6 Performing an Interactive Installation of OSM

This chapter describes how to install Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) by using the graphical user interface (GUI) Installer. It also provides information about default Oracle WebLogic Server accounts, and modifying deployment parameters.

Before installing OSM, read the following chapters:

Installing OSM

This section describes an interactive installation of OSM. The installation procedure applies to all supported platforms.


If you are localizing OSM, make a backup of your WebLogic Server configuration before running the OSM Installer. See OSM Developer's Guide for more information about localizing OSM. See Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware for backup and recovery recommendations for WebLogic Server.


If you are re-using the installation directory or the operating system temporary directory from a previous installation, you might not be able to run the installer on a UNIX or Linux system. For information about how to resolve this issue, see "OSM Installer Issues for UNIX or Linux".

To install OSM:

  1. Download and unpack JBoss and GraphViz to a suitable location on the same machine on which you will install OSM. See Table 2-1, "OSM Required Software" for download links.


    If you intend to install more than one OSM instance on the same machine, it is a good idea to put these libraries in a location outside any OSM_home.
  2. Download the OSM software media pack for your operating system from the Oracle software delivery website, located at:


    and save it to a temporary directory.

  3. Unzip the OSM software media pack.

  4. Ensure that the Oracle Database and Oracle WebLogic Server instances that you intend to use for OSM are running.

  5. For a Linux system, ensure that you have installed all required software packages, including Software Development Workstation. For information about the available software packages, see the latest Oracle Linux Installation Guide.

  6. On UNIX or Linux systems:

    1. Verify that your DISPLAY environment variable is properly set.

    2. Remove the ANT_HOME environment variable if it appears.

    3. Remove any weblogic.jar file entries from the CLASSPATH variable.

    4. Verify that the OSM UNIX or Linux user has read, write, and execute permissions for the /tmp/vfs_cache folder.


      If you cannot use this folder, or the contents of the /tmp folder get purged periodically, you can change the location of the /vfs_cache folder by adding the -Djava.io.tmpdir=new_path argument to the OSM WebLogic Server startup scripts (where new_path is the new /vfs_cache location).
    5. Change to the temporary directory containing the installation executable file.

    6. Run the following command:

      chmod 500 InstallOS_name.bin

      where OS_name is Linux, Sparc (Solaris), AIX, or HpuxItanium, depending on your system.

  7. Run the OSM Installer by doing one of the following:

    • On Oracle Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, run the following command:

      InstallLinux.bin -is:javahome JAVA_HOME 
    • On Oracle Solaris, run the following command:

      InstallSparc.bin -is:javahome JAVA_HOME
    • On IBM AIX, run the following command:

      InstallAix.bin -is:javahome JAVA_HOME
    • On HP-UX Itanium, run the following command:

      InstallHpuxItanium.bin -is:javahome JAVA_HOME
    • On Windows, run the following command:

      Install.exe -is:javahome JAVA_HOME 

    where JAVA_HOME is the location of the JDK, for example /u01/Java/jdk1.7.0_85. If the path to your JDK contains a space, enclose it in quotation marks, for example "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_85" on a Windows file system.

    Table 6-1 gives troubleshooting information for error messages you may receive after executing the command.


    If you are concerned that there is insufficient temporary disk space in your current temporary directory, specify the location of a different temporary directory for the OSM Installer to use during the installation.

    You can also specify a log file that logs all OSM Installer activity.

    To specify a different temporary directory and specify a log file, use the following attributes when running the OSM Installer:

    -is:tempdir temp_directory -is:log log_file.log

    where temp_directory is the location for the temporary directory used by the OSM Installer and log_file is the log file name.

    For example:

    ./InstallLinux.bin -is:tempdir /tmp/osm -is:log osmlog.log

    Table 6-1 Troubleshooting OSM Installer Startup Errors

    Error Solution Operating System

    After running the InstallLinux.bin command:

    Setup.product.install, com.installshield.wizard.StandardWizardListener, err, could not initialize interface awt...

    Set the following environment variable and run the OSM Installer again:

    export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit

    Oracle Linux or Enterprise Red Hat Linux

    After running the InstallSparc.bin command:

    UnsatisfiedLinkError: java: fatal: libXm.so.4: open failed: No such file or directory ...

    Set the following environment variable and run the OSM Installer again:

    export AWT_TOOLKIT=XToolkit

    Oracle Solaris

    After running the InstallSparc.bin command:

    Setup.product.install, com.installshield.wizard.StandardWizardListener, err, could not initialize interface awt...

    Set the following environment variable and run the OSM Installer again:

    export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit

    Oracle Solaris

    After the Installer starts, on the Welcome screen:

    ERROR: null

    Installer log shows InstallShield errors. For example:

    com.installshield.wizard.service.LocalImplementorProxy.invoke(Unknown Source) ...

    Delete the vpd.properties file located in the following directory and run the OSM Installer again:


    where userHome is your home directory.


    The Welcome screen is displayed.

  8. Review the pre-installation checklist and additional third-party component requirements.


    The third-party components are required for the OSM Server and software development kit (SDK) components.
  9. Select the View third party readme check box and click Next.

    The Order and Service Management Third-party Component Information screen is displayed.

  10. Review the readme contents for the third-party components, then click Next.

    The Installation Directory screen is displayed.

  11. Specify the installation directory for OSM by doing one of the following:

    • Accept the default path provided by the Installer.

    • Specify another location by entering a path name or click Browse to locate the directory.


      If you are installing to the same directory as an existing OSM 7.0.x installation, the automation module in the SDK is not upgraded. Specify a new directory to ensure complete installation of the new OSM SDK.

      Click Next.

      The Setup Type screen is displayed.

  12. Select which of the components listed in Table 6-2 to install by doing one of the following:

    Table 6-2 OSM Installation Components

    Component Description

    Database Schema

    The database schemas required to support OSM


    The OSM server application

    SDK Tools

    The OSM SDK, which includes the OSM Javadocs, the XML Import/Export tool, and various other files in support of OSM development activities.

    SDK Samples

    Sample files for use with the SDK. Includes sample code and web service requests. This also includes silent installation template files to use if you want to run subsequent silent installations. For more information about silent installations, see "Performing a Silent Installation of OSM."

    • To install everything except the SDK Samples (on Windows), or to install the Database Schema and Server (on UNIX or Linux), select Typical Installation and click Next.

    • To choose which components to install do the following:

      1. Select Custom Installation and click Next.

      2. Select the components to install and click Next.

    The Installation Overview screen is displayed.

  13. Review the upcoming stages of the installation, and click Next.

    The Database Connection Information screen is displayed.

  14. Specify the Oracle Database instance where the OSM database schema will be installed by entering the values supplied by your database administrator (DBA) in the following fields.

    If you are installing an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database, specify connection information for the primary database instance. You will specify secondary database instances in a later step.

    • In the Host field, enter the IP address or DNS name of the host where the database listens for request. For an Oracle RAC database, enter the Single Client Access Name (SCAN).

    • In the Port field, enter the port where the database listens for requests.

    • In the Service Name field, enter the service name of the database. If the database is a pluggable database (PDB) within a container database (CDB), use the service name of the PDB. For example, the name of either the default database service or a service created specifically for OSM.

      For an Oracle RAC database instance with a remote listener (SCAN listener), you must enter both service name and SID. For other types of database, or an Oracle RAC database instance with only local listeners, you can enter either a database service name or SID, but both fields cannot be empty.


      If a service is configured for OSM, all WebLogic database transactions are executed against that service as expected. However, OSM jobs run by the Notification Engine are submitted to the database through the DBMS_JOB package and are not subject to any restrictions that may have been placed on the service.
    • In the Instance SID (Optional) field, enter the name (system identifier) of the database instance. If the database is a PDB within a CDB, use the system identifier of the CDB.

      For an Oracle RAC database instance with a remote listener, you must specify the SID and the service name. Otherwise, the WebLogic data source will not be able to override server-side load balancing. See "Listener Considerations for Oracle RAC" for a discussion of listener functionality.

  15. Click Next.

    The Database Administrator Credential Information screen is displayed.

  16. Enter the credentials supplied by your DBA in the following fields:

    • In the Database Admin Username field, enter the user name for the database administrator user.

    • In the Database Admin Password field, enter the password for the database administrator user.


    If you choose to connect as the sys user and you have not set the O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY database parameter to TRUE, append as sysdba to the value in the User Name field.

    The Database Credential Information screen is displayed.

  17. Do one of the following:

    • Select Use different passwords for these accounts to manually configure the OSM schema names and passwords:

      1. In the Schema column, you can view the Core, Rule Engine, and Reporting schemas. These fields are read-only.

      2. In the Username column, OSM generates ordermgmt, ordermgmt_rule, and ordermgmt_report as the default user name for the Core, Rule Engine, and Reporting schemas. Double-click on any default user name to edit the user name.

      3. In the Password column, enter a password for each schema.

      4. In the Password Confirmation column, enter the same password again.


        If the Oracle accounts that you enter in the Username fields do not exist, new accounts with these names will be created for you during installation.
    • Select Use same passwords for all accounts to use the same password for all OSM schemas.

      1. In the Password field, enter a password.

      2. In the Password Confirmation field, enter the password again.


        If you edit the default schema user names in the Use different passwords for these accounts Username column, but specify the same password for all schemas using the Use same password for all accounts field, OSM uses the edited user names and applies the same password for each schema.

    The OSM Server uses the Core and Rule Engine credentials to connect to Oracle Database schemas. You can use Reporting credentials with the OSM Reporting Interface to generate reports (see OSM Reporting Interface Guide for more information).

    The Database Schema Credential Check screen is displayed.

  18. Click Next.

  19. Do one of the following:

    • If Order and Service Management Database Not Found is displayed, click Next, which creates a new database.

    • If Order and Service Management Database Schema Found is displayed, and the existing database version is the same as the version to be installed, click Next.

    • If Order and Service Management Database Schema Found is displayed, and the existing database version is different from the version to be installed, you need to upgrade the database.

      Do the following to review a report analyzing the impact of upgrading:

      1. On the schema status screen, click Analyze and click Next (the analysis can take a few minutes to run).

        The Database Analysis Report screen is displayed.

      2. On reviewing the report, either save the report and click Next, or click Back without saving the report.

    The Database Schema Localization Information screen is displayed.

  20. Do one of the following:

    • If you have not localized your database schema, accept the default setting (the Use localized Order and Service Management Data check box deselected).

    • If you have localized your database schema, select the Use localized Order and Service Management Data check box, and click Browse to specify the path to your localized .jar file.

  21. Click Next.

    The Database Schema Tablespaces screen is displayed.


    If the Installer takes an unusual amount of time to progress to the Database Schema Tablespaces screen, Oracle recommends that you purge the database recycle bin to ensure the Installer progresses more quickly the next time you run it. For information, see "OSM and RCU Installers Are Slow to Run Database Tablespace Query".
  22. Select tablespaces for the OSM database schemas:

    • Default Tablespace: Specifies the tablespace for the default tablespace option <default> available to all database schemas (except for the Temporary Tablespace).

    • Temporary Tablespace: Specifies the temporary tablespace for the database schema.

    • Model Data Tablespace: Specifies the model data tablespace for the database schema.

    • Model Index Tablespace: Specifies the model index tablespace for the database schema.

    • Order Data Tablespace: Specifies the order data tablespace for the database schema.

    • Order Index Tablespace: Specifies the order index tablespace for the database schema.

    For each tablespace, you are shown how much space you have available and how much space is required. For more information, see "Tablespaces".

  23. Click Next.

    The Database Schema Partition Information screen is displayed.

  24. Do one of the following:

    • If you have a license for Oracle Partitioning, accept the default selection (Use Oracle Partitioning features for optimal performance in high volume production environment) and do the following:

      1. In the Orders per Partition field, enter the number of orders that will be allowed in a partition.

      2. In the Number of Sub-partitions field, enter the number of sub-partitions allowed in a partition.

      After installation, you can change the values that you selected during the installation process by updating the range_partition_size and subpartitions_number OSM database parameters. However, updates to these parameters do not affect existing partitions.


      For more information about partitioning, see OSM System Administrator's Guide.
    • If you do not want to use Oracle Partitioning, deselect the Use Oracle Partitioning features for optimal performance in high volume production environment check box. You may not need Oracle Partitioning features in a development environment.


    Oracle strongly recommends partitioning in all production deployments or production test environments, particularly those with high order volumes or any volume of large or complex orders. If you choose not to partition your OSM schema, it could be expensive to later reverse your decision. Changing a non-partitioned schema that has accumulated a large volume of data to a partitioned schema involves time-consuming and resource intensive export/import.
  25. Click Next.

    The Database Timezone Information screen is displayed.

  26. From the Database Timezone list, select the time zone that corresponds to the time zone for your database server, and click Next.


    For more information on time zone settings, see OSM System Administrator's Guide.

    The WebLogic Configuration - Configuration Type screen is displayed.

  27. Select Connect to a running WebLogic server to create resources and deploy OSM, and click Next.


    Use the Connect to a running WebLogic server to create resources and deploy OSM option when you want to install the OSM server and create resources in WebLogic.

    Reserve the second option, Do not connect to a WebLogic server. Order and Service Management must be manually deployed, for situations where OSM has already been deployed and WebLogic Server resources already configured.

    The WebLogic Server Connection Information screen is displayed.

  28. Do the following:

    1. In the WebLogic Host Name field, enter the name or IP address of the machine where WebLogic is installed.

    2. In the WebLogic Port Number field, enter the port where WebLogic is operating.

    3. In the WebLogic Admin User field, enter the name of the WebLogic administrator.

    4. In the WebLogic Admin Password field, enter the password of the WebLogic administrator.

    5. Select Connect to WebLogic via SSL to use an SSL connection to the WebLogic admin server. The server's SSL port must be enabled to use this feature. By default, a non-SSL connection is used.

    6. In the WebLogic SSL Port Number field, enter the port number of the WebLogic admin server.

    7. Specify the location of the key store file required for the SSL connection by typing the full path and directory, or click Browse to locate the directory.

      The default location of the cacerts key store file is WebLogic_home/server/lib.

    8. Click Next.

      The WebLogic Server Deployment Target screen is displayed.

  29. From the list, select the server or cluster as follows:

    • If you created a single WebLogic admin server, select the admin server.

    • If you created a WebLogic admin server with managed server, select the managed server.

    • If you created a WebLogic cluster, select the cluster.


    The list shows only the targets on which ADF has been configured.
  30. Click Next.

    The Third-party Software Configuration Information screen is displayed.

  31. Enter or browse to the locations for the JBoss software. The JBoss libraries are located in the lib directory inside the directory where you unzipped JBoss. Click Next.

  32. If the value of the Java Transaction API (JTA) Timeout Seconds parameter for your WebLogic domain is less than 600 seconds (the default WebLogic value is 30), the Installer prompts you to increase the Timeout Seconds value. The current value is displayed in the Timeout in Seconds field. Do one of the following:

    • Update the Timeout Seconds value to a value greater than or equal to 600 and click Next.

      To avoid premature rollbacks, set the JTA timeout to a value of 2400 seconds. This setting can be changed after installation by using the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

    • Do not update the Timeout Seconds value and click Next.

      A warning is displayed. Click OK to accept the warning and continue with installation.

    For more information about the JTA Timeout Seconds parameter, see the WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

  33. Click Next.

  34. Update the following fields:

    1. Front End Host and Front End Port for Web Service HTTP requests. The Installer automatically populates these fields with the values configured for your WebLogic domain, proxy server, or load balancer.

      If the WebLogic default values of <blank> and 0 appear, update the fields with the correct values. You must update these values to proceed with the installation.

      For information about updating these fields again after installation, see the discussion about how to configure HTTP settings for a cluster in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

    2. (Optional) Front End SSL Port for Web Service HTTP requests.

  35. Click Next.

    The Database Connection Pool Information screen is displayed.

  36. Do one of the following:

    • If you selected a WebLogic cluster, the WebLogic Cluster Web Service Request Configuration screen is displayed. Go to step 34.

    • If you selected an admin server or a managed server, the Third-party Software Configuration Information screen is displayed. Go to step 31.

  37. If you specified a single-instance database in the Database Server Connection Information screen (step 14), the Database Connection Pool Information screen is displayed. Go to step 43.

    If you specified an Oracle RAC database with its SID, the Oracle Real Application Clusters Configuration screen is displayed. Go to step 39.

  38. Do one of the following:

    • If you want to use Oracle RAC, select Use Oracle RAC. Go to step 39.

      The Installer configures a single data source for the Oracle RAC instance specified in step 14, but does not create a multi data source. OSM will not use Oracle RAC for load balancing or failover.


      If you decide in the future to implement Oracle RAC for load balancing or failover, you must run the Installer again and select one of the other options described here. You cannot manually add and configure the primary Oracle RAC database instance.
    • If you do not want to use Oracle RAC, deselect Use Oracle RAC and click Next.

      The Database Connection Pool Information screen is displayed. Go to step 43.

  39. Do one of the following:

    1. In the Configure WebLogic JDBC data sources area select one of the following options:

    2. In the RAC operation mode area, select one of the following options:

      • Load Balancing (Active Active) - Order and Service Management WebLogic Cluster Installations

        The Installer groups the WebLogic Server instances according to the number of Oracle RAC database instances. Each group is configured to a separate Oracle RAC database as the primary data source, and the remaining Oracle RAC database instances as secondary data sources.

        This option is available only if OSM is deployed to a WebLogic cluster.

      • Failover (Active Passive)

        The Installer configures multi data sources and data sources according to the number of Oracle RAC database instances. The first data source of each multi data source connects to the primary database instance specified in step 14, and the subsequent data sources connect to other database instances to be specified. This option preconfigures the database connections in WebLogic for warm standby.

    3. In the Listener Configuration area, select one of the following options:

      • Remote Listener (SCAN Listener)

      • Local Listeners

      See "Listener Considerations for Oracle RAC" for a discussion on listener functionality.

    4. Click Next.

  40. Do one of the following:

    • If you chose to configure WebLogic JDBC data sources manually after installation or not to use Oracle RAC, click Next and go to step 43.

    • If you chose to use additional RAC Database instances now, continue selecting options on this screen as described in step 41.

  41. Do one of the following:

    • If you selected the remote listener option:

      1. In the SCAN Address field, you can modify the SCAN address if required. For example, you may need to do this if you entered an incorrect address in the Host field in step 14.

      2. In the SCAN Port field, you can modify the SCAN port if required. For example, you may need to do this if you entered an incorrect port in the Port field in step 14.

      3. Add a new row and specify the same Service Name as you did for the primary instance and a unique SID for each additional Oracle RAC instance. For a container database, use the PDB service name and the CDB SID.

      4. If you did not specify the SID of the primary Oracle RAC instance in step 14, do so now in the first row. For a container database, use the CDB SID.

    • If you selected the local listeners option, add a new row for each additional Oracle RAC instance and specify:

      1. The host and port: Each row must use a different combination of host and port. For example, if you use the same host, you must use a different port.

      2. The service name or SID: Each row must specify either the same service name as the primary instance or a unique SID. Rows can also specify both service name and SID. Specify the same fields as you did for the primary instance. For example, if you only specified the SID for the primary instance, specify unique SIDs for the additional instances. For a container database, use the PDB service name and the CDB SID.

    All instances must be in the same database.

  42. Click Next.

    The Database Connection Pool Information screen is displayed.

  43. If you are not sure how to size the pool at this time, use the default settings. These settings can be tuned later from the WebLogic Server console. Do the following:

    1. In the Initial Capacity field, enter the number of database connections initially reserved in the WebLogic connection pool.


      In an Oracle RAC configuration, the initial capacity is set to 0 (read-only).
    2. In the Maximum Capacity field, enter the maximum number of database connections reserved in the WebLogic connection pool.

    3. In the Capacity Increment field, enter the number of connections added when the connection pool maintained by the WebLogic Server is exhausted.


      In an Oracle RAC configuration, this connection pool information will be shared.
    4. Click Next.

    The JMS Store Information screen is displayed.

  44. Accept the default setting of JMS File Store or select the alternate JMS JDBC Store.

    If you choose JMS File Store, OSM will use the default WebLogic file-based persistent store as the JMS store. After installation is complete, Oracle recommends that you configure one custom file store for each managed server and JMS server. For more information, see "Creating and Configuring Persistent File Stores".

    While file stores provide better performance than JDBC stores, the benefit of JDBC stores is that online database backups can obtain consistent snapshots of both OSM data and JMS messages. However, there is currently no mechanism for consistent backup of JDBC stores and transaction logs. For more information about backup strategies, see OSM System Administrator's Guide.

    Click Next. If OSM is being deployed to a WebLogic cluster, the WebLogic Coherence Cluster Configuration screen is displayed. In a single server deployment, the OSM Administrator and Deployment Credentials screen is displayed; go to step 46.

  45. Accept the settings for the WebLogic coherence cluster that the Installer has detected, or create a new coherence cluster by modifying the default values. The coherence cluster name is generated using the pattern: osmCoherenceClusterNNNN, where NNNN is a random four-digit number. Make sure that the IP Address value corresponds to the IP address or machine name of the WebLogic Server where the coherence cluster is running.


    Oracle recommends using unicast cluster messaging mode. The Installer uses unicast mode and does not allow you to use the Installer to change the mode to multicast. Even if the target WebLogic cluster is a member of a coherence cluster that uses multicast mode, the Installer modifies the cluster messaging mode to unicast. For information about using WebLogic to change the cluster messaging mode to multicast, see "Configuring a Multicast IP Address for the Cluster Messaging Mode".

    Click Next. The OSM Administrator and Deployment Credentials screen is displayed.

  46. The user names and passwords you provide will be used to create initial user accounts with administrator privileges and access to Oracle Communications Design Studio (the deployment tool). Do the following:

    1. In the Admin User Name field, enter a user name, or use the default admin.

    2. In the Password field, enter a password for the OSM Administrator user.

    3. In the Password Confirmation field, re-enter the password for the OSM Administrator user.

    4. In the Deploy Admin User Name field, enter a user name or use the default deployAdmin. Design Studio uses this user to deploy cartridges to OSM.

    5. In the Password field, enter a password for the Deploy Admin user.

    6. In the Password Confirmation field, re-enter the password for the Deploy Admin user.

    7. Click Next.

      The OSM User Credential Information screen is displayed.

  47. You use this screen to create passwords for the standard users that are created for the application. The Automation User Name and OSM Core User Name are provided on this screen for reference only and are not editable. The passwords you enter must meet the password requirements for your WebLogic domain. Do the following:

    1. In the Automation User Password field, enter the password for the oms-automation user. This is the internal automation user, used for processing OSM automation and email notifications. Re-enter the password in the second Confirm Password field.

    2. In the OSM Core User Password field, enter the password for the oms-internal user. It is used for internal processing when an operation must be performed on behalf of the application rather than on behalf of the user. Re-enter the password in the third Confirm Password field.

    3. Click Next.

      The OSM Server Session Information screen is displayed.

  48. The information in this screen is used to configure your OSM user sessions. Do the following:

    1. In the Session Timeout field, enter the time in minutes that Order Management web client and Task web client sessions remain active.

    2. In the Server Domain Suffix field, enter the domain suffix for the computers on which the OSM server will run.

    3. In the Landing Page field, select the first page that Task web client users will see after login.

    4. Click Next.

      The Order and Service Management Remarks and Attachment Information screen is displayed.

  49. The information on this screen is used to configure the text remarks and file attachments that users can add to OSM orders. Do the following:

    1. In the Maximum Attachment Size field, enter the maximum attachment size in MB that can be appended to a remark.

    2. In the Remark Change Timeout field, enter the length of time in hours that a remark can be edited before it becomes read-only.

    3. Click Next.

      The OSM Web Client Preferences screen is displayed.

  50. The information in this screen is used to configure the number of records retrieved and displayed in the Task web client's Worklist, Query list, and Notification list. Do the following:

    1. In the Worklist Rows Retrieved field, enter the number of rows OSM should retrieve when the worklist is refreshed.

    2. In the Worklist Rows per Page field, enter the number of rows OSM should display on each Worklist page.

    3. In the Query Rows Retrieved field, enter the number of rows OSM should retrieve when a query is run.

    4. In the Query Rows per Page field, enter the number of rows OSM should display on each query results page.

    5. In the Notification Rows Retrieved field, enter the number of rows OSM should retrieve when the notification list is refreshed.

    6. In the Notification Rows per Page field, enter the number of rows OSM should display on each notification page.

    7. Click Next.

      The Order and Service Management Notification Emails screen is displayed.

  51. The information in this screen is used to configure the email notifications for OSM. Do the following:

    1. In the Notification Email Server field, enter the DNS name or IP address of your email server.

    2. In the Notification Email Server Port field, enter the port on which the email server is listening.

    3. In the Administrator Email Address field, enter the OSM Administrator's email address.

    4. Click Next.

      The Task Processor Configuration screen is displayed.

  52. The information in this screen is used to control the rule and delay task evaluation. You can change these settings at any time after installing OSM. See OSM System Administrator's Guide.

    Do the following:

    1. In the Task Processor Interval field, enter the number of seconds between task processor polls.

    2. In the Maximum Rule Processor Count field, enter the maximum number of rule task processors used to evaluate rules.

    3. In the Maximum Delay Processor Count field, enter the maximum number of delay task processors used to evaluate delays.


      The total number of processors will be adjusted automatically at run time to exceed not more than 10% of the connection pool size. For a non-production environment, you can use the default values.
    4. Click Next.

      The Order and Service Management Server Features screen is displayed.

  53. Do any of the following:


    If you are using both Account Manager and Customer Asset Manager, they must be deployed into the same central order management (COM) instance.
    • Select Account Manager if you want to install the Account Manager. If you have different instances of OSM in your solution, for example one instance for COM and one instance for service order management (SOM), you should only select this feature for the COM instance of OSM.

      If you do not select this feature during installation, and you decide later that you want to use it, see the information about working with assets and accounts in the Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes Help.

    • Select Customer Asset Manager if you want to install the Customer Asset Manager. If you have different instances of OSM in your solution, for example one instance for COM and one instance for SOM, you should only select this feature for the COM instance of OSM.

      If you do not select this feature during installation, and you decide later that you want to use it, see the information about working with assets and accounts in the Design Studio Modeling OSM Processes Help.

    • Select Job Orders if you want to install the job control order cartridges that enable the job control order feature.

      If you chose to manually deploy the cartridges for this feature later, see OSM_home/ProductCartridges/install/ReadMe.txt for instructions to manually deploy the product cartridges after you have installed OSM.

  54. Click Next.

    The Configuration Overview screen is displayed.

  55. This screen displays all of your WebLogic Server and OSM configuration settings. and allows you to save those settings to a file. Do the following:

    1. To save your settings to a silent installation configuration file for future use, select the Save Configuration check box. Saving your settings is optional.

    2. When you select Save Configuration, a field is added to the screen that allows you to enter or browse to the directory in which you would like to save the configuration file.

    3. You can also choose to save the passwords in the configuration file as clear text by selecting the Save Password check box.


      Among the configuration parameters displayed on the Configuration Overview screen, the following parameters are for internal use only:
      • Existing-Schema-Action

      • Halt-on-Warning

      • Halt-on-Error

      • Warning-Property

      • Error-Property

      Oracle recommends that you do not modify these parameters. For example, to ensure a successful installation, do not modify the Existing-Schema-Action parameter to any value other than upgrade, not even when creating a new OSM database schema.

    4. Click Next.

      A screen is displayed containing the location and components to be installed and the total size of the OSM installation.

  56. Click Next.

    The OSM installation begins.

    When the installation completes, the installation summary displays the location of the installation and database logs, which contain detailed information about your installation, including any warnings or problems encountered.

  57. Do one of the following:

    • If you have selected to install OSM with product features, such as the job control order feature, the Order and Service Management Server restart required screen appears. Go to step 58.


      If you want to complete the installation without restarting the OSM server, that is, without having to wait for the OSM application to deploy a product cartridge (such as the job control cartridge), click Cancel, and then go to step 59.
    • If you have selected to manually deploy the product cartridges later, go to step 59.

  58. Manually shutdown and restart the Oracle WebLogic Server. When the Oracle WebLogic Server restarts, click Next.

    The Deploying product cartridges progress bar appears showing the progress of the product cartridge deployment that support the selected features.

  59. Click Finish.

    The installation is complete.


    After installing OSM, shut down and restart the Oracle WebLogic Server if you have not already done so after deploying the product cartridges. To verify that OSM installed properly, see "Verifying the OSM Installation".

Handling an OSM Database Schema Installation Failure

When the installer fails during an installation, you receive an error message. Before you continue with the installation, you must find and resolve the issue that caused the failure. There are several places where you can look to find information about the issue.

The database installation plan action spreadsheet is a file that contains a summary of all the installation actions that are part of this OSM database schema installation or upgrade. The actions are listed in the order that they are performed. The spreadsheet includes actions that have not yet been completed. To find the action that caused the failure, go to the OSM_home/Database/dbinstall/install/om_$install$plan_actions.csv file and review the status column. The failed action is the first action with a status that is FAILED. The error_message column of that row contains the reason for the failure.

The database installation log file gives a more detailed description of all the installation actions that have been run for this installation. The issue that caused the failure is located in the OSM_home/Database/dbinstall/install/dbInstaller.log file. The failed action is typically at the bottom, that is, the last action that was performed.

There are also the following database tables that contain information about the database installation:

  • om_$install$plan_actions: Contains the same information as the database plan action spreadsheet. Compare this table to the spreadsheet in cases of a database connection failure.

  • om_$install$plan: Contains a summary of the installation that have been performed on this OSM database schema.

When you install the Oracle database schema for the first time and the database schema installation fails, you must do the following high-level steps:

  1. Delete the new schema, or use a new schema user name for the subsequent installation.

  2. Restart the database schema installation from the beginning.


If you are upgrading the database schema, you can restart the installation from the point of failure. For more information, see "Recovering from a Database Upgrade Failure".