Customer Page - Business Account

Use the Customer page to create a business account. For a description of the fields on this page, see the following:

Company Name and Contact Information Section

Use the Company Name and Contact Information section to enter the business customer's company name and contact information.

Field Description
Company Name Enter a company name.
Contact Name Enter the first and last name.
Contact Title Enter the title.
Phone Enter a phone number and select its type from the list.

Add another phone number by clicking the + icon. You can add up to three phone numbers.

Email Enter an email address.

Address Section

Use the Address section to enter the business customer's address. If the address exists in the system, you can click the Search icon and search for the address. See "Address Search Dialog Box" for more information.

Field Description
Country Enter a country or select a country from the list.
Address Enter the street address.
City/Town Enter a city or town.
State/Province Enter a state or province.
Zip/Postal Code Enter a zip code or postal code.

Legal Entity Section

Use the Legal Entity section to designate a legal entity for the account.

Field Description
Legal Entity Select if the business customer is also the legal entity.

Deselect if the business customer is not the legal entity, and do one of the following:

  • Search for an existing account to designate as the legal entity for this account. See "Account Search Page and Dialog Box" for more information.

  • Enter the legal entity's information. In this case, an account for the legal entity is also created.

Account Type and Currency Section

Use the Account Type and Currency section to select the currency that the account will use.

Field Description
Account Type Displays the type of account that you are creating.
Currency Select a currency from the list.