Tracking User and Password Updates

Overview: Order Management System tracks updates to users and user classes in the User Audit table, and tracks user password changes in the Password Audit table.

User Audit table: The User Audit table tracks activity that has taken place in creating or changing user records, user classes, and user authority. The activities that trigger updates to the User Audit table include:

• Creating, changing, or deleting a user through the User Control screen, available through Advanced Commands

• Creating, changing, or deleting a user in Work with Users (WUSR), including updates to:

- Company authority

- Menu option authority

- Secured features

- Tickler group assignment

• Creating, changing, or deleting a user classes in Work with User Classes (WUCL), including updates to:

- Company authority

- Menu option authority

- Secured feature authority

- Vendor authority

• Changes to user or user class authority for order hold reasons (WOHR)

• Changes to user or user class authority for return disposition value codes (WRDV)

• Creating, changing, copying, or deleting a secured feature (WSYS or NSEC)

• Updating a user’s email address (MUEE)

• Updating a user’s default menu (pressing F17 at a menu screen)

Password Audit table: The Password Audit table tracks password changes for users, including the user ID and name of the person who performed the update. The table does not include the actual passwords.

Reporting: Use the Print User Security Audit Reports (PUSA) menu option to generate reports of the activity tracked in the User Audit and Password Audit tables.

Purging the audit tables: The PURGEUA periodic function (Program name = PFR0215) purges User Audit and Password Audit records based on date.

Use the Parameter field for the periodic function to specify the number of days old a User Audit or Password Audit record must be to be eligible for purge. If the Parameter is blank or 0, records must be 365 days old to be eligible for purge.

In this chapter:

User Audit Table Updates

Fields Used by Updated Table (User Audit)

Password Audit Table

Print User Security Audit Reports (PUSA)

- User Authority Change Report

- Password Change Report

User Audit Table Updates

The updates to the User Audit table, based on updates to users, user classes, and secured features, are described below. See the Fields Used by Updated Table (User Audit) for a listing of the fields updated in the User Audit table for each updated source table.




Common Fields

The following fields are populated for all records in the User Audit table.

Change date

Numeric, 7 positions (CYY/MM/DD format)

The date when the change occurred. Always populated.

Change time

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format)

The time when the change occurred. Always populated.


Alphanumeric, 1 position

Indicates whether the record reflects:

A = The record after the activity.

B = The record before the activity.

Change: A change to an existing record creates both an A and a B audit record.

Addition: Creation of a new record creates just an A audit record.

Deletion: Deletion of an existing record creates just a B audit record.

Always populated.


Alphanumeric, 1 position

The type of action that took place:

A = add

C = change

D = delete

Always populated.

Note: Creating a new user results in audit records for the User and Users tables, as well as the User Extended table if you specify an email address. Additional table updates take place as you work with different types of user authorization, such as assigning authority to a company and then setting that company as the user’s default.

Updated table

Alphanumeric, 25 positions

The table updated by the activity. See the Fields Used by Updated Table (User Audit) for a listing, including the activities that create each type of audit record and the included fields.

All fields populated: All fields that are populated in the updated table are populated in the audit record. For example, a user record includes a default company and a default output queue. If you make any change to the user record, the default company and default output queue are included in the before and after records, even if these settings have not changed. However, the User Authority Change Report includes fields only if they have been updated.

Certain activities update multiple tables: For example, deleting a user also deletes the User Extended record, the Auth User Company record, and other dependent records.

Always populated.

Updated by user

Alphanumeric, 10 positions

The ID of the user who performed the activity. Always populated.

Updated by user name

Alphanumeric, 30 positions

The name of the user who performed the activity at the time of the update. From the User record. Always populated.

Authority changed

Alphanumeric, 10 positions

The record affected by the activity. Possible authority entries:

a user ID when the user is created, changed, or deleted

a user class when the user class is created, changed, or deleted

a secured feature code when the company-level secured feature is created, changed, or deleted

Always populated.

Auth type

Alphanumeric, 1 position

The authority type affected by the activity. Possible types:

U = user ID

C = user class

F = secured feature

Always populated.

Additional Fields

Each remaining field in the User Audit table is populated only if the corresponding source table includes the same field, and it is populated in the source table. For example, only the User table includes the CTI user type field, so this field can be populated in the User Audit table only for an audit record of a User record that has a CTI user type specified.


