oakcli validate

Validates the state of an Oracle Database Appliance or the viability of an operating system patch.


oakcli validate [[-V | -l | -h]] | [[-v][-f output_file] [-a | -d | -c checklist][-ver patch_version]]


Parameter Description


Display the version of oakValidation.


List the items that can be checked (and their descriptions).


(Optional) Display help for using the command.


Show verbose output (must be used with a parameter that generates a validation report).

-f output_file

Send output to a file with a fully qualified file name, output_file, instead of to the screen (stdout).


Run all system checks, including DiskCalibration. Oracle recommends that you use this command to validate system readiness before deployment. Do not run oakcli validate with this option on a busy production system, because the DiskCalibration system check can cause performance issues.


Run only the default checks. The default checks are NetworkComponents, OSDiskStorage, SharedStorage, and SystemComponents.

-c checklist

Run the validation checks for the items identified in checklist, a comma-delimited list. Use this parameter to check either a single item or subset of items.

-c ospatch

Run the validation checks for the patch version identified in -ver patch_version.

-ver patch_version

Report any reasons for not being able to patch Oracle Database Appliance with the patch named in patch_version.

Listing All Checks and Their Descriptions

oakcli validate -l

         Checkname -- Description
         =========    ===========
         *SystemComponents -- Validate system components based on ilom sensor data
         *OSDiskStorage -- Validate OS disks and filesystem information
         *SharedStorage -- Validate Shared storage and multipathing information
         DiskCalibration -- Check disk performance with orion
         *NetworkComponents -- Validate public and private network components
         *StorageTopology -- Validate external JBOD connectivity
         asr -- Validate asr components based on asr config file and ilom sensor
         data readings

* -- These checks are also performed as part of default checks


The NetworkComponents validation check is not available on hardware prior to Oracle Database Appliance X3-2.

Running All Checks

Enter the following command to run all checks:

oakcli validate -a

Validating Storage Cable Connections

Check the cable connections between the system controllers and the storage shelf, as well as the cable connection to the storage expansion shelf (if one is installed):

oakcli validate -c storagetopology

Oracle recommends that you run the oakcli validate -c StorageTopology command before deploying the system. This will avoid and prevent problems during deployment due to wrong or missing cable connections. The output shown in the following example reports a successful configuration. If the cabling is not correct, you will see errors in your output.
# oakcli validate -c storagetopology
 It may take a while. Please wait...
 INFO : ODA Topology Verification
 INFO : Running on Node0
 INFO : Check hardware type
 SUCCESS : Type of hardware found : X4-2
 INFO : Check for Environment(Bare Metal or Virtual Machine)
 SUCCESS : Type of environment found : Virtual Machine(ODA BASE)
 SUCCESS : Number of External LSI SAS controller found : 2
 INFO : Check for Controllers correct PCIe slot address
 SUCCESS : External LSI SAS controller 0 : 00:15.0
 SUCCESS : External LSI SAS controller 1 : 00:16.0
 INFO : Check if  powered on
 SUCCESS : 1 : Powered-on
 INFO : Check for correct number of EBODS(2 or 4)
 SUCCESS : EBOD found : 2
 INFO : Check for External Controller 0
 SUCCESS : Controller connected to correct ebod number
 SUCCESS : Controller port connected to correct ebod port
 SUCCESS : Overall Cable check for controller 0
 INFO : Check for External Controller 1
 SUCCESS : Controller connected to correct ebod number
 SUCCESS : Controller port connected to correct ebod port
 SUCCESS : Overall Cable check for controller 1
 INFO : Check for overall status of cable validation on Node0
 SUCCESS : Overall Cable Validation on Node0
 INFO : Check Node Identification status
 SUCCESS : Node Identification
 SUCCESS : Node name based on cable configuration found : NODE0
 INFO : Check  Nickname
 SUCCESS :  Nickname set correctly : Oracle Database Appliance - E0
 INFO : The details for Storage Topology Validation can also be found in log file=/opt/oracle/oak/log/<hostname>/storagetopology/StorageTopology-2014-07-03-08:57:31_7661_15914.log

Validating Oracle ASR

Enter the following syntax to validate your Oracle ASR configuration:

# oakcli validate -c asr
INFO: oak Asr information and Validations
RESULT: /opt/oracle/oak/conf/asr.conf exist
RESULT: ASR Manager ip:
RESULT: ASR Manager port:1162
SUCCESS: ASR configuration file validation successfully completed
RESULT: /etc/hosts has entry transport.oracle.com
RESULT: ilom alertmgmt level is set to minor
RESULT: ilom alertmgmt type is set to snmptrap
RESULT: alertmgmt snmp_version is set to 2c
RESULT: alertmgmt community_or_username is set to public
RESULT: alertmgmt destination is set to
RESULT: alertmgmt destination_port is set to 1162
SUCCESS: Ilom snmp confguration for asr set correctly
RESULT: notification trap configured to ip:
RESULT: notification trap configured to port:1162
SUCCESS: Asr notification trap set correctly
INFO: --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------- --------- -------------- ------------------------------ oda-02-c 1130FMW00D Enabled SNMP ILOM SUN FIRE X4370 M2 SERVER oda-01-c 1130FMW00D Enabled SNMP ILOM SUN FIRE X4370 M2 SERVER
INFO: Please use My Oracle Support 'http://support.oracle.com' to view the activation status.
SUCCESS: asr log level is already set to Fine.
RESULT: Registered with ASR backend.
RESULT: test connection successfully completed.
RESULT: submitted test event for asset:
RESULT: bundle com.sun.svc.asr.sw is in active state
RESULT: bundle com.sun.svc.asr.sw-frag is in resolved state
RESULT: bundle com.sun.svc.asr.sw-rulesdefinitions is in resolved state
RESULT: bundle com.sun.svc.ServiceActivation is in active state
SUCCESS: ASR diag successfully completed

Checking the Viability of a Patch

Use the oakcli validate ospatch -ver patch_version command to report any reasons for not being able to patch Oracle Database Appliance with the patch named in patch_version. Run this command before you attempt to patch Oracle Database Appliance to determine if it will succeed or if you need to make changes before applying the patch.

# oakcli validate -c ospatch -ver
INFO: Validating the OS patch for the version
WARNING: 2015-10-10 06:30:32: Patching sub directory /opt/oracle/oak/pkgrepos/orapkgs/OEL/5.10/Patches/5.10.1 is not existing
INFO: 2015-10-10 06:30:32: May need to unpack the Infra patch bundle for the version:
ERROR: 2015-10-10 06:30:32: No OS patch directory found in the repository

Validating Hardware System and Network Components

The following command runs system checks to validate hardware system components and Oracle Database Appliance network components:

# oakcli validate -c SystemComponents,NetworkComponents