Promotion Upload

Purpose: Use the promotion upload to create or delete promotions and related tables based on the information in the Promotion Upload table.

You can process the upload by:

1. Creating a Promotion Upload text file and using the Working with File Uploads (WUPL) to upload the records in the file to the Promotion Upload table in the Order Management System database. See Fields Used in the Promotion Upload by Record Type for a sample record of each type of promotion you can upload.

2. Submitting the upload by:

- selecting Upload at the Work with Promotions screen in Working with Promotions (WPRO), or

- submitting the PRMOUPL periodic function. See How to Schedule a Job for information on how to schedule when the system executes a periodic process.

When you submit the upload:

• For each Promotion Upload record that is not in error, the upload creates the specified record in the Promotion or related table and deletes the Promotion Upload record.

• For each Promotion Upload record in error, the upload sets the Processed Flag to E and updates the Error Desc field.

Note: The upload does not delete records in error from the table or attempt to process them again unless the Processed Flag and Error Desc fields are cleared.

• The upload generates the Promotion Upload Error Records Report regardless of whether there are any errors.

• The upload then clears the PROMOTION_CACHE, which caches Promotion BOGO, Promotion Item Category, and Promotion Source tables. It does not clear the PROMOTION_LIST_CACHE, which caches the Promotion Customer and Promotion Item Exclusion tables. See Caching for background.

The discussion of the promotion upload in this topic includes:

General Rules for Promotion Uploads

Promotion Upload Table (PRMUPLD)

Fields Used in the Promotion Upload by Record Type

Promotion Upload Errors

Promotion Upload Error Records Report

General Rules for Promotion Uploads

Creation: You can use the upload to create a record in the Promotion table or any of the related tables:

• Promotion BOGO: see Promotion Creation (PRM)

• Promotion BOGO by Price Code: see Promotion BOGO Creation (PRB)

• Promotion Customer: see Promotion BOGO by Price Code Creation (PBP)

• Promotion Discount: see Promotion Discount Creation (PMD)

• Promotion Item Category: see Promotion Item Category Creation (PIC)

• Promotion Item Exclusion: see Promotion Item Exclusion Creation (PIE)

• Promotion Source: see Promotion Source Creation (PRS)

Deletion: You can use the upload to delete a record in the Promotion table and all its related records. The upload does not provide an option to delete a record in a related table without deleting the Promotion record itself.

Update: It is not possible to update a record through the upload.

Note: If you wish to leave any field in the upload file blank, pass a space in the field so that the file can be processed without errors. Leaving a field with no space is interpreted as null in the database and causes errors.

Promotion Upload Table (PRMUPLD)

The following is a complete list of the fields in the Promotion Upload table. The table includes fields used for all possible record types, creating records in the Promotion table and all related tables.

For more information: See:

General Rules for Promotion Uploads

Fields Used in the Promotion Upload by Record Type

Promotion Upload Errors

Promotion Upload Error Records Report





numeric, 3 positions

The company where the record should be created or deleted. Defined in and validated against the Company table; see Setting Up Companies (WCMP) for background.

Used for record type: All.

Conditions: Required.

Error: Invalid Company: the company specified is not valid; however, the record is not listed on the Promotion Upload Error Records Report.

Record Type

alphanumeric, 3 positions

The table where the record should be created or deleted.

Used for record type: All.

Conditions: Required.

PRM = Promotions: Create a new promotion, or delete an existing promotion and all related records. See Promotion Creation (PRM).

PRB = Promotion BOGO: Used only if the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) system control value is set to CATEGORY. See Promotion BOGO Creation (PRB).

PBP = Promotion BOGO by Price Code: Used only if the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) system control value is set to PRICE CODE. See Promotion BOGO by Price Code Creation (PBP).

PMD = Promotion Discount: Tiered promotion details. See Promotion Discount Creation (PMD).

PRS = Promotion Source: A source code eligible for a promotion. See Promotion Source Creation (PRS).

PIC = Promotion Item Category: Item categories eligible for an item category promotion. See Promotion Item Category Creation (PIC).

PRC = Promotion Customer: Customers or customer price groups eligible for a promotion. See Promotion Customer Creation (PRC).

PIE = Promotion Item Exclusion: Items or item categories excluded from a promotion. See Promotion Item Exclusion Creation (PIE).

See General Rules for Promotion Uploads.

Error: Record type not found: the record type does not match one of the values listed above, or is blank. The record type is case-sensitive, so lowercase entries are invalid.

Request Type

alphanumeric, 1 position

Indicates whether to add a record, or delete a promotion and all related records.

Used for record type: All.

Conditions: Required. Valid values:

A = add a promotion or a related record type

D = delete a promotion and all its related records. This setting is valid only for a record type of PRM (Promotion). To delete any other record type, you can use the screens in Working with Promotions (WPRO) or use the upload to delete the promotion and all its related records.


Record Already Exists: the Request Type is D, and the Record Type is PIE or PRB

Invalid Request Type:

- Request Type is D, and the Record Type is PRS, PIC, PRC, PMD, or

- the Request Type is not A or D. The request type is case-sensitive.

Sequence #

numeric, 9 positions (CYYMMDD format)

A unique number to identify a record in the Promotion Upload table.

Used for record type: All.

Conditions: Optional; however, required to upload multiple related records for the same promotion and record type at the same time (for example, multiple Promotion Source records for the same promotion).

Record Date

numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format)

The date when the record was added.

Used for record type: All.

Conditions: Required.

Error: Invalid Date: no record date is specified.

Processed Flag

alphanumeric, 1 position

The upload sets this flag to E when the record is in error.

Promotion Code

alphanumeric, 7 positions

If the Record Type is PRM, this is the promotion to create or delete; otherwise, this is the promotion associated with the related record, such as a Promotion Source.

Used for record type: All.

Conditions: Required.


Duplicate Promotion Code: the Record Type is PRM and the promotion already exists.

Missing Promotion Code: the Promotion Code field is blank for any Record Type.

Invalid Promotion Code: the Promotion Code field is invalid for any Record Type.


• The upload does not prevent you from entering the promotion code in lower case; however, you would not be able to enter the promotion code in order entry, and instead would need to select it from a list.

• If the promotion code is blank for a delete request (the Request Type is D), the upload record is flagged as an error, but the Error Desc remains blank.


alphanumeric, 30 positions

The description of the promotion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Required.

Error: Missing Description: the Record Type is PRM and there is no description.

Start Date

numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format)

The first date when the promotion is effective. Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Required.

Error: Invalid Start Date: the Record Type is PRM and there is no start date specified, or the date specified is not valid.

End Date

numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format)

The last date when the promotion is effective. Must be on or later than the Start Date.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Required.

Error: Invalid End Date: the Record Type is PRM and:

• there is no end date specified, or

• the end date is earlier than the start date, or

• the end date is not a valid date

Popup 1-4

alphanumeric, 30 positions each

The text to display in a pop-up window in order entry. See Pop up window messages 1-4 for background.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Optional.


numeric, 3 positions

The priority in which the system evaluates whether this promotion applies to an order. See Priority for background.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Required.

Error: Invalid Priority: the Record Type is PRM and the priority is 0.

Promotion Type

alphanumeric, 1 position

The type of discount to apply to orders that qualify for this promotion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Required if you define any order promotion values. Possible settings are:

A = Additional freight


C = Item Category

F = Freight

O = Order

T = Tiered discount

blank = a message-only promotion

See About Messaging Promotions or About Discount Promotions for background.

Error: Invalid Promotion Type: the Record Type is PRM and the promotion type specified is not one of the values listed above. The promotion type is case-sensitive, so lowercase entries are invalid.

