Step 4: Patch the Infrastructure on Node 0

Apply the Oracle Database Appliance infra patch set bundle to Node 0.

If you are upgrading to a newer patch version than the patch set release currently installed on Oracle Database Appliance, then you must patch the server to the release that you are deploying to obtain the correct version of Oracle Appliance Manager.


You must run the infrastructure patch (infra) using the --local option.

The --local option runs the command only on the local node (Node 0). The other node is unaffected, and remains available for services. Complete all the steps in this patch set release procedure to upgrade Oracle Database Appliance.

  1. Run the following command on Node 0:

    #/opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli update -patch --infra --local

    This command patches the infrastructure on Node 0.

  2. As the patch runs, it displays output that advises you of the installation progress. Part of the infra patch update requiresNode0 to be restarted. Wait until Node 0 shuts down and completes restarting before proceeding to the next step.