Showing the Status of Shared Repositories

Use the oakcli show repo command to display information about virtual machine repositories on Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platforms.

To see all repositories, omit the repository name and node number. To see a specific shared repository, include the repository name and node number.

Example 3-1 Example of Showing the Status of All Shared Repositories

To show the status of all shared repositories, use the oakcli show repo command:

oakcli show repo
      NAME                      TYPE          NODENUM  FREE SPACE     STATE
      ----                      ----          -------  ---------      -----
      odarepo1                  local          0              N/A     N/A
      odarepo2                  local          1              N/A     N/A
      repo1                     shared         0           68.25%     ONLINE
      repo1                     shared         1           68.25%     ONLINE
      repo2                     shared         0              N/A     OFFLINE
      repo2                     shared         1           89.83%     ONLINE

Example 3-2 Example of Showing the Status of a Selected Shared Repository

To display information for a particular node in a shared repository, specify the repository name and node number as part of the command syntax. In the following example, information is displayed for Node 1 in the repo1 shared repository:

oakcli show repo repo1 -node 1

Resource: repo1_1
        AutoStart       :       restore       
        DG              :       DATA          
        Device          :       /dev/asm/repo1-286
        ExpectedState   :       Online        
        FreeSpace       :       87.703125M        
        MountPoint      :       /u01/app/repo1
        Name            :       repo1_0       
        Node            :       all           
        RepoType        :       shared        
        Size            :       30720         
        State           :       Online
        Version         :       2