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FAQ - How do I see the Future and Past Stays in all the properties for an account?

1. You can view the future and past stays for all the properties in two ways:

Accounts Receivables F&P Stays Jump screen with one property 

Here, the user is logged in to a property named Opera. When you are logged into a specific property, the Future & Past Stays Jump only shows the reservations that were booked for that property.





Accounts Receivables F&P Stays Jump Screen with multiple properties

When logged in to a HUB, the Future & Past Stays Jump shows all the reservations booked in that chain of hotels.






2. You need to Maximize the view

In minimized view, the Jump screen shows the three (3) most recent future and three (3) most recent past Stays records. To see more records, you can maximize the view. You can maximize the view in two ways. You can select the window icon (white rectangle) on the top right of the Jump screen, or you can click anywhere in the Jump. If you click on the arrow in the Jump, the view will remain minimized.


Here, the Jump shows a total of eight (8) total future and past stays. Opening the Jump in minimized view shows the next three (3) future reservations and the last three (3) past reservations.

When opening the Jump in maximized view, the Jump screen displays all the reservations for the account. Use the scroll bar to view all the future and past reservations.

Accounts Receivables F&P Jump with 8 indicator



Accounts Receivables F&P Stays Jump minimized view

The Future & Past Stays Jump screen in minimized view.







Accounts Receivables F&P Stays Jump Screen with multiple properties

The same Future & Past stays Jump screen in maximized view.







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Dashboard - Log in to Hub or different Property


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