Establishing Return Disposition Values (WRDV)

Purpose: Use return disposition values to identify how a returned item will be handled by the system when you process a return through Return Authorizations, Order Entry or Order Maintenance.

Does the return affect inventory? If the return disposition code affects inventory, the merchandise will be returned into active inventory and the system updates the on hand quantity for the specified location.

Is the merchandise returned to its primary location? The system checks for a primary location and warehouse in the Item table. If a location and warehouse is defined in the Item table, the system returns the item automatically to this warehouse location. If a location has not been defined in the Item table or if the return disposition value is not set up to receive returns to the primary location, the system receives the return in the warehouse and location defined for the return disposition value.

Does the user have authority to this return disposition value? You can set up authority to a specific return disposition value for a user or user class. If the user has authority to the return disposition code, the system processes the return. If the user does not have authority to the return disposition value, an error message indicates when you try to process the return.

In this chapter:

Work with Return Disposition Values Screen

Create Return Disposition Screen

Authority Hierarchy

Work with User Field Authority Screen (Return Disposition Authority for Users)

- Resetting User Authority

Work with User Class Field Authority Screen (Return Disposition Authority for User Classes)

- Resetting User Class Authority

Work with Return Disposition Values Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WRDV in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Work with Return Disposition Values from a menu.



Return code

A code that identifies how the returned merchandise will be handled by the system, in terms of whether the return updates inventory and the warehouse and location to which the merchandise will be returned.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


The description of the return disposition value.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Affect inv (Affect inventory)

Determines whether the return affects the on-hand quantity.

Valid values:

Yes = Affect inventory.

No = Do not affect inventory.


Use primary

Indicates whether the item should be returned to its primary location.

Valid values:

Yes = Use primary.

No = Do not use primary.


W/H (Warehouse)

A code that identifies the warehouse where the item will be returned. Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table. See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


A code that identifies the location within the warehouse where you place the item. Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location table. See Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a return disposition code

Select Create to advance to the Create Return Disposition Screen.

Change return disposition information

Select Change for a return disposition value to advance to the Change Return Disposition screen. You can change any information on the Change Return Disposition screen except the disposition code itself. See Create Return Disposition Screen for field descriptions.

To change the actual disposition code, you must delete the existing record and create a new one.

Delete a return disposition code

Select Delete for a return disposition value.

Display a return disposition code

Select Display for a return disposition value to advance to the Display Return Disposition screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Return Disposition Screen for field descriptions.

Work with return disposition authority for users

Select User Authority for a return disposition value to advance to the Work with User Field Authority Screen (Return Disposition Authority for Users).

Work with return disposition authority for user classes

Select User Class Authority for a return disposition value to advance to the Work with User Class Field Authority Screen (Return Disposition Authority for User Classes).

Create Return Disposition Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a return disposition value.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Return Disposition Values Screen, select Create.




Represents the return disposition value. Return disposition values identify how returned merchandise will be handled by the system, in terms of whether the return updates inventory and the warehouse and location to which the merchandise will be returned.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The description of the return disposition value.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Affect inventory

This flag identifies whether the returned merchandise will be returned into active inventory and update the on hand quantity in the specified location.

Valid values are:

Selected = Returned merchandise increases the on-hand quantity.

Unselected = Returned merchandise does not increase the on-hand quantity.

Note: If you unselect this setting, you must unselect the Use primary location setting. Also, you cannot enter values in the Warehouse or Location fields or the system displays the following message:

Warehouse & location not required for Disp. code.

Use primary location

This flag indicates whether to return items to their primary locations.

Valid values are:

Selected = Return the item to the primary location. If the disposition code is set up to affect inventory and return to the primary location, the system checks for a primary location in the Item table. If one is available, the system returns the item automatically to this warehouse location. If one is not available, the system receives the return in the warehouse and location defined for the return disposition code.

Unselected = Do not return the item to the primary location; instead, return the item to the warehouse and location defined for the Return Disposition code.


The default warehouse used for returns with this Return Disposition code.

You must define a default warehouse if you selected the Affect inventory field.

Note: The system uses this warehouse automatically if the Use primary location field is selected, but no primary warehouse is defined for the item/SKU.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table. See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; required when Affect inventory field is selected.


The default location used for returns with this Return Disposition code.

You must define a default location if you selected the Affect inventory flag.

Note: The system uses this location automatically if the Use primary location field is selected, but no primary location is defined for the item/SKU.

Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location table. See Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required when Affect inventory field is selected.

Authority Hierarchy

Purpose: You can use the Work with Return Disposition Values menu option to set user or user class authorities to specific return disposition values. The settings you enter through this menu option are overrides to defaults set at a higher level.

General guidelines:

Authority Setting

Set Up Through:

1. user's authority to the specific return disposition value

Work with User Field Authority Screen (Return Disposition Authority for Users)

2. user's user class authority to the specific return disposition value

Work with User Class Field Authority Screen (Return Disposition Authority for User Classes)

3. user's authority to the Return Disposition Authority (A83) secured feature

Work with User Class Field Authority Screen (Return Disposition Authority for User Classes) in Work with User Classes (fast path = WUCL); also available by selecting W/W User Classes in Work with Users

4. user's user class authority to the Return Disposition Authority (A83) secured feature

Work with User Class Field Authority Screen (Return Disposition Authority for User Classes) in Work with User Classes (fast path = WUCL); also available by selecting W/W User Classes in Work with Users

5. default setting of the Return Disposition Authority (A83) secured feature

Work with System Features screen in Work with System Values/Features (fast path = WSYS)

The system checks each setting in the above order, skipping over any blank settings until it finds a Allow or Exclude setting.

