1.9 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager for Oracle Application Express 5.0

Oracle Health Check Collections Manager is a companion application to Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk that gives you an enterprise-wide view of your health check collection data.

1.9.1 Scope and Supported Platforms

Review the scope and platforms supported for Oracle Health Check Collections Manager.


There are two separate versions of Oracle Health Check Collections Manager respectively for Oracle Application Express 4.2 and Oracle Application Express 5.x.

The scope and supported platforms are applicable to:

It is difficult to run health checks and maintain collection data when you have many systems to manage. Oracle Health Check Collections Manager gives you an enterprise-wide view of your health check collection data.

Oracle Health Check Collections Manager:

  • Provides a dashboard to track your collection data in one easy-to-use interface

  • Displays collection data based on Business Units and time

  • Serves as an enterprise-wide repository of all collections

  • Uploads collection automatically

Oracle Health Check Collections Manager is fully supported through Oracle Support Services on all Editions (SE1, SE, and EE) of the Oracle Database or later with a valid Oracle Database Technical Support agreement.

Use Oracle Application Express 4.2 or later with Oracle database 11g R1, 11g R2 and 12c R1. Express Edition (XE) is supported only through the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) discussion forums and not through Oracle Support Services.

1.9.2 Prerequisites

Review the list of Oracle Health Check Collections Manager prerequisites.


There are two separate versions of Oracle Health Check Collections Manager respectively for Oracle Application Express 4.2 and Oracle Application Express 5.x.

The prerequisites are applicable to:

  • Oracle Database or later.

  • Oracle Application Express 4.2.0 or later.

1.9.3 Installation

Follow the installation procedures sequentially to install Oracle Health Check Collections Manager.


Upgrade Oracle Health Check Collections Manager directly from the Oracle ORAchk or Oracle EXAchk tool. Configuring Oracle Application Express and Creating a Workspace

Configure Oracle Application Express and create a workspace.

If the Oracle Application Express 4.2 component is already installed and configured on your database, then skip to Install Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application.
  1. Download the latest version of Oracle Application Express.
  2. To install and configure Oracle Application Express, refer to the Application Express Installation Guide:
  3. Create a workspace.
    1. Log in to Oracle Application Express administration services.


      The URLs used for accessing the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager application depend on how Oracle Application Express was deployed initially.

      • If you have configured Oracle Application Express using the Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql, then specify the URL as follows:
      • If you have configured Oracle Application Express the Oracle XML DB HTTP listener with the embedded PL/SQL gateway, then specify the URL as follows:
        For example:
      • The default schema user for Oracle Application Express administration services in the Oracle database is ADMIN.

      • The password is the one you gave at the time of configuring the Oracle Application Express component in the Oracle database.

      Figure 1-33 Administration Services Login

      Description of Figure 1-33 follows
      Description of "Figure 1-33 Administration Services Login"
    2. In the Oracle Application Express Admin home page, click Manage Workspaces.

      Figure 1-34 Manage Workspace

      Description of Figure 1-34 follows
      Description of "Figure 1-34 Manage Workspace"
    3. Under Workspace Actions, click Create Workspace.

      The Create Workspace Wizard appears.

      Figure 1-35 Identify Workspace

      Description of Figure 1-35 follows
      Description of "Figure 1-35 Identify Workspace"
      • Identify Workspace:

        1. Workspace Name: Enter a unique workspace name, for example, ORAchk_CM_WS.

        2. Workspace ID: Leave Workspace ID blank to have the new Workspace ID automatically generated.

          Workspace ID must be a positive integer greater than 100000.

        3. Workspace Description: Enter workspace description.

        4. Click Next.


        Associate a workspace with a database schema.

      • Identify Schema:

        1. Specify whether you are reusing an existing schema or creating a new one. This depends on whether you already have Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk configured to upload data to a schema in the database. If you do, then specify the existing schema. If not, then the name of the schema you create must be the one you intend to use for uploading the Oracle ORAchk data once configured.

        2. If you choose an existing schema in the database, then it should not be an Oracle Application Express administration schema (admin).

          • If you are using an existing schema:

            1. For Re-use existing schema, select YES.

            2. Select a schema from the list.

            3. Click Next.

              Figure 1-36 Identify Schema - Reuse Schema

              Description of Figure 1-36 follows
              Description of "Figure 1-36 Identify Schema - Reuse Schema"
          • If you are creating a new schema:

            1. For Re-use existing schema, select NO.

            2. Enter the schema name and password, for example, ORAchk_admin, and so on.

            3. Specify the space quota.

            4. Click Next.

              Figure 1-37 Identify Schema - New Schema

              Description of Figure 1-37 follows
              Description of "Figure 1-37 Identify Schema - New Schema"


              Minimum Space Quota should not be less than 100 MB to prevent application import failures.

      • Identify Administrator:

        1. Enter administrator user name and password.

        2. Enter Personal details.

        3. Click Next.

          Figure 1-38 Identify Administrator

          Description of Figure 1-38 follows
          Description of "Figure 1-38 Identify Administrator"
      • Confirm your selections and then click Create Workspace.

        Figure 1-39 Create Workspace - Confirm Request

        Description of Figure 1-39 follows
        Description of "Figure 1-39 Create Workspace - Confirm Request"

        Your workspace is created.

  4. Click Manage Workspaces.
    • Under Workspace Reports, click Existing Workspaces.

      Figure 1-40 Manage Workspaces - Existing Workspaces

      Description of Figure 1-40 follows
      Description of "Figure 1-40 Manage Workspaces - Existing Workspaces"
    • To edit Workspace information, click the workspace name, edit any necessary details, and then click Apply Changes.

    • Log out from Oracle Application Express Administration services. Log in to the Workspace

Log in to Application Express admin user workspace using these procedures.

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express Admin User Workspace.


    The URLs used for accessing the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager application depend on how Oracle Application Express was deployed initially.

    • If you have configured Oracle Application Express the Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql, then specify the URL as follows:
    • If you have configured Oracle Application Express using the Oracle XML DB HTTP listener with the embedded PL/SQL gateway, then specify the URL as follows:
      For example:
  2. To log in, enter the workspace name, workspace user name, and password details.

    Figure 1-41 Log in to the Workspace

    Description of Figure 1-41 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-41 Log in to the Workspace"
  3. For the first time login, Application Express prompts you to change the password.
  4. Log in again using the new password. Application Express User Accounts

Application Express provides three types of users, namely, workspace administrators, developers, and end users.

Table 1-14 Application Express Types of Users

Type of User Description

Workspace administrators

Workspace administrators can also create and edit user accounts, manage groups, and manage development services.


Developers can create and modify applications and database objects.

End users

End users are non-administrative who have no development privileges and can only access applications that do not use an external authentication scheme. For the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application, almost all the users fall into this category. A special role within the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application, DBA Managers, and the DBAs manage all application users.

To grant access to the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application for non-administrative users, log in to the Workspace as an administrator.

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express admin user workspace.
  2. Click the Administration tab.
  3. Click Manage Users and Groups.

    Figure 1-42 Manage Users and Groups

    Description of Figure 1-42 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-42 Manage Users and Groups"
  4. Click Create User.
    • These users are application admin users, DBA Managers, and DBAs who can authenticate to the application and manage their collections.

  5. Fill in the user details.
    • Follow a consistent naming convention and specify unique user names. A reasonable naming convention would be firstname.lastname.

      Figure 1-43 Application Express User Accounts

      Description of Figure 1-43 follows
      Description of "Figure 1-43 Application Express User Accounts"
    • For non-administrators, use the default, No for User is a developer and User is a Workspace Administrator options.

  6. Assign a temporary password for each user and communicate that password to them. Application Express prompts them to change this password the first time they log in.
  7. Click Create User. Install Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application

To install Oracle Health Check Collections Manager, follow these procedures.

  1. Verify if the workspace admin schema owner and the owner of the schema used for import of the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application have grants to:
    • Create Job

    • Execute on the database packages DBMS_RLS and UTL_SMTP owned by the SYS user.

    The Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application is distributed as an SQL script. Stage the script on the workstation that is used to install the application.

    Execute privilege on the database package UTL_SMTP is required only if you use Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Email Notification System Feature. Oracle Health Check Collections Manager uses UTL_SMTP package on one of the objects RAC13_EMAIL. Failing to grant EXECUTE ON UTL_SMTP privilege to workspace owner ends up in compilation error. You can see this information in the Installation Summary. Ignore this information, if you are not using the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Email Notification System feature.

  2. Verify if you have required privileges by running the SQL query as follows:
    CM_USER     DBMS_RLS            EXECUTE
    CM_USER     UTL_SMTP            EXECUTE
  3. Log in to the Oracle Application Express workspace administration services.
  4. Click Application Builder on the Home page.
  5. Click Import .
  6. Click Choose import file, select the SQL script appropriate for the Oracle Application Express version you are using:
    • Apex5_CollectionManager_App.sql when using Oracle Application Express 5.x

  7. File type: select the default option Database Application, or Component Export.
  8. File Character Set: select the default option Unicode UTF-8.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Install Application.

    Figure 1-47 File Import Confirmation

    Description of Figure 1-47 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-47 File Import Confirmation"
  11. Click Next.


    Ensure that the execute privilege on DBMS_RLS and UTL_SMTP packages and create job sys privilege are granted to parsing schema owner before starting the import of the application. This prevents database support object creation failures that prevent the proper installation of the application.

    • For Parsing Schema, select the schema specified for the workspace.

    • Build Status: select default option Run and Build Application.

    • Install As Application.

    • Select any one option based on your requirement or if possible use the same application id as it is easy to upgrade the application in future. However, the application Id must be unique. Ensure that the application ID is not used by any other application, or any workspace administrators within Oracle Application Express Administration server.

      Figure 1-48 Install Application

      Description of Figure 1-48 follows
      Description of "Figure 1-48 Install Application"
  12. Click Install Application.
  13. Click Next.

    Figure 1-51 Install Applications Supporting Objects

    Description of Figure 1-51 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-51 Install Applications Supporting Objects"
  14. Click Install.

    Figure 1-52 Application Installed Successfully

    Description of Figure 1-52 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-52 Application Installed Successfully"
  15. Review the Installation summary for any errors or installation of database objects and seed data has failures.
  16. Capture the application ID generated for the application from the dialog upon successful installation of the application.

    The application ID is used in the URLs for accessing the application. Distribute the correct URL to the eventual users of the application.

  17. Click Run Application. Log in to Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application

To log in to Oracle Health Check Collections Manager, follow these procedures.

  1. Enter user name and password details to log in to the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application, click Login.

    Figure 1-53 Log in to Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application

    Description of Figure 1-53 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-53 Log in to Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application"

    After successful login, you are all set to use Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application and its features.

    By default, the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application is deployed with some default sample data for acclimating new users to the application. Oracle Health Check Collections Manager displays the sample data In the Home page. Sample data is hidden automatically once your own data starts streaming into the application as you establish the automation and upload functionality of the tool. If you are already using the upload functionality and have your audit check results data in the database tables, and that data replaces the sample data.

    Figure 1-54 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Default View

    Description of Figure 1-54 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-54 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Default View"
  2. Log in to Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application as End user:
    • The end user is not an administrator. The end users have only limited access to the application. Non-administrator users cannot do any administrative access unless administrator or developer privileges are granted.

    • The End User accounts must exist in the workspace where the application is installed.

    • To log in to the application, end user needs an application URL and login credentials.

      Provide the end users with one of the following URLs (they are interchangeable) and the temporary password that was assigned for them.
      For example:
  3. Delete the sample data using one of two methods:

    Administration > Delete Old Data: Select a date and then click Delete With Sample Data.

    Figure 1-55 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Delete Old Data

    Description of Figure 1-55 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-55 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Delete Old Data"

    Configure Email > Configure Mail Server/Notification/Purge Job: click Click To Purge SampleData.

    Figure 1-56 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Purge Sample Data

    Description of Figure 1-56 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-56 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Purge Sample Data"
  4. To load sample data again, Configure Email > Configure Mail Server/Notification/Purge Job and then click Click to Load SampleData.

    Figure 1-57 Oracle Health Check Collection Manager - Load Sample Data

    Description of Figure 1-57 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-57 Oracle Health Check Collection Manager - Load Sample Data"

1.9.4 Upgrading Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application

Oracle ORAchk or Oracle EXAchk automatically upgrades new versions of the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager.

Oracle Health Check Collections Manager has a new easier to navigate interface based on the Oracle Application Express (APEX) 5 theme. This new interface is only available if you have APEX 5 installed on your database. Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk continue to include the APEX 4 based Oracle Health Check Collections Manager application. However, all new functionality in the new releases goes only into the APEX 5 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager application.

Upgrade Oracle Health Check Collections Manager application from the Oracle ORAchk or Oracle EXAchk tool. Oracle Health Check Collections Manager application is upgraded to the latest version of whichever application your database can support.

If you have APEX 5, then you get the new theme interface.


There are two separate versions of Oracle Health Check Collections Manager respectively for Oracle Application Express 4.2 and Oracle Application Express 5.x.

The upgrade procedures are applicable to:

  1. Upgrade Oracle Health Check Collections Manager by running the following commands.
    ./orachk –cmupgrade


    ./exachk –cmupgrade

    If the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager schema changes in the future and Oracle ORAchk or Oracle EXAchk requires an Oracle Health Check Collections Manager upgrade, then the tool automatically prompts you to upgrade.

    During upgrade, Oracle Health Check Collections Manager goes offline and not it is available to receive new collections. If any collections fail to upload during upgrade, then you can upload again by viewing and reattempting failed uploads.

1.9.5 Getting Started

Familiarize yourself with the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application. Incident Ticket System Lookup Lists and Seed Data

Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application provides a basic Incident Ticket system.

Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application is deployed with seed data for the lookup lists used for data entry for incident tickets:

  • Products

  • Category

  • Customer Contacts

  • Notifications

  • Status Codes

  • Incident Severity

  • Incident Urgency

The seed data is values that are commonly used. Add or change the seed data provided with the application. However, you must have administrator privileges to manage seed data through the Administration tab.

To access the Administration tab, click the gear icon at the upper-right corner. Access Control System

Limit and control access based on functional roles.

By default, the Access Control system is disabled. If Access Control is disabled, then all authenticated users are granted administrator privileges and can access all application features. To assign one or more roles to the end users, manage access controls through the Administration tab. You can enable the following three functional roles available in the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager.

  • Admin: Admin role user can also be a Workspace Administrator for the application and it depends on your functional roles requirements.

  • DBA Manager

  • DBA

Assign role to the users after configuring the Access Control system. Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application Administration

To restrict authorized users alone to access the application, grant sufficient privileges to different roles.


Any end user who is granted an admin role by the workspace administrator has administrator privileges within the Collection Manager application.

Log in to Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application using a URL as follows:
For example:

As an admin user, you must see the Administration menu at the upper-right corner.

  • Following are the admin user privileges:

    • Add or revoke admin privileges

    • Define Business Units (BU)

    • Assign DBA Manager role to users

    • Assign DBA Managers to one or more BUs

    • Assign systems to BUs (a system can belong to one BU)

    • Assign DBAs to DBA Managers

    • Assign systems to DBAs

    • Ignore any check on a collection, BU, or system

    • Create and assign incidents to any user

    • Manage all incidents

  • Only Admin role can edit any section under the Administration menu.

  • The administrators must configure data based on their requirements under the administration menu to prepare for the wider usage of the application. This is a one-time activity, however, change the configuration over time to suit your needs.

    Examples of the configuration data that you need set up are:

    • Products

    • Customers (internal designations for workgroups)

    • Categories

    • Notifications

    • Status codes

    • Manage Email Server and Job details

    • Manage Notifications

    • Incident Severity

    • Urgency

    • Manage User Roles and Assign systems to users

    • Business Units (BUs)

    • Assign systems to BUs

DBA Manager

Any user who is granted the DBA Manager role.

Log in to Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application using a URL as follows:

The DBA Managers see an Administration menu at the upper-right corner of the application.

Figure 1-58 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - DBA Manager Administration

Description of Figure 1-58 follows
Description of "Figure 1-58 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - DBA Manager Administration"

Click Users and Roles.

