oakcli show dbstorage

Use the oakcli show dbstoragecommand to display database storage information for databases created on Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS).

By default, all non-cdb databases will be listed together, because they share a common set of volumes. Each CDB database will be listed separately.


oakcli show dbstorage [-db ][-h]db_name


Parameter Description

-db dbname

(Optional) Display the name of the database for the storage information.


(Optional) Display help for using the command.

Example 1: Oracle Database Appliance X3-2 or X4-2 with a Storage Expansion Shelf

Here is an example of the oakcli show dbstorage command output for an Oracle Database Appliance plus the storage expansion shelf. The output includes both CDB and non-CDB databases. The Available heading shows the available AFCS storage, which can be auto-extended. Half of the available disk group storage is allocated to Oracle ACFS, except for the FLASH disk group. In the FLASH disk group, all storage is allocated to Oracle ACFS.

# oakcli show dbstorage
All the DBs with DB TYPE as non-CDB share the same volumes 
DB_NAMES  DB_TYPE Filesystem                                   Size   Used  Available AutoExtend Size  DiskGroup
--------  ------- ----------                                   ----   ----  --------- ---------------  ---------
odacn     CDB    /u01/app/oracle/oradata/rdoodacn                5G   3.15G    1.85G         1G        REDO
                 /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datodacn              100G   3.86G   96.14G        10G        DATA
                 /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/rcoodacn   132G   0.92G  131.08G        13G        RECO
rac120, rac401, ra non-CDB  /u01/app/oracle/oradata/datastore   60G  11.30G   48.70G         5G        REDO
                /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore             1027G   5.77G 1021.23G       102G        DATA
                /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/datastore  1336G   7.27G 1328.73G       133G        RECO
cdbracon  CDB   /u01/app/oracle/oradata/rdocdbracon              6G   4.15G    1.85G         1G        REDO
                /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datcdbracon            100G   4.05G   95.95G        10G        DATA
                /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/rcocdbracon 132G   0.79G  131.21G        13G        RECO

Example 2: Oracle Database Appliance X5-2 with a Storage Expansion Shelf and Non-CDB Databases

Here is an example of the oakcli show dbstorage command output for an Oracle Database Appliance plus the storage expansion shelf. The output includes only non-CDB databases. Half of the available disk group storage is allocated to Oracle ACFS, except for the FLASH disk group. In the FLASH disk group, all storage is allocated to Oracle ACFS.

# oakcli show dbstorage
All the DBs with DB TYPE as non-CDB share the same volumes 
DB_NAMES            DB_TYPE  Filesystem                       Size    Used  Available  AutoExtend Size DiskGroup
--------            -------  ----------                       -----   ----  ---------  --------------- ---------
db1, db2, db3, db4  non-CDB /u01/app/oracle/oradata/datastore   62G  27.26G    34.74G       6G         REDO
                            /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore 3730G   7.86G  3722.14G     373G         DATA
                            /u02/app/oracle/oradata/flashdata  558G 205.25G   352.75G      55G         FLASH
                                                              4958G  21.05G  4936.95G      495G        RECO