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FAQ - Can I copy a Reservation?



Use the Copy Reservation action link on the "I want to...." list on the Manage Reservation screen.


The Copy Reservation action provides a shortcut for duplicating a reservation, even if the reservation has been cancelled, no showed, is a departure, or already checked out.

A majority of the reservation information automatically duplicates, with options to duplicate the reservation's attributes, such as Payment Methods, Notes, Specials, Packages, and Item Inventory. See the Copy Reservation topic for more detail.


Copy Reservation Action - I want to on Manage Reservation screen


To Copy a Reservation

1. Select the Copy Reservation action link from the "I want to..." list on the Manage Reservation screen.

2. On the Copy Attributes Checklist screen, select the attributes that should be copied, and then select Copy Reservation.

3. In the Look To Book Sales screen, change the Search criteria and room/rate combination. Also, change the guest's profile here (or create a new one) if the copied reservation will be for a different guest.*

4. When ready to book the new reservation, select Copy.


Copy Reservation Step 1 - Copy Reservation action link

Copy Reservation Step 2 - Select attributes to copy





Copy Reservation - Steps 3 and 4 - Change criteria, profile, and then click Copy



* You can also change the guest profile attached to the reservation after copying the reservation. Go to the reservation > Associated Profiles jump > Select Another Profile . Since Associated Profiles also copy to the new reservation from the original guest's profile, they may also need editing for the new guest.

** To copy the reservation to another property, first finalize the Copy Reservation and then use the Move to Another Property action link, both found on the Reservation screen "I want to" action list.






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