Working with the OTHR_ASYNC Job

The Other ASYNC function updates the system tables with purchase order information when purchase orders are entered, maintained, or received.

When purchase orders are entered, maintained, or received, records are sent to the Other data queue for processing. If the Other ASYNC (OTHR_ASYNC) function is active, the records will be processed immediately. If the function is not active when the records are sent, they will be processed as soon as the OTHR_ASYNC function becomes active again. All records are processed in the sequence in which they were sent to the data queue.

If any errors exist, processing for that record stops at the error point. The system begins processing the next record in sequence. The records in error are listed on the P/O Background Job Error Listing, which is printed when the ASYNC jobs are ended. OTHR_ASYNC will continue processing the record when the error has been corrected. You should correct any errors that exist as soon as possible so that your system tables are updated properly. SeeWorking with OTHR_ASYNC Status Messages.

The status of each record in the data queue can be viewed at any point by displaying the Display PO Header Data Queue Screen.

In this chapter:

Display Asynchronous Job Screen (Displaying the Other ASYNC Job)

Display PO Header Data Queue Screen

Working with OTHR_ASYNC Status Messages

P/O Background Job Error Listing

Updates During Background Processing.

Display Asynchronous Job Screen (Displaying the Other ASYNC Job)

Purpose: Use this screen to display the job attributes for each background ASYNC job, including the OTHR_ASYNC job. This screen displays descriptive information about the ASYNC job.

How to display this screen: Select Display for the OTHR_ASYNC job at the Work with Background Jobs Screen.



Process name

The name of the process for this ASYNC job. The name of the OTHR_ASYNC data queue is OTHERDATAQ.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only

Job name

The name of the ASYNC job.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only


The description of the ASYNC job.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The date and time the ASYNC job was last started and the User ID of the person who started it.

(Date): Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

(Time): Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

(User ID): Alphanumeric; 10 positions; display-only.


The date and time the ASYNC job was last ended and the User ID of the person who ended it.

(Date): Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

(Time): Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

(User ID): Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Controlling job?

A flag indicating whether this function controls other ASYNC functions. The controlling ASYNC function starts and ends other ASYNC functions.

Valid values are:

Selected = This is a controlling ASYNC function.

Unselected = This is not a controlling ASYNC function.

The CNTL_ASYNC job is the only controlling ASYNC job.

System Option?

A flag indicating whether this function is a system function that cannot be deleted by the user. Valid values are:

Selected - This function cannot be deleted by the user.

Unselected - This function can be deleted by the user.


The current status of the function.

Valid status codes are:







Display PO Header Data Queue Screen

Purpose: This screen displays the records that have been sent to the data queue for processing since the last time the ASYNC function was ended. Records are sent to the data queue when the inventory level for an item is increased.

The status of each record, which indicates if the record has been processed or if any errors exist, displays.

How to display this screen: Select Display Data Queue for the OTHR_ASYNC job on the Display Asynchronous Job Screen (Displaying the Other ASYNC Job).



Cmp (Company)

The number of the company for which the transaction was processed. If you are running operations for more than one company, transactions for all companies are submitted to the same data queue.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The date on which the transaction was submitted to the data queue for processing.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only.


The time at which the transaction was submitted to the data queue for processing.

Note: The number of seconds might exceed 59 if the ASYNC job processed 60 or more records in a minute.

Numeric, 6 position (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.


The User ID of the person who entered the transaction.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


A code indicating whether the record represents a before image or an after image for the transaction. After records are written for all transactions; before records are written for order maintenance transactions.

Valid codes are:

Before = The record represents the order information before the transaction was processed.

After = The record represents the order information after the transaction was processed.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The status of the record. The record is either not processed, in process, in error, or processed. A status message displays for each step.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The number of the purchase order for which the record is being processed.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


A code that identifies the function where the transaction originated. Valid status codes are:

CF = Confirmation

DS = Drop Ship

EB = Evaluate Backorders

OE = Order Entry

OM = Order Maintenance

PM = Purchase Order Maintenance

PR = Receiving

RA = Return Authorization

US = Unspecified

Alphanumeric, 2 positions, display-only.

Changing the Status of OTHR_ASYNC

Purpose: Select Change Status for the OTHR_ASYNC job at the Work with Background Jobs Screen to change its status.

