Working with Order Broker (WOBR)

Purpose: Use this menu option to review the records and history of all order lines sent to or received from the Order Broker for shipment or customer pickup. You can also use this menu option to cancel fulfillment of a brokered backorder request to the Order Broker and leave the order line open, so you can fulfill it from your warehouse using your standard process.

Determining the Order Broker type: A Delivery type of retail pickup, delivery, store pickup, or ship-for-pickup is indicated on the Display Order Broker Screen. The Delivery type at this screen is blank for a brokered backorder. This screen is available by selecting Display for an Order Broker record at the Work with Order Broker screen.

For more information: See the Order Broker Integration for an overview.

In this chapter:

- Work with Order Broker Screen

- Display Order Broker Screen

- Display Order Broker History Screen

- Canceling a Brokered Backorder Request

- Confirm Order Broker Cancel Window

Printing the Order Broker Aging Report

- Print Aging Report Window

- Order Broker Aging Report

Work with Order Broker Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WOBR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Order Broker from a menu.

Column sort: You can sort on any column except Line # on this screen by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

When you first advance to this screen, order broker records display in ascending create date, order number sequence.




The current status of the Order Broker request. Possible statuses are described at the Order Broker Status Summary Table.

Search: Select a status and select OK to display order broker records that match your entry.

Create date

The date when the Order Broker request was created.

Search: Enter a date and select OK to display order broker records that match your entry.

Numeric, 6 positions (user date format); optional.

Order #

The order number and ship-to number that originated a brokered backorder, store pickup, or ship-for-pickup order, or was created as a result of a retail pickup or delivery request. The ship-to number is set to 1 if there is a single shipping address.

Note: Ship-for-pickup orders are not listed here until you generate a pick slip and Order Management System submits the order to the Order Broker.

Search: Enter an order number and select OK to display order broker records that match your entry.

Order number: numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Ship-to number: numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Line #

The sequence number in the Order Detail table that identifies the order line to be fulfilled through the Order Broker integration. The sequence number might differ from the order line number displayed in order maintenance or order inquiry if, for example, you deleted one of the previous lines on the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.


The item to be fulfilled through the Order Broker. If the item has SKU’s, the SKU code also displays.

Search: Enter a valid item number and select OK to display order broker records that contain your entry. If the item has SKU’s, you can search on item number only.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The current quantity to be fulfilled at the Fulfilling location. DIsplayed regardless of status.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Fulfilling location

See the Order Broker Originating Location, Fulfilling Location, and Pickup Location for a discussion.

Search: Enter a full or partial fulfilling location code and select OK to display order broker records that contain your entry.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Request ID

A unique ID number assigned by the Order Broker to identify the order. If the Use Split Order (L56) system control value is:

unselected: each individual brokered backorder item submitted to the Order Broker receives a unique request ID, and the Order Broker treats it as a separate order.

selected: Order Management System sends a single submit order request for all backordered lines that are eligible for brokering.

The Use Split Order (L56) system control value does not affect how Order Management System creates or processes ship-for-pickup, retail pickup, delivery, or store pickup orders.

The request ID is blank for requests whose status is:

Z: Canceled

C: Closed

J: Rejected

R: Ready

W: Waiting

The field might also be blank for requests in E (Error) status, depending on the nature of the error. For example, requests that the Order Broker did not receive and create successfully are not assigned request ID’s.

Although the field in Order Management System is up to 25 positions, Order Broker does not support a request ID longer than 10 positions.

Search: Enter a valid request ID and select OK to display order broker records that match your entry.

Numeric, 25 positions; optional.



Display details of an Order Broker request

In the Action field, select Display to advance to the Display Order Broker Screen.

Review history for an Order Broker request

In the Action field, select History to advance to the Display Order Broker History Screen.

Cancel an Order Broker request

In the Action field, select Cancel to cancel a brokered backorder and return the order line to standard backorder processing. See Canceling a Brokered Backorder Request for more information.


