Ship-for-Pickup Orders

Overview: You can use the ship-for-pickup option in the Order Broker Integration to send the merchandise for an order to a designated store, where the customer can pick it up. The Order Broker integration facilitates communication between Order Management System and the designated store location, so the store receives notification that the order is in transit, and sends notification back to Order Management System after the merchandise is received and when the customer picks up the order.

The items on the order do not need to be stocked in the store. In addition, the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value controls whether Order Management System fulfills the order or whether the order is sent to Oracle Retail Order Broker for fulfillment assignment.

• If this system control value is set to NEVER, Order Management System fulfills the order and sends the items on the order to the store selected for customer pick up. In this situation, if an item on the order is not in stock, the item is placed on backorder until it can be fulfilled by Order Management System. The order can include up to two locations for processing:

- the originating, or placed, location that creates the order. For ship-for-pickup orders, the originating location is always an Order Management System warehouse.

- the fulfilling, or sourcing, location that provides the inventory for the order. If the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to NEVER, this is always an Order Management System warehouse.

- the pickup location where the customer picks up the items on the order. For ship-for-pickup orders, this is always the store location the customer selected for pickup.

• If this system control value is set to ALWAYS, the system sends the order to Oracle Retail Order Broker for fulfillment assignment. In this situation, Oracle Retail Order Broker determines the best location to fulfill the order and the order can include up to three locations for processing:

- the originating, or placed, location that creates the order. For ship-for-pickup orders, the originating location is always an Order Management System warehouse.

- the fulfilling, or sourcing, location that provides the inventory for the order. If the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to ALWAYS, this is the location the Order Broker selected for fulfillment of the order. This location can be a store location or an Order Management System warehouse.

- the pickup location where the customer picks up the items on the order. For ship-for-pickup orders, this is always the store location the customer selected for pickup.

If Oracle Retail Order Broker determines that Order Management System is the best location to fulfill the order, the system creates a new retail pickup order in Order Management System to fulfill the ship-for-pickup order; see Retail Pickup (including Ship-for-Pickup) or Delivery Orders.

Important: Regardless of when you send ship-for-pickup orders to Oracle Retail Order Broker, in order to use ship-for-pickup processing, you must select the Enable Ship For Pickup option on the Organization window in Oracle Retail Order Broker. Once you enable ship for pickup, the Ship for Pickup Enabled Date displays on the Organization window and this option cannot be changed.

Examples: Examples of ship-for-pickup include:

Example 1 (three different locations):

The customer places an order on the web site (originating location A, Order Management System) and wants to pick the order up at store location B. Oracle Retail Order Broker selects store location C as the fulfilling, or sourcing, location. Store location C ships the inventory to store location B, where the customer can pick it up.


Example 2 (fulfilling location and pickup location are the same):

The customer places an order on the web site (originating location A, Order Management System) and wants to pick the order up at store location B. Oracle Retail Order Broker selects store location B as the fulfilling, or sourcing, location. Once the order is ready at store location B, the customer can pick it up.


Example 3 (originating location and fulfilling location are the same):

The customer places an order on the web site (originating location A, Order Management System) and wants to pick the order up at store location B. Oracle Retail Order Broker selects warehouse location A, Order Management System, as the fulfilling, or sourcing, location. Order Management System ships the items on the order to store location B. Once the order is ready at store location B, the customer can pick it up.


Example 4 (originating location and fulfillment location are the same; items on the order are shipped to the store during pick slip generation/drop ship processing):

The customer places an order on the web site (originating location A, Order Management System) and wants to pick the order up at store location B. Order Management System fulfills the items on the order and during pick slip generation, ships the items on the order to store location B. Oracle Retail Order Broker manages communication between Order Management System and store location B. Once the order is ready at store location B, the customer can pick it up.


In this chapter:

- Creating a Ship-for-Pickup Order in Order Management System

- Communicating with the Order Broker about a Ship-for-Pickup Order

- Special Ship-for-Pickup Orders

- Collect Payment for a Ship-for-Pickup Order at the Store?

- Updates to a Ship-for-Pickup Order in Order Management System

- Ship-for-Pickup Order Processing on or after Shipment

- Reviewing a Ship-for-Pickup Order in Order Inquiry

Creating a Ship-for-Pickup Order in Order Management System

You can create a ship-for-pickup order through interactive order entry, or through the order API.

Note: A ship-for-pickup order should have a single ship-to.

Creating a Ship-for-Pickup Order in Order Entry

Ship-for-pickup orders originate in Order Management System, either through order entry or through the generic order API. The order creation process is similar to that of a regular order, except that a ship-for-pickup order includes a one-time ship-to address representing the store location.

