Expanding the Address in Order Entry

Purpose: Use the Expand Name/Address Screen to enter or verify additional customer address information that does not appear on the initial order entry screen, such as:

• Additional address lines

• Additional (third) telephone number

Why complete this screen? It is useful to complete this screen when you need to enter an international or business address, or when the customer provides additional address information, so that the customer record is as accurate as possible.

Important: Your entries to this screen update the Sold-to customer record automatically.

You can complete the Expanded Address screen at any time during order entry or Customer Maintenance.

Any customer name and address information entered on the initial order entry screen defaults to the Expanded Address screen. You can change any of this information or add to it by completing any of the remaining fields.

How can you tell if a customer has information? If a sold-to or ship-to customer record includes a third or fourth address line, a plus sign (+) appears by the customer's name or address in order entry, order maintenance, and standard order inquiry. If the extended address information includes other fields -- such as the second address line or a third phone number -- but not the third or fourth address line, the plus sign does not appear.

Streamlined order inquiry always displays the entire address for the customer.

Oracle Retail Customer Engagement customer integration: When you use the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement customer integration, if you update customer information in order entry, Order Management System sends the customer information to Oracle Retail Customer Engagement so that the customer records in the two systems are synchronized. See the Customer Engagement Customer Integration for more information.

Expand Name/Address Screen

How to display this screen: Select Expanded Address at the Work with Order Screen.



Sold-to (Sold-to customer number)

A number assigned by the system to identify the customer. The system assigns a Sold-to number to every customer placing an order.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.


A unique number assigned by the system to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship-to number (unlabeled field separated by the Order # field by a hyphen)

Indicates the number of shipping addresses on the order. The system assigns a sequential ship-to number to every order, even if the shipping address and the sold-to address are the same. The first ship-to address is assigned the number 1.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Order date

The processing date for the order. The order date defaults to the current date, but you can override it.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only).


The person who should receive the order.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


5 fields are available for you to enter the customer's full name:


A title that belongs before the customer's name, such as "Mrs." or "Dr."

If the Validate Prefix (I27) system control value is selected, your entry is validated against the Prefix table; see Working with Prefix Codes (WPFX).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

First Name

The customer's first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.


The initial of the customer's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Last Name

The customer's last name.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required if Company has not been entered.


An addition to the customer's full name, such as "M.D.", "Fr.", or "III."

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The name of the company placing the order.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required if Last name has not been entered.


Four address fields are available for you to enter a complete and specific customer address.

Address line #1

The customer's street address. This is the primary delivery address.

Shipping to a Post Office Box

To ship to a Post Office Box, enter POST OFFICE BOX, POST BOX, or any variation of PO BOX (with or without spaces or non-alphabet characters, such as P.O. BOX), and the box number in the customer’s street address. During order processing, the system validates that the carrier can ship to a post office box (as defined in the Ship Via table).

Example: Enter P.O. Box 9999 in the Street field to indicate delivery to a post office box instead of a home or company address.

Note: If you type POST OFFICE BOX, POST BOX, or any variation of PO BOX in the customer’s street address during order entry or through the Order API, the system automatically selects the PO box field for the customer. However, if you remove this text from the customer’s street address, the system does not automatically unselect the PO box flag.

Note: When you create a customer outside of order processing, you need to select the PO box field manually.

Alphanumeric, 32 positions; required.

Address lines #2-#4

(unlabeled fields under initial Address field) Additional address fields for international or business addresses. Although the primary delivery address (address line #1) is required, you may add additional address lines when necessary to pinpoint a customer's address.

Alphanumeric, three 32-position lines; optional.

Apt/Suite (Apartment/Suite)

The customer's apartment, suite, rural route or floor number.

You can enter any type of information in this field to further identify the address. This information prints next to the primary street address on labels.

To enter an apartment or suite address:

1. Enter APT to indicate an apartment or STE to indicate a suite.

2. Insert a space.

3. Enter the number of the apartment or suite, such as: APT 4 or STE 1164A.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Postal code

The postal or zip code for this customer.

Required? A postal code is required only if the Require postal code? flag for the country is selected; see Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Default city and state? If the system control value Use Zip/City/State Defaulting? (B13) is selected, you can enter the postal code to have the system default the associated city and state.

Postal code validation: If a postal code is required, it is validated against the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) table; see Setting Up the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) Table (WZIP).

External validation: The system calls a user-defined program to validate postal codes if the External Postal Code Validation (E62) system control value selected.

Tax rates: The Postal Code table includes valid postal code/city/state combinations, and may also contain tax rates. You can purchase a listing of the valid combinations from your post office or you can enter each postal code/city/state combination manually.

SCF/ship via validation: If you enter a postal code and the Perform ship via edit? flag for the country is selected, the system validates the SCF/ship via combination against the SCF Ship Via table when you complete the order; see Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or optional based on country.


The city where the customer lives or receives mail or shipments.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.

St (State)

The state or province where the customer resides or receives mail or shipments. If you entered a postal code at a scan screen before selecting Create to create a new customer, the related state defaults; but you can override it.

Defined where? State codes are defined in and validated against the State table, accessible through the Work with Countries menu option; see Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Required? A state is required only if the Require state? flag for country is selected. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

SCF validation: If the Require postal? flag for the country is selected, the system validates that the state you enter is assigned to the SCF associated with the postal code. See Working with SCF Codes (WSCF) for background.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required or optional based on country.

Ctry (Country)

The code for the customer's country. Country codes are defined in and validated against the Country table.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.


Identifies a business (commercial) or residential address. Used when you ship an order by a carrier that uses business or consumer rate tables (such as UPS).

Business = Business rate table used to determine shipping charges.

Residence = Residential rate table used to determine shipping charges.

No Distinction = No distinction between business and residential (not valid for UPS).


Cust class (Customer class code)

A code that categorizes the consumer environment at a high level for reporting purposes. You can use a customer class code to:

• direct offerings to a limited customer group

• restrict item sales to a group of customers, for example, restricting the sale of guns to minors

• set a default for bypassing item reservation for a group of customers

• generate a list of customers for reporting purposes, or segment reports by class code

If the customer is a new customer, the system uses the Default Customer Class in Order Entry (D63).

If the customer is an existing customer, the assigned customer class code defaults.


If you enter a new customer class code in this field, the system updates the Customer Sold To table with the code you entered.

Required? The Require Customer Class in OE, WCAT, and WCST (H85) system control value defines whether this field is required.

Secured? The Maintenance of Customer Class Field (B07) secured feature defines whether you can enter or maintain the customer class field at this screen.

See Setting Up the Customer Class Table (WCCL) on working with customer classes.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


Identifies whether to send mail to the customer.

Valid values are:

selected= Send mail to the customer.

unselected = Do not send mail to the customer.

The setting of the Default Mail Name (D10) system control value, if any, defaults here.


Identifies whether to include the customer's name in lists that you rent. Valid values are:

selected = Rent the customer's name.

unselected = Do not rent the customer's name.

The setting of the Default Rent Name (D11) system control value, if any, defaults here.


Indicates the preferred method of correspondence.

Valid values are:

O1 (All) = Email is the preferred method of correspondence.

O2 (Order) = Use email for order-related correspondence only; generate a document for other correspondence.

O3 (None) = Do not use email for any correspondence; generate a document instead.

O4 (Don’t Ask) = Do not ask the customer for his/her email address; the customer has already been asked and has declined to provide it. The system does not generate any email correspondence to the customer, even if an email address is specified.


Note: The above values use the letter O, not the number 0 (zero).

The system updates this field when you change the setting of the Opt in/Opt out value at any other screen, such as customer maintenance, order maintenance, or catalog requests.

When you update this setting: The opt-in/out setting is not stored on the order itself. When you change the opt-in/out setting here, the system updates the opt-in/out setting for the email address used on the order in the Customer Sold To Email Address table. If the order-level email address is also the customer’s primary email address, the system also updates the customer’s default opt-in/out setting. See Email Address Updates through Interactive Order Entry for more information.

Email notifications: See When Does the System Generate an Email Notification? for an overview.


Mail code

Indicates when, and under what circumstances, to send mail to the customer. Enables you to define the customer's mail preferences with more precision than the Mail flag. Mail codes are defined in and validated against the Mail/Call Code table; see Working with Mail/Call Codes (WMCC).

If you leave this field blank, the value from the Mail flag defaults.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Call code

This code specifies how often, and under what conditions, you will call the customer.

Call codes are defined in and validated against the Mail/Call Code table. See Working with Mail/Call Codes (WMCC).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The customer's day, evening and third (fax or mobile) phone numbers. The Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value determines whether the third phone number is labeled the Fax or Mbl (mobile) number.

Phone number format: You can define a telephone number format to map to the phone numbers operators enter into the system. Telephone number formats are defined by arranging numbers and special characters such as hyphens and parenthesis in the same order and position as the numbers in a phone number would display. When an operator enters a phone number, the system compares the number of numeric characters in the phone number with the telephone number formats you have defined. In order to match a format, the phone number must have the same number of numeric positions as a telephone number format. If the system cannot find a match, the phone number does not map to a telephone number format and displays as it was entered by the operator.



An operator enters a phone number containing 10 numbers: 5085550100

The telephone number format used in the United States to represent an area code, local exchange and local phone number is: (508) 555-0100

When an operator enters a phone number containing 10 numbers (as in the example), the phone number displays so that the first 3 numbers are in parenthesis and a hyphen is between the sixth and seventh numbers, regardless of how the operator entered it into the system. If an operator enters a phone number containing 6 numbers, for example 5550100 and no format exists for 6 numbers, the phone number would display as it was entered (5550100). See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

The system calls a user-defined program to validate phone numbers outside of Order Management System if you select the External Validation for Phone Number (E64) system control value.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.

Ext (Extension)

The extension of the customer's telephone numbers.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Email address

The email address for this order.

Order-level email address: The email address defaults from the customer’s primary email address. A plus sign (+) indicates that there are additional email addresses on record for the customer. When you click OK, the system adds the order-level email address to the Customer Sold To Email Address table, if it is not already there. See Working with an Order-Level Email Address for more information.

Email format validation: See Email Address Validation for information on how the system verifies that your entry is formatted correctly.

Email notifications: This field must contain an email address for the system to send the customer automatic email notifications, such as backorder or soldout notifications. See When Does the System Generate an Email Notification?

Fraud checking: The order goes on EO hold if this email address matches an email address in the Miscellaneous Fraud table; see Working with Miscellaneous Frauds (WMFF).

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

When you complete this screen: When you select OK, the system updates the Sold-to customer record automatically from your entries to this screen.

Note: The Display/Update Bill to Screen opens in order entry, order maintenance and in Work with Customers when you change the name or address of a Sold-to customer who is linked to a permanent Bill-to customer. The screen enables you to apply the changes you have made to the Sold-to address to the Bill-to address.

Screen Option


Exclude the recipient

Select Exclude Recipient. This option is not implemented on the Expand Name/Address Screen.

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