• To cancel both the Order Broker request and the order line itself, use the cancel option in order maintenance. See the discussion under Canceling a Brokered Backorder Request for background.

• The Cancel option is available only for brokered backorders, only if you have authority under the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature, and only if the Order Broker request is in a status eligible for cancellation (not closed, shipped, canceled, cancel pending, unfulfillable or error).

Print the Order Broker Aging Report

Select Print to advance to the Print Aging Report Window. See Printing the Order Broker Aging Report for more information.

Display Order Broker Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review details about an Order Broker request.

How to display this screen: Select Display in the Action field for a record at the Work with Order Broker Screen.



Order #

The order number that originated the brokered backorder, store pickup, or ship-for-pickup, or that was created as a result of the retail pickup or delivery request. The order number is separated from the ship-to number by a hyphen.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Ship To #

The order ship to number that originated the brokered backorder, store pickup, or ship-for-pickup, or that was created as a result of the retail pickup or delivery request. The order number is separated from the ship-to number by a hyphen.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Line #

The sequence number in the Order Detail table that identifies the order line to be fulfilled through the Order Broker integration. The sequence number might differ from the order line number displayed in order maintenance or order inquiry if, for example, you deleted or canceled one of the previous lines on the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The item and SKU fulfilled through the Order Broker integration.

Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU: alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.


A description of the item. If the item has SKUs, the SKU description displays.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Order qty

The ordered quantity for the order detail line. This field is used for all order types.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The quantity of a brokered backorder line that is currently assigned to Order Broker for fulfillment, or has been fulfilled or canceled. Might be less than the ordered quantity if this is a brokered backorder, the Use Split Order (L56) system control value is selected, and the Allow Split Order and Allow Split Line preferences in Order Broker are also selected. See the Use Split Order (L56) system control value for a discussion.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The current status of the Order Broker request.The description is to the right. Possible statuses are described at the Order Broker Status Summary Table.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Create date

The date when the Order Broker request was created.

Numeric, 6 positions (user date format); display-only.

Create time

The time when the Order Broker request was created.

Numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

Last request date

The last date when Order Management System sent an order or status request to the Order Broker.

Numeric, 6 positions (user date format); display-only.

Last request time

The last time when Order Management System sent an order or status request to the Order Broker.

Numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

Request ID

A unique ID number assigned by the Order Broker to identify the order. If the Use Split Order (L56) system control value is:

unselected: each individual brokered backorder item submitted to the Order Broker receives a unique request ID, and the Order Broker treats it as a separate order.

selected: Order Management System sends a single submit order request for all backordered lines that are eligible for brokering.

The request ID is blank for requests whose status is:

Z: Canceled

C: Closed

J: Rejected

R: Ready

W: Waiting

The field might also be blank for requests in E: Error status, depending on the nature of the error. For example, requests that the Order Broker did not receive and create successfully are not assigned request ID’s.

Numeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Originating location

See the Order Broker Originating Location, Fulfilling Location, and Pickup Location for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Fulfilling location

See the Order Broker Originating Location, Fulfilling Location, and Pickup Location for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Pickup location

See the Order Broker Originating Location, Fulfilling Location, and Pickup Location for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Broker delivery type

The type of order:

• blank = brokered backorder. See Brokered Backorders.

D - DELIVERY = See Retail Pickup (including Ship-for-Pickup) or Delivery Orders.

P - STORE PICKUP = See Store Pickup Orders.

R - RETAIL PICKUP = See Retail Pickup (including Ship-for-Pickup) or Delivery Orders.

S - SHIP FOR PICKUP = See Ship-for-Pickup Orders.



Review history for the Order Broker request

Select History to advance to the Display Order Broker History Screen.

Display Order Broker History Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the order, status, and cancel requests sent from Order Management System to the Order Broker, and the responses received. History is listed in chronological order (oldest to newest).

Not included in this history:

• Fulfillment request and response messages

• SubmitOrder request and response messages for store pickup or ship-for-pickup orders

• Changes to a brokered backorder’s Under Review flag that can occur if the Send Held Orders to OROB (M18) system control value is selected

How to display this screen: Select History in the Action field for a record at the Work with Order Broker Screen, or select History at the Display Order Broker Screen.



Order #

The order number and ship-to number related to the Order Broker request. The order number is separated from the ship-to number by a hyphen.

Order number: numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Ship-to number: numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Line #

The sequence number in the Order Detail table that identifies the order line to be fulfilled through the Order Broker integration. The sequence number might differ from the order line number displayed in order maintenance or order inquiry if, for example, you deleted or canceled one of the previous lines on the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The item and SKU to be fulfilled through the Order Broker integration.

Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU: alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

Item/SKU description (unlabeled field to the right of the Item/SKU)

The description of the item and SKU. This field displays up to 52 positions; however, if the SKU description is truncated, you can display the rest by putting your cursor in the field and advancing it to the right.

Item description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

SKU description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Order qty

The ordered quantity for the order detail line. This field is used for all order types.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Originating Location

See Order Broker Originating Location, Fulfilling Location, and Pickup Location for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Pickup Location

See Order Broker Originating Location, Fulfilling Location, and Pickup Location for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

For each Order Broker History record:


The date and time when the request was sent to the Order Broker, or when the response was received in Order Management System.

Date: numeric, 6 positions (user date format); display-only.

Time: numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

Transaction type

The type of activity that occurred. Possible transaction types are:

A - Send Order Request = Order Management System sent the initial submit order message to the Order Broker (brokered backorders).

B - Receive Order Response = Order Management System received the order response message from the Order Broker (brokered backorders).

C - Send Status Request = Order Management System sent an request to the Order Broker to inquire about the order’s current status.

D - Receive Status Response = Order Management System received the status inquiry response message from the Order Broker.

M - Maintenance Transaction = You canceled the brokered backorder or store pickup request. You can cancel a brokered backorder either through order maintenance, or by canceling the Order Broker request itself (but not the order line) at the Work with Order Broker Screen; however, you can only cancel a store pickup request through order maintenance.

E - Send Update Request = Order Management System sent a status update request message to the Order Broker.

F - Receive Update Response = Order Management System received the status update response message from the Order Broker.

See Sample Order Broker Messages for examples of the different messages generated or received by Order Management System as part of the Order Broker integration.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


The current status of the Order Broker request.The description is to the right. Possible statuses are described at the Order Broker Status Summary Table.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Fulfilling location

See the Order Broker Originating Location, Fulfilling Location, and Pickup Location for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.


The quantity of the Order Broker line at the time of the activity. Might be less than the ordered quantity if this is a brokered backorder, the Use Split Order (L56) system control value is selected, and the Allow Split Order and Allow Split Line preferences in Order Broker are also selected. See the Use Split Order (L56) system control value for a discussion.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The sequence number in the Order Detail table that identifies the order line to be fulfilled through the Order Broker integration. The sequence number might differ from the order line number displayed in order maintenance or order inquiry if, for example, you deleted or canceled one of the previous lines on the order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The error, if any, received from the Order Broker. The error message is truncated if it exceeds 30 positions. An error of Null response from OROB indicates that the OROB Account (K49) system control value is not set correctly.

See Troubleshooting the Order Broker Integration and the Order Broker Operations Guide for more information on possible errors.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Canceling a Brokered Backorder Request

Overview: Your options in canceling a brokered backorder request in Order Management System are:

Cancel the brokered backorder request and reassign fulfillment: to return the order line to standard backorder and fulfillment processing in Order Management System, use the cancel option from the Work with Order Broker Screen.

Cancel both the brokered backorder request and the order line itself: to prevent the order line from shipping to the customer, use the:

Cancel option at the Work with Order Lines Screen for an order line: cancels just the selected order line. If you enter a different cancel quantity at the Enter Cancel Reason Window, any remaining uncanceled quantity returns to standard backorder and warehouse processing in Order Management System.