Promotion ID

alphanumeric, 7 position

A code used to identify or group promotion codes for reporting and analysis.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Optional.

Qualify Amount

numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal

Optionally, specify the total merchandise amount required for the order to qualify for the promotion. See the Qualifying $ amount (Qualifying dollar amount) for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Valid only for an order, freight, additional freight, or item category promotion (Promotion Type is A, C, F, or O). Optional.


Invalid Qualifier for Tier Promotion: there is a qualifying amount and the Promotion Type is T

Qualifier Not Valid For Promo Type: there is a qualifying amount and the Promotion Type is B

Free Freight

alphanumeric, 1 position

Set to Y if freight is free of charge with this promotion; otherwise set this field to N. See Free freight for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when the Promotion Type is F (freight) and there is not a Freight override, PRM Dollar Discount, or PRM Percent Discount specified; a freight promotion must specify only one type of discount.


Discount conflict: both Free freight and Freight override are specified, or no freight discount is specified

Only Valid for Freight Promotion: this is not a freight promotion

Qualifier Not Valid for Free Freight: The Free freight field was not set to Y, N, or blank for a freight promotion. The field is case-sensitive, so lowercase values are invalid.

Note: This field is optional when you create a promotion; however, if it is blank instead of set to N, you will not be able to apply the promotion to an order. The error message displayed in order entry is Qualifying criteria not met for this promotion. To update the field and prevent the error from occurring after you initially create the promotion, you can select Change for the promotion at the Work with Promotions Screen and then click OK at the Change Promotion screen.

Freight Override

numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal

The override amount to charge for freight with this promotion. See Freight override amount for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when the Promotion Type is F (freight). Cannot be selected if Free freight, PRM Dollar Discount, or PRM Percent Discount is also selected; a freight promotion must specify only one type of discount.


Discount conflict: both Free freight and Freight override are specified, or no freight discount is specified

Qualifier Not Valid for Promo Type: this is not a freight promotion

PRM Dollar Discount

numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal

The dollar discount to apply for an order, item category, freight, or additional freight promotion. See Discount amount for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when Promotion Type is A, C, or O (additional freight, item category, or order). Cannot be specified in combination with another discount. Optional.


Discount required: no discount amount or percent is specified for an additional freight, item category, or order promotion

Discount conflict: more than one discount amount or percent is specified for an additional freight, item category, or order promotion

Note: If a dollar discount is specified for a freight promotion, the Additional Charge field should specify a valid additional charge code.

PRM Percent Discount

numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal

Specify the percentage discount to apply for an order, item category, freight, or additional freight promotion. See Discount percent for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when the Promotion Type is A, C, F, or O (additional freight, item category, freight, or order). Cannot be specified in combination with another discount. Optional.


Discount required: if no discount amount, percent, or freight override is specified

Discount conflict: if more than one discount amount, percent, special price (item category promotion) or freight override is specified

Note: If a percentage discount is specified for a freight promotion, the Additional Charge field should specify a valid additional charge code.

From SCF

alphanumeric, 3 positions

The first (lowest) SCF eligible for a ship via override).

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when the Promotion Type is A, C, F, or O (additional freight, item category, freight, or order). Valid entry only if there is a Ship Via Override specified; in this case, the From SCF and To SCF are required.


Qualifier Not Valid for Promotion Type:

- this is a BOGO, tiered, or item category promotion (the Promotion Type is B, T, or C), or

- the SCF range is not valid, and the country does not match the Default Country for Customer Address (B17)

Invalid From SCF:

- The SCF is not valid for the country (either the Override Country, if specified, otherwise, for the Default Country for Customer Address (B17))

- The SCF range is not valid, and the country matches the Default Country for Customer Address (B17)


alphanumeric, 3 positions

The last (highest) SCF eligible for a ship via override). See To SCF for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when the Promotion Type is A, C, F, or O (additional freight, item category, freight, or order). Valid entry only if there is a Ship Via Override specified; in this case, the From SCF and To SCF are required.


Qualifier Not Valid for Promotion Type:

- this is a BOGO, tiered, or item category promotion (the Promotion Type is B, T, or C), or

- the SCF range is not valid, and the country does not match the Default Country for Customer Address (B17).

Invalid From SCF:

- The SCF is not valid for the country (either the Override Country, if specified, otherwise, for the Default Country for Customer Address (B17)).

- The SCF range is not valid, and the country matches the Default Country for Customer Address (B17).

Discount Receipt

alphanumeric, 1 position

Not currently implemented.

Error: Fields Not In Use: this field is populated.

Customer Pct Discount

alphanumeric, 1 position

Not currently implemented.

Error: Fields Not In Use: this field is populated.

Qualify Qty

numeric, 5 positions

The total unit quantity required for an order to qualify for the promotion. See Qualifying quantity for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when the Promotion Type is NOT B or T (tiered or BOGO). Optional.

Error: Qualifier Not Valid for Promotion Type: this is a BOGO or tiered promotion (the Promotion Type is B or T).

US Only

alphanumeric, 1 position

Set this field to Y to restrict a freight or additional freight promotion discount, or ship via override, to states in the continental U.S.A; otherwise set it to N. See Continental USA only for a discussion. Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when the Promotion Type is A or F (additional freight or freight). Valid entry only if there is a Ship Via Override specified. Optional.


Invalid Continental USA Only Flag: this field is not set to Y or N. This field is case-sensitive, so a lowercase entry causes an error.

Qualifier Not Valid for Promotion Type: this is not an additional freight or freight promotion (Promotion Type of A or F).

Note: This field is optional when you create a promotion; however, if it is blank instead of set to N, you will not be able to apply the promotion to an order. The error message displayed in order entry is Qualifying criteria not met for this promotion. To update the field and prevent the error from occurring after you initially create the promotion, you can select Change for the promotion at the Work with Promotions Screen and then click OK at the Change Promotion screen.

Additional Charge

alphanumeric, 2 positions

The additional charge to use when adding a non-prorated discount to an order. See Additional charge code for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when the Promotion Type is A, F, or O (additional freight, freight, or order). Optional. Not case-sensitive.


Qualifier Not Valid for Promo Type: The Promotion Type is not A, F, or O (additional freight, freight, or order).

Invalid Add'l Chg Code: The additional charge code specified does not exist.

Additional Charge Code Required: There is no additional charge code specified for a freight promotion.

Offer Number

alphanumeric, 3 positions

The offer that must be associated with the source code on the order header for the order to qualify for the promotion. You cannot specify both an offer and a source code as a promotion qualifier. See Qualifying offer for a discussion. Not case-sensitive.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Optional.


Invalid Offer: The offer specified is not valid.

Either Source code or offer: Both an offer and Source Code are specified.

Pay Type

numeric, 2 positions

The pay type that must be used on the order for the order to qualify for the promotion. See Qualifying pay type for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Optional.

Error: Invalid Pay Type: The pay type specified is not valid.

Ship Via Override

numeric, 2 positions

The ship via to replace the current ship via on an order as part of the promotion. See Ship Via Override for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when the Promotion Type is A, F, or O (additional freight, freight, or order). Optional, but required if the record specifies an Override Country.


Invalid Ship Via Override: The ship via specified is not valid.

Override Option Not Valid for Promo Type: The promotion type is not A, F, or O (additional freight, freight, or order).

Override Country

alphanumeric, 3 positions

The country eligible to receive the ship via override. See Ship via override and Ship via country for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when the Promotion Type is A, F, or O (additional freight, freight, or order). Optional, but required if the record specifies a Ship Via Override.


Invalid Ship Via Override Country: The country specified is not valid.

Ship Via Override Required: The upload record specifies an override country but no Ship via override.

Note: This field is not case-sensitive; however, if the override country is lower case, you will not be able to apply the promotion to an order. The error message displayed in order entry is Qualifying criteria not met for this promotion. To update the field and prevent the error from occurring after you initially create the promotion, you can select Change for the promotion at the Work with Promotions Screen, correct the Ship via country, and then click OK at the Change Promotion screen.

Source Code

alphanumeric, 9 positions

The source code that must be on the order header for an order to qualify for the promotion. You cannot specify both a source code and an offer as qualifiers. See Qualifying source for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Optional.


Invalid Source Code: The source code specified is not valid.

Either Source code or offer: Both an Offer Number and source code are specified.

Note: This field is not case-sensitive; however, if the source code is lower case, you will not be able to apply the promotion to an order. The error message displayed in order entry is Qualifying criteria not met for this promotion. To update the field and prevent the error from occurring after you initially create the promotion, you can select Change for the promotion at the Work with Promotions Screen, click OK to advance to the Work with Qualifying Source Codes Screen, and use that screen to delete and re-add the source code.

Required Entry

alphanumeric, 1 position

Set this field to Y to require entry of this promotion in order entry, and to require that it must be included in the order message for the order API; otherwise, set this field to N if the promotion should apply automatically to qualifying orders. See Required entry for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Optional.

Note: This field is optional when you create a promotion; however, if it is blank instead of set to N, you will not be able to apply the promotion to an order. The error message displayed in order entry is Qualifying criteria not met for this promotion. To update the field and prevent the error from occurring after you initially create the promotion, you can select Change for the promotion at the Work with Promotions Screen and then click OK at the Change Promotion screen.

First Buyer

alphanumeric, 1 position

Set this field to:

O = to restrict the promotion to customers who have not previously placed any orders

S = to restrict the promotion to customers who have not previously had an order shipped to them

See First time buyer for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Optional.

Error: Invalid First Time Buyer: The field is set to any character other than O or S. This field is case-sensitive, so a lowercase entry causes an error.

Qualify Code

alphanumeric, 1 position

Set this field to:

O = to include all order lines in the qualifiers for the promotion

I = to include only items in a specified item category as qualifiers for the promotion

See Qualifying $ amount type for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when the Promotion Type is C (item category). Optional.


Qualify Code required: No Qualify Code is specified, but there is a Qualify Amount specified for the item category promotion.

Qualifier Not Valid for Promo Type: Possible reasons:

- This is not an item category promotion.

- The field is not set to O or I. The record type is case-sensitive, so lowercase entries are invalid.

Ship Via Priority

numeric, 1 position

The priority that must be assigned to the ship via on the order header for the order to qualify for the promotion. See Qualifying via priority for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Optional.

Special Price

numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal

The price to apply to qualified items for an item category promotion. See Item category special price for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Used only when the Promotion Type is C (item category). Optional, but you need to specify either a PRM Dollar Discount, PRM Percent Discount, or Special Price for an item category promotion.


Special Price Not Valid: A special price is specified even though the promotion type is not C.

Discount Conflict: There is more than one discount (PRM Dollar Discount, PRM Percent Discount, or Special Price) specified for an item category promotion.

Max Qty

numeric, 5 positions

The maximum number of units an order can include to qualify for the promotion. See Max qty for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRM.

Conditions: Optional.

The fields that are labeled PRB update the Promotion BOGO table. This table is used only if the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) system control value is set to CATEGORY. See the Work with BOGO Discount Screen (Item Category or Item) for background.

PRB Item Cgy

alphanumeric, 4 positions

An item category that qualifies for the BOGO promotion. See the Item category field at the Work with BOGO Discount Screen (Item Category or Item) for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRB.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to CATEGORY. Optional, but you need to specify either a PRB Item Cgy or PRB Item for an item category promotion.


Invalid Item Category: The specified item category is invalid.

Item Cat or Item as Qualifier: Both PRB Item Cgy and the PRB Item are specified.

Item Category Not Valid for Auto Add: You cannot set the PRB Free field to A if you use item category as a qualifier.

Missing Item or Item Cat: Neither the PRB Item Cgy or the PRB Item is specified.

PRB Item

alphanumeric, 12 positions

An item that qualifies for the BOGO promotion. See the Item field at the Work with BOGO Discount Screen (Item Category or Item) for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRB.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to CATEGORY. Optional, but you need to specify either a PRB Item or PRB Item Cgy.


Invalid Item: The item specified is not valid.

Item Cat or Item as Qualifier: Both PRB Item Cgy and the PRB Item are specified.

Missing Item: A PRB SKU is specified but not an item.

Missing Item or Item Cat: Neither the PRB Item Cgy or the PRB Item is specified.

Note: If you set the PRB Free field to A to automatically add an item, you should either use the PRB Item field to specify a non-SKU’d item, or use both the PRB Item and PRB SKU fields to specify the particular SKU of a SKU’d item.


alphanumeric, 14 positions

A SKU that qualifies for the BOGO promotion. See the Item field at the Work with BOGO Discount Screen (Item Category or Item) for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRB.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to CATEGORY. Optional.


Invalid SKU: The SKU is invalid, or specified for a non-SKU’d item

Missing Item: A SKU is specified, but not a PRB Item

PRB Required Qty

numeric, 5 positions

The quantity of the item category, item, or SKU required for the BOGO promotion. Updates the Req qty (required quantity) field for the BOGO Promotion.

Used for record type: PRB.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to CATEGORY. Required.

Error: Missing Required Qty: No required quantity is specified.


numeric, 5 positions

The quantity of the item to receive the discount, to be set to no charge, or to be added at no charge. Updates the BOGO qty field for the BOGO Promotion.

Used for record type: PRB.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to CATEGORY. Required.

Error: Missing BOGO Qty: No BOGO quantity is specified.

PRB Discount Pct

numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal

Specify the percentage discount to apply to the BOGO order line. Updates the Disc % at the Work with BOGO Discount Screen (Item Category or Item). If you do not set the PRB Free field to Y (free) or A (Free Auto Add), you can specify either a PRB Discount Pct, PRB Discount Amt, or PRB Spc Price.

Used for record type: PRB.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to CATEGORY. Optional.

PRB Discount Amt

numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal

Specify the discount amount to apply to the BOGO order line. Updates the Disc $ at the Work with BOGO Discount Screen (Item Category or Item). If you do not set the PRB Free field to Y (free) or A (Free Auto Add), you can specify either a PRB Discount Pct, PRB Discount Amt, or PRB Spc Price.

Used for record type: PRB.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to CATEGORY. Optional.

PRB Spc Price

numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal

Specify the special price to apply to the BOGO order line. Updates the Price at the Work with BOGO Discount Screen (Item Category or Item). If you do not set the PRB Free field to Y (free) or A (Free Auto Add), you can specify either a PRB Discount Pct, PRB Discount Amt, or PRB Spc Price.

Used for record type: PRB.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to CATEGORY. Optional.

PRB Multiple Allowed

alphanumeric, 1 position

Set this field to Y to allow the BOGO discount to apply multiple times to an order, or set it to N to allow the discount to apply just once per order. See the Allow mult (allow multiples) field for background.

Used for record type: PRB.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to CATEGORY. Optional (but if you leave this field blank, the system treats it as a setting of N when evaluating the BOGO promotion for an order). Case-sensitive.

Error: Invalid Multiple Allowed: The setting was not N, Y, or blank.

PRB Free

alphanumeric, 1 position

Use this field to indicate whether the BOGO order line is discounted, changed to no charge, or added automatically at no charge. Valid values:

N = The item already on the order is discounted. You need to specify either a PRB Discount Pct, PRB Discount Amt, or PRB Spc Price.

Y = The item already on the order is changed to no charge. With this setting, you should not specify a PRB Discount Pct, PRB Discount Amt, or PRB Spc Price.

A = The promotion adds the PRB Item (and PRB SKU, if the item has SKU’s) to the order at no charge. With this setting, you should not specify a PRB Discount Pct, PRB Discount Amt, or PRB Spc Price, and you should use the PRB Item and PRB SKU fields to specify a valid non-SKU’d item or a particular SKU of a SKU’d item.

Used for record type: PRB.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to CATEGORY. Required.

Error: Required for Record Type: This field is not set to N, Y, or A for a PRB record.

The fields that are labeled PBP update the Promotion BOGO by Price Code table. This table is used only if the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) system control value is set to PRICE CODE. See the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen for more information.

PBP Price Code

numeric, 3 positions

The price code required to qualify for the promotion. Updates the Price code at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE. The promotion can use either a price code or an item as a qualifier. Required if there is no PBP Item specified.


Price Code or Item as Qualifier: Both the PBP Price Code and the PBP Item are specified, or neither is specified.

Invalid Price Code: The PBP Price code specified is invalid.

PBP Item

alphanumeric, 12 positions

The item required to qualify for the promotion. Updates the Item at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE. The promotion can use either a price code or an item as a qualifier. Required if there is no PBP Price Code specified. Not case-sensitive.


Price Code or Item as Qualifier: Both the PBP Price Code and the PBP Item are specified, or neither is specified

Invalid Item: The PBP Item specified is invalid.

Missing Item: There is a PBP Sku specified but no PBP Item.


alphanumeric, 14 positions

The SKU required to qualify for the promotion. Updates the SKU at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO), the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE, and the PBP Item is a SKU’d item. Optional, even if the PBP Item has SKU’s.

Error: Invalid SKU:

• The PBP Item is not a SKU’d item, but a SKU is specified.

• The PBP Sku specified is not valid for the PBP Item.

PBP Required Amount

numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal

The dollar value total required for the PBP Required Qty to qualify for the promotion. Updates the Req Amt at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE. Required if there is no PBP Required Qty; otherwise, optional (you can specify both a required quantity and a required amount).

Error: Missing Bogo Qualifier: No PBP Required Qty or PBP Required Amount is specified.

PBP Required Qty

numeric, 5 positions

The total quantity required of the PBP Price Code or PBP Item to qualify for the promotion. Updates the Req Amt at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE. If there is also a PBP Required Amount, then the number of units specified here must meet or exceed the PBP Required Amount; however, if the PBP Required Qty is 99999, that means that a quantity of 1 or more meets the requirement for the promotion. Required if there is no PBP Required Amount; otherwise, optional (you can specify both a required quantity and a required amount).

Error: Missing Bogo Qualifier: No PBP Required Qty or PBP Required Amount is specified.


numeric, 3 positions

The price code eligible for the promotion discount or special price. Updates the BOGO price code at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE. With this setting, the PBP Free flag should be set to N, no PBP Auto Add item or PBP Add SKU should be specified, and the PBP BOGO Qty and a discount (either the PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or PBP Special Price) are required. Optional.


Invalid BOGO Price Code: The PBP BOGO Prc specified is not valid.

Price Code or Item As Qualifier: A PBP BOGO Prc is specified and the PBP Free flag is set to A.


numeric, 5 positions

The quantity of the item to receive the discount percentage, discount amount, or special price. Updates the BOGO qty at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO), and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE. With this setting, the PBP Free flag should be set to N, no PBP Auto Add item or PBP Add SKU should be specified, and the PBP BOGO Prc (price code) and a discount (either the PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or PBP Special Price) are required. Required if the PBP Free setting is not Y or A.


Price Code or Item as Benefit: A PBP BOGO Qty is specified and the PBP Free flag is set to A.

Auto Add Not Selected: No PBP BOGO Qty is specified, and the PBP Free flag is not set to A.

PBP Discount Pct

numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal

The percentage discount to apply to the PBP BOGO Qty. Updates the Disc % at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO), the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE, and the PBP Free setting is N; in this case, either the PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or the PBP Special Price is required.


Missing Bogo Discount: None of the required discounts (PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or the PBP Special Price ) are specified.

BOGO Discount Conflict: More than one of the required discounts (PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or the PBP Special Price ) is specified.

PBP Discount Amount

numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal

The discount amount to the PBP BOGO Qty. Updates the Disc $ at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO), the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE, and the PBP Free setting is N; in this case, either the PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or the PBP Special Price is required.


Missing Bogo Discount: None of the required discounts (PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or the PBP Special Price ) is specified.

BOGO Discount Conflict: More than one of the required discounts (PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or the PBP Special Price ) is specified.

PBP Special Price

numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal

The special price to apply to the PBP BOGO Qty. Updates the Price at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO), the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE, and the PBP Free setting is N; in this case, either the PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or the PBP Special Price is required.


Missing Bogo Discount: None of the required discounts (PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or the PBP Special Price ) are specified.

BOGO Discount Conflict: More than one of the required discounts (PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or the PBP Special Price ) is specified.

PBP Prorate Disc

alphanumeric, 1 position

Set this flag to N to apply the total discount amount to the discounted or free item, or set it to Y to prorate the discount across the required quantity and the BOGO quantity. Updates the Prorate flag at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE. Case-sensitive. Required.

Error: Prorate Discount Invalid: The PBP Prorate Disc flag is not set to Y or N.

PBP Multiple Allowed

alphanumeric, 1 position

Set this flag to N if the promotion can apply just once to an order, or set it to Y if the promotion can apply multiple times when there is a sufficient quantity of the specified item or price code. Updates the Allow mult flag at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE. Case-sensitive. Required.

Error: Invalid Allow Multiples Value: The PBP Multiple Allowed flag is not set to Y or N.

PBP Free

alphanumeric, 1 position

Indicates the type of benefit for the promotion:

A = Free Auto Add: Add the PBP Auto Add item to the order automatically.

N = No: There is no auto-add item. Apply a discount or a special price to the BOGO quantity.

Y = Free: There is no auto-add item. Set the BOGO quantity to no charge.

Updates the Free field at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO) and the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE. Case-sensitive. Required.


Price Code or Item as Benefit: The PBP Free field is set to A (auto-add), but there is also a PBP BOGO Qty specified; or there is no PBP Auto Add item specified; or the PBP Add SKU is not a valid SKU for the PBP Auto Add.

Price Code or Item As Qualifier: The PBP Free field is set to A (auto-add), but there is also a PBP BOGO Prc specified.

Required Field For This Type: The PBP Free field is not set to A, N, or Y.

Missing Bogo Discount: The PBP Free field is set to N, but a PBP Auto Add item is specified.

PBP Auto Add

alphanumeric, 12 positions

Indicates the item to add to the order. Updates the Auto add item field at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO), the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE, and the PBP Free flag is set to A. Required if the PBP Free flag is set to A. Case-sensitive only for non-SKU’d items.


Missing Bogo Qualifier: An auto-add item is specified as well as a PBP Discount Pct or PBP Discount Amount.

Price Code or Item As Qualifier: An auto-add item is specified as well as a PBP BOGO Prc.

Invalid Auto Add Item: The item specified is invalid.