Note: You cannot use the Change Status option to start or stop an individual ASYNC job. You must use the CNTL_ASYNC job to start or stop all the asynchronous jobs simultaneously.

Before you change the status of the async job: Before you change the status of the OTHR_ASYNC job, you should first determine if the async job is actively running; see Determining the Status of the Async Jobs.

How to change the job status: Select Change Status for the job at the Work with Background Jobs Screen.

A pop-up window displays from which you can select the status you want to assign to the async job. Select a status.

If the async job is running: Select *ACTIVE if the async job is running and the status is currently *INACTIVE.

If the async job is not running: Select *INACTIVE if the async job is not running and the status is currently *ACTIVE. This situation occurs if the ASYNC subsystem is brought down while the background ASYNC jobs are still active; the background ASYNC jobs have really ended, but the status indicates that they are still *ACTIVE.

Purpose: See Troubleshooting the Async Jobs for more information on the steps you should take if you suspect the async jobs are not running correctly.

Working with OTHR_ASYNC Status Messages

Purpose: The status of each data queue record can be viewed by displaying the data queue. If an error exists, the message will print on the P/O Background Jobs Error Listing that is printed when the ASYNC jobs are ended. The error must be corrected before the transaction can be fully processed.

OTHR_ASYNC status messages: This table lists the status messages that you may see when displaying the PO Header Data Queue, or when reviewing the P/O Background Job Error Listing. The Error Reason/Action Required section of the table below is incomplete as of this writing.


Message ID

Error Reason/Action Required

Processing has begun



All updates complete


None. The record was fully processed.

Error updating buyers



Error updating Item/Warehouse



Error updating PO Dtl audit



Error updating PO Hdr audit



Error creating PO layering



Error changing PO layering



Error creating PO layering



Error deleting PO layering



Error updating SKU Offer



Error updating threshold value



Error updating vendor



Error updating vendor history



Error updating vendor items



P/O Background Job Error Listing

Purpose: This report prints when the background ASYNC jobs are ended. The report lists the records that could not be processed and the reason for the error. The record will be processed when the error is corrected.

See Working with OTHR_ASYNC Status Messages for a complete description of the error messages you may encounter and the steps necessary to correct the error.

• Order #: The order number for which the error occurred.

• Ship to: The ship-to suffix of the order for which the error occurred.

• Order date: The date on which the order was entered.

• User: The User ID of the operator who entered the order.

• Update area: The message describing the reason for the error. See Working with OTHR_ASYNC Status Messages.

• Error ID: The ID number assigned to the error. See Working with OTHR_ASYNC Status Messages.

Updates During Background Processing

Purpose: The system performs the following field and table updates during the OTHR_ASYNC procedure:



Update the SKU/Offer table


• SKU CWI work field

• SKU on order for PO

Threshold values include:

• Number and dollar value for Held POs

• Number and dollar value for Units of Suspense Inventory

• Number and dollar value for PO Receipts in Suspense

Update the Item/Warehouse table


On order quantity

Update PO Layering table

PO Maintenance + PO Receipts

Creates the record

Open quantity

PO Receipts


Note: If you receive inventory into a pending putaway warehouse, the system keeps the PO layering record in an open status until the inventory is moved out of the pending putaway warehouse. See Pending Putaway Overview.




Due date

Update the Vendor/Item table

PO Receipts

Shipments - LTD


Elapsed days - LTD


Late days - LTD


Number of late shipments


Defects - LTD






Units received - LTD

PO Maintenance

Dollar value purchased - LTD


Units purchased - LTD

Update Vendor table


Dollar value cancelled


Dollar value held


Dollar value open


Number of POs - LTD


Number of open POs

Update Vendor History table


Dollar value purchase orders


Number of purchase orders

Update the Buyer table


Dollar value POs - LTD


Number of purchase orders - LTD

Update Vendor Extended table


Dollar value on order

Update IL Outbound Trigger Table

PO Maintenance

Creates ITW outbound trigger records when you create a purchase order or maintain an open purchase if the Include PO Updates (J93) system control value is selected. See Generic Inventory Download API for an overview and details.

SO01_06 OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN