Creating a Virtual Disk for Use in a Shared Repository

Use the command oakcli create vdisk to create a virtual disk within a shared repository on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platforms.

The command oakcli create vdisk defines the size of the virtual disk, the shared repository in which that disk is created, defines the unique name for that disk within that shared repository, and defines if the disk is used for one virtual machine, or can be shared by multiple virtual machines.

The name of the vdisk you create is defined by the command oakcli create vdisk name, where name is the name of the vdisk you create. Identify the repository in which you create the vdisk by using the -repo reponame option, where reponame identifies the repository where you want to create the vdisk. Use the option -size sizeG to specify the vdisk size (in gigabytes), where sizeG is the size (in gigabytes) that you want to add to the configured size. If you want to configure the vdisk as a shared disk, then use the option -type shared to designate the vdisk as a shared disk.

Example 3-7 Example of Creating a Shared Virtual Disk

This example creates a virtual disk named sdisk1 in the repo2 shared repository that is 1 gigabyte in size, and that virtual machines can share:

oakcli create vdisk sdisk1 -repo repo2 -size 1G -type shared