Missing Auto Add SKU: The item specified has SKU’s, but no PBP Add SKU is specified.

Auto Add Not Selected: An item is specified, but the PBP Free flag is set to Y rather than A.

Price Code or Item as Benefit: The PBP Add SKU specified is not a valid SKU for this item.


alphanumeric, 14 positions

The SKU of the PBP Auto Add item to add to the order. Updates the SKU for the Auto add item at the Work with BOGO Discounts by Item/Price Code Screen.

Used for record type: PBP.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is B (BOGO), the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) is set to PRICE CODE, and the PBP Free flag is set to A. Required if the PBP Free flag is set to A and the PBP Auto Add item has SKU’s. Not case-sensitive.


Invalid Auto Add SKU: A PBP Add SKU is specified, but the PBP Auto Add item does not have SKU’s.

Missing Auto Add SKU: No PBP Add SKU is specified, and the PBP Auto Add item has SKU’s.

The fields that are labeled PMD update the Promotion Discount table. This table is used only if for tiered promotions. See the Work with Promotion Discounts Screen for background.

PMD Discount Pct

numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal

The percentage to discount the order when it meets the requirement for this tier but not the next. See the Percent discount field on the Work with Promotion Discounts Screen for a discussion.

Used for record type: PMD.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is T (tiered). You can specify either the PMD Discount Pct, PMD Discount Amt, or PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s) for each record. Optional.


Tier Discount Conflict: The record includes a PMD Discount Amt or PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s) in addition to the PMD Discount Pct.

Missing Tier Discount: The record did not include a PMD Discount Pct, PMD Discount Amt, or PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s).

PMD Discount Amt

numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal

The amount to discount the order when it meets the requirement for this tier but not the next. See the Dollar discount field on the Work with Promotion Discounts Screen for a discussion.

Used for record type: PMD.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is T (tiered). You can specify either the PMD Discount Pct, PMD Discount Amt, or PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s) for each record. Optional.


Tier Discount Conflict: The record includes a PMD Discount Amt or PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s) in addition to the PMD Discount Pct.

Missing Tier Discount: The record did not include a PMD Discount Pct, PMD Discount Amt, or PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s).

PMD Dollars

numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal

The merchandise total required for the order to qualify for the tier. See the Merch amount field on the Work with Promotion Discounts Screen for a discussion.

Used for record type: PMD.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is T (tiered). Required.


Missing PMD Dollars: No PMD Dollars amount is specified.

Record Already Exists : There is already a Promotion Discount record for the specified promotion and merchandise total.

PMD Item

alphanumeric, 12 positions

The item to add to the order when it meets the requirement for this tier but not the next. See the Free item field on the Work with Promotion Discounts Screen for a discussion.

Used for record type: PMD.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is T (tiered). You can specify either the PMD Discount Pct, PMD Discount Amt, or PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s) for each record. Optional. The PMD SKU is required if this is a SKU’d item.


Tier Discount Conflict: The record includes a PMD Discount Pct, or PMD Discount Amt in addition to the PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s).

Missing Tier Discount: The record did not include a PMD Discount Pct, PMD Discount Amt, or PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s).

Invalid Discount Item: The item specified is invalid.


alphanumeric, 14 positions

The SKU of the PMD item to add to the order. See the Free item field on the Work with Promotion Discounts Screen for a discussion.

Used for record type: PMD.

Conditions: Used only when the promotion type is T (tiered), and there is a PMD Item specified. You can specify either the PMD Discount Pct, PMD Discount Amt, or PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s) for each record. Optional.


Tier Discount Conflict: The record includes a PMD Discount Pct, or PMD Discount Amt in addition to the PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s).

Missing Tier Discount: The record did not include a PMD Discount Pct, PMD Discount Amt, or PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s).Invalid Discount SKU:

Invalid Discount SKU: The SKU specified is invalid; the PMD Item does not have SKU’s; or there is no PMD Item specified.

The following field updates the Promotion Source table. You can create one or more Promotion Source records for any promotion type. The Source Code field, used in the PRM record type, also creates a record in the Promotion Source table.

PRS Source

alphanumeric, 9 positions

A source code that qualifies an order for the promotion if the source is on the order header. If you specify a source code in this field, it creates a record in the Promotion Source table. See Qualifying source for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRS.

Conditions: Required.


Invalid Source Code: The source code specified is not valid.

Missing Source: No source code is specified.

Record Already Exists: There is already a Promotion Source record for the specified promotion and source code.

Note: This field is not case-sensitive; however, if the source code is lower case, you will not be able to apply the promotion to an order. The error message displayed in order entry is Qualifying criteria not met for this promotion. To update the field and prevent the error from occurring after you initially create the promotion, you can select Change for the promotion at the Work with Promotions Screen, click OK to advance to the Work with Qualifying Source Codes Screen, and use that screen to delete and re-add the source code.

The following fields that are labeled PRC update the Promotion Customer table. You can create one or more Promotion Customer records for any promotion type. See the Work with Qualifying Customer/Price Groups Screen for background.

PRC Cust Num

numeric, 9 positions

A customer who is eligible for the promotion. See the Work with Qualifying Customer/Price Groups Screen for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRC.

Conditions: Either the PRC Cust Num or the PRC Cust Group is required.


Invalid Customer Number: The customer number specified is invalid.

Missing Customer/CPG: Neither a customer number or a customer price group is specified.

Customer/CPG Conflict: Both a customer number and a customer price group are specified.

PRC Cust Group

alphanumeric, 4 positions

A customer price group that is eligible for the promotion. See the Work with Qualifying Customer/Price Groups Screen for a discussion.

Used for record type: PRC.

Conditions: Either the PRC Cust Num or the PRC Cust Group is required.


Invalid Customer Price Group: The customer price group specified is invalid.

Missing Customer/CPG: Neither a customer number or a customer price group is specified.

Customer/CPG Conflict: Both a customer number and a customer price group are specified.

The following field updates the Promotion Item Category table. You can create one or more Promotion Item Category records for an item category promotion. See the Work with Qualifying Item Categories Screen for background.

PIC Item Cgy

alphanumeric, 4 positions

An item category that is eligible for the promotion. See the Work with Qualifying Item Categories Screen for a discussion.

Used for record type: PIC.

Conditions: Required.


Invalid Item Category: The item category code is not valid.

Missing Item Category: No item category code is specified.

The following fields that are labeled PIE update the Promotion Item Exclusion table. You can create one or more Promotion Item Exclusion records for any promotion type. See the Work with Item/Category Exclusions Screen for background.

PIE Item

alphanumeric, 12 positions

An item that is ineligible for the promotion. See the Work with Item/Category Exclusions Screen for a discussion.

Used for record type: PIE.

Conditions: Either the PIE Item or the PIE Item Cgy is required.


Invalid Item: The item specified is invalid.

Missing Item\Item Category: Neither the PIE Item or the PIE Item Cgy is specified.

Item\Item Category Conflict: Both the PIE Item or the PIE Item Cgy are specified.

PIE Item Cgy

alphanumeric, 4 positions

An item category that is ineligible for the promotion. See the Work with Item/Category Exclusions Screen for a discussion.

Used for record type: PIC.

Conditions: Either the PIE Item or the PIE Item Cgy is required.


Invalid Item Category: The item category specified is not valid.

Missing Item\Item Category: Neither the PIE Item or the PIE Item Cgy is specified.

Item\Item Category Conflict: Both the PIE Item or the PIE Item Cgy are specified.

The upload updates the following field if the upload record is in error.

Error Desc

alphanumeric, 45 positions

The description of the error. See Promotion Upload Errors for a list.

