal code.


The customer’s U.S. state or Canadian province, to identify the location of the city.

The search radius applies only to locations that use proximity rules. You might set up Oracle Retail Order Broker so that proximity rules apply to stores only and not warehouses.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required if do not enter a postal code.


The customer’s country. The country defaults from the customer address if you advanced to this window from order entry or order maintenance; otherwise, it defaults from the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value. Defined in and validated against the Country table; see Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY) for more information.

The search radius applies only to locations that use proximity rules. You might set up Oracle Retail Order Broker so that proximity rules apply to stores only and not warehouses.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.

Search quantity

The requested quantity of the item. Defaults to 1.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Search within

Indicates the search radius, in miles or kilometers, to search within for the selected item. The search radius defaults from the Default Search Within Radius (I40) system control value, but you can override it.


• The search radius applies only to locations that use proximity rules. You might set up Oracle Retail Order Broker so that proximity rules apply to stores only and not warehouses.

• The distance unit of measure (miles or kilometers) specified with the Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (I39) system control value is displayed to the right.

• Typically, a search for a delivery location can use a broader search radius than a search for a pickup location, which is generally within driving distance. To see if the item is available for delivery as opposed to pickup, you might search twice, specifying a different search radius when determining if the item is available for delivery.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Completing this window:

• If they have not already defaulted, indicate the postal code or the city and state to serve as the central point for the search radius.

• Optionally, override the Search quantity.

• Optionally, override the Search within radius to a different distance.

• Click OK. The system generates the ProductAvailability request message. See Sample ProductAvailability Messages for more information.

When the system receives the response message, you advance to the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen.

Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review an item’s availability in external locations and the details about the external location.

The Ship for Pickup and Pickup Available Quantity fields indicate whether the store location supports store pickup orders, ship-for-pickup orders, or both.

• If the Ship for Pickup field is set to Y and a quantity is defined in the Pickup Available Quantity field, the store location supports both ship-for-pickup orders and store pickup orders.

• If the Ship for Pickup field is set to Y and the Pickup Available Quantity field is blank, the store location supports ship-for-pickup orders but not store pickup orders.

• If the Ship for Pickup field is set to N and a quantity is defined in the Pickup Available Quantity field, the store location supports store pickup orders but not ship-for-pickup orders.

• If the Ship for Pickup field is set to N and the Pickup Available Quantity field is blank, the store location does not support ship-for-pickup orders or store pickup orders.

If you advanced to this screen during Order Entry and the Ship for Pickup field is set to Y for a store, you can select Ship for Pickup to convert the order to a ship-for-pickup order; in this situation, the system updates the one-time ship to address on the order to the store’s name and address and sends a broker backorder for the ship-for-pickup order to the Order Broker for fulfillment assignment. See Brokered Backorders for processing details.

How to display this screen: Complete the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item) and click OK.

Troubleshooting: See Merchandise Locator Troubleshooting.

For more information: See the Sample ProductAvailability Messages for an example of the actual response messages used to populate the information on this screen.

Note: You cannot submit an order to Oracle Retail Order Broker through this screen. See the Order Broker Integration for information on submitting a brokered backorder, store pickup, or ship-for-pickup order to Oracle Retail Order Broker.



Locations closest to

The address information provided at the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item). This information could be just a postal code or a city and state, or could include additional information such as the street address. The information is truncated if it exceeds the space allowed on this screen.

The search radius applies only to locations that use proximity rules. You might set up Oracle Retail Order Broker so that proximity rules apply to stores only and not warehouses.

Alphanumeric, 55 positions; display-only.


The Search within radius selected at the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item). The setting of the Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (I39) (miles or kilometers) is to the right.

The search radius applies only to locations that use proximity rules. You might set up Oracle Retail Order Broker so that proximity rules apply to stores only and not warehouses.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Location types

Always set to All (both stores and warehouses).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The item selected for search. The SKU information, if any, is to the right.

Item code: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU: alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

Item description

The description of the item. Even if the item has SKUs, the item description is displayed.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Delivery availability (unlabeled field to the right of the item description)

If the results indicate that one or more locations could deliver the requested quantity, the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen indicates Delivery From Store Is Available; otherwise, the screen indicates Delivery From Store Is Not Available.

Each location in the search results where the customer could pick up the item is displayed below. Locations are sorted by distance (nearest to farthest away).


The number of miles or kilometers, based on the Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (I39), from the search location. This distance might be approximate, depending on the actual criteria used to search (for example, postal code or city), and does not represent an actual driving distance.

No distance is displayed if the location is not set up in Oracle Retail Order Broker to use proximity rules. In this situation, the location is always considered to be within the specified search radius.

The distance is rounded down when determining whether to include the location in the search results. For example, if the Search radius is 10 miles, and the location is 10.84 miles away, the location is included in the results.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Ship for Pickup

Indicates whether the store location is available for selection as a destination for a ship-for-pickup order. This is from the Ship for Pickup setting for the store location in the Work with Store Cross Reference (WSCR) menu option.

Y = the store location is available for selection as a destination for a ship-for-pickup order. During Order Entry, if you select Ship for Pickup for the store location, the system updates the ship to address on the order to the address defined for the store location and converts the order to a ship-for-pickup order. See Brokered Backorders for processing details.

N = the store location is not available for selection as a destination for a ship-for-pickup order.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The description and address of the location where the item/SKU is available, and can include:

• description

• city

• state

• postal code

• country

This information is provided directly from Oracle Retail Order Broker, and is not derived from the Store Cross Reference table in Order Management System.

Note: Searching the locations displayed on the screen based on location name is not currently implemented.

Description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

City: alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

State: alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Postal code: alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Country: alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Pickup avail qty

The quantity of the item/SKU reported in the response message as available for pickup in this location. Depending on your settings within Oracle Retail Order Broker, this quantity may be approximate, or calculated based on probability rules.