To select the store location in order entry:

1. Select the One Time Ship To option.

2. At the Create One Time Ship To Address Screen, select Store.

3. Select a store at the Store Location Screen. This screen displays each store location set up through Work with Store Cross Reference (WSCR) whose Ship for Pickup flag is selected. The description and address set up for the Store Cross Reference default to the Create One Time Ship To Address screen.

4. Complete entry of the order.

- If the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to NEVER, the system uses existing logic to reserve items in order to fulfill the ship-for-pickup order from an Order Management System warehouse. See Sending a Ship-for-Pickup Order to Order Broker during Pick Slip Generation and Drop Ship Order Processing.

- If the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to ALWAYS and the Send B/O to OROB (K08) system control value is selected, the system bypasses reservation and places all eligible items on backorder, even if the item is available in an Order Management System warehouse, in order to send all eligible items to the Order Broker for fulfillment assignment; see Rules for Submitting Backorders to the Order Broker. The Order Broker will choose the best store location or Order Management System location to fulfill and ship the item to the store location selected by the customer for store pickup. See Brokered Backorders for processing details.

Note: To avoid shipment problems, once you accept a ship-for-pickup order, the system does not allow you to change the store selected as the one time ship to address; in order to change the pickup store location, you must cancel the order and create a new ship-for-pickup order.

Ship-alone items on ship-for-pickup orders: If an item is flagged as Ship alone, Order Management System does not let you enter an order line on a ship-for-pickup order with a quantity greater than one. If the customer wants more than one unit, enter a separate order line for each unit. This restriction applies even if the item is not flagged as OROB eligible.

Creating a Ship-for-Pickup Order through the Generic Order API

In the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN):

• use the store_code attribute to specify the store location code. This needs to be a store location set up through Work with Store Cross Reference (WSCR), as described above for order entry.

• specify a delivery_type of S

• use the ShipTo element in the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) to specify the shipping address of the store, or leave the shipping name and address attributes blank in order to use the information set up in the Store Cross Reference record.

Name and address for ship-for-pickup order: If the ship-to name and address fields are passed for a ship-for-pickup order, these fields should indicate the shipping address of the store selected for pickup; otherwise, if no ship-to name and address is passed, the information defaults from the Store Cross Reference record.

Partial ship-to address? The name or address fields from the Store Cross Reference record default for any fields not passed in the message.

Example: If the CWOrderIn message indicates the ship-to customer’s first and last name, this information defaults to the order, in addition to the company name and address from the Store Cross Reference record.

Communicating with the Order Broker about a Ship-for-Pickup Order

Submitting the order to the Order Broker: The setting of the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value controls when the order is submitted to the Order Broker.

The system submits a ship-for-pickup order to Oracle Retail Order Broker for fulfillment assignment when the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to ALWAYS and the Send B/O to OROB (K08) system control value is selected, and:

• You create an order that contains an eligible item in interactive order entry or through the generic order interface (Order API).

• You run the BROKER Periodic Function to find eligible items to send to Order Broker.

See Brokered Backorders for processing details.

The system submits a ship-for-pickup order to Oracle Retail Order Broker during pick slip generation or drop ship purchase order processing in the following scenarios.

• When the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to NEVER or blank, or

• When the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to ALWAYS but the Send B/O to OROB (K08) system control value is unselected.

See Sending a Ship-for-Pickup Order to Order Broker during Pick Slip Generation and Drop Ship Order Processing for processing details.

Sending a Ship-for-Pickup Order to Order Broker during Pick Slip Generation and Drop Ship Order Processing

Submitting the order to the Order Broker: The system submits a ship-for-pickup order to Oracle Retail Order Broker when you generate the pick slip or drop ship purchase order in the following scenarios.

• When the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to NEVER or blank.

• When the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to ALWAYS but the Send B/O to OROB (K08) system control value is unselected.

At this time, the system also creates the Order Broker record displayed at the Work with Order Broker Screen.

Which items are included in the Submit Order message? Only items that are flagged as OROB eligible are included in the message to the Order Broker. However, all items that print on the pick slip or purchase order can be included in the shipment to the store location.

Note: It is important to confirm that including additional items on the pick slip or purchase order and in the shipment will not present a problem to the store receiving the ship-for-pickup order.

No items OROB eligible? If you create a ship-for-pickup that does not include any OROB eligible items, Order Management System does not submit the order to the Order Broker or create an Order Broker record; however, you can still generate the pick slip or drop ship purchase order and ship the order to the store location for customer pickup. It is important to note that, in this case, the selected store does not receive advance notification of the order.

