Introducing SKU Setup

Purpose: This topic contains an explanation of SKUs, SKU types, SKU elements, SKU groups, SKU sort sequence numbers and the SKU generator.

Definition: A SKU (stock keeping unit) is used to further define an item number. An item that is sold in multiple colors and sizes is often represented by a base item number, which is common to all of the colors and sizes, and a SKU which specifically defines the color and size. For example, the base item number for a dress could be 9201 and the SKUs associated with that item number could be RED SML, RED MED, RED LRG, BLUE SML, BLUE MED, and BLUE LRG.

Most functions accessible at the base item level are accessible at the SKU level, including offers, warehouses, sets, and comments. Information entered at the SKU level overrides information defined at the base item level.

In this chapter:

SKU Elements

SKU Groups

SKU Generator

SKU Elements

The three elements of the Split SKU are defined in the System Control table.Typically, these elements are used to represent size, color, and width for items of apparel; however, you can define the elements to meet your particular requirements. Once you set up the elements in the System Control table, you will be prompted for this information throughout the system.

SKU Groups

A SKU Group (Working with SKU Groups (WISG)) can be assigned to an item in the Item table and is used to define the standard sizes or colors in which items are sold. SKU Groups can be used to facilitate data entry in the SKU Generator (fast path = ESKG); see Using the SKU Generator (ESKG).

For example, a SKU group can be defined for a particular manufacturer's product line for dresses. You can define an Item SKU Group for dress size. For example, the Item SKU Group 001 could be set up for dresses and can list the sizes in which these dresses are available ( 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, regular and petite).

SKU Generator

The SKU Generator is used to create an array of SKUs for an item automatically. Once you define the item and the SKU group, run the SKU generator option to automatically build all the SKU records.

When generating SKUs for an item, you can accept the defaults as defined in the SKU Groups or you can add or subtract individual SKUs.

See Using the SKU Generator (ESKG).

Note: Before you can work with SKUs, you must create the SKU information on the system. You can also create SKUs by selecting Create at the Work with SKUs Screen.

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