Fields Used in the Promotion Upload by Record Type

In this chapter:

Promotion Creation (PRM)

Promotion Deletion

Promotion BOGO Creation (PRB)

Promotion BOGO by Price Code Creation (PBP)

Promotion Discount Creation (PMD)

Promotion Source Creation (PRS)

Promotion Customer Creation (PRC)

Promotion Item Category Creation (PIC)

Promotion Item Exclusion Creation (PIE)

Promotion Creation (PRM)

Use a Record Type of PRM to create or update a record in the Promotion table. See the Create Promotion Screen for background on the fields in this table.

The required and optional fields vary based on the Promotion Type.

For details, see:

Order Promotion Fields

Freight Promotion Fields

Additional Freight Promotion Fields

Item Category Promotion Fields

Tiered Promotion Fields

BOGO Promotion Fields

Order Promotion Fields

Required fields:

- Company

- Record Type: PRM

- Request Type: A or D

- Record Date

- Promotion Code

- Description

- Start Date

- End Date

- Priority

- Promotion Type: O

- PRM Dollar Discount OR PRM Percent Discount

Optional fields:

- Popup 1-4

- Promotion ID

- Qualify Amount

- From SCF

- To SCF

- Qualify Qty

- US Only

- Additional Charge

- Offer Number OR Source Code

- Pay Type

- Ship Via Override

- Override Country

- Required Entry

- First Buyer

- Ship Via Priority

- Max Qty

Sample PRM Order promotion upload record:

7|PRM|A|1|1150414||PUORDER|PUORDER PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|1|O|PROMOID|5.95||.00|||||1||OA|WEB|4|4|US||N|O||1|.00|10||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|5.00|.00

Additional uploads for an order promotion: You can also upload one or more Promotion Source, Promotion Customer, and Promotion Item Exclusion records for an order promotion. See Promotion Source Creation (PRS), Promotion Customer Creation (PRC), and Promotion Item Exclusion Creation (PIE) for more information.

Freight Promotion Fields

Required fields:

- Company

- Record Type: PRM

- Request Type: A

- Record Date

- Promotion Code

- Description

- Start Date

- End Date

- Priority

- Promotion Type: F

- Free Freight OR Freight Override OR PRM Dollar Discount OR PRM Percent Discount (with Additional Charge required for PRM Dollar Discount OR PRM Percent Discount)

Optional fields:

- Popup 1-4

- Promotion ID

- Qualify Amount

- From SCF

- To SCF

- Qualify Qty

- US Only

- Offer Number OR Source Code

- Pay Type

- Ship Via Override

- Override Country

- Required Entry

- First Buyer

- Ship Via Priority

- Max Qty

Sample PRM Freight promotion upload record:

7|PRM|A|2|1150414||PUFRT|PUFRT PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|2|F|PROMOID|6.95|Y|.00|||||1|Y||WEB|4|4|US||N|O||1|.00|10||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Additional uploads for a freight promotion: You can also upload one or more Promotion Source or Promotion Customer records for a freight promotion. See Promotion Source Creation (PRS) and Promotion Customer Creation (PRC) for more information.

Additional Freight Promotion Fields

Required fields:

- Company

- Record Type: PRM

- Request Type: A

- Record Date

- Promotion Code

- Description

- Start Date

- End Date

- Priority

- Promotion Type: A

- PRM Dollar Discount OR PRM Percent Discount

Optional fields:

- Popup 1-4

- Promotion ID

- Qualify Amount

- From SCF

- To SCF

- Qualify Qty

- US Only

- Offer Number OR Source Code

- Pay Type

- Ship Via Override

- Override Country

- Required Entry

- First Buyer

- Ship Via Priority

- Max Qty

Sample PRM Additional Freight promotion upload record:

7|PRM|A|3|1150414||PUADLFR|PUADLFR PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|3|A|PROMOID|5.00||.00|||||1|Y|A|WEB|4|4|US||N|O||1|.00|10||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Additional uploads for an additional freight promotion: You can also upload one or more Promotion Source or Promotion Customer records for an additional freight promotion. See Promotion Source Creation (PRS) and Promotion Customer Creation (PRC) for more information.

Item Category Promotion Fields

Required fields:

- Company

- Record Type: PRM

- Request Type: A

- Record Date

- Promotion Code

- Description

- Start Date

- End Date

- Priority

- Promotion Type: C

- PRM Dollar Discount OR PRM Percent Discount OR Special Price

Optional fields:

- Popup 1-4

- Promotion ID

- Qualify Amount

- Qualify Qty

- Offer Number OR Source Code

- Pay Type

- Required Entry

- First Buyer

- Qualify Code

- Max Qty

Sample PRM Item Category promotion upload record:

7|PRM|A|4|1150414||PUITMCT|PUITMCT PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|4|C|PROMOID|5.95||.00|||||1|||WEB|4|0|||N|O|O|1|10.00|10||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Additional uploads for an item category promotion: An item category promotion also requires one or more Promotion Item Category records; see Promotion Item Category Creation (PIC) for more information.

You can also upload one or more Promotion Source or Promotion Customer records for an item category promotion. See Promotion Source Creation (PRS) and Promotion Customer Creation (PRC) for more information.

Tiered Promotion Fields

Required fields:

- Company

- Record Type: PRM

- Request Type: A

- Record Date

- Promotion Code

- Description

- Start Date

- End Date

- Priority

- Promotion Type: T

Optional fields:

- Popup 1-4

- Offer Number OR Source Code

- Pay Type

- Required Entry

- First Buyer

- Qualify Code

- Max Qty

Sample PRM Tiered promotion upload record:

7|PRM|A|5|1150414||PUTIERD|PUTIERD PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|5|T|PROMOID|0||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||1|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Additional uploads for a tiered promotion: A tiered promotion also requires one or more Promotion Discount records; see Promotion Discount Creation (PMD) for more information.

You can also upload one or more Promotion Source, Promotion Customer, and Promotion Item Exclusion records for a tiered promotion. See Promotion Source Creation (PRS), Promotion Customer Creation (PRC), and Promotion Item Exclusion Creation (PIE) for more information.

BOGO Promotion Fields

Required fields:

- Company

- Record Type: PRM

- Request Type: A

- Record Date

- Promotion Code

- Description

- Start Date

- End Date

- Priority

- Promotion Type: B

Optional fields:

- Popup 1-4

- Offer Number OR Source Code

- Pay Type

- Required Entry

- First Buyer

- Qualify Code

- Max Qty

Sample PRM BOGO promotion upload record:

7|PRM|A|6|1150414||PUBOGO|PUBOGO PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|6|B|PROMOID|0.00||.00|||||0|||WEB|4|0|||N|O||1|.00|10||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Additional uploads for a BOGO promotion: Depending on the setting of the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) system control value, a BOGO promotion also requires:

• one or more Promotion BOGO records if the system control value is set to CATEGORY; see Promotion BOGO Creation (PRB) for more information.

• one or more Promotion BOGO by Price Code records if the system control value is set to PRICE CODE; see Promotion BOGO by Price Code Creation (PBP) for more information.

You can also upload one or more Promotion Source, Promotion Customer, and Promotion Item Exclusion records for a tiered promotion. See Promotion Source Creation (PRS), Promotion Customer Creation (PRC), and Promotion Item Exclusion Creation (PIE) for more information.