Numeric, 3 positions

The Company related to the update. Populated for the following tables by:

User: Changing or deleting a user if a Default company was assigned. Not populated by adding a user, because you first need to assign company authority for a user before setting the default company.

Auth User Company: Changing a user’s company authority, or deleting a user who had company authority. When you delete a user with authority to multiple companies, a separate audit record is created for each authorized company.

Auth User Feature: Adding or changing secured feature authority for a user.

User Class: Adding, deleting, or changing the default company for a user class.

Auth User Class Company: Adding or deleting company authority for a user class.

Auth User Class Feature: Adding, changing, or deleting secured feature authority for a user class.

Auth User Class Vendor Auth: Deleting authority to a vendor for a user class.

Secure Feature: Creating, changing, or deleting a secured feature at the company level.

User Field Authority: Adding, changing, or deleting authority to a hold reason code or a return disposition value for a user.

User Class Field Auth: Adding, changing, or deleting authority to a hold reason code or a return disposition value for a user class.

CTI user

Alphanumeric, 1 position

The CTI user setting for the created, changed, or deleted user. Possible settings:

Y = CTI user

N = User does not have fast path authority

Populated only for User table updates.

CTI user type

Alphanumeric, 1 position

The CTI user type setting for the created, changed, or deleted user. Optional field. Possible types:

1 = Receive inbound only

2 = Initiate outbound only

3 = Inbound and outbound

Populated only for User table updates.

CTI default screen

Alphanumeric, 1 position

The CTI default screen setting for the created, changed, or deleted user. Optional field. Possible settings:

1 = Always display CTI screen

2 = Display CTI screen with call

Populated only for User table updates.

CTI default phone ext

Alphanumeric, 4 positions

The CTI telephone extension setting for the created, changed, or deleted user. Optional field.

Populated only for User table updates.

User class

Alphanumeric, 10 positions

Populated for the following tables by:

User: Creating, updating, or deleting a user with a User class assigned. Optional field.

User Class: Creating, updating, or deleting a user class.

Auth User Class Company: Changing the company authority for a user class, or deleting a user class.

Auth User Class Feature: Deleting or changing the feature authority for a user class.

Auth User Class Option: Changing user class menu option authority, or deleting a user class.

User Class Vendor Auth: Deleting vendor authority for a user class.

User Class Field Auth: Adding, changing, or deleting authority to a hold reason code or a return disposition value for a user class.

User class description

Alphanumeric, 30 positions

The Description of the created, changed, or deleted user class.

Populated only for User Class table updates.

Default authority

Alphanumeric, 8 positions

Possible settings are:



• *DISPLAY (menu option authority only)

Populated for the following tables by:

User: Creating, changing, or deleting a user.

User Field Authority: Adding, changing, or deleting authority to a hold reason code or a return disposition value for a user.

Auth User Feature: Adding or changing secured feature authority for a user.

Auth User Menu Option: Adding, changing, or deleting menu option authority for a user.

User Class Field Authority: Adding, changing, or deleting authority to a hold reason code or a return disposition value for a user class.

Auth User Class Option: Adding, changing, or deleting menu option authority for a user class.

Auth User Class Feature: Adding or changing secured feature authority for a user class.

Secure Feature: Changing the default authority for a secured feature at the company level.

Log use

Alphanumeric, 1 position

The Log use setting for the created, changed, or deleted user. Optional field. Possible settings:

Y = Log use

N or blank = Do not log use

Populated only for User table updates.

Security adm

Alphanumeric, 1 position

The Security administrator setting for the created, changed, or deleted user. Optional field. Possible settings:

Y = Security administrator

N or blank = Not a security administrator

Populated only for User table updates.

Allow fast path

Alphanumeric, 1 position

The Fast path setting for the created, changed, or deleted user. Optional field. Possible settings:

Y = User has fast path authority

N or blank = User does not have fast path authority

Populated only for User table updates.

Output queue

Alphanumeric, 10 positions

The default Output queue for the created, changed, or deleted user. Optional field.

Populated only for User table updates.


Alphanumeric, 10 positions

The Default menu setting for the created, changed, or deleted user. Optional field.