Figure 1-59 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - DBA Manager - Manage User Roles

Description of Figure 1-59 follows
Description of "Figure 1-59 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - DBA Manager - Manage User Roles"

The DBA Manager can edit user roles, or assign systems to other users in the DBA Manager BU. The scope of a DBA Manager is an entire BU, or multiple BUs.

Following are the DBA manager privileges:
  • Assign DBAs to BUs the manager manages

  • Assign DBAs to one or more systems

  • Ignore any check on a collection, BU, or system

  • Create incidents for any system

  • Assign incidents to DBAs that manage the systems in their BUs

  • Manage any incidents for systems within their assigned BUs


Any user who is granted the DBA role.

Log in to Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application using a URL as follows:

The DBA must see the Administration menu at the upper-right corner of the application.

Any end user who is granted administrator role by the workspace administrator has administrator privileges within the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager application.

Figure 1-60 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - DBA Manager Administration

Description of Figure 1-60 follows
Description of "Figure 1-60 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - DBA Manager Administration"

Click Users and Roles.

DBA has read-only access.

Figure 1-61 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - DBA Manager - Manage User Roles

Description of Figure 1-61 follows
Description of "Figure 1-61 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - DBA Manager - Manage User Roles"
Following are the DBA privileges:
  • Cannot manage Access Control List

  • Manage systems within one or more BUs, if the DBA Managers of those BUs assign them

  • Ignore any check on a collection or system they manage

  • Manage any incidents assigned to them Selectively Capturing Users During Login

By default, Oracle Health Check Collections Manager captures details of the users logging in using LDAP authentication, and assigns them DBA role.

However, you can disable automatic capture and re-enable anytime later. If you disable, then you must manually create users and assign them roles.

  1. Click Administration, and then select Users and Roles.
  2. To disable automatic capture of users details, click Don’t Capture User Details (When Login).

    Figure 1-62 Don’t Capture User Details (When Login)

    Description of Figure 1-62 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-62 Don’t Capture User Details (When Login)"
  3. To re-enable automatic capture of user details, click Capture User Details (When Login).

    Figure 1-63 Capture User Details (When Login)

    Description of Figure 1-63 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-63 Capture User Details (When Login)" Configuring Email Notification System

The Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application provides an email notification system that users can subscribe to.

The setup involves:
  • Configuring the email server, port, and the frequency of email notifications.

  • Registering the email address


Only the administrators have the privilege to manage Email Notification Server and Job details.

  1. Log in to Oracle Health Check Collections Manager, and then click Administration > Configure Email > Configure Email Server/Notification/Purge tab.

    Figure 1-64 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Configure Email Server

    Description of Figure 1-64 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-64 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Configure Email Server"
    1. Specify a valid Email Server Name, Port Number, and then click Set My Email Server Settings.
    2. Set Email Notification Frequency as per your needs.
      See the Notification Job Run Details on the same page.
  2. Click Administration > Configure Email > Email Notification Preferences.

    Figure 1-65 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Email Notification Preferences

    Description of Figure 1-65 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-65 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Email Notification Preferences"
    1. If you are accessing for the first time, then enter your email address.
      Subsequent access to Manage Notifications page shows your email address automatically.
    2. By default, Subscribe/Unsubscribe My Mail Notifications is checked. Leave as is.
    3. Under Business Unit Specific Collection Notifications, choose the business unit that you want notifications for.
    4. Under Collection Notifications, choose the type of collections for which you want to receive notifications.
    5. Select to receive notification when the available space in ORAchk CM tablespace falls below 100 MB.
    6. Validate the notification delivery by clicking Test under Test your email settings.

      If the configuration is correct, you must receive an email. If you do not receive an email, check with your admin.

      Following is the sample notification:
      From: username@domainname.com
      Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 12:21 PM
      To: username@domainname.com
      Subject: Test Mail From Collection Manager
      Testing Collection Manager Email Notification System
    7. Click Submit.


Manage Notifications section under the Administration menu is available for all users irrespective of the role.

If the ACL system is enabled, then the registered users receive notifications for the systems that they have access to. If the ACL system is not configured, then all registered users receive all notifications.

Depending on the selections, you made under Collection Notifications section, you receive an email with Subject: Collection Manager Notifications containing application URL with results.

Figure 1-66 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Sample Email Notification

Description of Figure 1-66 follows
Description of "Figure 1-66 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Sample Email Notification"

Under Comments column, click the Click here links for details. Click the respective URLs, authenticate, and then view respective comparison report.

Figure 1-67 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Sample Diff Report

Description of Figure 1-67 follows
Description of "Figure 1-67 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Sample Diff Report" Bulk Mapping Systems to Business Units

If you have many systems, then you can quickly map those systems to business units in Oracle Health Check Collections Manager using an XML bulk upload.

  1. Click Administration > Business Unit > Assign System to BU.
  2. Click Bulk Mapping.
  3. Upload a mapping XML.
    1. Click Generate XML File (Current Mapping).
    2. Download the resulting XML file that contains your current system to business unit mappings.

      Figure 1-69 Upload a mapping XML

      Description of Figure 1-69 follows
      Description of "Figure 1-69 Upload a mapping XML"
    3. Amend the XML to show mappings that you want.
    4. Upload new Mapping XML through Upload Mapping (XML File). Purging Old Collections

By default, Oracle Health Check Collections Manager runs a purge job daily, removing data older than three months.

To adjust or disable the collection purging frequency:

  1. Click Administration > Configure Email > Configure Mail Server/Notification/Purge Job.

    Figure 1-70 Manage Email Server and Job Details

    Description of Figure 1-70 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-70 Manage Email Server and Job Details"
  2. Select an appropriate option:
    • Change the frequency of purges by setting different values in Purge Frequency , and then click Click To Purge Every.

    • To disable purging, click Click To Disable Purging.

    • To re-enable purging, click Click To Enable Purging.

Figure 1-71 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Configure Purging

Description of Figure 1-71 follows
Description of "Figure 1-71 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager - Configure Purging"

1.9.6 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application Features

Familiarize yourself with the features of Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application. Global Select Lists

Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application provides an option to display data based on the select lists like Business Units, Systems, and Data for last periods of time.

All these select lists are global within the application and options available on starting of each tab.

  • Business Unit

  • System

  • Data interval Home Tab

Displays systems and their statuses, and recent activities of all users who has permission to access the application.

  • Displays systems and their statuses in graphs with color coded green, orange, and red based on check results (passed, warning, and failed).

  • The Home tab provides an option to display the data based on select lists like Business Units and Data for last periods of time. There is also an option to filter the most failed/warned checks and recent collections based on system name.

  • The Most Failed Checks region displays information for the most frequently failed checks for all collections for the time period, Business Unit, or System selected, and displays the check name, fail count. There is a similar region for most warned checks.

  • The Recent Collections region displays brief information about recently uploaded collections based on time frame, Overall score with Fail, Warning, and Pass counts and a Status flag. Recent collections are automatically compared to the last collection from the same system, whenever it occurred, if there is one.

    Status Flags are color-coded green, orange, or red based on the comparison between the recent collection and the last collection, if any.

    • GREEN: There is no difference at all between the two collections or one or more findings from the last collection improved from WARNING or FAIL to PASS or there was no earlier collection to compare with.

    • ORANGE: There were one or more regressions between the last collection and the most recent on a given system. In other words some findings transitioned in a negative way, for example, PASS to WARNING.

    • RED: There were one or more regressions between the last collection and the most recent on a given system. In other words some findings transitioned in a negative way, for example, PASS to FAIL.

  • Recent Activity in User Range shows recent activities by all users across all collections specific to the access role granted the user.

    • DBA role users can see everything that happens in the systems assigned to them.

    • DBA Manager role users can see everything within their Business Unit and the systems assigned to them.

    • Admin role user can see everything when there is a collection data uploaded in to the application. Collections Tab

Displays incidence information for each collection, and collection score for failed, warning, and failed checks.

  • Displays all collections and allows you to filter the list of collections based on Business units and System. You can also filter based on Status flag. The list is also inherently filtered to those collections the user has access to, based on their assigned role.

  • Displays incident information for each collection indicated by Delta (Δ) color coded red, blue, and green based on ticket status. Click the delta symbol to raise a new ticket or alter the ticket for an entire collection.
    • RED (No Incident ticket exists): Click to create a new incident ticket for the collection or individual checks.

    • BLUE (An open Incident ticket exists): Click to open the incident ticket for editing.

    • GREEN (A closed Incident ticket exists): Click opens the closed incident ticket for viewing.

  • Collection Score is calculated based on failed, warning, and passed checks.

    If a user raised a ticket for the collection, resolved the issues and the ticket is closed signifying the issues have all been resolved, then Oracle Health Check Collections Manager changes the collection score to 100%.

    If a user raised a ticket for an individual check and if it is closed signifying that the finding has been resolved, then Oracle Health Check Collections Manager changes the status of the check as PASS and recalculates the collection score.

    Collection Score is derived using following formula.

    • Every check has 10 points.

    • Failure deducts 10 points.

    • Warning deducts 5 points.

    • Info deducts 3 points.

  • A More Info link next to a collection indicates that the collection was manually uploaded into the application.

  • Click the linked collection name in the list to load the collection in the Browse tab. Collections > Browse Sub Tab

Enables you to list individual checks based on filters set.

  • Set filters once the list of checks is created.

  • Create and alter incident tickets for individual audit check findings similar to as described in the Collections tab.

  • Select checks to ignore and to undo previously ignored checks. Select the check box beside the audit check and click Ignore Selected. Oracle Health Check Collections Manager marks them as FAIL-IGNORED, indicating that the check had failed but is ignored.

    Oracle Health Check Collections Manager ignores the checks for the entire level based on the level selected for ignoring.

    To ignore selected failed checks, you must choose the ignore type from the following list:

    • Ignore from collection

    • Ignore from system

    • Ignore from a business unit

    • Ignore from all business units


      The domain for ignoring checks is within the role assigned to the user.

    All ignored checks are listed under the Ignored Checks tab. If needed, undo ignore.

    To undo the selected Ignored checks, consider the type from the following list:

    • Undo ignore from collection

    • Undo ignore from system

    • Undo ignore from business unit

    • Undo ignore from all business units


      The domain for undoing ignored checks is within the role assigned to the user. Collections > Compare Sub Tab

Compare tab enables you to compare audit check results and patch results.

  • Compare Audit check Results

    • Compare the audit check findings from two different collections based on Business Unit, System, DB Version and Platform. The collections available for comparison are limited to filters set.

    • Compare collections from the same or different systems.

  • Compare Patch Results

    • Compare installed Oracle patches from two different collections. The comparison displays the difference between the two collections based on patch results.

