Pick Print Eligibility (WPPE)

Purpose: Use this menu option to determine whether the system will include picks for a specified order in the next pick slip generation run for the selected pick slip generation template.

The system determines which pre-generated picks to include in the pick slip generation run, based on the pick slip selection criteria specified on the Streamlined Pick Slip Generation Screen for the selected pick slip generation template.

In this chapter:

Pick Print Eligibility Screen

Pick Print Eligibility Error Reasons

For more information: See:

Preparing Orders for Pick Slip Generation for more information on when the system creates pre-generated picks for an order.

Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) for more information on generating pick slips based on the criteria defined for a pick slip generation template.

Pick Print Eligibility Screen

Use this screen to enter the order and ship to number you wish the system to evaluate for pick print eligibility when running Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) for the selected pick slip generation template.

How to display this screen: Enter WPPE in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Pick Print Eligibility from a menu.



Order #

The order number and ship to number the system will evaluate for pick print eligibility.

The order number is validated against the Order Header table.

The order ship to number is validated against the Order Ship To table.

To be eligible for pick print, the order and order ship to must be in an Open status and not locked by a user.

Order #: Numeric, 8 positions; required.

Ship to #: Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Pick Gen Template

The pick slip generation template from Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) the system will use to determine if the pre-generated picks for the specified order will print.



1. Enter the order number and order ship to number you wish to evaluate for pick print eligibility. If you leave the Ship to blank, the system defaults a ship to number of 1.

2. Select the pick slip generation template you wish to use to print picks for the order.

3. Select OK.

The system:

• If a pick exists for the order that is in a status other than G Generated No Authorization, H Generated Has Authorization, or V Void, the system displays the error Pick already printed for order. Note: The system displays this error even if other picks exist for the order that ARE in a G, H, or V status which could be eligible for pick slip generation. You must process the printed pick through Billing before the system evaluates the other picks for the order.

• If picks do not exist for the order, the system determines if the order is eligible for pick slip preparation.

- If the order is not eligible for pick slip preparation, the system displays an error message indicating the order is not eligible for Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) because a pre-generated pick does not exist for the order; see Pick Slip Preparation Errors.

- If the order is eligible for pick slip preparation, the system submits the Pick Gen Refresh periodic function to create pre-generated picks for the order and continues to the next step. See Selecting Order Lines for Pick Slip Preparation and Applying Pick Slip Preparation to an Order for more information on when an order is eligible for pick slip preparation and the updates that occur.

• If a pre-generated pick exists for the order, the system determines if the pick will print using the selected pick slip generation template.

- If picks for the order will not print using the selected pick slip generation template, the system displays an error message indicating the order is not eligible for Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) because it does not meet the criteria defined for the selected pick slip generation template; see Pick Errors.

- If at least one of the picks for the order will print using the selected pick slip generation template, the system displays the message Order meets criteria. However, if a Maximum number of picks has been defined for the pick slip generation template which could prevent the pick from being selected for print, the system displays the message Pick eligible but Max # of Picks limit exists.


• The system displays the first error encountered for the order; other errors may exist on the order which could prevent the order from being included in the pick slip generation run. Correct the error and run Pick Print Eligibility again to determine if there are any other reasons the order would not be included in the pick slip generation run.

• If one of the picks for the order is eligible for Streamlined Pick Slip Generation (WSPS) using the selected pick slip generation template, the system considers the order eligible for pick slip generation, even if other picks for the order will not print. Run pick slip generation for the eligible pick and then run Pick Print Eligibility again to determine why other picks for the order are not eligible for pick slip generation.

Pick Print Eligibility Error Reasons

Note: The pick print eligibility error reasons are system delivered data that displays in the default language selected during installation of Order Management System; see Regional Settings.

Error Message

Reason for Error

General Errors

Pick already printed for order

A pick exists for the order that is in a status other than:

G Generated No Authorization

H Generated Has Authorization

V Void

Reason could not be determined

A reason other than the reasons listed in this chart is preventing the system from printing a pick for the selected order using the selected pick slip generation template. Contact your Order Management System representative to determine the reason for the error.

Pick Slip Preparation Errors

The system displays one of the error reasons below if pre-generated picks do not exist for the order and the order is not eligible for pick slip preparation.

Order Header is in wrong status

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because the Order Header is not in an Open status.

Order on hold

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because the status of the Order Header is H Held.

Order Header is quote

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because the status of the Order Header is Q Quote.

Order Header is currently locked by X

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because the order is locked by the specified user ID.

Order Ship To is in wrong status

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because the Order Ship To is not in an Open status.

Order Ship To on hold

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because the status of the Order Ship To is H Held.

Order is flagged as ship complete

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because the order is flagged as a ship complete order; see Selecting Order Lines for Pick Slip Preparation for more information on when an order is eligible for pick slip preparation.

Order does not have any open order details

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because the order does not have any order detail lines that are in an Open status; see Selecting Order Lines for Pick Slip Preparation for more information on when an order is eligible for pick slip preparation.

Order has a future arrival date

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because the Arrival date for the reserved, open order line(s) is a future arrival date. The system uses the arrival date defined for the order line or the order ship to if not defined at the line level; see Arrival Date Calculation.

Cancel date has been exceeded

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because the cancel date defined for the Order Ship To falls within the time it takes to process and fulfill the pick slip; see Cancel Date Calculation.

Order contains back ordered line(s)

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because the lines on the order are backordered; see Selecting Order Lines for Pick Slip Preparation for more information on when an order is eligible for pick slip preparation.

Order is coordinate grouped

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because the lines on the order are coordinate grouped together and one or more of the lines is not eligible for pick slip preparation; see Selecting Order Lines for Pick Slip Preparation for more information on when an order is eligible for pick slip preparation.

Line # 999 has a quantity remaining of 0

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because it contains a reserved order line with a quantity remaining equal to or less than 0.

Line # 999 has a quantity remaining that is > the quantity reserved

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because it contains a reserved order line with a quantity remaining that is greater than the quantity reserved.

Line # 999 has a quantity printed on reserved order line that is > the order detail reserved

Pre-generated picks do not exist for the order because it contains a reserved order line with a quantity printed that is greater than the quantity reserved on the order detail line.

Pick Errors

The system displays one of the error reasons below if a pre-generated pick exists for the order, but it will not print using the selected pick slip generation template.

Cancel date has been exceeded

A pre-generated pick exists for the order, but the cancel date defined for the Order Ship To falls within the time it takes to process and fulfill the pick slip; see Cancel Date Calculation.

Order does not meet criteria

A pre-generated pick exists for the order, but the pre-generated pick does not meet the criteria defined for the selected pick slip generation template.

WPPE OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN