Drop Ship Purchase Order

How to print: The system generates the drop ship purchase order when you complete the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen (MDSP) if the vendor’s Drop ship output flag is set to Drop Ship Purchase Order.

Print program: You use the PO Print Program (C64) and the PO Print Program for PO Print in PO Sequence (C76) system control values to indicate the print program to use. The default graphical print program is PURCHORDG, and the default non-graphical print program is PURCHORD. If you use a different print program, your purchase order will differ from the samples.

Working with forms: See Forms Management (My Forms) for information on displaying or printing purchase orders and other forms.

Sample drop ship purchase orders: See the graphical drop ship purchase order sample and the non-graphical drop ship purchase order sample .

The information included on the graphical and non-graphical drop ship purchase orders is the same; however, the graphical version also includes elements such as field labels, the company logo, and text boxes to highlight the printed information.


Note: Unless otherwise indicated, field labels are included on the graphical version only.

• Logo (graphical purchase order only). See Setting Up Company Logos for Forms for setup information.

• the words PURCHASE ORDER are in the upper right on the graphical purchase order

• Page number, preceded by the label PAGE in blue on both the graphical and non-graphical purchase orders

• Vendor fax no: From the Vendor record. No phone number formatting applies

• Purchase order number

• Revision number, preceded by the label REVISION # in blue on both the graphical and non-graphical purchase orders. Set to 0 if the purchase order was generated when you completed the Select Vendors for Drop Ship Screen.

• Date: Purchase order creation date

• Terms: from the Vendor record. Blank if no terms specified for the vendor

• Ship via: the description of the purchase order ship via on the purchase order header. The purchase order ship via defaults from the ship via on the order header. See Drop Ship Purchase Order Setup for Purchase Order Ship Vias for a discussion.

• F.O.B: the FOB city from the purchase order. Included only if you added this information after drop ship purchase order generation.

• Date required: the Due date from the purchase order. The system calculates this date by adding the number of days in the vendor item table to the order date, except when the arrival date on the order is later than the calculated date; in this case the due date is the arrival date.

• Ship date: the Promise date from the purchase order

• Cancellation date: the Cancel date from the purchase order. Included only if you added this information after drop ship purchase order generation.

• Vendor information, including:

- Vendor number, preceded by the label VENDOR # in blue on the graphical purchase order, but not the non-graphical purchase order

- Vendor name

- Vendor contact name

- Vendor address (all entered address lines)

- Vendor city, state, postal code, and country

Note: If you update the vendor record before printing the purchase order, the updated vendor information prints.

• Ship to (customer) name and address, including:

- Company name

- Customer title, first name, middle initial, last name, and suffix

- Customer address (all entered address lines)

- Customer city, state, postal code, and country

Note: If you update the customer record before printing the purchase order, the updated customer information prints.

• Shipping instructions: the order number that originated the drop ship purchase order. For example, if the purchase order is required to fulfill order 2875, the shipping instructions read DRP SHP ORD#00002875

• For each detail line on the purchase order:

- Item number/Vendor item number: The two item numbers are separated by a slash (/) if a vendor item number has been defined. The item number includes the SKU, if any

- Qty: the quantity in the vendor’s unit of measure, as defined for the vendor item. For example, if the vendor’s unit of measure is 12, and you order 48, the quantity is 4 (4 dozen). Otherwise, if there is no vendor item unit of measure, this is the quantity is in the item’s unit of measure

- UOM: the unit of measure used by the vendor, if specified. Otherwise, if there is no vendor item unit of measure, this is the item’s unit of measure

- Item description/Vendor item description: The two descriptions are separated by slash (/) if a vendor item number has been defined. The item description does not include information at the SKU level

- Date required: from the purchase order due date

- Unit price: the unit price in the vendor’s unit of measure. For example, if the unit of measure is 12, and the unit price is $120.00, the price for each individual unit is $10.00 ($120.00 / 12).

- Extended amount: the extended price in the vendor’s unit of measure, calculated by multiplying the vendor’s quantity by the vendor’s unit price.

Note: Discounts you have set up through the Work with Vendor Discounts Screen do not apply to drop ship purchase orders.

- Vendor item notes that are flagged to print on the PO only, or on the PO and worksheet

- Custom special handling instructions

Note: Standard special handling instructions do not print on the drop ship purchase order.

• Total units: the total in the vendor’s unit of measure; preceded by the label TOTAL UNITS in blue on both the graphical and non-graphical purchase order. Included on the last page only of a multi-page purchase order

• Purchase order total, preceded by the label PURCHASE ORDER TOTAL in blue on both the graphical and non-graphical purchase order. Included on the last page only of a multi-page purchase order

• Special instructions: purchase order header messages and vendor notes that are flagged to print, if any exist. A maximum of 5 lines of each message type can print. Included on the last page only of a multi-page purchase order

• Prepared by: the description of the default buyer for the item

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