Promotion Deletion

To delete a promotion and all its related records:

Required fields:

- Company

- Record Type: PRM

- Request Type: D

- Record Date

- Promotion Code

Any records for the promotion in the following tables are deleted:

• Promotion BOGO

• Promotion BOGO by Price Code

• Promotion Customer

• Promotion Discount

• Promotion Item Category

• Promotion Item Exclusion

• Promotion Source

Sample PRM Delete promotion upload record:

7|PRM|D|7|1150414||PUDELTE|PUDELTE PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|1150401|1150601|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 1|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 2|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 3|POPUP WINDOW MESSAGE 4|7||PROMOID|5.00||.00|||||1|Y|N|WEB|4|4|US|SOURCE7|N|O|O|1|.00|10||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Promotion BOGO Creation (PRB)

You can create one or more Promotion BOGO records for a BOGO promotion. The system uses this table only if the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) system control value is set to CATEGORY; otherwise, the system uses the Promotion BOGO by Price Code table when evaluating and applying BOGO promotions.

See the Work with BOGO Discount Screen (Item Category or Item) for background on BOGO promotions that use these records.

Note: Setting the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) system control value to PRICE CODE does not prevent you from creating records in the Promotion BOGO table; however you cannot advance to the Work with BOGO Discount Screen (Item Category or Item) with this setting, and the system does not use the Promotion BOGO records to evaluate or apply BOGO promotions.

All fields required except where indicated:


Record Type: PRB

Request Type: A

Record Date

Promotion Code

PRB Item Cgy OR PRB Item (PRB SKU is optional)

PRB Required Qty


PRB Discount Pct OR PRB Discount Amt OR PRB Spc Price

PRB Free

PRB Multiple Allowed is optional

Sample PRB BOGO promotion upload record:

7|PRB|A|8|1150414||BOGO1|PUBOGOB PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||SKU|RED|1|1|5.00|.00|.00|Y|N|0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Promotion BOGO by Price Code Creation (PBP)

You can create one Promotion BOGO by Price Code record for a BOGO promotion. The system uses this table only if the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) system control value is set to PRICE CODE; otherwise, the system uses the Promotion BOGO table when evaluating and applying BOGO promotions.

See the BOGO Discount by Item/Price Code Screen for background on BOGO promotions by price code.

Note: Setting the BOGO Grouping by Price Code or Category (L62) system control value to CATEGORY does not prevent you from creating records in the Promotion BOGO by Price Code table; however you cannot advance to the BOGO Discount by Item/Price Code Screen with this setting, and the system does not use the Promotion BOGO by Price Code records to evaluate or apply BOGO promotions.

All fields required except where indicated:


Record Type: PBP

Request Type: A

Record Date

Promotion Code

PBP Price Code OR PBP Item and PBP Sku (optional)

PBP Required Amount or PBP Required Qty, or both

• if PBP Free is set to N or Y:


- PBP Discount Pct OR PBP Discount Amount OR PBP Special Price

• if PBP Free is set to A:

- PBP Auto Add and PBP Add SKU (required if the PBP Auto Add item has SKU’s)

PBP Prorate Disc

PBP Multiple Allowed

PBP Free

Sample PBP BOGO by Price Code promotion upload record:

7|PBP|A|9|1150414||BOGO1|PUBOGOP PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||101|||50.00|1|101|1|5.00|.00|.00|N|Y|N|||.00|.00||||0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Promotion Discount Creation (PMD)

You can create one or more Promotion Discount records for a tiered promotion. At least one record is required. See the Work with Promotion Discounts Screen for more information.

Required fields:


Record Type: PMD

Request Type: A

Record Date

Promotion Code

PMD Discount Pct OR PMD Discount Amt OR PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the PMD Item has SKU’s)

PMD Dollars

Sample PMD Discount promotion upload record:

7|PMD|A|10|1150414||TG|TG TIER PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||0.00|.00|SKU|PINK||0||||||25.00|.00|.00|.00

Promotion Source Creation (PRS)

You can create Promotion Source records for any promotion type. See the Work with Qualifying Source Codes Screen for more information.

Note: The Source Code field, used in the PRM record type, also creates a record in the Promotion Source table.

Required fields:


Record Type: PRS

Request Type: A

Record Date

Promotion Code

PRS Source

Sample PRS Source promotion upload record:

7|PRS|A|11|1150414||OP|OPSORCS PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||0.00|.00|||SOURCE7|0||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Promotion Customer Creation (PRC)

You can create Promotion Customer records for any promotion type. See the Work with Qualifying Customer/Price Groups Screen for more information.

Required fields:


Record Type: PRC

Request Type: A

Record Date

Promotion Code

PRC Cust Num OR PRC Cust Group

Sample PRC Customer promotion upload record:

7|PRC|A|12|1150414||OP|OPCUSTC PROMOTION DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||0.00|.00||||55||||||0|.00|.00|.00

Promotion Item Category Creation (PIC)

You can create Promotion Item Category records for item category promotions. See the Work with Qualifying Item Categories Screen for more information.

Required fields:


Record Type: PIC

Request Type: A

Record Date

Promotion Code

PIC Item Cgy

Sample PIC Item Category promotion upload record:

7|PIC|A|13|1150414||ITMCATP|PUITMC PROMO DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||0.00|.00||||0||DFLT||||0|.00|.00|.00

Promotion Item Exclusion Creation (PIE)

You can create Promotion Item Exclusion records for any promotion type except for freight and additional freight. See the Work with Item/Category Exclusions Screen for background.

Required fields:


Record Type: PIE

Request Type: A

Record Date

Promotion Code

PIE Item OR PIE Item Cgy

Sample PIE Item Exclusion promotion upload record:

7|PIE|A|14|1150414||ITMCATP|PUITMX PROMO DESCRIPTION|0|0|||||0|||0.00||.00|||||0||||0|0||||||0|.00|0||||0|0|.00|.00|.00|||0|||.00|0|0|0|.00|.00|.00||||||0.00|.00||||0||0||DFLT||0|.00|.00|.00

Promotion Upload Errors

The errors possible through the promotion upload are listed below. See the Promotion Upload Table (PRMUPLD) and Fields Used in the Promotion Upload by Record Type for background.


Record Types


Additional Charge Code Required


There is no Additional Charge specified for a freight promotion.

Auto Add Not Selected


No PBP BOGO Qty is specified, and the PBP Free flag is not set to A.

BOGO Discount Conflict


PBP: More than one of the required discounts (PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or PBP Special Price) is specified.

PRB: More than one of the required discounts (PRB Discount Pct, PRB Discount Amt, PRB Spc Price, or PRB Free) is specified.

Customer/CPG Conflict


Both a PRC Cust Num and a PRC Cust Group are specified.

Discount conflict


• Both Free Freight and Freight Override are specified, or no freight discount is specified, and the Promotion Type is F

• More than one PRM Dollar Discount or PRM Percent Discount is specified for an additional freight order promotion

• There is more than one discount (PRM Dollar Discount, PRM Percent Discount, or Special Price) specified for an item category promotion

Discount required


No PRM Dollar Discount or PRM Percent Discount is specified for an additional freight, item category, or order promotion.

Duplicate Promotion Code


The Promotion Code specified already exists.

Either Source code or offer


PRM: Both the Offer Number and Source Code were specified.

PRS: the promotion already specifies a qualifying offer.

Fields Not In Use


A Discount Receipt or Customer Pct Discount is specified.

Invalid Add'l Chg Code


The Additional Charge code specified does not exist.

Invalid Allow Multiples Value


The PBP Multiple Allowed flag is not set to Y or N.

Invalid Auto Add SKU


A PBP Add SKU is specified, but the PBP Auto Add item does not have SKU’s.

Invalid BOGO Price Code


The PBP BOGO Prc specified is not valid.

Invalid Company


The Company specified is not valid.

Note: When the company, is invalid, the record is not listed on the Promotion Upload Error Records Report.

Invalid Continental USA Only Flag


The US Only flag is not set to Y or N for a freight or additional freight promotion (the Promotion Type is A or F). This field is case-sensitive, so a lowercase entry causes an error.

Invalid Customer Number


The PRC Cust Num specified is invalid.

Invalid Date


No Record Date is specified.

Invalid Discount Item


The PMD Item specified is invalid.

Invalid End Date


There is no end date specified; or the End Date is earlier than the Start Date; or the date specified is not valid.

Invalid First Time Buyer


The First Buyer setting is not O or S. This field is case-sensitive, so a lowercase entry causes an error.

Invalid From SCF


• The From SCF or To SCF is not valid for the country (either the Override Country, if specified, otherwise, for the Default Country for Customer Address (B17))

• The SCF range is not valid, and the country matches the Default Country for Customer Address (B17)

Invalid Item


The PBP Item, PIE Item, or PRB Item specified is invalid.

Invalid Item Category


The PIC Item Cgy or PRB Item Cgy is not valid.

Invalid Multiple Allowed


The PRB Multiple Allowed setting was not N, Y, or blank.

Invalid Offer


The Offer Number specified is not valid.

Invalid Pay Type


The Pay Type specified is not valid.

Invalid Price Code


The PBP Price Code specified is invalid.

Invalid Priority


The Priority is 0.

Invalid Promotion Code

any except PRM

The Promotion Code specified is invalid.

Invalid Promotion Type


The promotion type specified is not one of the values listed under Promotion Type. The promotion type is case-sensitive, so lowercase entries are invalid.

Invalid Qualifier for Tier Promotion


There is a Qualify Amount specified and the Promotion Type is T.

Invalid Request Type


The Request Type is D and the Record Type is PRS, PIC, PRC, PMD; or the Request Type specified is not A or D. The request type is case-sensitive.

Invalid Ship Via Override


The Ship Via Override specified is not valid.

Invalid Ship Via Override Country


The Override Country specified is not valid.

Invalid SKU


PBP: The PBP Item is not a SKU’d item, but a PBP Sku is specified; or the PBP Sku specified is not valid for the PBP Item.

PRB: The PRB SKU is invalid, or specified for a non-SKU’d PRB Item.

Invalid Source Code


PRM: The Source Code specified is not valid.

PRS: The PRS Source specified is not valid.

Invalid Start Date


There is no Start Date specified, or the date specified is not valid.

Item Cat or Item as Qualifier


Both PRB Item Cgy and the PRB Item are specified.

Item Category Not Valid for Auto Add


The PRB Free field is set to A, and PRB Item Cgy is specified as a qualifier.

Item\Item Category Conflict


Both the PIE Item or the PIE Item Cgy are specified.

Missing Auto Add SKU


No PBP Add SKU is specified, and the PBP Auto Add item has SKU’s.

Missing Bogo Discount


None of the required discounts (PBP Discount Pct, PBP Discount Amount, or the PBP Special Price) is specified; or, the PBP Free field is set to N, but a PBP Auto Add item is specified.

Missing BOGO Qty


No PRB BOGO Qty is specified.

Missing Bogo Qualifier


No PBP Required Qty or PBP Required Amount is specified.

Missing Customer/CPG


Neither a PRC Cust Num or a PRC Cust Group is specified.

Missing Description


There is no Description specified.

Missing Item


PBP: There is a PBP Sku specified but no PBP Item.

PRB: A PRB SKU is specified, but not a PRB Item.

Missing Item Category


No PIC Item Cgy is specified.

Missing Item\Item Category


Neither the PIE Item or the PIE Item Cgy is specified.

Missing Item or Item Cat


Neither the PRB Item Cgy or the PRB Item are specified.

Missing PMD Dollars


No PMD Dollars amount is specified.

Missing Promotion Code


The Promotion Code is blank.

Note: If the promotion code is blank for a delete request (the Request Type is D), the upload record is flagged as an error, but the Error Desc remains blank.

Missing Required Qty


No PRB Required Qty is specified.

Missing Source


No PRS Source is specified.

Missing Tier Discount


The record did not include one of the following: PMD Discount Pct, PMD Discount Amt, or PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s).

Only Valid for Freight Promotion


Free Freight is specified, but the Promotion Type is not F.

Override Option Not Valid for Promo Type:


A Ship Via Override is specified, and the promotion type is not A, F, or O (additional freight, freight, or order).

Price Code or Item as Benefit


The PBP Free field is set to A (auto-add), but there is also a PBP BOGO Qty specified; or there is no PBP Auto Add item specified; or the PBP Add SKU is not a valid SKU for the PBP Auto Add item.

Price Code or Item as Qualifier


Both the PBP Price Code and the PBP Item are specified; or neither is specified; or a PBP BOGO Prc is specified and the PBP Free flag is set to A.

Prorate Discount Invalid


The PBP Prorate Disc flag is not set to Y or N.

Promotion Type Conflict

any except PRM

• The Promotion Code specified for a PIC Record Type is not an item category promotion.

• The Promotion Code specified for a PMD Record Type is not a tiered promotion.

• The Promotion Code specified for a PRB or PBP Record Type is not a BOGO promotion.

Promotion/Record Type Mismatc


The Promotion Code specified for a PIE Record Type is a freight or additional freight promotion.

Qualifier Not Valid for Free Freight


The Free Freight field was not set to Y, N, or blank for a freight promotion. The field is case-sensitive, so lowercase values are invalid.

Qualifier Not Valid For Promo Type


• There is a Qualify Amount specified and the Promotion Type is B.

• Either Free Freight and Freight Override is specified, and the Promotion Type is not F.

• A Freight Override is specified and the Promotion Type is not F.

• An Additional Charge code is specified and the Promotion Type is not A, F, or O (additional freight, freight, or order).

• A Qualify Code is specified but this is not an item category promotion.

• A Qualify Code is not set to O or I. The record type is case-sensitive, so lowercase entries are invalid.

Qualifier Not Valid for Promotion Type


• A From SCF or To SCF is specified for a BOGO, tiered, or item category promotion (the Promotion Type is B, T, or C).

• the SCF range in the From SCF to To SCF is not valid, and the country does not match the Default Country for Customer Address (B17)

• The US Only flag is populated for promotion that is not an additional freight or freight promotion (Promotion Type of A or F).

• A Qualify Qty is specified for a BOGO or tiered promotion (the Promotion Type is B or T)

Qualify Code required


No Qualify Code is specified, but there is a Qualifying $ amount type specified for an item category promotion.

Record Already Exists


• The Request Type is D, and the Record Type is PIE or PRB.

• The Record Type is PRS, and the Promotion Source record already exists.

• The Record Type is PMD, and the Promotion Discount record already exists. In this situation, a duplicate is identified by the PMD Dollars.

Record type not found


The record type does not match one of the values listed under Record Type. The record type is case-sensitive, so lowercase entries are invalid.

Required Field For This Type


The PBP Free field is not set to A, N, or Y.

Required for Record Type


This PRB Free field is not set to N, Y, or A.

Ship Via Override Required


The upload record specifies an Override Country but no Ship via override.

Special Price Not Valid


A Special Price is specified even though the promotion type is not C.

Tier Discount Conflict


The record includes more than one of the following: PMD Discount Pct, PMD Discount Amt, or PMD Item (and PMD SKU if the item has SKU’s).


WPRO OROMS 16.0 December 2016 OTN