Figure 1-75 Compare Sub Tab - Audit Checks Diff

Description of Figure 1-75 follows
Description of "Figure 1-75 Compare Sub Tab - Audit Checks Diff"

Figure 1-76 Compare Sub Tab - Patch Results Diff

Description of Figure 1-76 follows
Description of "Figure 1-76 Compare Sub Tab - Patch Results Diff"


Row highlighted indicates that a patch is recommended, but it is not installed in either of the collections. Report View Tab

Provides a graphical representation of database checks, instance checks, home path checks, and system health checks.

  • Provides a printable view option to print the graphical summary of system collection

  • Displays separate graphical summary view for database checks, instance checks, and home path checks breakup based on check type and check status in collection

  • Displays system health check details based on status and check type in collection

Figure 1-77 Report View Tab - Summary

Description of Figure 1-77 follows
Description of "Figure 1-77 Report View Tab - Summary"

Figure 1-78 Report View Tab - Details

Description of Figure 1-78 follows
Description of "Figure 1-78 Report View Tab - Details" Upload Collections Sub Tab

Provides an interface to manually upload a collection into Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application and provides a list of uploaded collections and file details.

These manually uploaded collections are unzipped and their data imported into the framework as if they had been uploaded at runtime when the tool was run. Therefore, even if the tool is not configured for automatic upload into the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application, you can always upload collections manually.


Using a combination of tables and environment variables, you can automate the process of uploading collections into the database hosting the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application at runtime.

Figure 1-79 Upload Collections Sub Tab

Description of Figure 1-79 follows
Description of "Figure 1-79 Upload Collections Sub Tab" Tracking Support Incidents

The Incidents tab gives you a complete system for tracking support incidents.

  • Specify contact details of each customer, products and categories, and then set up values to limit status codes, severity, and urgency attributes for an incident

  • Raise a new ticket by clicking the Delta (Δ) symbol. Oracle Health Check Collections Manager displays the delta symbol only in the Collections and Browse tabs

  • The Browse tab enables you to create a new ticket on individual checks

  • The Collections tab enables you to create a single ticket for entire the collection

  • Delta (Δ) symbol is color coded red, blue, and green based on the ticket status

    • RED (No Incident ticket exists): Initiates the process to create a new incident ticket for the collection or individual checks

    • BLUE (An open Incident ticket exists): Opens the incident ticket for editing

    • GREEN (A closed Incident ticket exists): Opens the closed incident ticket for viewing

  • Track the progress of the ticket in an update area of the ticket, or add attachments and links to the incident

  • Use tags to classify incidents and use the resulting tag cloud in your reports

  • Incident access and management happen only within your access control range


Incident Tracking feature is a basic stand-alone system and it is not designed for integration with other commercial enterprise-level trouble ticketing systems.

Incident Tracking Features

  • Search options

  • Track and analyze incident tickets

  • Flexible and updateable incident status

  • Robust reporting

  • Link, Note, and File Attachments

  • Flexible Access Control (reader, contributor, administrator model) Incidents Tab

Create or edit incident tickets for individual checks or for an entire collection.

The statuses of each ticket is represented by icons with different colors. You can act upon by clicking those icons. Creating Incident Tickets

Follow these procedures to create incident tickets.

  1. Click the Delta (Δ) symbol colored RED.
  2. Add your ticket details.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select the Product and Product Version.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the Urgency of the ticket.
  7. Select the Severity of the ticket.
  8. Select the Status of the ticket.
  9. Select the Category of the ticket.
  10. Enter a summary and description of the incident.
  11. Click Create Ticket. Editing Incident Tickets

Follow these procedures to edit incident tickets.

  1. Click the Incident tab.
  2. Click Open Tickets.
  3. Click the ticket.
  4. Click Edit Ticket.
  5. Alter required details, click Apply Changes.


Click the delta symbol colored GREEN in the Collections or Browse tabs to edit incident tickets. Authoring User-Defined Checks

User-defined checks are checks written, tested, verified, and maintained by you that are specific to your environment.

Oracle supports the framework for creating and running user-defined checks, but not the logic of the checks. It is your responsibility to test, verify, author, maintain, and support these checks. The checks are run at runtime by the Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk script. Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk display the results of the user-defined checks in the User Defined Checks section of the HTML report.

The user-defined checks are stored in the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager schema and output to an XML file, which is co-located with the ORAchk script. When ORAchk and later run on your system, the tool checks for the presence of this XML file. If the tool finds one, then by default the tool runs the checks contained therein. After running, the tool includes the results in the standard HTML report.

  1. Click Analytics > User Defined Checks (or alternatively, Administration > Add New User Defined Checks to skip to step 3).

    Figure 1-81 User Defined Checks

    Description of Figure 1-81 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-81 User Defined Checks"
  2. Select Add New Check.
  3. Select OS Check or SQL Check as Audit Check Type.

    This choice decides how your check logic is coded. Operation System checks use a system command to determine the check status. SQL checks run an SQL statement to determine the check status.

    Figure 1-82 User Defined Checks Tab - Audit Check Type

    Description of Figure 1-82 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-82 User Defined Checks Tab - Audit Check Type"

    Once you have selected an Audit Check Type, Oracle Health Check Collections Manager updates the applicable fields.

    Any time during authoring, click the question mark next to a field to see help documentation specific to that field.

    OS and SQL commands are supported. Running user defined checks as root is NOT supported.

    Figure 1-83 User Defined Checks Tab - Audit Check Type - OS Check

    Description of Figure 1-83 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-83 User Defined Checks Tab - Audit Check Type - OS Check"

    Once a check is created, it is listed in the Available Audit Checks section.

    You can create checks and each can be filtered using the filters on this page.

    Figure 1-84 User Defined Checks Tab - Available Audit Checks

    Description of Figure 1-84 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-84 User Defined Checks Tab - Available Audit Checks"
  4. Click the Generate XML.

    On the right, find a link to download the generated user_defined_checks.xml file.

    All the checks that have been authored and have not been placed on hold are included in the XML file when generated. Placing checks on hold is equivalent to a logical delete. If a problem is discovered with a check or the logic has not been perfected, it can be placed on hold to keep it from being included in the XML file until it is production ready. The hold can be removed to include it in the XML file next time it is generated.

    Download the user_defined_checks.xml file and save it into the same directory as the Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk tool. Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk run the user-defined checks the next time they run.

    Figure 1-85 User Defined Checks Tab - Download User Defined Checks

    Description of Figure 1-85 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-85 User Defined Checks Tab - Download User Defined Checks"
    Alternatively, to run only the user-defined checks use the profile user_defined_checks. When this option is used, then the user-defined checks are the only checks run. TheUser Defined Checks section is the only one with results displayed in the report.
    ./orachk –profile user_defined_checks
    ./exachk –profile user_defined_checks
    To omit the user-defined checks at runtime, use the –excludeprofileoption.
    ./orachk –excludeprofile user_defined_checks
    ./exachk –excludeprofile user_defined_checks

1.9.7 Uploading Collections Automatically

Use these procedures to configure Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk to automatically upload check results to the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager database.

To configure Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk to automatically upload check results, specify the connection string and the password to connect to the database. Oracle Health Check Collections Manager stores the connection details in an encrypted wallet.

Specifying Connection String and Password for Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk Check Results

Specify the connection details using the –setdbupload option. For default options, use –setdbupload all.
./orachk -setdbupload all
./exachk -setdbupload all

Oracle Health Check Collections Manager prompts you to enter the values for the connection string and password. Oracle Health Check Collections Manager stores these values in an encrypted wallet file.

Check Connection String and Password for Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk Check Results

To see the values set in the wallet, use the –getdbupload option.
$ ./orachk –getdbupload
$ ./exachk –getdbupload

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk can automatically use the default values set in the RAT_UPLOAD_USER and RAT_ZIP_UPLOAD_TABLE environment variables.

Verifying Successful Connections to Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk Database for Check Results

Verify if Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk make successful connection to the database using the option –checkdbupload.
$ ./orachk –checkdbupload
$ ./exachk –checkdbupload

Example 1-10 Setting Up Database Uploads for Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk Check Results

$ ./orachk -setdbupload all

Enter value for RAT_UPLOAD_PASSWORD:******

Database upload parameters successfully stored in orachk_wallet. orachk run will keep uploading the collections in database until it is unset using ./orachk -unsetdbupload all/env <variable name>


Use fully qualified address as in the example for the connect string. Do not use an alias from the tnsnames.ora file. Using the fully qualified address makes it possible to upload files without requiring the tnsnames.ora file name resolution is correct on all the servers where you run the tool.

Example 1-11 Reviewing Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk Database Check Result Uploads

$ ./orachk -getdbupload





Example 1-12 Checking Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk Check Result Uploads

$ ./orachk -checkdbupload

Configuration is good to upload result to database.

At the end of health check collection, Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk check if the required connection details are set (in the wallet or the environment variables). If the connection details are set properly, then Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk upload the collection results.

To configure many Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk instances:

  1. Create the wallet once with the -setdbupload all option, then enter the values when prompted.

  2. Copy the resulting wallet directory to each Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk instance directories.

You can also set the environment variable RAT_WALLET_LOC to point to the location of the wallet directory.

Other configurable upload values are:
  • RAT_UPLOAD_USER: Controls which user to connect as (default is ORACHKCM).

  • RAT_UPLOAD_TABLE: Controls the table name to store non-zipped collection results in (not used by default).

  • RAT_PATCH_UPLOAD_TABLE: Controls the table name to store non-zipped patch results in (not used by default).

  • RAT_UPLOAD_ORACLE_HOME: Controls ORACLE_HOME used while establishing connection and uploading.

    By default, the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Grid home that Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk discover.

RCA13_DOCS: is not configurable to use Oracle Health Check Collections Manager as this is the table Oracle Health Check Collections Manager looks for.

RAT_UPLOAD_TABLE and RAT_PATCH_UPLOAD_TABLE: are not used by default because the zipped collection details are stored in RCA13_DOCS.

If you are using your own custom application to view collection results, then configure RAT_UPLOAD_TABLE and RAT_PATCH_UPLOAD_TABLEvariable.

You can also set these values in the wallet. For example:
$ ./orachk -setdbupload all
$ ./exachk -setdbupload all

This prompts you for and set the RAT_UPLOAD_CONNECT_STRING and RAT_UPLOAD_PASSWORD, then use



Alternatively, you can set all values set in the wallet using the environment variables. If you see the values using the environment variable RAT_UPLOAD_CONNECT_STRING, then enclose the values in double quotes. For example:

1.9.8 Viewing and Reattempting Failed Uploads

Configure Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk to display and reattempt to upload the failed uploads.

Values are stored in the collection_dir/outfiles/check_env.out file to record if the previous database upload was successful or not.

The following example shows that database upload has been set up, but the last upload was unsuccessful:

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk -checkfaileduploads

To view failed collections, use the -checkfaileduploads option:

./orachk -checkfaileduploads
./exachk -checkfaileduploads
$ ./orachk -checkfaileduploads

List of failed upload collections

Oracle ORAchk and Oracle EXAchk -uploadfailed

To reattempt collection upload, use the -uploadfailed option:

Specify either all to upload all collections or a comma-delimited list of collections:
./orachk -uploadfailed all|list of failed collections
./exachk -uploadfailed all|list of failed collections
./orachk -uploadfailed "/home/oracle/orachk_myserver_042016_232011.zip, /home/oracle/orachk_myserver_042016_231732.zip"


You cannot upload collections uploaded earlier because of the SQL unique constraint.

1.9.9 Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application Uninstallation

Anytime you can decommission Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application setup. Follow these steps sequentially to uninstall the application leaving no residual files. Deleting Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application

You need administrative privileges to uninstall Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application.

After successful uninstallation, application definition and the supporting objects are deleted from the hosting database.

  1. Log in to Oracle Health Check Collections Manager Application.
    For example:
  2. Specify the Workspace Name, Workspace Username, and Password, and then click Login.
  3. Click Application Builder.
  4. Select Collection Manager Application, then click Edit.
  5. Click Edit Application Page.
  6. Click Delete.
  7. Choose Deinstallation Options.
    • Select the Remove Application Definition & Deinstall Supporting Objects Deinstallation Options.

    • Click Deinstall. Deleting Workspace Admin

You need administrative privileges to delete a workspace. There may exist one or more workspaces so be cautious while deleting workspaces.

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express.
  2. Click Manage Workspaces.
  3. Under Workspace Reports, click Existing Workspaces, and check the Workspace name.
  4. Under Action, click Delete.
  5. Select the check box to confirm that you want to proceed with the removal and then click Next.
  6. Click Remove Workspace.

The install process displays the Workspace has been successfully removed message.

1.9.10 Troubleshooting Oracle Health Check Collections Manager

This topic describes how to troubleshoot Oracle Health Check Collections Manager.


There are two separate versions of Oracle Health Check Collections Manager respectively for Oracle Application Express 4.2 and Oracle Application Express 5.x.

The troubleshooting procedures are applicable to:

  • If you see any error like, error at line 13: PLS-00201: identifier 'UTL_SMTP' must be declared in the Installation Summary, then grant execute on UTL_SMTP privilege to the parsing schema or workspace owner.

  • If there is a requirement to download files from within the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager, then two more steps are required. These steps are NOT required to upload files into Oracle Health Check Collections Manager.

    Before installing the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager, run the DDL mentioned below to re-create the Application Express built-in function WWV_FLOW_EPG_INCLUDE_MOD_LOCAL in the APEX_XXXXX or FLOW_XXXXXX schema whichever is appropriate to your environment. After re-creating the function, ensure that it is in VALID state.

    CREATE OR replace FUNCTION Wwv_flow_epg_include_mod_local( 
    procedure_name IN VARCHAR2) 
            RETURN TRUE; ----- It should be always “RETURN TRUE” 
            IF Upper(procedure_name) IN ( '' ) THEN 
                    RETURN TRUE; 
                    RETURN FALSE; 
            END IF; 
    END Wwv_flow_epg_include_mod_local;

    Once the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager is installed, run RCA13_GET_DOC to enable file downloads:

    SQL> grant execute on RCA13_GET_DOC to public;
  • Ensure that Oracle Application Express is installed successfully. If you have revoked any default system privileges from default Application Express users, then grant them again.

  • Ensure that all the Oracle Application Express related users are not locked and expired.

    alter user ANONYMOUS account unlock;
    alter user XDB account unlock;
    alter user APEX_PUBLIC_USER account unlock;
    alter user FLOWS_FILES account unlock;
  • If you see any issues in setting up email notifications, then verify your ACL permissions and privileges to the application schema on the SMTP mail server.

    For example, to create ACL system and grant privileges to Application schema, do as follows:

            DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.CREATE_ACL(acl => 'apex1.xml',
                    description => 'APEX ACL',
                    principal => 'ORACHK CM USERNAME',
                    is_grant => true,
                    privilege => 'connect');
            DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ADD_PRIVILEGE(acl => 'apex1.xml',
                    principal => 'ORACHK CM USERNAME',
                    is_grant => true,
                    privilege => 'resolve');
            DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ASSIGN_ACL(acl => 'apex1.xml',
                    host => 'mailservername.com',lower_port=>10,upper_port=>1000);
  • If you see that any uploaded collection processing is not started or collection status is NEW for long time, then verify the database scheduler job RCA13_PROCESS_DATA status and ensure that the job is enabled and running fine.

    select * from user_scheduler_jobs where job_name like 'RCA13_%';
    select * from user_scheduler_running_jobs where job_name like 'RCA13_%'
    select * from user_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name like 'RCA13_%'
    order by log_date desc;

    RCA13_COL_% job is used for processing each collection by having unique job.

    This logger helps you in debugging the non-processing collections with reference like
    select * from rca13_log order by ins_date desc;

    You can view the logs by clicking Upload Collections > Log.

    Figure 1-86 Upload Collections - Log

    Description of Figure 1-86 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-86 Upload Collections - Log"

    Figure 1-87 Upload Collections - Viewing Logs

    Description of Figure 1-87 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-87 Upload Collections - Viewing Logs"
  • If you see that collection process is failed due to lack of space in Oracle Application Express tablespace and application schema tablespace, then increase the tablespace sizes as much as needed.