• If a location that stocks the item and is within the search radius is flagged in Oracle Retail Order Broker as Backorder Available, it is returned in the search results even if it does not have the item available. In this case, the Pickup avail qty listed can be blank, or can be a negative quantity.

• If there are locations that stock the item and are within the search radius, but none have the full requested quantity available (and are not flagged as Backorder Available), the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen displays the locations, but does not indicate the Dist, Pickup avail qty, Open PO qty, or Next PO date. This situation could occur if, for example, the customer requests 5 units, and none of the locations have more than 4 units available. To display the full information for the displayed locations, search again with a lower Search quantity.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Open PO qty

The quantity of the item/SKU reported on open purchase orders for this location; depends on how the external system calculates the open PO quantity.

Note: If there are locations that stock the item and are within the search radius, but none have the full requested quantity available (and are not flagged as Backorder Available), the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen displays the locations, but does not indicate the Dist, Pickup avail qty, Open PO qty, or Next PO date. This situation could occur if, for example, the customer requests 5 units, and none of the locations have more than 4 units available. To display the full information for the displayed locations, search again with a lower Search quantity.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Next PO date

The date when the next purchase order for this item/SKU is due to be received at this location; depends on how the externals system calculates the next PO date.

Note: If there are locations that stock the item and are within the search radius, but none have the full requested quantity available (and are not flagged as Backorder Available), the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen displays the locations, but does not indicate the Dist, Pickup avail qty, Open PO qty, or Next PO date. This situation could occur if, for example, the customer requests 5 units, and none of the locations have more than 4 units available. To display the full information for the displayed locations, search again with a lower Search quantity.

Numeric, 6 positions (user date format); display-only.



Display a location

Select Display for a location to advance to the Display Merchandise Locator Search Result Screen.

Select the store location as the pickup location for a ship-for-pickup order

Note: This option is available only if you advanced to this screen during Order Entry.

Select Ship for Pickup for a location. The system:

• updates the one-time ship to name and address on the order to the selected store location and converts the order to a ship-for-pickup order.

• sends a broker backorder for the ship-for-pickup order to the Order Broker for fulfillment assignment.

See Brokered Backorders for processing details.

Search again

Select Search again to return to the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item).

Display Merchandise Locator Search Result Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review additional details about a location where the customer might be able to pick up the item. You cannot make any changes on this screen.

The address components, such as postal code, country, and phone number, are provided by external systems and might not be formatted or validated at this screen the same way as they are for data stored in Order Management System.

How to display this screen: Select Display for a location at the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen.




The item selected for search. The SKU information, if any, is to the right.

Item code: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU: alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.


The description of the item. Even if the item has SKUs, the item description is displayed.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Loc type

Always set to All (both stores and warehouses).

Note: Not included if the CW_LOCATE_MESSAGE_VERSION in Working with Customer Properties (PROP) specifies a message version of 5.0 or higher.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The number of miles or kilometers, based on the Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (I39), from the search location. This distance might be approximate, depending on the actual criteria used to search (for example, postal code or city), and does not represent an actual driving distance. The setting of the Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (I39) (miles or kilometers) is to the right.

The distance displayed is .00 if the location is not set up in Oracle Retail Order Broker to use proximity rules. In this situation, the location is always considered to be within the specified search radius.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.


The description and address of the location where the item/SKU is available, consisting of:

• description (the Name from Oracle Retail Order Broker)

• street address (up to four lines)

• city

• state

• postal code

• country

• phone number (does not include the extension or the fax number)

This information is provided directly from Oracle Retail Order Broker, and is not derived from the Store Cross Reference table in Order Management System.

Description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Street: alphanumeric, 40 positions each; display-only.

City: alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

State: alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Postal code: alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Country: alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Phone number: alphanumeric, 14 positions; display-only.


The quantity of the item/SKU reported in the response message as available for pickup in this location. Depending on your settings within Oracle Retail Order Broker, this quantity may be approximate, or calculated based on probability rules.


• If a location that stocks the item and is within the search radius is flagged in Oracle Retail Order Broker as Backorder Available, it is returned in the search results even if it does not have the item available. In this case, the Pickup avail qty listed can be blank, or can be a negative quantity.

• If there are locations that stock the item and are within the search radius, but none have the full requested quantity available (and are not flagged as Backorder Available), the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen displays the locations, but does not indicate the Dist, Pickup avail qty, Open PO qty, or Next PO date. This situation could occur if, for example, the customer requests 5 units, and none of the locations have more than 4 units available. To display the full information for the displayed locations, search again with a lower Search quantity.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Open PO

The quantity of the item/SKU reported on open purchase orders for this location; depends on how the external system calculates the open PO quantity.

If there are locations that stock the item and are within the search radius, but none have the full requested quantity available (and are not flagged as Backorder Available), the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen displays the locations, but does not indicate the Dist, Pickup avail qty, Open PO qty, or Next PO date. This situation could occur if, for example, the customer requests 5 units, and none of the locations have more than 4 units available. To display the full information for the displayed locations, search again with a lower Search quantity.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Next PO

The date when the next purchase order for this item/SKU is due to be received at this location; depends on how the externals system calculates the next PO date.

If there are locations that stock the item and are within the search radius, but none have the full requested quantity available (and are not flagged as Backorder Available), the Merchandise Locator Search Results Screen displays the locations, but does not indicate the Dist, Pickup avail qty, Open PO qty, or Next PO date. This situation could occur if, for example, the customer requests 5 units, and none of the locations have more than 4 units available. To display the full information for the displayed locations, search again with a lower Search quantity.

Numeric, 6 positions (user date format); display-only.

LO01_03 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN