13 Updating Order-to-Activate Cartridges

The Order-to-Activate cartridges are pre-built Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) cartridges that support the Oracle Order-to-Activate business process to be used with the Oracle Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack for Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (Order to Cash Integration Pack for OSM). For more information about this product, see OSM Cartridge Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture.

This chapter describes how to update earlier versions of OSM Order-to-Activate cartridges to run on OSM 7.3.1. It also contains information about how to configure Oracle WebLogic Server resources for the cartridges in your WebLogic Server domain for OSM 7.3.1, and how to deploy the updated cartridges.

System Requirements

Before updating the Order-to-Activate cartridges, ensure the following:

  • OSM is upgraded to 7.3.1.

  • Oracle Communications Design Studio is upgraded to version 7.3.2 and your workspace is configured according to the instructions for Design Studio 7.3.2.

    The instructions in this chapter assume you are using a new (empty) Design Studio 7.3.2 workspace for OSM.

  • The Oracle WebLogic Server domain for OSM 7.3.1 is running.

  • Existing user-created domain configurations, such as JMS queues, users, groups, and emulators are the same as before the OSM upgrade. (Do not re-create the system-generated users: osm, osmoe, osmde, osmfallout, osmlf, osmoelf, osmlfaop, and uim.)

Preparing to Update the Order-to-Activate 7.0.3, 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, and Cartridges

Before updating Order-to-Activate cartridges, do the following:

Ensuring Order-to-Activate Cartridge Compatibility

To install or upgrade the Order-to-Activate cartridges, you must ensure compatibility between the following:

  • OSM software version and Order-to-Activate cartridge version

    OSM is compatible with all cartridges developed in a previous release, including Order-to-Activate cartridges. So, any OSM version is compatible with the same version or an earlier version of the Order-to-Activate cartridges.

  • OSM Order-to-Activate cartridge version and Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) Order to Cash Integration Pack for OSM version

For details about Order-to-Activate cartridge compatibility, see knowledge article 1388662.1, OSM - Order to Activate O2A - AIA Compatibility Matrix on the Oracle support website:



If you want to use Order-to-Activate 7.2.0.x cartridges with OSM 7.3.1, you must ensure that your Order-to-Activate cartridges have been upgraded to the patch or higher.

Getting the Latest Patch for Your Version of the Cartridges

It is important to get the latest patch for the version of the cartridge you are updating. For the 7.0.3 and 7.2 versions of the cartridges, you can find the latest patch on Oracle support inside the latest OSM patch for the appropriate version. For the 2.0.1 and later versions of the cartridges, the latest patch is on Oracle support as a separate release for Oracle AIA cartridges under the OSM product. Patches contain a complete installation of the cartridges and do not require an existing installation to be present. It is important to use the latest patch regardless of whether you have modified the Order-to-Activate solution.

Updating the oms-config.xml File When Updating Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 Cartridges

To use Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges with OSM 7.3.1, you must add a parameter to the oms-config.xml file.

To update the oms-config.xml file for Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges:

  1. Back up and edit the oms-config.xml file. For detailed instructions about working with the oms-config.xml file, see the chapter about configuring OSM using the oms-config.xml file in OSM System Administrator's Guide.

  2. Add the following near the end of the file, immediately before the close of the oms-configuration element:

  3. Repackage and redeploy the oms.ear file unless you are using an external oms-config.xml file. See the chapter about configuring OSM using the oms-config.xml file in OSM System Administrator's Guide for more information.

Setting Design Studio Preferences

To set Design Studio preferences:

  1. Verify that Design Studio is running.

  2. From the Window menu, select Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog box is displayed.

  3. In the Preferences navigation tree, expand Oracle Design Studio.

  4. Select Order and Service Management Preferences.

    The Order and Service Management Preferences page includes the Deploy Properties pane in which you can provide home directories for various tools.

  5. In the WebLogic Home field, enter or browse to the directory in which the WebLogic Server is installed, for example, C:\Program Files\Oracle Middleware\wlserver.

  6. In the Java SDK Home field, enter or browse to the directory in which you have installed the JDK for the version of Java that matches the version of Java on your OSM server, for example, C:\Program Files\WebLogic\jdk170_xx.

  7. In the OSM SDK Home field, enter or browse to the directory in which you have installed the OSM SDK, for example, C:\Program Files\Oracle Communications\OSM7\SDK.

  8. Select Inherit significance from order contributors and Inherit keys from order contributors.

  9. Expand Order and Service Management Preferences and select Application Integration Architecture (AIA) Preferences.

  10. In the Oracle Middleware Home field, enter the directory in which you have installed Oracle Middleware products, for example, C:\Program Files\Oracle Middleware.

  11. Under Java, select Installed JREs.

  12. If the Java directory that you entered for Java SDK Home in step 6 is not displayed, add it and ensure that it is selected.

  13. Click OK.

  14. From the Project menu, deselect Build Automatically.

Downloading the Migration Package

The Migration package is included with the OSM 7.3.1 software download, and does not need to be downloaded separately. Your existing OSM software download should include the following file:


This is the migration package.

Importing the Migration Package Cartridge

To import the migration package cartridge:

  1. Verify that Design Studio is running.

  2. From the Studio menu, select Show Design Perspective.

  3. From the Window menu, select Show View, and then select Package Explorer.

  4. From the Window menu, select Show View, and then select Other.

    The Show View window is displayed.

  5. Expand Ant and click Ant from below it. Click OK.

    The Ant view opens.

  6. From the File menu, select Import Studio Project.

    The Import Projects dialog box is displayed.

  7. Select Select archive file and click Browse.

  8. Browse to the directory where you extracted the OSM 7.3.1 software and select OracleComms_OSM_O2A_CartridgesMigration.zip.

  9. Click Open.

    OSM.O2A.Cartridges.Migration is displayed and selected in the Projects field.

  10. Click Finish.

    The OSM.O2A.Cartridges.Migration project is imported.

The OSM.O2A.Cartridges.Migration project contains the following directories, which you can see in the Package Explorer view:

  • 7.0.3: This directory contains the resources required for migrating Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges to run on OSM 7.3.1.

  • 7.2.0: This directory contains the resources required for migrating Order-to-Activate 7.2.0 cartridges to run on OSM 7.3.1.

  • 2.0.1: This directory contains the resources required for migrating Order-to-Activate 2.0.1 cartridges to run on OSM 7.3.1.

  • 2.1.0: This directory contains the resources required for migrating Order-to-Activate 2.1.0 cartridges to run on OSM 7.3.1.

  • This directory contains the resources required for migrating Order-to-Activate 2.1.0 cartridges to run on OSM 7.3.1.

  • config: This directory contains configuration scripts to create users and JMS resources and scripts to build the Oracle AIA emulators and deploy them to the OSM 7.3.1 server. The scripts in this directory are used for all 7.0.x migrations. Migrations for 7.2.0 and 2.0.1 use the config_All targets from the SolutionConfig.xml files instead of the files in this directory.

Updating the Order-to-Activate Cartridges

There are four distinct scenarios for updating the Order-to-Activate cartridges, depending on your needs. Each scenario has its own process, outlined below.


Some XQuery functions that were written for earlier versions of Saxon might not work correctly. For more information, see "XQuery Model Changes."

Updating Unmodified or Modified Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or Cartridges to Run on OSM 7.3.1

The following procedure updates Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or cartridges so that they can run on OSM 7.3.1. Use this procedure both to update the standard, unmodified Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or cartridges and to update a solution that is based on modified versions of the Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or cartridges. This procedure makes no functional changes to the contents of the cartridges.

Importing the Installation Cartridge for Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or

To import the installation cartridge for Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or

  1. Ensure that you have the following software installed on your Windows system:

    • The supported version of WebLogic Server and ADF. See "Software Requirements" for more information.

    • OSM Administrator Software Development Kit (SDK) components

    • Java JDK: Use the version of Java that matches the one being used by the OSM server. See "Software Requirements" for more information.

    • Eclipse with Design Studio plug-ins


    The Order-to-Activate cartridges require the following Design Studio plug-ins:
    • Design Studio Platform

    • Design Studio for Order and Service Management

    • Design Studio for Order and Service Management Orchestration

    • Design Studio for Order and Service Management Integration

    • Design Studio for Order and Service Management Orchestration Application Integration Architecture (AIA)

    See Design Studio Installation Guide for information about installing Design Studio plug-ins and how to confirm which plug-ins are installed.

  2. If you do not already have it available, locate or download the appropriate version of the unmodified cartridges.

    • You should always make sure that you use the latest patch of the cartridges, if one is available. See "Getting the Latest Patch for Your Version of the Cartridges" for more information.

    • If you are downloading the latest version from the Oracle software delivery website, select Oracle Communications Order and Service Management Cartridge for Provisioning Fulfillment and select your platform.

    • If you have already downloaded the Order-to-Activate cartridges, locate the OracleComms_OSM_O2A_CartridgesInstaller_byyyymmdd.zip file.

  3. Unzip the OracleComms_OSM_O2A_CartridgesInstaller_byyyymmdd.zip file.

    The OSM.PIP directory containing the OracleComms_OSM_O2A_Install.zip file is created.

  4. Verify that Design Studio is running.

  5. From the File menu, select Import Studio Project.

    The Import Projects dialog box is displayed.

  6. Select Select archive file and click Browse.

  7. Browse to the OSM.PIP folder and select OracleComms_OSM_O2A_Install.zip.

  8. Click Open.

    The OracleComms_OSM_O2A_Install project is displayed and selected in the Projects field.

  9. Click Finish.

    The OracleComms_OSM_O2A_Install project is imported.

Importing Unmodified OSM Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or Cartridges

If you are updating unmodified Order-to-Activate cartridges, follow this procedure.

To import the OSM Order-to-Activate cartridges:

  1. Open the Ant view.

  2. Right-click in the Ant view and select Add Buildfiles.

    The Buildfile Selection dialog box is displayed.

  3. Expand OracleComms_OSM_O2A_Install and select OSM.O2A.Installation.xml.

  4. Click OK.

    The OSM.O2A.Installation item is displayed in the Ant view.

  5. Right-click OSM.O2A.Installation and select Run As.

  6. Select Ant Build... (not Ant Build), as shown in Figure 13-1.

    Figure 13-1 Run As Menu

    Screen capture for selecting Ant Build... from the menu.

    The Edit Configuration dialog box is displayed.

  7. Click the Build tab and deselect Build before launch.

  8. Click the Properties tab and deselect Use global properties as specified in the Ant runtime preferences.

  9. Click the JRE tab and select Run in the same JRE as the Workspace.

  10. Click Close and click Yes.

  11. In the Ant view, expand OSM.O2A.Installation and double-click import_solution.

  12. In the first Ant Input Request window, do one of the following:

    • To import cartridges for the Complex solution topology, enter c and click OK.

    • To import the cartridges for the Typical solution topology, enter t and click OK.

    • To import the cartridges for the Simple solution topology, enter s and click OK.

  13. In the second Ant Input Request window, do one of the following:

    • To deploy both central order management and service order management to the same OSM instance, enter s and click OK.

    • To deploy central order management and service order management to different OSM instances, enter m and click OK.

    The cartridges appropriate for the settings you selected are imported into the workspace. This may take a few minutes.

Importing Modified Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or Cartridges

If you are updating modified Order-to-Activate cartridges, follow this procedure.

To import the modified OSM Order-to-Activate cartridges:

  1. Import the latest patch of the Order-to-Activate cartridges for your version into your Design Studio workspace for OSM 7.3.1.

    For example, if you have been working with Order-to-Activate version, import the cartridges for the latest patch of 7.2.0 (for example,

    For more information about how to do this see "Importing Unmodified OSM Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or Cartridges."

  2. Import any custom cartridges that you created into the workspace.

  3. If you have modified any sample Order-to-Activate cartridges (which are unsealed), such as composite cartridges, check the README file for the latest patch, which tells you what cartridges have been changed by the patch. Then do one of the following:

    • If the cartridges you modified have not been updated by the patch, import your modified versions of the cartridges.

    • If the cartridges you modified have been updated by the patch, you must re-create your modifications in the versions of the cartridges from the latest patch.

  4. In general, you should not unseal and modify cartridges that are sealed. If you have done this, check the README file for the latest patch, which tells you what cartridges have been changed by the patch. Then do one of the following:

    • If the cartridges you modified have not been updated by the patch, import your modified versions of the cartridges.

    • If the cartridges you modified have been updated by the patch, you must re-create your modifications in the versions of the cartridges from the latest patch.

Migrating the Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or Cartridges

To migrate the modified or unmodified Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or cartridges:

  1. Right-click in the Ant view and select Add Buildfiles.

    The Buildfile Selection dialog box is displayed.

  2. Expand the OSM.O2A.Cartridges.Migration cartridge and expand the 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or directory, depending on your version of the cartridges. Click the migration.xml file and click OK.

    The appropriate file, OSM.O2A.Cartridges.7.2.0_to_7.3.1_Migration, OSM.O2A.Cartridges.2.0.1_to_7.3.1_Migration, OSM.O2A.Cartridges.2.1.0_to_7.3.1_Migration, or OSM.O2A.Cartridges. is displayed in the Ant view.

  3. Configure the buildfile for the file you have added:

    1. In the Ant view, right-click the name of the file and select Run As.

    2. Select Ant Build... (not Ant Build), as shown in Figure 13-1.

      The Edit Configuration dialog box is displayed.

    3. Click the Build tab and deselect Build before launch.

    4. Click the Properties tab and deselect Use global properties as specified in the Ant runtime preferences.

    5. Click the JRE tab and select Run in the same JRE as the Workspace.

    6. Click Close and click Yes.

  4. In the Ant View, expand the file you added (OSM.O2A.Cartridges.7.2.0_to_7.3.1_Migration, OSM.O2A.Cartridges.2.0.1_to_7.3.1_Migration, OSM.O2A.Cartridges.2.1.0_to_7.3.1_Migration, or OSM.O2A.Cartridges. and double-click migrate.

  5. Exit and restart Eclipse.

    If prompted to save any entities, select Yes.

    When Eclipse is restarted, the Studio Project Upgrade window is displayed, with a list of cartridges that should be upgraded.

  6. Click Finish.

    The cartridges will be updated. This can take several minutes. When the upgrade is finished, you are presented with the option to view the upgrade logs.

  7. Build all of the cartridges.

    See the Design Studio Help for information about how to build cartridges.

  8. Configure the WebLogic Server resources for your environment.

    See "Configuring WebLogic Server Resources for Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or" for more information.

Configuring WebLogic Server Resources for Order-to-Activate 7.2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or

The process in this section configures the metadata for the composite cartridges in addition to configuring the WebLogic Server resources.

To configure the WebLogic Server resources for Order-to-activate 2.0.1, 2.1.0, or, see OSM Cartridge Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture for the version of the cartridges you are updating. In the chapter titled "Performing an Interactive Installation of the Order-to-Activate Components" (version 2.1.0 or or "Installing the Order-to-Activate Components" (version 2.0.1), and perform the procedure in the "Configuring WebLogic Server Resources" section.

This documentation is available from the Oracle Help Center website:


To configure the WebLogic Server resources for Order-to-Activate 7.2.0:

  1. Open the Ant view.

  2. Find the one row in Table 13-1 that matches your situation. For each cartridge listed in the corresponding "SolutionConfig.xml Files to Add" column of the table:

    1. Right-click in the Ant view and select Add Buildfiles.

      The Buildfile Selection dialog box is displayed.

    2. Expand the cartridge listed in the table and click on the SolutionConfig.xml file.

    3. Click OK.

    Table 13-1 SolutionConfig.xml Files to Use in Different Situations

    Topology Configuration SolutionConfig.xml Files to Add


    Central order management and service order management are on the same OSM instance



    Central order management and service order management are on different OSM instances




    Central order management and service order management are on the same OSM instance



    Central order management and service order management are on different OSM instances



    The items are displayed in the Ant view. Each SolutionConfig.xml file is listed as the name of the cartridge it was added from. For example, if you added the SolutionConfig.xml file from OracleComms_OSM_O2A_COMSOM_SimpleSolution, it is listed as OracleComms_OSM_O2A_COMSOM_SimpleSolution in the Ant view.

  3. For each SolutionConfig.xml file you have added, configure the buildfile:

    1. In the Ant view, right-click the name of the cartridge for the SolutionConfig.xml file and select Run As.

    2. Select Ant Build... (not Ant Build).

      The Edit Configuration dialog box is displayed.

    3. Click the Build tab and deselect Build before launch.

    4. Click the Properties tab and deselect Use global properties as specified in the Ant runtime preferences.

    5. Click the JRE tab and select Run in the same JRE as the Workspace.

    6. Click Close and click Yes.

    7. Right-click the name of the cartridge for the SolutionConfig.xml file and select Run As again.

    8. Select Ant Build... (not Ant Build).

      The Edit Configuration dialog box is displayed.


      It is necessary to close and reopen the Edit Configuration dialog box because after you have deselected the Use global properties... check box, Eclipse prevents you from changing any of these properties until you close and re-open the Edit Configuration dialog box.
    9. Click the Properties tab and set the appropriate values according to Table 13-2.

      Table 13-2 Values for Ant Edit Configuration Properties Tab

      Property Name Description Notes


      Name of the cluster or server within WebLogic Server to which you want to deploy the emulators. Set this to one of the following:

      • If OSM is installed to a cluster, set this value to the name of the cluster.

      • If OSM is installed to the administration server, set this to the name of the administration server.

      • If OSM is installed to a single managed server, set this value to the managed server name.

      If both central order management and service order management are in the same OSM server instance, set this to the name of the cluster or server for the single OSM instance.

      If central order management and service order management are in different OSM server instances, set this to the name of the cluster or server for central order management in the central order management buildfile and to the name of the cluster or server for service order management in the service order management buildfile.

      Set this property in all files if you are installing the Oracle AIA emulators.


      Host name of the system where the WebLogic Server for central order management is running. If you are in a clustered environment, set this to the server where the Administration server is located.

      Set this if the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains COM or COMSOM.


      Port on which the WebLogic Server for central order management is listening. If you are in a clustered environment, set this to the port on which the Administration server is listening.

      Set this if the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains COM or COMSOM.


      Name of the cluster for central order management, exactly as it is shown in the WebLogic Server console.

      Set this if the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains COM or COMSOM and you are in a clustered WebLogic environment.


      Name of a user with administrative privileges on the WebLogic Server for listening on cf.adminServerListenAddress and cf.adminServerListenPort.

      Set this if the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains COM or COMSOM.


      Host name of the system where the WebLogic Server for service order management is running. If you are in a clustered environment, set this to the server where the Administration server is located.

      Set this if the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains SOM.


      Port on which the WebLogic Server for service order management is listening. If you are in a clustered environment, set this to the port on which the Administration server is listening.

      Set this if the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains SOM.


      Name of the cluster for service order management, exactly as it is shown in the WebLogic Server console.

      Set this if the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains SOM and you are in a clustered WebLogic environment.


      Name of a user with administrative privileges on the WebLogic Server listening on lf.adminServerListenAddress and lf.adminServerListenPort.

      Set this if the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains SOM.

    10. Click Close and click Yes.

  4. For each SolutionConfig.xml file you have added, do the following:

    1. In the Ant view, expand the cartridge name and double-click config_All.

    2. The first Ant Input Request window requests the WebLogic administrator user password. Enter the password for the user you entered in cf.userName or lf.userName (whichever value you configured for the buildfile you are running). Click OK.

    3. In the second Ant Input Request window, enter y to use the same password for all of the users being created or enter n to use a different password for each user. Click OK.

    4. Enter the passwords requested for the Order-to-Activate users by the Ant Input Request windows:


      Ensure that the passwords you enter meet the security requirements of your WebLogic Server domain. By default, the WebLogic server requires passwords of at least eight characters, with at least one numeric or special character. However, the requirements for your domain may be different.

      If you entered y in the previous step, enter the common password for the Order-to-Activate users and click OK.

      If you entered n in the previous step and the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains COM, you are prompted for passwords for the following users: COM user (osm), COM Order Event user (osmoe), COM Data Change Event user (osmde), and COM Fallout user (osmfallout). Click OK after each entry.

      If you entered n in the previous step and the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains SOM, you are prompted for passwords for the following users: SOM user (osmlf), SOM Order Event user (osmoelf), and SOM Order Abort user (osmlfaop). Click OK after each entry.

      If you entered n in the previous step and the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains COMSOM, you are prompted for passwords for the following users: COM user (osm), COM Order Event user (osmoe), COM Data Change Event user (osmde), COM Fallout user (osmfallout), SOM user (osmlf), SOM Order Event user (osmoelf), and SOM Order Abort user (osmlfaop). Click OK after each entry.

      After you have entered the passwords and clicked OK, the system creates the users in the WebLogic domain. This may take a few minutes.


      Although config_All has now created users in the WebLogic Server domain, it is still possible to cancel the script at a later point and rerun it. If config_All finds the users already present in the domain, it will skip adding them again and continue with the rest of the configuration process.
    5. In the next Ant Input Request window, enter s if you are using a standalone WebLogic Server environment or enter c if you are using a clustered environment. Click OK.

    6. In the next Ant Input Request window, enter d (for development environment) if you do not intend to connect to Oracle AIA or enter p (for production environment) if you intend to connect to Oracle AIA. Click OK.

      If you selected d, the queues for a development environment will be created. This may take several minutes. If you selected p, the queues will be created after the next step.

    7. Do one of the following:

      If you selected to have a development environment, in the next Ant Input Request window, enter d to deploy the Oracle AIA emulators or enter n to skip deploying the Oracle AIA emulators.

      If you selected to have a production environment, in the next Ant Input Request window, enter s and click OK. This will install a Store-and-Forward (SAF) service for communications with Oracle AIA. Do not choose b in this window, because it is not supported.

    8. If you selected to have a production environment, entered s to install a SAF service, and the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains COMSOM or COM:

      Enter the Oracle AIA server user name that OSM central order management should use to connect to Oracle AIA in the next window, and click OK.

      Then, enter the password for that user in the next window, and click OK.

      Then, enter the host name and port (in the format hostname:port) that central order management should use for connecting to Oracle AIA in the next window. If the Oracle AIA server is on a WebLogic Cluster, enter all the host names and ports, separated by commas, for example:


      Click OK.

      Finally, if OSM is not deployed in a clustered WebLogic Server environment, enter the name of the WebLogic server where central order management is running, and click OK.

    9. If you selected to have a production environment, entered s to install a SAF service, and the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains SOM:

      Enter the Oracle AIA server user name that OSM service order management should use to connect to Oracle AIA in the next window, and click OK.

      Then, enter the password for that user in the next window, and click OK.

      Then, enter the host name and port (in the format hostname:port) that service order management should use for connecting to Oracle AIA in the next window. If the Oracle AIA server is on a WebLogic Cluster, enter all the host names and ports, separated by commas, for example:


      Click OK.

      Finally, if OSM is not deployed in a clustered WebLogic Server environment, enter the name of the WebLogic server where service order management is running, and click OK.

    10. Click OK. The system configures the rest of the WebLogic resources. This may take a few minutes.

  5. When the installer is finished, shut down any affected WebLogic domains and restart them.

  6. Exit and restart Eclipse.


If you have made a mistake setting the Design Studio preferences and it causes this procedure to fail, this will be displayed in the Console view in Design Studio. First, correct the preferences using the instructions in "Setting Design Studio Preferences." Next, go to the Properties tab of the Edit Configuration dialog box, select Use global properties as specified in the Ant runtime preferences to update the values, and then deselect Use global properties as specified in the Ant runtime preferences again. Then, select Clean from the Project menu and clean and build the OracleComms_OSM_O2A_Install project. Exit and restart Design Studio, and then begin the procedure for configuring the WebLogic Server resources again.

Updating Unmodified Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 Cartridges to Run on OSM 7.3.1

This section provides instructions for updating the unmodified Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges to run on OSM 7.3.1. You cannot use this procedure if there are pending orders for the cartridges on your OSM server, because the version number format changed between OSM 7.0.3 and OSM 7.3.1.


At some point in the following process, the Import OSM Common Data Dictionary window will probably be displayed. Ensure that Show this dialog in the future is selected, and click Cancel.

To update your unmodified Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges to run on OSM 7.3.1:

  1. Get the latest patch of the Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges. See "Getting the Latest Patch for Your Version of the Cartridges" for more information about getting the correct version.

  2. Unzip the patch file.

  3. Unzip the OSM.PIP_Installer_byyyymmdd.zip file.

    The OSM.PIP directory is created containing the OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation.zip and OracleCgbuOsmAIAPIPCartridges.zip files used later in this procedure.

  4. Verify that Design Studio is running.

  5. Import the installation cartridge for the Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges into your workspace:

    1. From the File menu, select Import Studio Project.

      The Import Projects dialog box is displayed.

    2. Select Select archive file and click Browse.

    3. Browse to the OSM.PIP folder for Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges and select OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation.zip.

    4. Click Open.

      The OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation project is displayed and selected in the Projects field.

    5. Click Finish.

      The OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation project is imported.

  6. Import the remaining cartridges for Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 for your desired topology:

    1. From the File menu, select Import Studio Project.

      The Import Projects dialog box is displayed.

    2. Select Select archive file and click Browse.

    3. Browse to the OSM.PIP folder for Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges and select OracleCgbuOsmAIAPIPCartridges.zip.

    4. In the Projects field, ensure that only the appropriate projects are selected:

      For the Typical topology, deselect the following projects if they are present:





      For the Simple topology, deselect the following projects if they are present:





    5. Click Finish.

      The projects are imported. After the import is complete. the Upgrade Studio Projects window is displayed.

    6. Click Finish.

  7. From the Studio menu, select Show Design Perspective.

  8. Set your cartridge management variables.

    For each cartridge in your workspace, click the Project editor Cartridge Management Variables tab and set the following variables as needed:

    • PURGE_CARTRIDGE_BEFORE_DEPLOY: Enter true to undeploy the previous version of a cartridge before deploying the new version, or enter false to update the cartridge with the changes for the new version.


      If your cartridge has pending or completed orders that you do not want to purge, do not undeploy the cartridge, but deploy the new version with PURGE_CARTRIDGE_BEFORE_DEPLOY set to false.
    • ENTITY_CONFLICT_ACTION_ON_DEPLOY: Enter replace to replace the old entities with the new (default); enter ignore to add the new entities and retain the old; or enter abort to stop the process if conflicts are encountered. This variable only applies if PURGE_CARTRIDGE_BEFORE_DEPLOY is set to false.

    • PURGE_ORDER_ON_UNDEPLOY: Enter true to purge all existing orders associated with the cartridge, or enter false if you do not want the system to undeploy the cartridge if it has pending orders.


      Undeploying a cartridge purges all existing orders for that cartridge.
  9. Right-click in the Ant view and select Add Buildfiles.

    The Buildfile Selection dialog box is displayed.

  10. Expand the OSM.O2A.Cartridges.Migration cartridge and expand the 7.0.3 directory. Click the migration.xml file and click OK.

    The OSM.O2A.Cartridges.7.0.3_to_7.3.1_Migration file is displayed in the Ant view.

  11. Configure the buildfile for the file you have added:

    1. In the Ant view, right-click the name of the file and select Run As.

    2. Select Ant Build... (not Ant Build), as shown in Figure 13-1.

      The Edit Configuration dialog box is displayed.

    3. Click the Build tab and deselect Build before launch.

    4. Click the Properties tab and deselect Use global properties as specified in the Ant runtime preferences.

    5. Click the JRE tab and select Run in the same JRE as the Workspace.

    6. Click Close and click Yes.

  12. In the Ant View, expand the OSM.O2A.Cartridges.7.0.3_to_7.3.1_Migration file and double-click migrate.

  13. Exit and restart Eclipse.

    If prompted to save any entities, select Yes.

    When Eclipse is restarted, the Studio Project Upgrade window is displayed, with a list of cartridges that should be upgraded.

  14. Click Finish.

    The cartridges will be updated. This can take several minutes. When the upgrade is finished, you are presented with the option to view the upgrade logs.

  15. Build all of the cartridges.

    See the Design Studio Help for information about how to build cartridges. Some cartridge builds will fail with the following error listed in the Problems pane:

    Order and Service Management Cartridge Error - The automationBuild.xml file in cartridge CartridgeName is not the right version for this DS OSM plugin release. Right click on problem marker for the Quick Fix.

    For each cartridge that fails to build with this error:

    1. Right-click on the error in the Problems pane and select Quick Fix.

      The Quick Fix window is displayed.

    2. Click Finish and then click OK.

    3. Build the project again.

  16. Configure the WebLogic Server resources for your environment.

    See "Configuring WebLogic Server Resources for 7.0.3 Cartridge Updates" for more information.

Updating Modified Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 Cartridges to Run on OSM 7.3.1

Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges are native to OSM 7.0.3. This procedure updates the cartridges so that they can run on OSM 7.3.1. Use this procedure if you want to update a solution that is based on modified versions of the Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges, or if you have pending orders in your OSM server. This procedure makes no functional changes to the contents of the cartridges.


At some point in the following process, the Import OSM Common Data Dictionary window will probably be displayed. Ensure that Show this dialog in the future is selected, and click Cancel.

To update your modified Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges to run on OSM 7.3.1:

  1. Get the latest patch of the Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges. See "Getting the Latest Patch for Your Version of the Cartridges" for more information about getting the correct version.

  2. Find all XQuery files that have changed and compare them with original files to find the changes, and then apply those changes manually to files in the OSM.O2A.Cartridges.Migration\7.0.3\ folder. The following files will have changed:

  3. In the OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation/src/oracle/communications/ordermanagement/util/transform folder, find the XQueryTransformer.java file, compare it with the XQueryTransformer.java file that is in the OSM.O2A.Cartridges.Migration/7.0.3/OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation/src/oracle/communications/ordermanagement/util/transform folder, and manually apply the changes.

  4. Update the broadband service cartridge to target version 7.0.3.

  5. Unzip the patch file.

  6. Unzip the OSM.PIP_Installer_byyyymmdd.zip file.

    The OSM.PIP directory is created containing the OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation.zip and OracleCgbuOsmAIAPIPCartridges.zip files used later in this procedure.

  7. Verify that Design Studio is running.

  8. Import the installation cartridge for the Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges into your workspace:

    1. From the File menu, select Import Studio Project.

      The Import Projects dialog box is displayed.

    2. Select Select archive file and click Browse.

    3. Browse to the OSM.PIP folder for Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges and select OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation.zip.

    4. Click Open.

      The OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation project is displayed and selected in the Projects field.

    5. Click Finish.

      The OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation project is imported.

  9. Import the remaining cartridges for Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 for your desired topology:

    1. From the File menu, select Import Studio Project.

      The Import Projects dialog box is displayed.

    2. Select Select archive file and click Browse.

    3. Browse to the OSM.PIP folder for Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 cartridges and select OracleCgbuOsmAIAPIPCartridges.zip.

    4. In the Projects field, ensure that only the appropriate projects are selected:

      For the Typical topology, deselect the following projects if they are present:





      For the Simple topology, deselect the following projects if they are present:





    5. Click Finish.

      The projects are imported. After the import is complete. the Upgrade Studio Projects window is displayed.

    6. Click Finish.

  10. Manually import any custom cartridges that you created into your Design Studio workspace.

  11. Consult the README file supplied with the latest patch of the Order-to-Activate cartridges to see what cartridges have been updated by the patch, and for each cartridge that you have modified in your solution, do one of the following:

    • If the cartridge you modified has not been updated by the patch, manually import your version of the cartridge into your workspace.

    • If the cartridge you modified has been updated by the patch, manually reapply your changes to the cartridge supplied by the patch.

  12. From the Studio menu, select Show Design Perspective.

  13. Set your cartridge management variables.

    For each cartridge in your workspace, click the Project editor Cartridge Management Variables tab and set the following variables as needed:

    • PURGE_CARTRIDGE_BEFORE_DEPLOY: Enter true to undeploy the previous version of a cartridge before deploying the new version, or enter false to update the cartridge with the changes for the new version.


      If your cartridge has pending or completed orders that you do not want to purge, do not undeploy the cartridge, but deploy the new version with PURGE_CARTRIDGE_BEFORE_DEPLOY set to false.
    • ENTITY_CONFLICT_ACTION_ON_DEPLOY: Enter replace to replace the old entities with the new (default); enter ignore to add the new entities and retain the old; or enter abort to stop the process if conflicts are encountered. This variable only applies if PURGE_CARTRIDGE_BEFORE_DEPLOY is set to false.

    • PURGE_ORDER_ON_UNDEPLOY: Enter true to purge all existing orders associated with the cartridge, or enter false if you do not want the system to undeploy the cartridge if it has pending orders.


      Undeploying a cartridge purges all existing orders for that cartridge.
  14. Update the library names in the OSM.AIAEmulatorsBuild.xml file:

    1. Outside Design Studio, navigate to the OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation directory in your workspace.

    2. Open the OSM.AIAEmulatorsBuild.xml file in a text editor or an XML editor.

    3. Change all occurrences of the following JAR files from the old name to the new name:

      Old .jar File Name New .jar File Name
      commons-codec-1.9.jar commons-codec.jar
      commons-collections-3.2.jar commons-collections-4.jar
      commons-io-2.4.jar commons-io.jar
      commons-lang-2.1.jar commons-lang3.jar
      commons-logging-1.1.jar commons-logging.jar
      commons-net-3.3.jar commons-net.jar
      commons-pool2-2.2.jar commons-pool2.jar
      commons-vfs2-2.0.jar commons-vfs2.jar
      httpclient-4.1.2.jar httpclient.jar
      httpcore-4.3.2.jar httpcore.jar
      jaxen-1.1.3.jar jaxen.jar
      ojdbc6.jar ojdbc7.jar
      oracle.jps_11.1.1 oracle.jps_12.1.3
      resolver.jar xml-resolver.jar

      saxon9-xpath.jar saxon9ee.jar

      saxon-license.lic saxon-ee-java-osm-license.jar
      text-table-formatter-1.1.1.jar texttablefmt.jar
      ${aia.jdev.lib.dir}/javax.jms_1.1.1.jar ${aia.jdev.lib.dir}/../oracle_common/modules/javax.jms_1.1.4.jar

      There are several instances of each value in the file.

    4. Change all occurrences of fileset dir="${aia.jdev.lib.dir}" to fileset dir="${aia.jdev.lib.dir}/../oracle_common/modules ".

    5. Remove any occurrences of Saxon JAR file references, except references to saxon9ee.jar.

    6. Change all occurrences of include name=" saxon-license.lic"/ file to include name="saxon-ee-java.jar"/ file.

    7. Package the saxon-license.lic file.

    8. Save the file under the project OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation/..., and close the file.

    9. Update the Manifest.mf file under the OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation/... folder with the latest .jar files, that is, saxon9.jar to saxon-ee-java.jar, commons-lang-2.1.jar to commons-lang3.jar, and so on.

  15. Return to Design Studio and update the Java build path by doing the following for each row in Table 13-3:

    1. In the Studio Projects view, right-click the cartridge listed in the Cartridge Name column and select Properties.

    2. Select Java Build Path in the left pane of the Properties window, and click the Libraries tab.

    3. Select the library in the Old Value column and click Edit.

    4. Change the value to match the value in the New Value column and click OK.

      Table 13-3 Java Build Path Updates

      Cartridge Name Old Value New Value











      MW_home/oracle_common/modules/ javax.jms_1.1.4.jar














      MW_home/ oracle_common/modules / javax.jms_1.1.4.jar


      Remove saxon9-dom.jar from classpath

      Remove saxon9-xpath.jar from classpath














      MW_home/ oracle_common/modules / javax.jms_1.1.4.jar


      Remove saxon9-dom.jar from classpath

      Remove saxon9-xpath.jar from classpath









      MW_home/ oracle_common/modules / javax.jms_1.1.4.jar


      Remove saxon9-dom.jar from classpath

      Remove saxon9-xpath.jar from classpath

      MW_home/oracle_common/modules/ javax.ejb_3.3.0.jar














      MW_home/ oracle_common/modules / javax.jms_1.1.4.jar


      Remove saxon9-dom.jar from classpath

      Remove saxon9-xpath.jar from classpath














      MW_home/ oracle_common/modules / javax.jms_1.1.4.jar


      Remove saxon9-dom.jar from classpath

      Remove saxon9-xpath.jar from classpath




















      MW_home/ oracle_common/modules / javax.jms_1.1.4.jar


      Remove saxon9-dom.jar from classpath

      Remove saxon9-xpath.jar from classpath














      MW_home/ oracle_common/modules / javax.jms_1.1.4.jar


      Remove saxon9-dom.jar from classpath

      Remove saxon9-xpath.jar from classpath











      MW_home/ oracle_common/modules / javax.jms_1.1.4.jar

  16. Exit and restart Eclipse.

    If prompted to save any entities, select Yes.

    When Eclipse is restarted, the Studio Project Upgrade window is displayed with a list of cartridges that should be upgraded.

  17. Click Finish to upgrade the cartridges.

    This can take several minutes. When the upgrade is finished, you are presented with the option to view the upgrade logs.

  18. If there are no pending Order-to-Activate orders in your OSM instance, change the target version and cartridge versions to be compatible with OSM 7.3.1. If there are pending Order-to-Activate orders in your OSM instance, you must skip this step. For each cartridge in your workspace:

    1. In the Project editor Properties tab for the cartridge, change the value of Target Version from 7.0.3 to 7.3.1.

    2. Open the Package Explorer view.

    3. Open the CartridgeName/xmlCatalogs/core/catalog.xml file.

    4. Click the Source tab.

    5. Each rewritePrefix attribute in the file includes the string 1.0.0. Change this value to

  19. In the Package Explorer view, replace the OracleCgbuCommonDataDictionaryPIP/resources/osm-pip-utility.jar file with the OSM.O2A.Cartridges.Migration/7.0.3/OracleCgbuCommonDataDictionaryPIP/resources/osm-pip-utility.jar file.

    This will replace the Order-to-Activate 7.0.3 version of the utility library with the 7.3.1 version from the migration package.

  20. Set up the event views for the orders in the solution by doing the following for each row in Table 13-4:

    1. Expand the cartridge listed in the Cartridge column in Table 13-4 and open the order editor for the order in the Order column.

    2. Click the Events tab for the order editor.

    3. In the Milestone list, select the value in the Milestone column.

    4. In the Automation list, select the value in the Automation column.

    5. Click Select and, in the resulting window, select the value in the View column.

      Table 13-4 Milestone Automation Event Notification View Updates

      Cartridge Order Milestone Automation View































  21. Set up the event views for the orders in the solution by doing the following for each row in Table 13-5:

    1. Expand the cartridge listed in the Cartridge column in Table 13-5 and open the order editor for the order in the Order column.

    2. Click the Notifications tab for the order editor and in the event list on the left, select the value in the Event column.

    3. Click the Automation subtab.

    4. In the Automation list, select the value in the Automation column.

    5. Click Select and, in the resulting window, select the value in the View column.

      Table 13-5 Event Notification View Updates

      Cartridge Order Event Automation View





















  22. Modify the InitiateBillingSITask automated task:

    1. Expand the CommunicationsSalesOrderFulfillmentPIP cartridge, expand Automated Tasks, and then expand TASK.

    2. Open the InitiateBillingSITask task and click the Automation tab.

    3. Click Add.

      The Add Automation window is displayed.

    4. In the Name field, enter InitiateBillingResponseBean.

    5. Select XQuery Automator from the Automation Type drop-down list, select the External Event Receiver option, and then click OK.

    6. In the Automation list, select the automation you just created, and click Properties.

    7. On the Details tab in the Properties pane, change the value for EJB Name to InitiateBillingSITask.InitiateBillingResponseBean and change the value for Run As to oms-automation.

    8. Click the External Event Receiver tab in the Properties pane, change the value of JNDI Name to %{O2A_INBOUND_CREATE_BILLING_RESPONSE_QUEUE_JNDI}, and remove the value from the Message Property Selector field.

    9. Click the XQuery tab in the Properties pane, ensure the Bundle In option is selected, set the value for XQuery to AIAEBMResponse.xqy, and deselect Update Order.

  23. Modify the ProvisionOrderSITask automated task:

    1. Expand the CommunicationsSalesOrderFulfillmentPIP cartridge, expand Automated Tasks, and then expand TASK.

    2. Open the ProvisionOrderSITask task and click the Automation tab.

    3. Click Add.

      The Add Automation window is displayed.

    4. In the Name field, enter ProvisioningResponseBean.

    5. Select XQuery Automator from the Automation Type drop-down list, select the External Event Receiver option, and then click OK.

    6. In the Automation list, select the automation you just created, and click Properties.

    7. On the Details tab in the Properties pane, change the value for EJB Name to ProvisionOrderSITask.ProvisioningResponseBean and change the value for Run As to oms-automation.

    8. Click the External Event Receiver tab in the Properties pane, change the value of JNDI Name to %{O2A_INBOUND_CREATE_PROV_RESPONSE_QUEUE_JNDI}, and change the value of Message Property Selector to CGBUPIPCFFALLOUT IS NULL.

    9. Click the Correlation tab in the Properties pane, select XML Body in the Correlation drop-down list, and enter the following into the XML Body field:

      (*[local-name()='ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateEBM']/*[local-name()='DataArea']/*[local-name()='ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdate']/*[local-name()='Identification']/*[local-name()='BusinessComponentID']) |
      (*[local-name()='ProcessFulfillmentOrderUpdateEBM']/*[local-name()='EBMHeader']/*[local-name()='Sender']/*[local-name()='ObjectCrossReference']/*[local-name()='SenderObjectIdentification']/*[local-name()='BusinessComponentID']) |
      (*[local-name()='OrderFalloutNotification']/*[local-name()='OrderID']/*[local-name()='AlternateObjectKey']/*[local-name()='ID' and @schemeID='CFS_ORDER_KEY'])
    10. Click the XQuery tab in the Properties pane, ensure the Bundle In option is selected, set the value for XQuery to AIAEBMResponse.xqy, and deselect Update Order.

  24. Modify the SyncCustomerSITask automated task:

    1. Expand the CommunicationsSalesOrderFulfillmentPIP cartridge, expand Automated Tasks, and then expand TASK.

    2. Open the SyncCustomerSITask task and click the Automation tab.

    3. In the list, select SyncCustomerResponseBean, and then click Properties.

    4. On the Details tab in the Properties pane, change the value for EJB Name to SyncCustomerSITask.SyncCustomerResponseBean.

  25. Modify the CommunicationsServicesProvisioningOrderSIEntryPointSITask automated task:

    1. Expand the CommunicationsProvisioningOrderFulfillmentPIP cartridge, expand Automated Tasks, and then expand TASK.

    2. Open the CommunicationsServicesProvisioningOrderSIEntryPointSITask task and click the Automation tab.

    3. Click Add.

      The Add Automation window is displayed.

    4. Enter CommunicationsServicesProvisioningOrderUpdateUndoBean in the Name field.

    5. Select XQuery Automator from the Automation Type drop-down list, select the External Event Receiver option, and then click OK.

    6. In the Automation list, select the automation you just created, and click Properties.

    7. On the Details tab in the Properties pane, change the value for EJB Name to CommunicationsServicesProvisioningOrderSIEntryPointSITask.CommunicationsServicesProvisioningOrderUpdateUndoBean and change the value for Run As to oms-automation.

    8. Click the External Event Receiver tab in the Properties pane, change the value of JNDI Name to %{O2A_INTERNAL_SERVICE_PROVISIONING_UPDATE_QUEUE_JNDI}, and remove the value from the Message Property Selector field.

    9. Click the Correlation tab in the Properties pane, ensure the Correlation field is set to Message Property, and enter OMSOrderID into the Message Property field.

    10. Click the XQuery tab in the Properties pane, ensure the Bundle In option is selected, set the value for XQuery to CommunicationsServicesProvisioningOrderUpdate.xqy, and deselect Update Order.

  26. If you updated the target version for your cartridges to 7.3.1 in step 18 (that is, if you have no pending Order-to-Activate orders in your OSM instance), modify the CommunicationsSalesOrderLine order item specification. If you did not update the Target Version for your cartridges to 7.3.1 in step 18, you must skip this step.

    1. Expand the CommunicationsSalesOrderFulfillmentPIP cartridge, expand Order Item Specifications, and then expand LINE.

    2. Open the OpenCommunicationsSalesOrderLine order item specification and click the Order Item Dependencies tab.

    3. In the Order Item Dependencies list, select interOrderDependency.

    4. In the XQuery subtab on the right, there is a namespace declaration for osmc. In that declaration, the text 1.0.0 is present. Change that text to

  27. Exit and restart Eclipse.

    If prompted to save any entities, select Yes.

  28. Build all of the cartridges.

    See the Design Studio Help for information about how to build cartridges. Some cartridge builds will fail with the following error listed in the Problems pane:

    Order and Service Management Cartridge Error - The automationBuild.xml file in cartridge CartridgeName is not the right version for this DS OSM plugin release. Right click on problem marker for the Quick Fix.

    For each cartridge that fails to build with this error:

    1. Right-click on the error in the Problems pane and select Quick Fix.

      The Quick Fix window is displayed.

    2. Click Finish and then click OK.

    3. Rebuild the project.

  29. Configure the WebLogic Server resources for your environment.

    See "Configuring WebLogic Server Resources for 7.0.3 Cartridge Updates" for more information.

Configuring WebLogic Server Resources for 7.0.3 Cartridge Updates

The following section provides the procedure for configuring WebLogic Server resources. It must be performed for 7.0.3 cartridge updates.

Setting Up the Configuration File for Connecting to Oracle AIA

If you are going to connect to an instance of Oracle AIA (instead of using the Oracle AIA emulators), you need to configure a file. The file you configure will depend on whether OSM is running on a WebLogic Server cluster or a WebLogic Server standalone server.

Setting Up the Configuration File for OSM on WebLogic Cluster

To set up the configuration file if OSM is running on a WebLogic Server cluster:

  1. Outside Design Studio, in the directory for your Design Studio workspace, browse to the OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation/config-scripts/saf-cluster/ directory.

  2. Edit the config-cluster-saf.properties file.

  3. Change the values for the parameters in Table 13-6:

    Table 13-6 Parameters to Edit in the config-cluster-saf.properties File

    Parameter Description


    Host name of the system where the WebLogic Server for central order management is running.


    Port on which the WebLogic Server for central order management is listening.


    Name of the WebLogic server listening on adminServerListenAddress and adminServerListenPort.


    Name of a user with administrative privileges on the WebLogic server listening on adminServerListenAddress and adminServerListenPort.


    Password of the user defined in the userName parameter.


    A directory on the system defined in the adminServerListenAddress parameter. If the value starts with a forward slash, it indicates an absolute path on the system. If the value does not begin with a forward slash, it indicates a path inside the domain directory for the server. This directory will be created if it does not exist.


    Host name of the system where the WebLogic Server for Oracle AIA is running. If Oracle AIA is running in a clustered WebLogic Server environment, enter values for all of the servers, in the format managed_server_name.hostname:port separated by commas, for example:



    Name of the user that OSM should use to connect to Oracle AIA.


    Password of the user defined in the fmwRemoteServerUserName parameter.

  4. Save and exit the file.

Setting Up the Configuration File for OSM on Standalone WebLogic Server

To set up the configuration file if OSM is running on a WebLogic Server standalone server:

  1. Outside Design Studio, in the directory for your Design Studio workspace, browse to the OracleCgbuOsmAIAInstallation/config-scripts/saf-standalone directory.

  2. Edit the config-standalone-saf.properties file.

  3. Change the values for the parameters in Table 13-7:

    Table 13-7 Parameters to Edit in the config-standalone-saf.properties File

    Parameter Description


    Host name of the system where the WebLogic server for central order management is running.


    Port on which the WebLogic server for central order management is listening.


    Name of the WebLogic server listening on adminServerListenAddress and adminServerListenPort.


    Name of a user with administrative privileges on the WebLogic server listening on adminServerListenAddress and adminServerListenPort.


    Password of the user defined in the userName parameter.


    A directory on the system defined in the adminServerListenAddress parameter. If the value starts with a forward slash, it indicates an absolute path on the system. If the value does not begin with a forward slash, it indicates a path inside the domain directory for the server. This directory will be created if it does not exist.


    Host name of the system where the WebLogic Server for Oracle AIA is running.


    Port on which the WebLogic Server for Oracle AIA is listening.


    Name of the user that OSM should use to connect to Oracle AIA.


    Password of the user defined in the fmwRemoteServerUserName parameter.

  4. Save and exit the file.

Running the config_All Target

To configure the WebLogic Server resources:

  1. Verify that Design Studio is running.

  2. From the Window menu, select Show View, and then select Other.

    The Show View window is displayed.

  3. Expand Ant and select Ant from below it. Click OK.

    The Ant view opens.

  4. Right-click in the Ant view and select Add Buildfiles.

    The Buildfile Selection dialog box is displayed.

  5. Expand the OSM.O2A.Cartridges.Migration cartridge and expand the config directory. Add the files listed below and click OK.

    • If central order management and service order management are in the same OSM instance, add config_COMSOM.xml.

    • If central order management and service order management are in different OSM instances, add config_COM.xml and config_SOM.xml.

    The files are displayed in the Ant view. Each file is listed as with config replaced by OracleComms_OSM_O2A_CartridgeMigration. For example, if you added the config_COMSOM.xml file, it is listed as OracleComms_OSM_O2A_CartridgeMigration_COMSOM.xml in the Ant view.

  6. For each file you have added, configure the buildfile:

    1. In the Ant view, right-click the name of the file and select Run As.

    2. Select Ant Build... (not Ant Build), as shown in Figure 13-1.

      The Edit Configuration dialog box is displayed.

    3. Click the Build tab and deselect Build before launch.

    4. Click the Properties tab and deselect Use global properties as specified in the Ant runtime preferences.

    5. Click the JRE tab and select Run in the same JRE as the Workspace.

    6. Click Close and click Yes.

    7. Right-click the name of the file and select Run As again.

    8. Select Ant Build... (not Ant Build).

      The Edit Configuration dialog box is displayed.


      After you have deselected the Use global properties... check box, Eclipse prevents you from changing any of these properties until you close and reopen the Edit Configuration dialog box.
    9. Click the Properties tab and set the appropriate values listed in Table 13-8.

      Table 13-8 Values for Ant Edit Configuration Properties Tab

      Property Name Description Notes


      Name of the cluster or server within WebLogic Server to which you want to deploy the emulators. Set this to one of the following:

      • If OSM is installed to a cluster, set this value to the name of the cluster.

      • If OSM is installed to the administration server, set this to the name of the administration server.

      • If OSM is installed to a single managed server, set this value to the managed server name.

      If both central order management and service order management are in the same OSM server instance, set this to the name of the cluster or server for the single OSM instance.

      If central order management and service order management are in different OSM server instances, set this to the name of the cluster or server for central order management in the central order management buildfile and to the name of the cluster or server for service order management in the service order management buildfile.

      Set this property in all files if you are installing the Oracle AIA emulators.


      Host name of the system where the WebLogic server for central order management is running. If you are in a clustered environment, set this to the server where the Administration server is located.

      Set this if the buildfile has COM or COMSOM in the name.


      Port on which the WebLogic server for central order management is listening. If you are in a clustered environment, set this to the port on which the Administration server is listening.

      Set this if the buildfile has COM or COMSOM in the name.


      Name of the cluster for central order management, exactly as it is shown in the WebLogic Server console.

      Set this if the buildfile has COM or COMSOM in the name and you are in a clustered WebLogic Server environment.


      Name of a user with administrative privileges on the WebLogic Server for listening on cf.adminServerListenAddress and cf.adminServerListenPort.

      Set this if the buildfile has COM or COMSOM in the name.


      Host name of the system where the WebLogic Server for service order management is running. If you are in a clustered environment, set this to the server where the Administration server is located.

      Set this if the name of the buildfile has SOM in the name.


      Port on which the WebLogic Server for service order management is listening. If you are in a clustered environment, set this to the port on which the Administration server is listening.

      Set this if the buildfile has SOM in the name.


      Name of the cluster for service order management, exactly as it is shown in the WebLogic Server console.

      Set this if the buildfile has SOM in the name and you are in a clustered WebLogic Server environment.


      Name of a user with administrative privileges on the WebLogic Server listening on lf.adminServerListenAddress and lf.adminServerListenPort.

      Set this if the buildfile has SOM in the name.

    10. Click Close and click Yes.

  7. For each file you have added, do the following:

    1. In the Ant view, expand the cartridge name and double-click config_All.

    2. The first Ant Input Request window requests the WebLogic Server administrator user password. Enter the password for the user you entered in cf.userName or lf.userName (whichever value you configured for the buildfile you are running). Click OK.

    3. In the second Ant Input Request window, enter y to use the same password for all of the users being created or enter n to use a different password for each user. Click OK.

    4. Enter the passwords requested for the Order-to-Activate users by the Ant Input Request windows:


      Ensure that the passwords you enter meet the security requirements of your WebLogic Server domain. By default, WebLogic Server requires passwords of at least eight characters, with at least one numeric or special character. However, the requirements for your domain may be different.

      If you entered y in the previous step, enter the common password for the Order-to-Activate users and click OK.

      If you entered n in the previous step and the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains COM, you are prompted for passwords for the following users: COM user (osm), COM Order Event user (osmoe), COM Data Change Event user (osmde), and COM Fallout user (osmfallout). Click OK after each entry.

      If you entered n in the previous step and the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains SOM, you are prompted for passwords for the following users: SOM user (osmlf), SOM Order Event user (osmoelf), and SOM Order Abort user (osmlfaop). Click OK after each entry.

      If you entered n in the previous step and the name of the cartridge associated with the buildfile contains COMSOM, you are prompted for passwords for the following users: COM user (osm), COM Order Event user (osmoe), COM Data Change Event user (osmde), COM Fallout user (osmfallout), SOM user (osmlf), SOM Order Event user (osmoelf), and SOM Order Abort user (osmlfaop). Click OK after each entry.

      After you have entered the passwords and clicked OK, the system creates the users in the WebLogic Server domain. This may take a few minutes.


      Although config_All has now created users in the WebLogic Server domain, it is still possible to cancel the script at a later point and rerun it. If the config_All finds the users already present in the domain, it will skip adding them again and continue with the rest of the configuration process.
    5. In the next Ant Input Request window, enter s if you are using a standalone WebLogic Server environment or enter c if you are using a clustered environment. Click OK.

    6. In the next Ant Input Request window, enter d (for development environment) if you do not intend to connect to Oracle AIA or enter p (for production environment) if you intend to connect to Oracle AIA. Click OK.

      If you selected d, the queues for a development environment will be created. This may take several minutes. If you selected p, the queues will be created after the next step.

    7. If you selected to have a development environment, in the next Ant Input Request window, enter d to deploy the Oracle AIA emulators or enter n to skip deploying the Oracle AIA emulators.

    8. If you selected to have a production environment, in the next Ant Input Request window, enter b to install a JMS bridge to Oracle AIA or enter s to install a Store-and-Forward (SAF) service for communications with Oracle AIA.


      If you are connecting to Oracle AIA version 11.1 or later, select s in this step. JMS bridges are not supported for communication to Oracle AIA 11.1 or later.
    9. Click OK.

      The system configures the rest of the WebLogic resources. This may take a few minutes.

  8. When the installer is finished, shut down any affected WebLogic domains and restart them.

  9. Exit and restart Eclipse.


    If you have made a mistake setting the Design Studio preferences and it causes this procedure to fail, this will be displayed in the Console view in Design Studio. First, correct the preferences using the instructions in "Setting Design Studio Preferences." Next, go to the Properties tab of the Edit Configuration dialog box, select Use global properties as specified in the Ant runtime preferences to update the values, and then deselect Use global properties as specified in the Ant runtime preferences again. Then, select Clean from the Project menu and clean and build the OracleComms_OSM_O2A_Install project. Exit and restart Design Studio, and then begin the procedure for configuring the WebLogic Server resources again.

Deploying the Updated Order-to-Activate Cartridges

The following section provides the procedure for deploying the updated Order-to-Activate cartridges. It must be performed for 7.0.3, 7.2.0, 2.0.1, and 2.1.0 cartridge updates.

Before deploying the Order-to-Activate cartridges:

  • Ensure that all of the cartridges have been built successfully. These steps are included in the individual procedures for updating the Order-to-Activate cartridges.

  • Configure the WebLogic Server resources.

To deploy the updated Order-to-Activate cartridges:

  1. Verify that Design Studio is running.

  2. Create a new Studio Environment project and a new Studio environment.


    See the Design Studio Help for details on creating a Studio Environment project and a Studio environment.

    If you are installing central order management and service order management on different OSM servers, you need two environment entities: one pointing to the central order management cluster or standalone server and the other pointing to the service order management cluster or standalone server.

  3. Open the Environment perspective.

  4. Select the Design Studio environment in which the cartridges are to be deployed.

    The Cartridge Management pane is displayed, displaying a list of available cartridges.

  5. Select all of the cartridges you wish to deploy and click Deploy.