Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.6)

Part Number E13941-07

Class ConversationUtils

  extended by weblogic.wsee.conversation.ConversationUtils

public class ConversationUtils
extends Object

This is a utiltily class for using Conversational Web Services. It allows you to do common things such as getting and setting conversation id, and setting configuration options.

Field Summary
static String SERVER_NAME
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void continueConversation(Stub stub, Map props)
          Continue a conversation on a stub that wasn't originally in the conversation.
static String getConversationAppVersion(weblogic.wsee.message.WlMessageContext wlmc)
static String getConversationId(Stub stub)
          This method gets the conversation id on the stub.
static int getConversationMethodBlockTimeout(Stub stub)
          This method gets the previously set block timeout.
static Integer getConversationVersion(Stub stub)
          This method gets the current conversation version.
static boolean isConversational(weblogic.wsee.wsdl.WsdlBinding binding)
          Determines if a given binding is conversational
static boolean isConversational( port)
          Determines if a given port is conversational
static void renewStub(Stub stub)
          Renew a stub so it can be used to start a new conversation.
static void setConversationId(Stub stub, String id)
          This method sets conversation id on the stub.
static void setConversationMethodBlockTimeout(Stub stub, int numsecs)
          Set how long a conversational continue method should block while waiting for the server to assign a conversation id.
static void setConversationVersionOne(Stub stub)
          Use version one converation (client assigned conversation id)
static void setConversationVersionTwo(Stub stub)
          Use version two converation (server assigned conversation id) This is the default when no version property is set.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String SERVER_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CONVERSATION_ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ConversationUtils()
Method Detail


public static String getConversationId(Stub stub)
                                throws ConversationIdNotYetAvailableException
This method gets the conversation id on the stub. In case of server assigned conversation id, it will throw a ConversationIdNotYetAvailableException when it's still waiting for server to assign the id. In other cases where conversation id is not available, a null is returned.

stub - The jaxrpc stub that's used to carry the conversational invoke.
Conversation id.
ConversationIdNotYetAvailableException - The stub is still waiting for server to assign the conversation id.


public static void setConversationId(Stub stub,
                                     String id)
This method sets conversation id on the stub. This means it's using client assigned conversation id.

stub - The jaxrpc stub that's used to carry the conversational invoke.
id - The conversation id to be set.


public static void setConversationVersionOne(Stub stub)
Use version one converation (client assigned conversation id)

stub - The jaxrpc stub that's used to carry the conversational invoke.


public static void setConversationVersionTwo(Stub stub)
Use version two converation (server assigned conversation id) This is the default when no version property is set.

stub - The jaxrpc stub that's used to carry the conversational invoke.


public static Integer getConversationVersion(Stub stub)
This method gets the current conversation version. The possible values are: WLStub.CONVERSATION_VERSION_ONE, WLStub.CONVERSATION_VERSION_TWO

stub - The jaxrpc stub that's used to carry the conversational invoke.
The conversation version.


public static void setConversationMethodBlockTimeout(Stub stub,
                                                     int numsecs)
Set how long a conversational continue method should block while waiting for the server to assign a conversation id.

stub - The jaxrpc stub that's used to carry the conversational invoke.
numsecs - The number of seconds to wait.


public static int getConversationMethodBlockTimeout(Stub stub)
This method gets the previously set block timeout. A default value is returned if no such property was set. (Currently default is set to be 2 minutes)

stub - The jaxrpc stub that's used to carry the conversational invoke.
The current conversational continue method block timeout.


public static boolean isConversational( port)
Determines if a given port is conversational

port - The port to check
true if the port is conversational (e.g. has a binding operation with conversation semantics)


public static boolean isConversational(weblogic.wsee.wsdl.WsdlBinding binding)
Determines if a given binding is conversational

binding - The binding to check
true if the binding is conversational (e.g. has conversation semantics)


public static String getConversationAppVersion(weblogic.wsee.message.WlMessageContext wlmc)


public static void renewStub(Stub stub)
Renew a stub so it can be used to start a new conversation. After renew, this stub no longer participates in existing conversations started earlier through this stub.

stub - The stub to be renewed.


public static void continueConversation(Stub stub,
                                        Map props)
Continue a conversation on a stub that wasn't originally in the conversation. A map of key, value pairs need to be passed in. Currently the supported keys are: conversationId, serverName

stub - The stub.
props - The properties required to continue a conversation.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.6)

Part Number E13941-07