For more information on the contents of the message, see the Ship-for-Pickup (during Pick Generation/Drop Ship Processing) Submit Order Request Message Sample.

Submit separate orders for each order line? If the Create Separate Picks for Ship for Pickup Orders (L89) system control value is selected, Order Management System generates a separate pick slip or drop ship purchase order for each item, and as a result, submits each order line as a separate order to the Order Broker. Creating separate orders in Oracle Retail Order Broker can prevent confusion about order status if, for example, a single order line is canceled or fulfilled. See the Create Separate Picks for Ship for Pickup Orders (L89) system control value for more information.

What if Oracle Retail Order Broker is unavailable? If Oracle Retail Order Broker does not respond to the submit order request during pick slip or drop ship purchase order generation, Order Management System does not print the pick slip or purchase order. Instead, it writes an order transaction history message: Submit Order Failed - OROB Unavailable. The order is eligible for selection the next time you generate pick slips or drop ship purchase orders.

Creating the Order Broker record: When the job generates the Submit Order request, it initially creates the Order Broker record in In Process status.

Message response: The Submit Order response message indicates whether the Order Broker was able to create the order:

Order rejected? If the Order Broker returns an error in the response message, Order Management System puts the order on hold using the Hold Reason for Errored Ship for Pickup Orders (L10). The Order Broker might return an error if, for example, the order includes an item that does not exist in Oracle Retail Order Broker or in the point-of-sale system associated with the store location. In this case, the Order Broker record in Order Management System is deleted and Order Transaction History indicates:

Submit Order Rejected/Order Held



Order accepted? If the Order Broker accepts the order, the generation process sends a status update indicating a status of Picked. The process finishes and the Order Broker record remains in Picking status until you confirm shipment of the pick slip or purchase order.

Note: The designated store location cannot reject a ship-for-pickup order.

Sample message: See Ship-for-Pickup (during Pick Generation/Drop Ship Processing) Submit Order Request Message Sample for a sample message and more information.

Fulfilling location in Order Management System vs. Oracle Retail Order Broker:

When order submitted to Oracle Retail Order Broker:

- originating / placed location = the OROMS warehouse shipping the merchandise to the store location.

- fulfilling / sourced location = the OROMS warehouse shipping the merchandise to the store location.

- pickup location = the store location the customer selected for store pickup.

When store receives the merchandise or customer picks up the order: Once Order Management System receives a status inquiry response indicating that the store location has received the merchandise on the order, or that the customer has picked the order up, the store location is identified as the fulfilling location.

- originating / placed location = the OROMS warehouse shipping the merchandise to the store location.

- fulfilling / sourced location = the OROMS warehouse shipping the merchandise to the store location.

- pickup location = the store location the customer selected for store pickup.

Excluded from brokered backorder processing: If the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to NEVER, backordered items on ship-for-pickup orders are not eligible for processing through the brokered backorder integration with Oracle Retail Order Broker.

Creating ship-for-pickup orders for drop ship items: When you create a ship-for-pickup order for a drop ship item, Order Management System submits the order to Oracle Retail Order Broker when you use Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP).

Note: There is no warehouse associated with a drop ship item, so in this case Order Management System designates the OROB Default Location (K51) as the requesting location. If you are generating ship-for-pickup orders for drop ship items, you need to specify a valid Oracle Retail Order Broker location in this system control value; otherwise, Oracle Retail Order Broker returns an error indicating that the requesting location is invalid.

Documents for store receiving: In order to support store receiving, you can generate the Pick Message from Order Management System (CWPickOut) or the PO Download XML Message (CWPurchaseOrderOut). Each of these messages includes details on the order submitted to the Order Broker, including the Oracle Retail Order Broker request ID, the order number in the originating system, and the delivery type. See the Generic Pick Out API and the Generic Outbound Purchase Order API for more information.

Special Ship-for-Pickup Orders

In order to support processing special ship-for-pickup orders that originated in a retail location and then sent to Order Management System through the order API:

• If the order type matches the Order Type for Special Orders (L15), the Submit Order message specifies the e-commerce order number, rather than the Order Management System order number, as the order_id, so that the originating location can more easily identify and track the order.

• If the pay type matches the Pay Type for Special Orders (L16), the balance_due specified in the Submit Order message is the order total, indicating that the customer needs to pay for the order when picking it up. Otherwise, if the pay type on the order does not match this system control value, the Submit Order message does not specify a balance due, even if the order type matches the Order Type for Special Orders (L15).

See the Order Type for Special Orders (L15) and Pay Type for Special Orders (L16) system control values for more information.

If you use the Generic Pick In API (Shipments, Voids, and Backorders) to void a pick slip for a special ship-for-pickup order and the Cancel Reason (Pick In) (L86) system control value specifies a cancel reason code, Order Management System cancels the order using the specified cancel reason and sends a status update to the Order Broker canceling the order.

Important: To prevent inconsistent updates to Oracle Retail Order Broker for special ship-for-pickup orders, do not process partial backorders for these orders through the Generic Pick In API (Shipments, Voids, and Backorders); confirm or void the entire pick slip.

Collect Payment for a Ship-for-Pickup Order at the Store?

You can use the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value to indicate that the customer pays for a ship-for-pickup order when picking up the order at the store, rather than billing the order when you ship it to the store from the warehouse. In this case:

• The order must include only credit card payment methods; also, each pay type’s Card type must be set to Credit. No other card types, such as stored value cards, can be included.

• The payment method’s Suppress deposit and Suppress refund flags are set to Y.

• The payment method is authorized for $1.00 only during online authorization.

• Authorization is suppressed during pick slip generation.

• Order Management System sends the order total to the Order Broker as the balance_due in the Submit Order message.

Note: The above restrictions do not apply to ship-for-pickup orders whose order type matches the Order Type for Special Orders (L15).

Returns suppressed: Selecting the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value suppresses most options for creating a return authorization, processing a return, and creating a refund. See that system control value for details.

Updates to a Ship-for-Pickup Order in Order Management System

Add an item? If you add an item to a ship-for-pickup order, or are able to ship a backordered item once you have generated the pick slip and created the ship-for-pickup order in Oracle Retail Order Broker, the new item is not added to the original Order Broker record or to the order in Oracle Retail Order Broker. Printing the pick slip for the new order line creates a new Order Broker record and a new order in Oracle Retail Order Broker.

Voiding or reprinting a pick slip: Order Management System sends a status update to the Order Broker if you void a pick slip for an order line on an existing ship-for-pickup order:

Special ship-for-pickup orders: If the Cancel Reason (Pick In) (L86) system control value specifies a cancel reason, and you void the pick slip for a special ship-for-pickup order through the generic pick in API, Order Management System cancels the order or line and sends a cancellation to Oracle Retail Order Broker, including the cancel reason from the system control value. See Special Ship-for-Pickup Orders for background on these orders.

Regular ship-for-pickup orders: If the Create Separate Picks for Ship for Pickup Orders (L89) system control value is selected and you void the pick slip for a regular (not special) ship-for-pickup order, Order Management System does not cancel the order or line, but it does send a cancellation to Oracle Retail Order Broker. No cancel reason is included in this case. This status update occurs regardless of whether you use the generic pick in API to void the pick slip, or void it at a Order Management System screen.

If you then reprint the pick slip for a regular ship-for-pickup order in this situation, Order Management System submits a new order to Oracle Retail Order Broker; however, if you cancel the order after voiding the pick slip, no update is sent to Oracle Retail Order Broker.

Aside from the two scenarios described above, Order Management System does not send a status update to Oracle Retail Order Broker when you void or reprint a pick slip.

Note: To prevent sending incorrect shipment updates to Oracle Retail Order Broker, do not use the void/keep reservation or partial backorder transaction types in the generic pick in API for ship-for-pickup orders. See the Generic Pick In API (Shipments, Voids, and Backorders) for background.

Canceling a ship-for-pickup order: Aside from the two scenarios, described above, which generate status updates for voided pick slips, Order Management System sends a status update to the Order Broker when you cancel the order or item. In most cases, this status update includes the cancel reason you enter:

Cancel after voiding pick slip: If you cancel an item or the entire ship-for-pickup order in order maintenance after voiding the pick slip, and Order Management System has not already sent a status update when the pick slip was voided, it sends a status update that includes the cancel reason you enter. This situation can occur if, for example, you void a ship-for-pickup order through the Void/Reprint Picks menu option, or if you void a regular ship-for-pickup order with the Create Separate Picks for Ship for Pickup Orders (L89) system control value unselected.

Cancel drop ship purchase order in purchase order maintenance: If you cancel a drop ship purchase order in purchase order maintenance, Order Management System sends a status update that includes the Auto Soldout Cancel Reason (C20), since you do not have an opportunity to enter a cancel reason in this case.

Cancel drop ship purchase order sent to vendor through drop ship integration: To cancel items fulfilled through the drop ship integration, you need to use the Display P/O Drop Ship Screen in order inquiry. If you cancel a drop ship purchase order at this screen, and the purchase order is successfully canceled through the drop ship integration, it sends a status update that includes the cancel reason you enter.