Populated only for User or User Class table updates.


Alphanumeric, 3 positions

The Language for the created, changed, or deleted user. Optional field.

Populated only for User table updates.

E-mail address

Alphanumeric, 50 positions

The user’s Email address.

Populated only for User Extended table updates.

Secured feature

Alphanumeric, 3 positions

The code identifying the secured feature.

Populated for the following tables by:

Auth User Feature: Adding or changing secured feature authority for a user.

Auth User Class Feature: Adding or changing secured feature authority for a user class.

Secured Feature: Adding, changing, or deleting a secured feature at the company level.

Secured feature desc

Alphanumeric, 40 positions

The description of the secured feature.

Populated only for Secured Feature updates.

Tickler grp ID

Alphanumeric, 10 positions

The code identifying the tickler group added to or deleted from the user. Populated only for User Tickler Group updates for a user.


Numeric, 7 positions

The vendor whose authority was changed for the user class. Populated only for User Class/Vendor Auth updates.

CPG program

Alphanumeric, 10 positions

Not currently implemented.

Hold reason

Alphanumeric, 2 positions

The code identifying a:

• hold reason code if the User field auth type is HR, or

• return disposition value if the User field auth type is RD

Populated for the following tables by:

User Field Authority: Creating, changing, or deleting user authority to a hold reason code or a return disposition value.

User Class Field Authority: Creating, changing, or deleting user class authority a hold reason code or a return disposition value.

User field auth type

Alphanumeric, 2 positions

The code identifying the type of user field changed. Possible values:

HR = hold reason code

RD = return disposition value

Populated for the following tables by:

User Field Authority: Creating, changing, or deleting user authority to a hold reason code or a return disposition value.

User Class Field Authority: Creating, changing, or deleting user class authority a hold reason code or a return disposition value.

Menu option

Alphanumeric, 4 positions

The Fast path identifying a menu option. Populated for the following tables by:

Auth User Menu Option: Adding, changing, or deleting menu option authority for a user.

Auth User Class Option: Adding, changing, or deleting menu option authority for a user class.

UDF seq#

Numeric, 5 positions

Not currently implemented.

Name/ description

Alphanumeric, 30 positions

The name of the user, user class, or secured feature related to the activity.

User name: Populated with a user name by a change related to the user, when the Updated Table is User, Users, User Extended, Auth User Company, Auth User Feature, Auth User Menu Option, User Field Authority, or User Tickler Group. From:

• the User name set up through the User Control screen available through Advance Commands if the activity updates the Users table, even if the update took place through the Work with Users option. Fields in the Users table but also accessible through the Work with Users option include:

- Advanced commands

- All jobs authority

- Status

- Rank

• the Name set up through Work with Users for any other activity related to the user.

User class: Populated with the user class name by a change related to the user class, when the Updated Table is User Class, Auth User Class Company, Auth User Class Feature, Auth User Class Option, User Class Field Auth, or User Class Vend Auth. In this case, the Name/description is the same as the User class description.

Secured feature: Populated with the secured feature description, when the Updated Table is Secured Feature. In this case, the Name/description is the same as the Secured feature desc.


Alphanumeric, 1 position

Indicates if the user is flagged for LDAP authentication. This setting is always set to N since LDAP authentication is not currently implemented.

Populated only for User table updates.


Alphanumeric, 10 positions

The domain to use for LDAP authentication. Populated only for User table updates.

Not currently implemented.

LDAP name

Alphanumeric, 50 positions

The user name that matches the network user ID for network authentication. Used only for LDAP authentication which is not currently implemented. Populated only for User table updates.


Numeric, 1 position

The user’s authority rank. Set to:

1 = the user can see and edit all other users through the User Control option (admin-level user authority). If the All jobs flag is selected, the user also has access to other users’ documents and forms at the Document Management and Form Management screens. Note: Assign this authority only to those users whose responsibilities require it.

• any value from 2 to 9 = the user can use the User Control screen only to change his or her own password, and has access to the documents and forms of other users (through the My Docs and My Forms options) only if those users share the same rank assignment and the All jobs flag is selected. For example, a user assigned to rank 5 has access to the forms of other users who are also assigned to rank 5.

