Generating Soldout Notifications (MSON)

Purpose: Use the Print Soldout Notifications function when you want to notify customers about soldout items being canceled from their orders.

Order type and sellouts in order entry and order maintenance: The order type and the way in which you sell out the item determines whether a customer receives a soldout notification. For example, you might set up phone orders so that the customer does not receive a notification when you sell out an item in order entry, because you can advise the customer during the phone call. However, you might choose to print a soldout notification for orders you receive through the mail or from the web storefront. The Soldout notifications field in the Order Type table determines whether to generate a notification for items that are sold out in order entry and order maintenance.

Processing auto soldouts: The Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO) menu option generates a notification for each item it sells out, regardless of order type.

Periodic function: You can use the PFSDOUT periodic function (program name: CSSDOUT) to generate soldout notifications. See Scheduling Jobs.

Email or XML notifications: The system sends an email notice to the customer rather than generating a document for printing if the order is eligible. See When Does the System Generate an Email Notification? for an overview. If the order is eligible for an email notification but the XML only? flag on the soldout notification email template is selected, the system generates the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut) instead of sending an email. See the Credit Card Credit Acknowledgement Email Sample and Contents and the Sample Soldout Notification XML Message for examples.

Email template: You can use the Working with Entities (WENT) menu option to create an entity-level soldout notification email template, and the Working with E-Mail Notification Templates (WEMT) menu option to create a default company-level soldout notification template. The template specifies the text to print above and below the standard soldout notification information. Also, the Soldout Notification E-Mail Program (G96) system control value defines the format of the notification email.

Save in email repository? The Write Outbound Email to Email Repository (H99) system control value controls whether email notifications are stored in correspondence history. See this system control value for more information on identifying and reviewing outbound emails for a customer.

Unfulfillable through Order Broker? If a backordered item is brokered to Oracle Retail Order Broker’s Order Broker, but the Order Broker cannot fulfill the item, the item might sell out automatically.

Example: An item is unavailable in the warehouse, so the system assigns it to the Order Broker for fulfillment; however, the Order Broker cannot find a location to fulfill the item, and rejects the item as unfulfillable. In Order Management System, the item is assigned a soldout control value indicating to include the on-order quantity of any open purchase orders before selling out the item, but there are no open purchase orders. As a result, the unfulfillable item sells out automatically after it is rejected by the Order Broker.

When you use the Process Auto Soldouts option, any unfulfillable items that have sold out automatically after rejection by the Order Broker are listed on the Auto Soldout Register, regardless of whether the items are assigned a soldout control value to sell out immediately.

After you have used the Process Auto Soldouts option, the item is then eligible to have a soldout notification generated through the Generating Soldout Notifications (MSON) option, even if you did not select the Update orders option at the Process Auto Sold Outs Screen.

This same process applies if the Order Broker returns an error for a brokered backorder.

See the Brokered Backorders for background on fulfilling backorders through integration with Oracle Retail Order Broker’s Order Broker.

In this chapter:

Print Soldout Notification Screen

Soldout Notification Card

Print Soldout Notification Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MSON in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select the Print Soldout Notifications option from a menu.

Instructions: Follow these steps to print soldout notification cards, or to generate notification emails or the XML message (see When Does the System Generate an Email Notification?):

1. Select OK to submit the print job; otherwise, select Exit to cancel.

2. This submits the batch job SLDOUT_PRT. This job generates the Soldout Notification Card, soldout notification email (see Credit Card Credit Acknowledgement Email Sample and Contents), or the outbound XML message (see Sample Soldout Notification XML Message).

Note: In order to generate soldout notifications, you need to specify a program in the Soldout Notification Print Program (E75) system control value. If no program is specified, the screen displays an error message:

No soldout print program has been defined in SCV E75.

Order history message: The system also writes a message such as the following, which is visible on the Display Order History Screen:

S/O card generated-line 1

If the system sent an email notification or XML message to the customer rather than generating a PDF soldout notification, it also writes a message such as the following:

S/O Notice to

MSON OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN