oakcli upgrade

Use the oakcli upgrade command to upgrade the Oracle Database software on Oracle Database Appliance.

For patching Oracle Database Appliance itself, use the oakcli update command.


oakcli upgrade database [-db db_names | -from source_home] -to destination_home


Parameter Description

-db db_names

Specifies the name or names (in a comma-delimited list) of the database or databases you want to upgrade

-from source_home

Specifies the current Oracle Database home of the databases you are upgrading

-to destination_home

Specifies the Oracle Database home containing the version to which you want to upgrade the databases


(Optional) Display help for using the command.

Usage Notes

  • You must include either a -db parameter or a -from parameter.

  • Running the command with a -db parameter upgrades only the named databases, regardless of their current Oracle Database homes. If you include a -from parameter in addition to a -db parameter, then the command ignores the -from parameter. That is, the command upgrades named databases from other homes and ignores the databases in the named home if they are not listed in the -db parameter.

  • Running the command without a -db parameter will upgrade all of the databases in the named Oracle Database home.

  • You must always provide a -to parameter that names an existing Oracle Database home.


Upgrade an Oracle database named tpcc from Oracle Database to Oracle Database using the Oracle Database home directory OraDb11203_home1:

oakcli upgrade database -db tpcc -to OraDb11203_home1