Canceling single item cancels entire order in Oracle Retail Order Broker: If you do not split orders and the pick slip creating the order in Oracle Retail Order Broker included multiple items, canceling a single item in Order Management System results in canceling the entire order in Oracle Retail Order Broker. This situation might occur if the Create Separate Picks for Ship for Pickup Orders (L89) system control value is not selected.

Canceling before order created in Oracle Retail Order Broker: If you cancel the order before pick slip generation or drop ship purchase order generation, there is no need to notify the Order Broker, since the order was never sent.

Cancel after shipment confirmation? Once you have confirmed shipment, it is not possible to cancel the ship-for-pickup order in Oracle Retail Order Broker.

Ship-for-Pickup Order Processing on or after Shipment

Confirm shipment: When you confirm shipment of the pick slip, Order Management System changes the status of the Order Broker record and sends a status update to the Order Broker with a status of Intransit, indicating that the order is on its way.

Additional processing:

• When the assigned location sends a fulfillment request message to Oracle Retail Order Broker to poll for newly assigned orders, it receives notification of the ship-for-pickup order.

Note: The location assigned to a ship-for-pickup order cannot reject the order.

• The assigned store location sends the following additional status updates:

- Received when the merchandise arrives at the store

- Fulfilled (Order Management System status = Completed) when the customer picks up the order, or Partially fulfilled if the customer does not initially pick up the entire order

Note: When Order Management System receives a status inquiry response from Oracle Retail Order Broker indicating that the merchandise was received at the store or that the customer has picked up the order, the fulfilling location on the Order Broker record in Order Management System changes from the warehouse shipping the order to the store location where the customer picks up the order.

How Order Management System checks for additional status updates: Once you confirm shipment of the ship-for-pickup order to the store location, Order Management System sends a status inquiry request message once a day to Order Broker to check on whether the order has been received or picked up. See Setting the Daily Status Inquiry Time Window (all versions) for more information.

Returning a ship-for-pickup order: Selecting the Payment at POS for Ship for Pickup Orders (L60) system control value suppresses most options for creating a return authorization, processing a return, and creating a refund. See that system control value for details.


Reviewing a Ship-for-Pickup Order in Order Inquiry

In addition to reviewing information through the Working with Order Broker (WOBR) menu option, you can also use order inquiry. Your options include:

Identifying the Order Broker type: The Broker delivery type at the Display Order Properties Screen and the Display Order Broker Details Screen identifies a Ship for Pickup order.

Broker detail and history: Use the Display Order Broker Details Screen to review Order Broker Detail and Order Broker History.

Designated store: The Display Alternate Address Screen displays the store shipping address. You can advance to this screen by selecting the Ship To option from the header screen in order inquiry.

Order history: The Display Order History Screen displays activity related to sending status updates to and from the Order Broker, such as:

- Ln#: 1 Selected for Fulfillment: Written for each line on a ship-for-pickup order printed on a pick slip and sent to the Order Broker in the Submit Order Message.

- Ln#: 1 In Transit shipment: Written for each printed line when you confirm shipment.

- Ln#: 1 Accepted by Broker: Written when you receive the status inquiry request indicating that the location where the customer is picking up the ship-for-pickup order has been notified.

- Ln#: 1 Cancel Acknowledged by Broker: Written when you receive the status update response message following the cancellation of a ship-for-pickup order. This situation occurs if you void the pick slip after initially notifying the Order Broker about the order.

- Ln#: 1 Store Received: Written when you receive the status inquiry response message indicating that the order merchandise has been received at the store where the customer will pick up the order. At this point, the fulfilling location on the Order Broker record in Order Management System changes from the warehouse shipping the merchandise to the store location where the customer picks up the order.

- Ln#: 1 Customer Partial Pick Up: Written when you receive the status inquiry response message indicating that the customer has picked up some, but not all, of the merchandise on the order.

- Ln#: 1 Shipped by Broker order: Written when you receive a status inquiry response message indicating that the customer has picked up the order in full.

If the Order Broker returns an error: If the Order Broker returns an error during pick slip generation, Order Management System writes Order Transaction History messages such as:

Submit Order Rejected/Order Held




If the error occurs as a result of Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP), the messages might also indicate that the pick slip or purchase order was created, for example:


However, in this situation the process does not produce the pick slip or purchase order.

If you submit a drop ship order and the OROB Default Location (K51) system control value does not specify a valid location in Oracle Retail Order Broker, the Order Broker returns an error during drop ship processing. In this case, Order Management System writes Order Transaction History messages such as:

Submit Order Rejected/Order Held





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