Payment Page - Business Account

Use the Payment page to specify payment details for the account. You can assign payment responsibility to the main customer account (the default) or to one or more of the service accounts associated with the customer account.

For information about the fields on this page, see the following:

Payment Responsibility Section

Use the Payment Responsibility section to assign payment responsibility for the business account.

Field Description
How would you like to assign payment responsibility? Select One account pays for all service accounts to specify that one business account is responsible for payment.

Select Assign payment responsibility for each service account to specify service accounts that are responsible for payment. See "Creating Business Accounts" for more information.

Select the payment account If you selected One account pays for all service accounts, select the account from the list.

Billing Information Section

Use the Billing Information section to specify billing information for the account.

Field Description
Frequency Select how frequently the account will be billed.
Day of the Month Enter the day of the month (between 1 and 31) on which you want the account to be billed.
Payment Method Select a payment method for the bill.
Delivery Method Select the billing delivery method.
Bill Type Select the type of bill to send.

Edit Billing Profile Dialog Box

Use the Edit Billing Profile dialog box to edit the billing information for an account. See "Billing Information Section" for information about the fields in this dialog box.