Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.6)

Part Number E13941-07
Class Result

  extended by

public class Result
extends Object

The Result class contains the result of calling the isAccessAllowed method on an AccessDecision. Instances are ABSTAIN, DENY, and PERMIT.

Field Summary
static Result ABSTAIN
          Indicates that the Access Decision can not determine whether the request should be permitted or denied.
static int ABSTAIN_VALUE
          Abstain result enumeration
static Result DENY
          Indicates that the Access Decision has decided that the request should be denied.
static int DENY_VALUE
          Deny result enumeration
static Result PERMIT
          Indicates that the Access Decision has decided that the request should be permitted.
static int PERMIT_VALUE
          Permit result enumeration
Constructor Summary
protected Result(int value)
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object other)
 int getEnumValue()
          Returns the enumeration value for this Result
 boolean isAbstain()
          Determines if this result indicates an abstain decision
 boolean isDeny()
          Determines if this result indicates a deny decision
 boolean isPermit()
          Determines if this result indicates a permit decision
 Result narrow()
          Converts this Result value to an exact instance of Result and not an instance of any Result derived class, if necessary.
 String toString()
          Returns this Result, represented as a String.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int ABSTAIN_VALUE
Abstain result enumeration

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DENY_VALUE
Deny result enumeration

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PERMIT_VALUE
Permit result enumeration

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final Result ABSTAIN
Indicates that the Access Decision can not determine whether the request should be permitted or denied. This decision could be the result of the Access Decision not being aware of the requested resource, or being unable to make an explicit decision due to conflicting security policy definitions.


public static final Result DENY
Indicates that the Access Decision has decided that the request should be denied.


public static final Result PERMIT
Indicates that the Access Decision has decided that the request should be permitted.

Constructor Detail


protected Result(int value)
Method Detail


public String toString()
Returns this Result, represented as a String.

toString in class Object
this Result, represented as a String.


public int getEnumValue()
Returns the enumeration value for this Result

the enumeration value for this Result


public boolean isAbstain()
Determines if this result indicates an abstain decision

true, if result indicates an abstain decision; false, otherwise


public boolean isDeny()
Determines if this result indicates a deny decision

true, if result indicates a deny decision; false, otherwise


public boolean isPermit()
Determines if this result indicates a permit decision

true, if result indicates a permit decision; false, otherwise


public boolean equals(Object other)
equals in class Object


public Result narrow()
Converts this Result value to an exact instance of Result and not an instance of any Result derived class, if necessary. Callers of interfaces that expect Result values to be instances of Result and not instances of any Result derived class can use this method to narrow the instance. For example AdjudicationProvider and AdjudicationProviderV2 can fail if instances of a Result derived class are presented.

narrowed Result instance, if necessary

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.6)

Part Number E13941-07