Populated only for Users table updates made either through the Work with Users option, or the User Control screen available through Advanced Commands.

Advanced command

Alphanumeric, 1 position

Set to:

Y = user should has authority to the Advanced Commands option through My Docs, My Forms, or My Jobs

N = the user does not have authority to the Advanced Commands option through My Docs, My Forms, or My Jobs

Populated only for Users table updates made either through the Work with Users option, or the User Control screen available through Advanced Commands.

Password expired

Alphanumeric, 10 positions

Indicates when the password for a user expires. Valid values are:

*NO = the password does not expire; for security reasons, this setting is not recommended.

• expiration date in MM/DD/YYYY format = If the expiration date is on or earlier than the current date, then the next time the user logs in Order Management System advances directly to the Password Expired screen. The user will need to change the password before it is possible to advance to another screen.

Populated only for Users table updates through either the Work with Users option or the User Control screen available through Advanced Commands.

All jobs authority

Alphanumeric, 1 position

Indicates the user’s authority to other users’ submitted jobs:

Y = the user can see and has authority to all other users’ jobs. Note: Assign this authority only to those users whose responsibilities require it. If this flag is selected and the User rank is:

- 1: the user has access to all other users’ documents and forms.

- 2 through 9: the user has access to the documents and forms of other users of the same rank.

N = the user can see and has authority only to the jobs, documents, and forms associated with the user’s own user ID.

Populated only for Users table updates made either through the Work with Users option, or the User Control screen available through Advanced Commands.


Alphanumeric, 10 positions

Indicates if the user has access to Order Management System. Possible settings:

*ENABLED = the user can use Order Management System.

*DISABLED = the user cannot use Order Management System.

Populated only for Users table updates made either through the Work with Users option, or the User Control screen available through Advanced Commands.

Before/after changes

Alphanumeric, 512 positions

Lists the settings of any changed fields:

• Before record: Lists the affected field settings before the activity

• After record: Lists the affected field settings after the activity

Example: You changed the default company for a user from 12:

After: Default Company: 3

Before: Default Company: 12

This information is listed on the User Authority Change Report or on the generated CSV file if the information’s length exceeds the available space on the report.

Fields Used by Updated Table (User Audit)

Fields for all audit records: All records in the User Audit table use the following fields:

Change date

Change time



Updated table

Updated by user

Updated by user name

Authority changed

Auth type

Before/after changes

Additional fields for different types of audit records: Additional fields used for the different possible updated tables are listed below:



Ways to Update/Sample Report Entries



CTI user

CTI user type

CTI default screen

CTI default phone ext

User class

Default authority

Log use

Security adm

Allow fast path



Name/ description



LDAP name

Note: Optional fields, such as the Output queue, CTI settings, and User class, may be blank for the audit record.

Work with Users (WUSR):

• Create

• Change (Note: The User Audit table is updated only if a change is made)

• Delete

Press F17 from a menu screen to make the current menu the default

Sample entries on the User Authority Change Report:

• Before: Menu: HOME2

• After: Menu: HOME


Name/ description from Users table


Advanced command

Password expired

All jobs authority


Work with Users (WUSR):

• Create

• Change (Note: The User Audit table is updated only if a change is made)

• Delete

The User Control screen available through Advance Commands

Sample entries on the User Authority Change Report:

• Before: Rank: 9

• After: Rank: 1

User Extended

E-mail address

Name/ description from User table

Work with Users (WUSR):

• Create

• Change (Note: The User Audit table is updated only if a change is made)

• Delete

Update Email Address Domain (MUEE)

Sample entries on the User Authority Change Report:

• Before: Email Address:

• After: Email Address:

Auth User Company


Name/ description from User table


• Company auth (any change)

• Delete

Sample entry on the User Authority Change Report: After: User: TBROWN Company Authority: 299

Auth User Feature


Note: This is the company that was active when you changed the function authority, even if the user does not have authority to the company.

Default authority

Secured feature

Name/ description from User table


• Feature auth (any change)

• Delete

Sample entry on the User Authority Change Report: See CSV Report (data exceeds boundaries of report)

Entry in CSV: After: User: HBROWN Feature: A01 Default Company: 6 Default Authority: *ALLOW, where A01 identifies the secured feature, and the Default Company is the company where the feature authority was set

Auth User Menu Option

Default authority

Menu option

Name/ description from User table


• Menu option auth (any change)

• Delete

Sample entry on the User Authority Change Report: After: User: HBROWN Menu Option: DABJ Default Authority: *ALLOW

User Field Authority


This is the company that was active when you changed the function authority, even if the user does not have authority to the company.

Default authority

Hold reason

User field auth type

Name/ description from User table

Work with Order Hold Reasons (WOHR): User release auth (any change)

Work with Return Disposition Values (WRDV): User authority (any change)

WUSR: Delete

Sample entry on the User Authority Change Report: See CSV Report (data exceeds boundaries of report)

Entry in CSV: After: User: HBROWN Hold Reason: AT Type: HR Default Authority: *ALLOW

User Tickler Group

Tickler grp ID

Name/ description from User table

WUSR: Tickler group (assigning or deleting)

Sample entry on the User Authority Change Report: After: User: SSMITH Tickler Group: BASIC

User Class


User class


User class description

Name/ description of the user class (same as the User class description)

Note: Optional fields (the Output queue and Menu may be blank for the audit record.

Work with User Classes (WUCL):

• Create

• Change (Note: The User Audit table is updated only if a change is made)

• Delete

Sample entries on the User Authority Change Report:

• Before: Default Company: 0

• After: Default Company: 6

Auth User Class Company


User class

Name/ description of the user class

WUCL: Company auth (adding or removing)

Sample entry on the User Authority Change Report: After: User Class: OE Company Authority: 6

Auth User Class Feature


User class

Default authority

Secured feature

Name/ description of the user class

WUCL: Feature auth (any change)

Sample entry on the User Authority Change Report: See CSV Report (data exceeds boundaries of report)

Entry in CSV: After: User Class: CS2 Feature: A05 Default Company: 6 Default Authority: *EXCLUDE, where A05 is the secured feature, and Company 6 is the company where the feature was set

Auth User Class Option

User class

Default authority

Menu option

Name/ description of the user class

WUCL: Menu option auth (any change)

Sample entry on the User Authority Change Report: See CSV Report (data exceeds boundaries of report)

Entry in CSV: After: User Class: CS2 Menu Option: DABJ Default Authority: *ALLOW

User Class Field Auth


This is the company that was active when you changed the function authority, even if the user does not have authority to the company.

User class

Default authority

Hold reason

User field auth type

Name/ description of the user class

Work with Order Hold Reasons (WOHR): User release auth (any change)

Work with Return Disposition Values (WRDV): User authority (any change)

Sample entry on the User Authority Change Report: See CSV Report (data exceeds boundaries of report)

Entry in CSV: After: User Class: CS2 Hold Reason: DH Type: HR Default Authority: *ALLOW

User Class Vend Auth


User class


Name/ description of the user class

WUCL: Vendor auth (*EXCLUDE, deletion only)

Sample entry on the User Authority Change Report: Before: User Class: CS2 Company: 6 Vendor: 2

Secured Feature


Default authority

Secured feature

Secured feature desc

Name/ description of the secured feature

Work with System Values/Features (WSYS): Secured features:

• Create

• Copy

• Change (Note: The User Audit table is updated only if a change is made)

• Delete

Process New Secure Feature Values (NSEC)

Sample entries on the User Authority Change Report:

• Before: Default Authority: *ALLOW

• After: Default Authority: *EXCLUDE

Password Audit Table

Overview: Order Management System creates a record in the Password Audit table each time a user’s password changes through:

• the User Control screen available through Advanced Commands, or

• changing a password through the Password Expired screen

The information in the Password Audit table is listed below:




Change date

Numeric, 7 positions (CYY/MM/DD format)

The date when the change occurred.

Change time

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format)

The time when the change occurred.

User ID of password

Alphanumeric, 10 positions

The user ID whose password was updated.

User name

Alphanumeric, 30 positions

The name of the user. From the Name set up through Work with Users.


Updated by user

Alphanumeric, 10 positions

The ID of the user who performed the activity.

Updated by user name

Alphanumeric, 30 positions

The name of the user who performed the activity at the time of the update. From the User record.

UserAudit OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN