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Oracle® Argus Safety Installation Guide
Release 8.0.1
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10 Performing Post-installation Checks

This chapter provides checklists and procedures for verifying that Argus Safety is installed correctly. It includes discussions of the following:

Post-Installation Tasks

This section is to verify whether the installation has completed successfully. The post-install checklists include the following:

General Checklist

Use this checklist to verify whether the components selected by the user have been configured properly.

Verify That:

  • Oracle 11g/12c is installed.

  • The correct modules are installed as follows:

    • Go to Add/Remove Programs and select Argus Safety Web.

    • Click Modify and then click Next.

    • Verify that the applications that you have installed are checked.

  • The Argus.XML file has the same data across all the Web Servers.

  • A single domain user account <Domain User> is running Argus Web application on all web servers.

  • The login page appears when the server name is entered in your browser.

  • You can log in successfully.

  • System performance satisfies the requirement

Configuring Argus Safety Windows Service to run as a Domain User

Use the following procedure to configure the Argus Safety Windows Service:

  1. Select Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services

  2. Double-click on Argus Safety Windows Service to open the Properties dialog box.

  3. When the system opens the Argus Safety Windows Service Properties (Local Computer) dialog box:

    • Click the Log On tab.

    • Click This Account.

    • Enter the proper credentials in the text field.

    • Click OK.

  4. Right click on Argus Safety Windows Service and select Restart.

Configure Worklist Intake

  1. Run Argus Installer, and select the option Integrations. Complete the setup.

  2. Identify the physical folders where the Intake XMLs will be dropped in. There could be one folder for all the available sites, or one folder each for each site. These folders can be on the same machine, or on different machines. Create shares for the folders.

  3. Log in to Argus Console and open the Sites UI under Access Management menu.

  4. Configure the UNC paths of the identified physical folders for the required Sites.

  5. On the server where Integrations component has been installed, navigate to the path where Argus Safety Windows Service is running.


    <add InputXSD="..\..\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\Base.xsd" />

    <add InputXSD="..\..\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\DataOperation.xsd" />

    <add InputXSD="..\..\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\Dictionary.xsd" />

    <add InputXSD="..\..\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\Case_Intake.xsd"


    </InterfaceSchemas>In the above tag, full Argus Install path should be mentioned. Typically, the Argus Install path is, C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Argus\Argus Safety.

    For example:


    <add InputXSD="C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Argus\Argus Safety\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\Base.xsd" />

    <add InputXSD="C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Argus\Argus Safety\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\DataOperation.xsd" />

    <add InputXSD="C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Argus\Argus Safety\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\Dictionary.xsd" /><add InputXSD="C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Argus\Argus Safety\Integrations\XSD\v1.0\Case_Intake.xsd" OutputXSLT="C:\Program Files(x86)\Oracle\Argus\Argus Safety\Integrations\XSLT\v1.0\CaseIntake_Transform.xsl"/></InterfaceSchemas>

  6. Open the following files:


  1. Uncomment the following entries under the <RelsysConfigFilesSection>/<RelsysConfigFiles>

    • Relsys.InterfaceComponents.ProcessorsConfiguration

    • Relsys.CaseIntake.FolderConfiguration

  2. Make sure that the <DatabaseConfiguration> section is configured. The configuration attributes for DatabaseConfiguration are as described below:

    • DBName: TNS of the Database to which the RelsysWindowsService should connect to. This is a mandatory attribute. Example: DBName="GOLDDEMO"

    • DBUser: AGService Username. The RelsysWindowsService logs into the database using this login name. This has to be a user of type AGSERVICE. Example: DBUser="agservice_user1"

    • DBPassword: Generate new encrypted string, as mentioned in the Generating Encrypted String from Clear Text on Configured User Cryptography Key section. Example: DBPassword="0314F7D9B94FF1F651069E4F36EE517D452537339935F9D7C2FA04843FA5E486"

    • GeneralEmailTo: The e-mail address to which the e-mails will be sent by the Intake Service, using the General Email feature of Argus. Example: GeneralEmailTo =""

    • GeneralEmailFrom: The email address from which the e-mails will be sent by the Intake Service, using the General Email feature of Argus. Example: GeneralEmailFrom =""

    • GeneralEmailCc: This email address will be added to the Cc line when e-mails are sent by the Intake Service, using the General E-mail feature of Argus. Example: GeneralEmailCc =""

    • GeneralEmailBcc: The email address will be added to the Bcc line when e-mails are sent by the Intake Service, using the General E-mail feature of Argus. Example: GeneralEmailBcc =""


  1. Uncomment the entries for "Case Intake" and "Case Intake Ack" in the <ServiceConfiguration>/<ServiceComponents> section

  2. The following configuration changes are optional:

    • "Recurrence": The value for this attribute specifies the frequency of instantiation of the associated Service Component. The value is specified in seconds. For example:

      <add Name="Case Intake Ack" Assembly="CaseIntakeServiceComponent" Type="Relsys.CaseIntakeServiceComponent.IntakeAckGenerator" Recurrence="600" Metadata="InvokeDirect=true" />

      The value of 600 for Recurrence above means, the "Case Intake Ack" service is instantiated every 600 seconds (10 minutes) to perform the job.


The following configuration changes are optional:


<MonitorFolders MonitorAllConfiguredFolders="true">

<add FolderPath="\\\Intake\US" Monitor="true" AlternatePath="C:\Intake\US"/>



The FolderConfiguration enables you to have more granular control over what folders are monitored on what machines. This is particularly useful when the Intake folders are distributed across multiple machines and in many cases if these machines are not accessible from one server.

If the server machine on which Integrations component has been installed, has to monitor only a subset of the configured folders (configured in Argus Console), then set the attribute MonitorAllConfiguredFolders = "false"

When the value is set to false, each folder in the subset of folders that need to be monitored should be added as shown in the example above, using multiple <add /> entries. More info on each of the attributes:

FolderPath: The configured folder path, as specified in Sites UI in Argus Console

Monitor: true means this folder should be monitored, false means this folder should not be monitored.

AlternatePath: Alternate way of accessing the same folder path.

IIS Checklist

Use this checklist to verify whether the IIS Web server is properly configured.

Verify That:

  • The properties in the IIS PDFReports virtual directory are correct.

  • For Load Balanced Environments Only

    • The path under the Virtual Directory is set to Share Path.

    • The correct <Domain User> is in the Connect As option.

  • The Read and Write options are checked.

  • There is no Red X on the PDFReports Folder.

  • You can right click PDFReports and select Browse.

  • You can create a temp file and delete it after browsing.

  • For PDFReports Enable Content Expiration in HTTP Headers is unchecked.

  • For PDFReports the Custom HTTP Headers in HTTP Headers does not have a value of Cache-Control.

  • The properties in the IIS UploadedLetters virtual directory are correct.

  • For Load Balanced Environments Only:

    • The path under the virtual directory is set to Share Path

  • The Read and Write options are checked.

  • There is not a Red X on the UploadedLetters Folder.

  • You can right click UploadedLetters and select Browse.

  • You can create a temp file and delete it after browsing.

  • For UploadedLetters Enable Content Expiration under HTTP Headers is unchecked.

  • For UploadedLetters the Custom HTTP Headers under HTTP Headers does not have a value of Cache-Control.

  • The values on the Directory Security tab under Argus Safety Website Properties are correct. Click Edit and verify that:

.INI File Checklist

Use this checklist to verify that the .INI file parameters are properly configured.

Verify That:

  • TempFileDeleteInterval=<Deletetime>

  • HoursBeforeDelete= <Hoursbeforeprocess>

Service Checklist

Use this checklist to verify that services are configured properly. Go to Control Panel > Administrator Tools > Services.

Verify that Argus Report Services is enabled.

Verifying the Web Server Installation and IIS Configurations

Verifying the web server installation and IIS configurations consists of the following:

Verifying IIS Configuration

Use the following procedure to verify the IIS 7 / 7.5 / 8.0 / 8.5 configuration:

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) manager from Control Panel > Administrator Tools.

  2. Browse to the Argus Safety Web website.

  3. Select the PDFReports Folder.

  4. Double click the HTTP Response Headers option.

  5. Make sure that there is no value Cache Control header.

  6. Click the Set Common Headers option.

  7. Make sure that Expire Web Content is unchecked.

  8. Verify the same settings for the UploadedLetters folder.

  9. Click Argus Safety Web.

  10. Click Basic Settings under actions.

  11. Make sure that the website is configured to run under a domain account.

Configure and Verify the Dossier Installation

This section provides information about configuring and verifying the Dossier installation.

Configuring the Dossier Application

Use the following procedure to configure the Dossier application.

  1. Run Argus Installer, and select the option Dossier. Complete the setup.

  2. On the server where Dossier has been installed, open the file service.config under the installation folder. The installation folder, typically is, C:\Program Files\Oracle\ArgusWeb\ASP\Argus.NET\bin

  3. Uncomment the entries for DossierBuilder in the <ServiceConfiguration>/<ServiceComponents> section.

  4. Open the file RelsysWindowsService.exe.config under the installation folder.

  5. Make sure that the <DatabaseConfiguration> section is configured. The configuration attributes for DatabaseConfiguration are as described below:

    • DBName: TNS of the Database to which the RelsysWindowsService should connect to. This is a mandatory attribute. Example: DBName="GOLDDEMO"

    • DBUser: AGService Username. The RelsysWindowsService logs into the database using this login name. This has to be a user of type AGSERVICE. Example: DBUser="agservice_user1"

    • DBPassword: Generate new encrypted string, as mentioned in the Generating Encrypted String from Clear Text on Configured User Cryptography Key section. Example: DBPassword="0314F7D9B94FF1F651069E4F36EE517D452537339935F9D7C2FA04843FA5E486"

    • GeneralEmailTo: The email address to which the e-mails will be sent by the Intake Service, using the General Email feature of Argus. Example: GeneralEmailTo =""

    • GeneralEmailFrom: The email address from which the e-mails will be sent by the Intake Service, using the General Email feature of Argus. Example: GeneralEmailFrom =""

    • GeneralEmailCc: This email address will be added to the Cc line when e-mails are sent by the Intake Service, using the General Email feature of Argus. Example: GeneralEmailCc =""

    • GeneralEmailBcc: The email address will be added to the Bcc line when e-mails are sent by the Intake Service, using the General Email feature of Argus. Example: GeneralEmailBcc =""

The below mentioned configuration changes are optional:

  • "Recurrence": The value for this attribute specifies the frequency of instantiation of the associated Service Component. The value is specified in seconds. For example:

    <add Name="DossierBuilder" Assembly="DossierServiceComponent" Type="DossierBuilder" Recurrence="600" Metadata="InvokeDirect=true" />

    The value of 600 for Recurrence above means, the "DossierBuilder" service is instantiated every 600 seconds (10 minutes) to perform the job.

Verifying the Dossier Installation

Use the following procedure to verify the Dossier installation:

  1. Open Internet Explorer.

  2. Select Tools > Internet Options.

    • Select Internet Options from the Tools menu.

  3. When the Internet Options dialog box opens:

    • Click the Advanced tab.

  4. When the Advanced tab opens:

    • Locate the Multimedia section.

    • Verify that Enable automatic image resizing is cleared.

    • Verify that Show image download placeholders is cleared.

    • Verify that Show pictures is selected

    • Verify that Smart image dithering is cleared.

    • Click the Security tab.

  5. When the Security tab opens, Click Custom level...

  6. When the Security Settings dialog box opens, Verify that Download signed ActiveX controls is enabled.

  7. Locate the ActiveX controls and plug-ins.

    • Verify that ActiveX controls and plug-ins is enabled.

    • Click OK.


      Make sure there is enough disk space in the drive where your temp files are stored. Check this drive by going to Start > Settings > Control Panel > System. Click the Advanced tab and then click the Environment Variables button. The drive and path are located under the variables for TMP and TEMP.

Verify Files installed on Middle Tier Servers:

Use the following procedure to verify the files installed on the server have not been modified or deleted from original installation.

  1. Log in to the Server as an Admin user.

  2. Select Start > Control Panel.

  3. Click the Programs and Features icon.

  4. When the Programs and Features window opens, select Argus Safety and click Change/Remove.

    • Select Argus Safety and click Change.

  5. The wizard opens the Preparing Setup dialog box.

  6. When the wizard opens the Welcome dialog box:

    • Click Modify and click Next

  7. When the wizard opens:

    • Select Verify the current installation.

    • Click Next > to continue.

  8. When the wizard opens the File Verification dialog box.

    • Click Next > to continue.

Verifying the Documentum Installation

Use the following procedure to verify the Documentum installation.

  1. Log in to Console and verify Documentum is configured in Argus Safety. Refer to the Administrator Guide on setting up Documentum.

  2. Log in to SQL Session on the database <Database>.

  3. Run the following SQL query to verify that you have the value that enables the Periodic Report Documentum interface is set to 1.

    select * from cmn_profile where key ='ENABLE_DOCUMENTUM_PERIODIC'

  4. Run the following SQL query to verify that the correct user that has been configured in Documentum. This value case sensitive and must match the Documentum login.

    select * from cmn_profile where key = 'DOCUMENTUM_LOGIN'

  5. Run the following SQL to verify that there is password value here that will be encrypted. Set this password again from the Case Form Configuration in Argus C/S. Make sure the password matches the password for the user identified in Step 4. The password is case sensitive.

    select * from cmn_profile where key = 'DOCUMENTUM_PASSWORD'

  6. Run the following SQL query to verify that the following information is correct:


    Rows will only exist if custom attributes are inserted as required by the customer.

    select * from DOCUMENTUM_PUSH_INFO

    • Verify that the TYPE_NAME (<DocumentumType>) is the correct name as specified in Documentum (This is the table name in Documentum)

    • Verify that all the Attribute names specified here exist in the Documentum table.

    • Verify that the SQL_CONTENT SQLs are correct and run without any error when the parameters are filled in. (No Syntax errors)

    • Verify that the ATTRIBUTE_TYPE matches with the one defined in the Documentum table.

  7. Log in to the AG Service machine <ServerName>

  8. Verify that the Documentum DFC Runtime Environment is installed on the server. This can be verified through Add/Remove Programs.

  9. Log in to the Argus Web Server - <ServerName>.

  10. Verify that the Documentum DFC Runtime Environment is installed on the Server. This can be verified through Add/Remove Programs.

  11. Log in to the Interchange Service Server - <ServerName>.

  12. Verify that Documentum DFC Runtime Environment is installed on the server. This can be verified through Add/Remove Programs.

Integrating Documentum Completely

  1. Open Documentum.

  2. Create two Types in Documentum, one for attachments and one for reports.

  3. Make sure the Type names are the same as those in the TYPE_NAME column in the DOCUMENTUM_DISPLAY_INFO table in Argus.

  4. Create case_num and user_fullname as Attributes for both Types.

  5. Create submission_succeed as Attribute in the Type being used for reports.

  6. Create all values in the ATTRIBUTE_NAME column in DOCUMENTUM_DISPLAY_INFO table in Argus as corresponding Attributes of the Types through Documentum Administrator.


    IUSR_<Machine> Ac/c must be given full access to the shared folder in the DFC installation path where DFC.dll resides.

Running Documentum on an Argus system

Documentum can be implemented on an Argus system in two ways:

Documentum can be successfully run on an Argus system if the entire environment comprises machines with fully qualified domain names for that environment.

If the actual domains are not present, you can still run Documentum even with minimal security configuration by implementing a workaround, as follows: Go to the DFC.config file on the Web Server and change its dfc.registry.mode setting. Its default setting is: dfc.registry.mode=windows
Change this setting to: dfc.registry.mode=fileChanging this setting ensures that Documentum can run even with minimal security configuration.

Validating the easyPDF Installation

You must validate the easyPDF Installation for Change to Word 2007, 2010, and 2013.

Validating the easyPDF Installation for Word 2007, 2010, and 2013

Use the following procedure verify that easyPDF has installed correctly.

  1. Open Mirosoft Word.

  2. Select File > Word Options. go to file Menu > Word Option > Add-ins. Observe that BCL easyPDF 7 (or 6) COM Add-in is present. If it is not present, add it.

  3. When the Word Options dialog box opens, click Add-Ins.

  4. When the Add-Ins dialog box opens, verify that BCL easyPDF6 COM Add-in is present.

  5. If it is not present, add it.