Example One: User BMIRANDA is assigned to the user class WAREHOUSE. The Return Disposition Authority (A83) secured feature is set to Allow. The WAREHOUSE user class authority for return disposition value 4A is set to Exclude. BMIRANDA's user authority for return disposition value 4A is set to Allow. The result is that BMIRANDA can process a return using the 4A return disposition value, because her user authority overrides the other settings. However, the other users in the WAREHOUSE user class cannot process a return user the 4A return disposition value, unless they also have an override at the user level.

Example Two: User TBOTTGER has a Return Disposition Authority (A83) secured feature setting of Exclude. However, the user settings for the 4A and 4B return disposition values only are set to Allow. This user is not assigned to a user class. The result is that TBOTTGER can process a return using return disposition values 4A and 4B only, but is excluded from processing a return using any other return disposition values.

Work with User Field Authority Screen (Return Disposition Authority for Users)

Purpose: Use this screen to review or change a user's authority to a specific return disposition value.

How to display this screen: Select User Authority for a return disposition value at the Work with Return Disposition Values Screen.



Return disposition

The return disposition value you selected at the Work with Return Disposition Values Screen. The description displays to the right.

Value: alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The user ID of a person within your company.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The user's name.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The user's authority to process a return using the return disposition value specified.

Valid values are:

Allow = The user can process a return using this return disposition value.

Display = The user can review a return with this return disposition value.

Exclude = The user cannot process a return using this return disposition value.

• Blank = The user's ability to process a return using this return disposition value depends on the user class setting; if there is not user class setting for this return disposition value, the system checks the setting of the Return Disposition Authority (A83) secured feature at the user, user class, and default levels in order. See Authority Hierarchy.


User class authority

The authority of the user's class to process a return using the return disposition value specified.

Value values are:

Allow = The user can process a return using the return disposition value specified, unless the user-level authority is set to Exclude.

Display = The user can review a return with the return disposition value specified.

Exclude = The user cannot process a return using the return disposition value specified, unless the user-level authority is set to Allow.

• Blank = The user's ability to process a return using the return disposition value specified does not depend on the user class setting; if there is not user setting for this return disposition value, the system checks the setting of the Return Disposition Authority (A83) secured feature at the user, user class, and default levels in order. See Authority Hierarchy.


Resetting User Authority

To delete: Select Delete for a user ID.

If you delete a user's user-level authority, the user class-level authority setting for this return disposition value, if any, will be in effect; if there is no user class setting, the system checks the setting of the Return Disposition Authority (A83) secured feature at the user, user class, and default levels in order. See Authority Hierarchy.

If the user did not have a user-level authority setting for this return disposition value, the screen does not display an error message; however, no changes take place.

Set to ALLOW: Select Allow for a user ID. The user will be able to process a return using the specified return disposition value.

If the user already had authority to this return disposition value, the screen does not display an error message; however, no changes take place.

Set to EXCLUDE: Select Exclude for a user ID. The user will not be able to process a return using this return disposition value.

If the user already is excluded from this return disposition value, the screen does not display an error message; however, no changes take place.

Work with User Class Field Authority Screen (Return Disposition Authority for User Classes)

Purpose: Use this screen to review or work with the authority settings to a selected return disposition value by user class.

How to display this screen: Select User Class Authority for a return disposition value at the Work with Return Disposition Values Screen.



Return disposition

The return disposition value you selected at the Work with Return Disposition Values Screen. The description displays to the right.

Value: alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


A user class within your company.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The description of a user class.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The user class's authority to process a return using the return disposition code specified.

Valid values are:

Allow = User in this class can process a return using this return disposition value, unless the user-level setting is Allow.

Display = User in this class can review a return using this return disposition value.

Exclude = User in this class cannot process a return using this return disposition value, unless the user-level setting is Exclude.

• blank = User's ability to process a return using this return disposition value depends on the return disposition value setting at the user level, if defined; otherwise, the system checks the secured feature setting at the user, user class, and default levels in order. See Authority Hierarchy.


Resetting User Class Authority

To delete: Select Delete for a user class.

If you delete a user class's authority, and if there is no user-level setting for the return disposition value, the system checks the setting of the Return Disposition Authority (A83) secured feature at the user, user class, and default levels in order. See Authority Hierarchy.

If the user class did not have an authority setting for this return disposition value, the screen does not display an error message; however, no changes take place.

To set to ALLOW: Select Allow for a user class. The user in this user class will be able to process a return using this return disposition value, unless the authority setting for an individual user is set to Exclude.

If the user class already had authority to this return disposition value, the screen does not display an error message; however, no changes take place.

Set to EXCLUDE: Select Exclude for a user class. The users in this class will not be able to process a return using this return disposition value, unless the authority setting for an individual user is set to Allow.

If the user class already is excluded from this return disposition value, the screen does not display an error message; however, no changes take place.

WRDV OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN