7 Performing a Silent Installation of OSM

You can install Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) using interactive install or silent (unattended) install. This chapter provides instructions on using silent install.

The silent installation procedure enables you to perform a non-interactive installation of OSM. Installation settings are pre-configured in the configuration files install_cfg.xml and installOptions.txt. The installer runs in the background without requiring any user intervention.


Silent installation configuration files are created during an interactive installation of OSM when the SDK samples are included in the installation. Configuration files created on one operating system can be used on other operating systems.

During installation, save the configuration in the Save Configuration screen of the OSM installer. This saves a copy of the install_cfg.xml file in the location you specify. In addition, if you have installed the SDK, samples of both configuration files are stored in the OSM_home/SDK/Samples/installation folder.


The prerequisites for a silent installation are the same as an interactive installation:

  • Oracle Database is correctly set up with tablespaces created for OSM, and is running.

  • Oracle WebLogic Server is running.

  • The third-party plug-in JBoss is available on the target machine.

Configuring the installOptions.txt and install_cfg.xml Files

For a silent installation to run correctly, the installOptions.txt and install_cfg.xml files must be customized to reflect the specifics of your target system, and to contain your preferred installation options. These options are analogous to what you would select in an interactive installation.

Configuring the installOptions.txt File

This file contains installation options. The parameters in this file can also be specified on the command line if desired, although it is not recommended to specify all of them on the command line. However, if you wanted to have a standard file with set options and to specify, for example, the software and log locations on the command line, that would be possible. If an option is specified both in the file and on the command line, the command-line option will take precedence over the value in the file.

If you have installed the SDK samples, a sample installOptions.txt file is stored in the OSM_home/SDK/Samples/installation folder. Further information about the options below is specified in the sample file.

To configure the installOptions.txt file:

  1. If you have access to a sample installOptions.txt file, copy it to the location where the installation executables are placed. For example, if you are using the sample in the OSM SDK, copy the file from the OSM_home/SDK/Samples/installation directory. If you do not have a sample, you can create a new text file called installOptions.txt in the location where the installation executables are place.

  2. Set the name of the XML file containing the installation configuration. This file should be located in the same directory as the installOptions.txt file. For example, to use install_cfg.xml as the XML file, use:

    -W loadConfiguration.configurationFile="install_cfg.xml"
  3. Set the location for the OSM product to be installed. Use double-quotes if the directory contains spaces. For example, for a UNIX or Linux installation, you might have:

    -P installLocation=/opt/osm

    For a Windows installation, you might have:

    -P installLocation="C:\Program Files\OSM"
  4. Set the location of the installation log. You need to monitor this file during the silent installation, to know if the installation is progressing successfully. For example, for a UNIX or Linux installation, you might have:

    -log # !/opt/osm/InstallLog.txt @ALL

    For a Windows installation, you might have:

    -log # !C:\progra~1\OSM\InstallLog.txt @ALL
  5. The remove option instructs the OSM Installer to always remove files that are modified after installation while performing uninstallation. These are default settings, and Oracle recommends that you do not change them:

    -P compsvrupd.removeOption=1
    -P compadm.removeOption=1
  6. The replace option instructs the OSM Installer to always replace the files with the newer version. These are default settings, and Oracle recommends that you do not change them:

    -G replaceNewerResponse="yesToAll"
  7. Choose the setup type, either Typical or Custom.

    To choose Typical, use the following line:


    To choose Custom, use the following two lines:

    -W setupTypes.active=false
  8. If you have selected the Custom option, select which OSM components you would like to install. Table 7-1 lists the text to include in the file to install the option. To choose not to install a component, use the same option, but set the value to false instead of true. If you have selected the Typical installation option, the values below are ignored.

    Table 7-1 Options for OSM Components in installOptions.txt File

    OSM Component Option to Include to Install the Component

    Database Schema

    -P featureds.active=true


    -P featuresvr.active=true

    SDK Tools

    -P featuresdkt.active=true

    SDK Samples

    -P featuresdks.active=true

  9. Save and close the file.

Configuring the install_cfg.xml File

Customize the install_cfg.xml file to reflect your OSM, Oracle WebLogic, and Oracle database parameters. If you have saved the configuration in the Save Configuration screen of the OSM installer when installing OSM using the GUI, a copy of the install_cfg.xml file for that installation has been saved in the location you specified. If you have installed the SDK samples, a standard sample install_cfg.xml file is stored in the OSM_home/SDK/Samples/installation folder. For details about install_cfg.xml parameters, see "Silent Installation install_cfg.xml Parameters."

You can obtain this information from your WebLogic and Oracle database administrator.

Performing a Silent Installation

  1. On UNIX systems:

    1. Remove the ANT_HOME environment variable if used.

    2. Remove any weblogic.jar file entries from the CLASSPATH variable.

    3. Make sure that the OSM UNIX user has full access to /tmp/vfs_cache folder.


      If you cannot use this folder, or the contents of the /tmp folder gets purged periodically, you can change the location of the /vfs_cache folder by adding the -Djava.io.tmpdir=new_path argument to the OSM WebLogic Server startup scripts (where new_path is the new /vfs_cache location).
    4. Change to the directory containing the installation executables.

    5. Modify the installation file attributes so it is executable.

  2. On Windows systems, navigate to the directory where the installation executables are placed.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • On Oracle Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, execute the command:

      ./InstallLinux.bin -is:javahome JAVA_HOME -options installOptions.txt -silent
    • On Oracle Solaris, execute the command:

      ./InstallSparc.bin -is:javahome JAVA_HOME -options installOptions.txt -silent
    • On IBM AIX, execute the command:

      ./InstallAix.bin -is:javahome JAVA_HOME -options installOptions.txt -silent
    • On Windows, execute the command:

      Install.exe -is:javahome JAVA_HOME -options installOptions.txt -silent
    • On HP-UX Itanium, execute the command:

      ./InstallHpuxItanium.bin -is:javahome JAVA_HOME -options installOptions.txt -silent

    where JAVA_HOME is the location of the JDK. For example:

    Install.exe -is:javahome C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_72 -options installOptions.txt -silent


    You can optionally specify the location of the temporary directory that the OSM installer uses during the installation if you are concerned that there is insufficient temporary disk space in your current temporary directory. In addition, you can specify a log file that logs all OSM installer activity.

    You can use the following attributes when running the OSM installer in silent mode:

    -is:tempdir temp_directory -is:log log_file.log

    where temp_directory is the location for the temporary directory used by the OSM installer and log_file is the log file name.

    For example:

    ./InstallLinux.bin -is:tempdir /tmp/osm -is:log osmlog.log -options installOptions.txt -silent

    You can monitor the progress of the installation by viewing the InstallLog.txt file. If a problem occurs, the installation stops and the reason for the failure is written to the InstallLog.txt file. Based on the error, you may have to edit the installOptions.txt file and restart the installation.

  4. If you chose to manually deploy product cartridges, see OSM_home/ProductCartridges/install/ReadMe.txt for instructions about manually deploying the product cartridges after you have installed OSM.

After the installation is complete, you can verify the installation the same way you do for the interactive installation. See "Performing an Interactive Installation of OSM" for more information.