oakcli show disk

Use the oakcli show disk command to display disk information.


oakcli show  disk  [-shared | -local | -shared_disk_name |-asm [-all][-h]


Parameter Description


(Optional) Display information for all of the local disks.


(Optional) Display information for all of the shared disks.


(Optional) Display information for only the specified shared disk.


(Optional) Displays information for an assembly.


(Optional) Display complete details of the selected disk or disks.


(Optional) Display help for using the command.

Usage Notes

  • Running the command with no parameters is identical to running the oakcli show disk -shared command.

  • The -all parameter produces valid output only when used with the shared_disk_name parameter. All other parameters are optional and cannot be combined with other parameters.


Here are examples of how to use the oakcli show disk command.

Displaying Information About the Local Disks

oakcli show disk -local

Displaying Information About the Shared Disks

oakcli show disk -shared

Displaying Information About a Specific Shared Disk

Display information about the shared disk named pd_01:

oakcli show disk -shared pd_01