Viewing Information About Virtual Disks

Use the command oakcli show vdisk to view information about virtual disks on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platforms.

You can use oakcli show vdisk by itself to see information about all of your configured virtual disks. To see information about an individual virtual disk, enter the command oakcli show vdisk diskname -repo reponame, where diskname is the name of the disk that you want to check, and reponame is the name of the shared repository where the virtual disk is located.

Example 3-8 Example of Displaying the Information for All Vdisks

This example displays information about all virtual disks configured on an Oracle Database Appliance:

# oakcli show vdisk

    NAME                         SIZE     TYPE    REPOSITORY
    ----                         ----     ----    ----------
    myvdisk                      10G      local   vdiskrepo
    newv                         1G       local   vdiskrepo

Example 3-9 Example of Displaying Information for a Single Vdisk

This example displays information for the virtual disk named myvdisk1:

# oakcli show vdisk myvdisk1
Resource: myvdisk_vdiskrepo
        Name         :     myvdisk_vdiskrepo
        RepoName     :     vdiskrepo
        Size         :     10G
        Type         :     local
        VmAttached   :     0