Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.6)

Part Number E13941-07

Uses of Interface

Packages that use XMLInputStream
weblogic.jdbc.rowset Provides interfaces and classes for the WebLogic rowset implementation. 
weblogic.webservice.encoding Deprecated. Provides classes for weblogic.webservice.encoding. 
weblogic.xml.schema.binding Provides a framework for defining a data binding between XML Schema types and Java types. Deprecated. Provides interfaces and classes for Deprecated. Provides interfaces and classes for Deprecated. Provides XML stream support. Deprecated. Provides XML stream utilities support. 
weblogic.xml.xpath This package contains all of the classes required to perform XPath matching against a document represented as a DOM, XMLNode, or against an XMLInputStream. 

Uses of XMLInputStream in weblogic.jdbc.rowset

Methods in weblogic.jdbc.rowset with parameters of type XMLInputStream
 void WLCachedRowSet.loadXML(XMLInputStream xis)
          Populates the RowSet from an XML document in the XMLInputStream.
 void WLRowSetMetaData.loadXMLSchema(XMLInputStream xis)
          Loads the WLRowSetMetaData from an XML Schema document in the XMLInputStream.
 void CachedRowSetImpl.readXml(XMLInputStream xis)

Uses of XMLInputStream in weblogic.webservice.encoding

Methods in weblogic.webservice.encoding with parameters of type XMLInputStream
 Object SOAPElementCodec.deserialize(XMLName name, XMLInputStream reader, DeserializationContext context)
 Object AttachmentCodec.deserialize(XMLName name, XMLInputStream reader, DeserializationContext context)

Uses of XMLInputStream in weblogic.xml.schema.binding

Methods in weblogic.xml.schema.binding with parameters of type XMLInputStream
 Object Deserializer.deserialize(XMLName name, XMLInputStream reader, DeserializationContext context)
          Take an XML instance, create and populate the corresponding Object.

Constructors in weblogic.xml.schema.binding with parameters of type XMLInputStream
SoapArrayCodecBase.EntryIterator(weblogic.xml.schema.binding.internal.SoapArrayDescriptor array_desc, Deserializer component_deserializer, XMLInputStream rdr, DeserializationContext ctx)

Uses of XMLInputStream in

Methods in with parameters of type XMLInputStream
 void EntityDescriptor.fromXMLInternal(XMLInputStream in)
protected abstract  void SpecBase.fromXMLInternal(XMLInputStream in, String namespace)
protected  void ElementIdentifier.fromXMLInternal(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
protected  void BinarySecurityTokenSpec.fromXMLInternal(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
static String EntityDescriptor.getValue(XMLInputStream in, String tag)

Constructors in with parameters of type XMLInputStream
BinarySecurityTokenSpec(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
ElementIdentifier(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
EncryptionKey(XMLInputStream in)
EntityDescriptor(XMLInputStream in)
SecurityDD(XMLInputStream in)
SignatureKey(XMLInputStream in)
SpecBase(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
TimestampConfig(XMLInputStream input)
User(XMLInputStream in)

Uses of XMLInputStream in

Subinterfaces of XMLInputStream in
 interface SecureInputStream
          Deprecated. please use new WS Security API

Methods in with parameters of type XMLInputStream
static Object in)
static Object in, int tc)
 Object WSSEReader.readObjectInternal(int tc, String ns, XMLInputStream xin)

Uses of XMLInputStream in

Subinterfaces of XMLInputStream in
 interface BufferedXMLInputStream
          Deprecated. please use java standard StAX api
 interface XMLInputOutputStream
          Deprecated. please use java standard StAX api
 interface XMLInputStreamFilter
          Deprecated. please use java standard StAX api

Methods in that return XMLInputStream
 XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFilter.getParent()
          Deprecated. Get the parent stream
 XMLInputStream XMLInputStream.getSubStream()
          Deprecated. getSubStream() returns a stream which points to the entire next element in the current stream.
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newCanonicalInputStream(XMLInputStream inputStream)
          Deprecated. Wrap a canonical stream around an XMLInputStream
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newDTDAwareInputStream(InputStream inputStream)
          Deprecated. Create a stream that reads and understands a DTD, can be used to canoncalize an XML source
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newDTDAwareInputStream(Reader reader)
          Deprecated. Create a stream that reads and understands a DTD, can be used to canoncalize an XML source
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newFragmentInputStream(InputStream inputStream, Map namespaces)
          Deprecated. Create a stream can parse fragments
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newFragmentInputStream(Reader reader, Map namespaces)
          Deprecated. Create a stream can parse fragments
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(Document doc)
          Deprecated. Create an XMLInputStream that reads from a DOM document
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(Document document, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream that reads from a DOM document
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(File file)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLInputStream from a file
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(File file, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream from a file
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(InputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLInputStream from a stream
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(InputStream stream, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream from a stream
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(Node node)
          Deprecated. Create an XMLInputStream that reads from a DOM node
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(Node node, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream that reads from a DOM node
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(Reader reader)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLInputStream from a reader
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(Reader reader, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream from a reader
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(XMLInputStream inputStream, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream from an XMLInputStream
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(XMLPullReader reader, InputSource input)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLInputStream from an InputSource
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(XMLPullReader reader, InputSource input, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream from an InputSource read by the XMLPullReader
 XMLInputStream ReferenceResolver.resolve(String idref)
          Deprecated. Returns the xml pointed to by this idref as an XMLInputStream

Methods in with parameters of type XMLInputStream
 void XMLOutputStream.add(XMLInputStream inputStream)
abstract  BufferedXMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newBufferedInputStream(XMLInputStream inputStream)
          Deprecated. Create a buffered XMLInputStream from an XMLInputStream
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newCanonicalInputStream(XMLInputStream inputStream)
          Deprecated. Wrap a canonical stream around an XMLInputStream
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(XMLInputStream inputStream, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream from an XMLInputStream
 void XMLInputStreamFilter.setParent(XMLInputStream parent)
          Deprecated. Set the parent stream

Uses of XMLInputStream in

Classes in that implement XMLInputStream
 class PipedXMLInputStreamBase
          Deprecated. please use java standard StAX api
 class XMLInputOutputStreamBase
          Deprecated. please use java standard StAX api
 class XMLInputStreamFilterBase
          Deprecated. please use java standard StAX api
 class XMLSubStreamBase
          Deprecated. please use java standard StAX api

Fields in declared as XMLInputStream
protected  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFilterBase.parent
protected  XMLInputStream PipedXMLInputStreamBase.parent

Methods in that return XMLInputStream
 XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFilterBase.getParent()
 XMLInputStream PipedXMLInputStreamBase.getParent()
 XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFilterBase.getSubStream()
 XMLInputStream XMLInputOutputStreamBase.getSubStream()
 XMLInputStream PipedXMLInputStreamBase.getSubStream()
 XMLInputStream RecyclingFactory.remove(InputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one
 XMLInputStream RecyclingFactory.remove(InputStream stream, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one and wrap it with the desired filter
 XMLInputStream RecyclingFactory.remove(Reader reader)
          Deprecated. Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one
 XMLInputStream RecyclingFactory.remove(Reader reader, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one and wrap it with the desired filter

Methods in with parameters of type XMLInputStream
 void XMLInputOutputStreamBase.add(XMLInputStream stream)
 boolean RecyclingFactory.add(XMLInputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Return a stream to the pool.
 void XMLInputStreamFilterBase.setParent(XMLInputStream parent)
 void PipedXMLInputStreamBase.setParent(XMLInputStream parent)

Constructors in with parameters of type XMLInputStream
PipedXMLInputStreamBase(XMLInputStream parent)
XMLInputStreamFilterBase(XMLInputStream parent, ElementFilter filter)
XMLSubStreamBase(XMLInputStream parent)
XMLSubStreamBase(XMLInputStream parent, ElementFilter filter)

Uses of XMLInputStream in weblogic.xml.xpath

Methods in weblogic.xml.xpath that return XMLInputStream
 XMLInputStream XPathStreamFactory.createStream(XMLInputStream source)
          Returns an XMLInputStream which matches events in a given stream against the installed xpaths and notifies the corresponding installed observers.

Methods in weblogic.xml.xpath with parameters of type XMLInputStream
 XMLInputStream XPathStreamFactory.createStream(XMLInputStream source)
          Returns an XMLInputStream which matches events in a given stream against the installed xpaths and notifies the corresponding installed observers.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server API Reference
11g Release 1 (10.3.6)

Part Number E13941-07