Cancel Order option at the Work with Order Screen in Order Maintenance or Work with Order Lines Screen: cancels the entire order.


• Before canceling a brokered backorder request, it is important to confirm that the assigned fulfilling location is not in the process of shipping it. Even if the current status in Order Management System indicates that the order is not in the process of fulfillment, depending on the setting of the Order Broker Status Update Interval (K10) this information could be out of date.

• If the Use OROB for Fulfillment Assignment (M31) system control value is selected you can cancel the delivery order that was created to fulfill the originating broker backorder. In this situation, the system changes the Order Broker record’s status to Canceled and sends a status inquiry request to the Order Broker. See Canceling an Item in Order Maintenance for more information.

• If you broker ship-for-pickup orders for fulfillment assignment (the Use OROB for Ship for Pickup Fulfillment Assignment (M34) system control value is set to ALWAYS and the Send B/O to OROB (K08) system control value is selected), when you cancel a ship-for-pickup order, the system sends an update to Order Broker so that the order can be updated to cancelled. In addition, if a retail pickup order was created in Order Management System to fulfill the ship-for-pickup order, when you run pick slip generation for the retail pickup order, the system does not generate a pick slip and assigns the hold reason defined in the Order Broker Hold Reason (Cancel) (L02) system control value to the order. The system also writes an order transaction history message for the retail pickup order: Order held - line(s) canceled in Order Broker.

Secured feature: The Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature controls the authority to cancel a brokered backorder. If you do not have authority under this secured feature:

• the Cancel option is not available at the Work with Order Broker Screen

• you cannot cancel a brokered backorder line in order maintenance

• if you select the Cancel Order option in order maintenance, Order Management System does not cancel any brokered backordered lines and displays an error message: Not authorized to cancel Order Broker line.

Note: You cannot use the e-commerce cancel request message to cancel a backordered line assigned to the Order Broker. See E-Commerce Cancel Process for background.

Confirm Order Broker Cancel Window

How to display this window: Select Cancel for:

• an Order Broker request at the Work with Order Broker Screen

• in order maintenance:

- a backordered order line assigned to the Order Broker

- an order that includes a backordered order line assigned to the Order Broker

Cancel option available? The Cancel option is available only if you have authority under the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature and if the Order Broker request has not already been shipped or submitted for cancellation, it is not in error, and the Order Broker has not indicated that it is unfulfillable.




The current status of the Order Broker request. A brokered backorder request is eligible for cancellation only if its status is:

A - Accepted = The assigned fulfilling location has accepted the order.

K - Acknowledged = The Order Broker has received the order request, assigned a request ID, selected a fulfilling location, and created the order in its database.

P - Polled = The assigned fulfilling the location has polled the Order Broker for new orders and been notified of this order.

R - Ready = The request is ready to be sent to the Order Broker, but the BROKER process has not yet generated the request message.

W - Waiting = The order request message has been sent to the Order Broker, but Order Management System has not yet received the response.


The backordered item and SKU to be fulfilled through the Order Broker.

Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU: alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

Fulfilling location

The code identifying the store location assigned to fulfill the backorder. In the case of a retail pickup or delivery order, this is the Order Management System warehouse. See the Order Broker Originating Location, Fulfilling Location, and Pickup Location for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Completing this screen: Click OK to submit.

Updates at accept: When you confirm the cancellation:

An Order Broker History message tracks the activity. The Transaction type is M - Maintenance Transaction.

The order detail line is updated immediately. If you cancel the Order Broker request but not the order line itself, the Drop ship flag and Printed quantity are cleared, and the order line returns to standard backorder processing.

Order Broker status change:

- If the order has not yet been sent to the Order Broker (the status of the Order Broker request is R (ready), the status of the Order Broker request changes to C (closed). No further updates take place.

- If the order has been sent to the Order Broker (the status of the Order Broker request is W (waiting), K (acknowledged), P (polled), or A (accepted): the status of the Order Broker request changes to Y (pending cancel). Once the BROKER job receives confirmation of the cancellation from the Order Broker, it changes the status of the Order Broker request to Z (canceled), and writes an Order Transaction History message (for example, Ln#: 2 Cancel Acknowledged by Broker).

Status update message: The status update message includes the cancel reason code and description. See the Order Status Update Cancel Request Message Sample (Brokered Backorder or Store Pickup) for information about the fields submitted to Order Broker for the cancellation of a brokered backorder.

Printing the Order Broker Aging Report

Purpose: Use the Order Broker Aging Report to review order lines that have been assigned to the Order Broker for fulfillment.

Print Aging Report Window

How to display this window: Select Print at the Work with Order Broker Screen.




Optionally, select a status to include Order Broker records that are currently in this status, or leave this field unselected to include records regardless of status. Statuses that are eligible for selection are:

A (Accepted) = Brokered backorder or store pickup: The location assigned to fulfill the order has accepted it.

F (Picking) = Retail pickup, delivery, or ship-for-pickup: The pick slip has been printed. (Status in Order Broker is New_Order or Picked).

I (In Process) = Retail pickup or delivery: The order was received from the Order Broker and created without error. (Status in Order Broker is Accepted.)

J (Rejected) =

- Retail pickup or delivery: The order was sold out after creation in Order Management System.

- Store pickup: The selected store location has rejected the order.

K (Acknowledged) = Brokered backorder or store pickup: The Order Broker has received the order request, assigned a request ID, selected a fulfilling location, and created the order in its database. (Status in Order Broker is New_Order.)

L (Partial Fulfill) = Retail pickup, ship-for-pickup, or store pickup: The customer has picked up one or more items on the order, but not the complete order. (Status in Order Broker is Partially Fulfilled.)

N (New) = Retail pickup or delivery: The order was received from the Order Broker but is in error. (Status in Order Broker is Polled.)

P (Polled) = Brokered backorder or store pickup: The assigned fulfilling location has polled the Order Broker for new orders and been notified of this order. (Status in Order Broker is Polled.)


R (Ready) =

- Brokered backorder: The request is ready to be sent to the Order Broker, but the BROKER process has not yet generated the request message.

- Store pickup: Order Management System attempted to send the order to the Order Broker, but Order Broker has not responded. In this case, Order Management System retains the order information in the Store Pickup tables until communication with Order Broker resumes.

S (Received by Store) = Retail pickup or ship-for-pickup: The order has been received by the store location but not yet picked up by the customer. (Status in Order Broker is Received.)

T (In Transit) = Retail pickup or ship-for-pickup: You have confirmed shipment of the order to the store. (Status in Order Broker is Intransit.)

W (Waiting) = Brokered backorder: The request message has been sent to the Order Broker, but the response has not yet been received.

Y (Pending Cancel) =

- Brokered backorder: You have canceled the order line (including the Order Broker request), or you have canceled just the Order Broker request at the Work with Order Broker Screen, but you have not yet received a confirmation of the cancellation from the Order Broker.

- Store pickup: You have canceled the order through order maintenance, but have not yet received the confirmation of the cancellation from the Order Broker.


Note: You cannot include Order Broker records on the report if their status is Unfulfillable (U), Closed (C), Completed (X), or Error (E).


Fulfilling location

Optionally, select a single store location, or leave this field blank to select records regardless of fulfilling location. This information is from Work with Store Cross Reference (WSCR). See the Order Broker Originating Location, Fulfilling Location, and Pickup Location for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

Older than

Optionally, enter a number of days to have the report include Order Broker records only if their age exceeds this number, or leave this field set to 00000 to select records that are at least two days old.

Note: It is not possible to include Order Broker records from the current or previous day on the report. Only records that are at least two days old are eligible for selection.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Note: The Order Broker Aging Report is accessible at the Document Management Screen. It is not available by selecting a submitted job at the Job Management Screen.

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