Creating a Shared Repository

Use the oakcli create repo command to create a shared repository on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platforms.

When you run theoakcli create repo command, you identify the repository name using the option repo, you identify the disk group that you want use for its storage (DATA or RECO) using the option -dg, and you identify the size of the repository in gigabytes or megabytes (the default size unit is gigabytes) using the -size option.

Other Oracle Appliance Manager shared repository commands, including commands to show and to stop (dismount) existing repositories, are similar to those used for nonshared repositories. Unlike the default repositories, which are permanent, you can delete a shared repository that has no active (mounted) virtual machines.

Example of Creating a Shared Repository

The following command creates a shared repository named repo1 in the ASM DATA disk group (data) with 30 gigabytes of available storage:

oakcli create repo repo1 -dg data -size 30